Confusion Abounds in Spades

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Revision as of 13:31, 28 October 2007 by Zeltan (Talk | contribs)
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[02:43] *** Falerin has joined #755
[02:43] <SleepyBeo> 'Lo Fal
[02:43] <Lord_Me> heya
[02:43] <Dragonknight> hi fal
[02:43] <Falerin> The truth always lies..... there is no truth
[02:43] <Lord_Me> are there lies?
[02:43] *** SleepyBeo changed topic to Why does the truth lie?
[02:44] <BaneOfTheUnborn> There can be no lies without truth.
[02:44] <Falerin> Truth is an illusion and truth and lies are different perspectives of the same coin
[02:44] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Just as there can be no hope without fear.
[02:44] <Lord_Me> Truth is also a program which is scaring the crap outta me
[02:44] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Lol.
[02:45] <Falerin> Illusion... Lies Fear... meaninglessness imbeded in deep meaning... with nothing else
[02:45] <Dragonknight> wow this huge riddle is brain bending...
[02:45] <BaneOfTheUnborn> I gave up on solving it, I'm just here for the show.
[02:45] <Lord_Me> hey... i've never seen an op in here
[02:45] <BaneOfTheUnborn> op?
[02:46] <Falerin> Attend to that whatever meaninng you attend to it
[02:46] <Falerin> Consider well also whom I am
[02:46] <Lord_Me> mod kinda thing
[02:46] <Falerin> Where I stand and what I know.....
[02:46] <BaneOfTheUnborn> "I see," said the blind man.
[02:47] *** Lord_Me318 has joined #755
[02:47] <Falerin> Also remember that The'galin sees all and knows all
[02:47] <Lord_Me318> ugh
[02:47] <Dragonknight> blind man as in Sage uldor?
[02:47] <BaneOfTheUnborn> As in an old expression, nothing to do with AQ.
[02:47] <Lord_Me318> The'galin? Wasn't that the Devourer?
[02:47] <SleepyBeo> Blind as in the sage Teresias.
[02:47] <Falerin> You have issues with tenses
[02:48] <SleepyBeo> The'galin? I could have sworn he was an IRC user a very long while back.
[02:48] <Falerin> The'galin is every when
[02:48] <SleepyBeo> the_galin perhaps.
[02:48] <Lord_Me318> Every when?
[02:48] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Are we supposed to be afraid?
[02:48] <Lord_Me318> i am ;_;
[02:48] <Falerin> Look for secret messages they exist
[02:48] <Lord_Me318> yeah... they swarm Maxwell's posts
[02:49] <Falerin> Read the official history of the World of LORE
[02:49] <Dragonknight> strange stuff happening about the "Truth" stuff :S
[02:49] <Falerin> Scour it for details
[02:49] *** Lord_Me has quit (Ping timeout)
[02:49] <Lord_Me318> hmmm?
[02:49] <Lord_Me318> hidden massages in books?
[02:49] <BaneOfTheUnborn> That sounds familiar...
[02:49] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Nevermind, I was thinking records.
[02:50] *** darksames has joined #755
[02:50] <darksames> hey
[02:50] <Lord_Me318> hmmm... it says the creator gave his plan over to eight AGENTS of his will
[02:50] <Lord_Me318> so maybe Omega is the creator?
[02:51] <darksames> just read the 3rd log, they couldn't shut up, could they
[02:51] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Sure, why not?
[02:51] <kingk> fal why did you op yourself in someones channel?
[02:51] <Falerin> Official... start with the words, follow them to Light and Dark, but beware The'Galin's manifestation for the confronation is coming
[02:52] <Falerin>
[02:52] <SleepyBeo> * The_galin has joined #battleon
[02:52] <SleepyBeo> AHA
[02:52] <SleepyBeo> Way back from January
[02:52] <SleepyBeo> I knew that galin was in IRCer :P
[02:52] <Falerin> he takes the name from The'Galin
[02:52] <SleepyBeo> Though he seems to have vanished shortly after then.
[02:52] <Falerin> he follows in his footsteps
[02:53] <Falerin> You must be confused kingk this channel is not registered not owned
[02:53] <Falerin> it has no existance
[02:53] <Falerin> <ChanServ> Channel #755 isn't registered.
[02:53] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Who is he? Who is his?
[02:53] <Lord_Me318> sure it is, The messenger owns it
[02:53] *** AEChatter has joined #755
[02:53] <Falerin> No...
[02:53] <Falerin> The messenger does not own it
[02:53] <Falerin> its not registered it does not exist
[02:54] <SleepyBeo> #c info
[02:54] <Falerin> <ChanServ> Channel #755 isn't registered.
[02:54] <Lord_Me318> hmmmm
[02:55] <Falerin> Also kingk you apparently are still confused about whom I am
[02:55] <Lord_Me318> so we aren't actually here?
[02:55] <SleepyBeo> Aww. A poem from Krim...brings back memories
[02:55] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Which seems to be your goal, Falerin.
[02:55] <kingk> sorry forgot you were a founder
[02:55] *** AEChatter has quit (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected)
[02:55] <Falerin> I am but thats not what I mean
[02:56] <Falerin> Whom I am to AQ
[02:56] <kingk> what do you mean then?
[02:56] <BaneOfTheUnborn> The Loremaster?
[02:56] <SleepyBeo> kingk, he is the Loremaster.
[02:56] <kingk> oh yea i forgot
[02:56] <SleepyBeo> This channel obviously relates to AQ lore
[02:56] <SleepyBeo> Do the math, please
[02:56] *** Conan has joined #755
[02:56] <kingk> sorry i forgot he was related to it
[02:56] <SleepyBeo> 'Lo Maxx
[02:57] <Conan> :)
[02:57] <Conan> trying something
[02:57] <Falerin> Confusion abounds in spades but do not think hard lest your mind explodes
[02:57] *** Conan is now known as Maxx
[02:57] <kingk> you guys should have been here earlier alot was learned
[02:57] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Maybe.
[02:57] <Maxx> Why is Falerin here?
[02:57] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Ask him.
[02:57] <kingk> curiosity i guess
[02:58] <Maxx> Falerin, why are you here?
[02:58] <Falerin> Knowledge is my buisness....
[02:58] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Business must be good lately.
[02:58] <Falerin> Misdirection counts as knowledge too but its less filling
[02:58] <Maxx> Were we so rowdy that we needed an op?
[02:58] <BaneOfTheUnborn> With all the questions about what's going on.
[02:58] <Falerin> I am not here in that capacity
[02:59] <kingk> truth was in here?
[02:59] <Maxx> But, you have that capacity nonetheless.
[02:59] <Falerin> That is irrelevant
[02:59] <Falerin> What is relevant is what my capacity is otherwise
[02:59] <Dragonknight> capacity what is it to you?
[03:00] <BaneOfTheUnborn> So are you here seeking knowlegde? Or spreading it?
[03:00] <Falerin> There is rarely a difference
[03:00] <Maxx> such as? . . .a source of information?
[03:00] <Lord_Me318> i'd like to have some knowledge spread on NOVA
[03:00] <Falerin> Many learn by teaching....
[03:00] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Of course there's a difference, teachers speak while seekers listen.
[03:00] <Maxx> Was anything learned since Maxwell and Lisa left?
[03:00] <BaneOfTheUnborn> No.
[03:01] <Falerin> Fredrick learned by teaching.....
[03:01] <BaneOfTheUnborn> In a manner of speaking.
[03:01] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Fredirick? Afraid I don't know him.
[03:01] <Falerin> Of course in some phases he is impossible to comprehend
[03:01] *** Alphonse has joined #755
[03:01] <Maxx> Who is Fredrick? There are too many first names floating about.
[03:01] *** mephisto15 has joined #755
[03:01] <Mephistos> Frederick Aragon perhaps?
[03:01] <Falerin> No of course you don't.....
[03:01] <Falerin> Indeed
[03:02] <Falerin> Fredrick of Aragorn
[03:02] <Falerin> he goes not by that name any longer tho.....
[03:02] <Maxx> isn't that a LoTR reference?
[03:02] *** Dragonknight has left #755
[03:02] <Falerin> Sometimes people see simple things and make wrong conclusions
[03:02] <Falerin> That would be one of them
[03:02] <Falerin> Aragon = Strider
[03:02] <kingk> i think dragonknight may have been a spy
[03:02] <SleepyBeo> Spying on us.
[03:03] *** KickKat has joined #755
[03:03] <Falerin> has nothing to do with Aragorn,Frederick
[03:03] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Ah yes, I remember know, haven't read that book in a while.
[03:03] <SleepyBeo> 'Cause we're that important, eh?
[03:03] <kingk> yea maxwell said there was a spy in here
[03:03] <kingk> not you this channel
[03:03] <Falerin> There are spies everywhere
[03:03] <Falerin> The'galin has eyes in all places and all times
[03:03] <kingk> for nova
[03:03] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Good, my paranoid nature will finally pay
[03:03] <Lord_Me318> THREE eyes? :P
[03:04] <Maxx> This isn't helping us find the relic.
[03:04] <kingk> whats the "galin"?
[03:04] <BaneOfTheUnborn> The relic, I forgot about that...any info FAlerin?
[03:04] <Falerin> Read more ask less
[03:04] <Falerin> The information about The'Galin is recorded and available
[03:04] <Falerin> but not in the places you are accustomed to looking
[03:05] <Falerin> You would do well to look to a library if you seek questions about libraries
[03:05] <Falerin> I run one
[03:05] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Most people are actually accustomed to checking libraries for answers.
[03:05] <Falerin> Another expample of people thinking wrong things......
[03:05] <Falerin> You know people believe Eldron the Good is dead
[03:06] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Ah, I misread your statement.
[03:06] <Maxx> In the game or on the forums or in real life or all three?
[03:06] <Falerin> He spoke to me just last week quite upset about the rumor
[03:06] <Lord_Me318> his skull's on your table >_>
[03:06] <Falerin> You are making wrong assumptions
[03:06] <Falerin> Yes HIS skull is on my table
[03:06] <Falerin> It belongs to him
[03:06] <Lord_Me318> ohhh
[03:06] <Falerin> he loaned it to me
[03:06] <BaneOfTheUnborn> That must be inconvient.
[03:06] <Lord_Me318> so it isn't the one that protects his brain?
[03:06] <Falerin> No
[03:07] <Falerin> It is not
[03:07] <Lord_Me318> right then
[03:07] <BaneOfTheUnborn> I apologize, it was a joke.
[03:07] <Falerin> it is not in fact even a skull in the normal sense of the word
[03:07] <Falerin> it is an artifact of emense value
[03:07] <kingk> does it have any main importance?
[03:07] <Maxx> Why are we discussing his skull?
[03:07] *** mephisto15 has quit (Supressed:)
[03:07] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Could it be the relic?
[03:08] <Lord_Me318> Truth said something about the relic being a crystal
[03:08] *** Ranma236 has joined #755
[03:08] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Ever heard of the Crystal Skulls?
[03:08] <Lord_Me318> but, I won't assume anything from that coz Falerin will get angry
[03:08] <kingk> the skull isnt crystal
[03:08] *** Maxwell has joined #755
[03:08] <darksames> 3de eye? look to the east? Goofy spamming!?
[03:08] <Falerin> It is easy to become confused and make bad assumptions
[03:08] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Who said that?
[03:08] <Lord_Me318> hiya... again
[03:09] <darksames> Maxwell
[03:09] <kingk> hello maxwell sarah may come looking for you you know
[03:09] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Will Lisa follow again?
[03:09] <kingk> lisa*
[03:09] <Maxwell> wait everyone
[03:09] <kingk> what
[03:09] <Falerin> And king how would you know
[03:09] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Is someone logging this?
[03:09] <Maxwell> listen, im not maxwell im just a randomer testing
[03:09] <kingk> because shes stalking him
[03:09] <Falerin> From what the skull is made....
[03:09] <Lord_Me318> then go home
[03:09] <Maxwell> im just wondering how we can trust anything said on here
[03:10] <Maxwell> bye
[03:10] *** Maxwell has quit (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected)
[03:10] <darksames> what, he didn't register his name?
[03:10] <SleepyBeo> I knew you were not Maxwell roughly two seconds after you entered.
[03:10] <kingk> ........
[03:10] <SleepyBeo> Bah.
[03:10] <Lord_Me318> >_>
[03:10] <Lord_Me318> i wasn't serious!
[03:10] <Falerin> Said individual is in considerable trouble
[03:10] <kingk> so hes saying that someone here isnt themselves
[03:10] <Lord_Me318> Maxwell?
[03:10] <Falerin> Phosydon

03:10] <SleepyBeo> Phosydon is the user who did that I believe.

[03:10] <Lord_Me318> whaaa?
[03:10] <SleepyBeo> Beat me to it.
[03:10] *** Phosydon has joined #755
[03:10] <Lord_Me318> oh
[03:11] <KickKat> ..
[03:11] <kingk> hm who are you?
[03:11] <Lord_Me318> how'd you know?
[03:11] *** Zher has joined #755
[03:11] <kingk> who are you two?
[03:11] <darksames> this NOVA thing is like the avatrs in charmed
[03:11] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Back to the skull, Falerin could it be the relic?
[03:11] <darksames> avatars
[03:11] <SleepyBeo> The first is the one who just pretended to be Maxwell, the second is just a user, I believe.
[03:11] <kingk> hold on you guys
[03:12] <darksames> no, the relic is a crystal
[03:12] <BaneOfTheUnborn> No one said the skull isn't crystal.
[03:12] <kingk> there are spies in here
[03:12] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Not this again.
[03:12] <Falerin> #o akill add +0d Phosydon User impersonation is forbidden on
[03:13] *** Alphonse has quit (Distracted: AQStats Web Client)
[03:13] <Maxx> But, we can't get the skull now. Will we be able to in the future?
[03:14] <Lord_Me318> when we try to get the skull Falerin gets angry v_v
[03:14] <BaneOfTheUnborn> I'm just asking if it's even possible.
[03:14] <Phosydon> oh, sorry, i really didnt want to mislead people. I just wanted to know if there is any way to know if it the real maxwell talking
[03:14] *** Phosydon has quit (User has been banned from Caelestia IRC Network (: [Falerin] User impersonation is forbidden on
[03:14] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Ouch.
[03:14] <KickKat> wow .. lag on that one
[03:14] * BaneOfTheUnborn grabs his Amulet of Lag Protection.

03:14] <Falerin> It had to be reformatted

[03:15] <Falerin> I never said the skull was the relic
[03:15] <Lord_Me318> but you never said it wasn't
[03:15] <BaneOfTheUnborn> You didn't say it wasn't the relic either.
[03:15] <Maxx> Then, why are you talking about it?
[03:15] <Falerin> in fact... what I said was that people are given to misinterpreting simple things
[03:15] <Lord_Me318> and i'd never want to assume anything...
[03:15] <Falerin> Even what the truth is clear do not be sure it does not have layers of meanings
[03:15] <Falerin> and is not wrapped in lies
[03:16] <BaneOfTheUnborn> I assumed nothing, I merely asked if it was a possiblity.
[03:16] <Falerin> Answers exist seek them where you will
[03:16] <Falerin> Look where you willl
[03:16] <Falerin> Misdirections exist too
[03:16] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Preaching to the choir on the last one.
[03:16] <Lord_Me318> but THAT could be a misdirection
[03:17] <Maxx> Now, that's the part that gets me. Without parameters on a search, the search is futile.
[03:17] <Falerin> Look to what is known and what is official
[03:17] <Falerin> Mysteries are best often solved in context of knowns
[03:17] <Lord_Me318> but how do you know if it's known and not a myth?
[03:17] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Little is known and less is official.
[03:17] <BaneOfTheUnborn> On this subject at least.
[03:18] <Maxx> Yes, but no one has said where to look. On the web? In the game?
[03:18] <Falerin> This subject is nothing less then truth lies and the history
[03:18] <Falerin> I posted at least one link
[03:18] <Lord_Me318> yep
[03:18] <Falerin> And said something about it too
[03:18] <Lord_Me318> lots of official stuff there
[03:18] <Maxx> where? before I came in?
[03:18] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Which leads to the RP forum.
[03:18] <Falerin> Pronbably
[03:18] <Falerin> No...
[03:18] <Falerin> It leads to the Library
[03:18] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Not when I tried it...
[03:18] <Lord_Me318> i went to the story it related to... but i can't read the whole thing >_>
[03:19] <Lord_Me318> it's LONG
[03:19] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Now, I'm confused.
[03:19] <BaneOfTheUnborn> I'll try again.
[03:19] <darksames> so very strange, update on the ongoing theory's plz?
[03:19] <Falerin>
[03:19] <Falerin> Yes it is long... heaven forfend... you thought it would be simple
[03:20] <Falerin> And you have followed this far and maintain that illusion
[03:20] <Maxx> went to the creative writing forum
[03:20] <Falerin> My goodness you are a sharp one.....
[03:20] <Maxx> I was just checking to see that was where you intended us to go
[03:21] * Falerin breifly shifts appearance his new form is without expression or detail
[03:21] <kingk> ?
[03:21] <Lord_Me318> did someone touch your staff? :P
[03:21] <darksames> wait, is Falerin part of all this now
[03:21] <Falerin> "What does the forum itself tell you... I wonder"
[03:22] <Falerin> My staff is under my control
[03:22] <Maxx> hmmm, The Coming Dark seems to be a rather foreboding title.
[03:22] <Falerin> Yes but its also near last

: [03:22] <Falerin> <Falerin> Official... start with the words, follow them to Light and Dark, but beware The'Galin's manifestation for the confronation is coming

[03:22] <kingk> devourer?
[03:22] *** KickKat is now known as Kick|Programming
[03:23] <darksames> JTR, you here?
[03:24] <kingk> no he just keeps his name up
[03:24] <Maxx> hmm, never thought to look here for clues--thanks Falerin
[03:24] <Falerin> Seeking the truth in the past may provide context but not answers
[03:24] <Falerin> Seeking the truth in the past may provide context but not answers
[03:25] *** Lord_Me318 has quit (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected)
[03:25] <Falerin> Think very carefully when you get to the parts of the stories that involve the "Stranger" or the "Traveller" on whom he may be
[03:25] <BaneOfTheUnborn> I'll have to fight IE, to look at this.
[03:25] *** Lord_Me has joined #755
[03:25] <Lord_Me> oops
[03:25] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Oops?
[03:26] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Not a good word to hear.
[03:26] <kingk> what books fal?
[03:26] <Maxx> Especially from your physician.
[03:26] <Falerin> Also beware... your expections and conclusions may end up shaken
[03:26] <darksames> come on, enlighten me on the current situation
[03:26] <Falerin> Precious truths may prove total lies
[03:26] <BaneOfTheUnborn> Wow, Maxx, I was thinking the same thing.
[03:26] <Falerin> Previous assumptions tangents and wind
[03:27] * Falerin frowns
[03:27] <Lord_Me> y'know, I'm just gald you aren't talking in code :P
[03:27] <Falerin> There are others who would prefer I did
[03:27] <Falerin> and would like to silence me
[03:27] <Maxx> Well, I just posted my entire theory in Maxwell's thread on GGD.
[03:27] <Lord_Me> why's that?
[03:28] <Falerin> that is irrelevant
[03:28] <Maxx> If I need to make revisions, I can.
[03:28] <kingk> niva aye?
[03:28] <kingk> nova*
[03:29] <Lord_Me> the scariest part of Nova is the picture of the baby >_>
[03:30] <Ranma236> I dont find it scary just a little weird
[03:30] <darksames> what picture?
[03:31] <Ranma236> The picture in the nova myspace account
[03:31] <Falerin> What is a NOVA pray
[03:31] <Falerin> Think on this when you think about the group
[03:31] <Falerin> think about the name itself for you will.....
[03:31] <Maxx> spacious ball of gas?
[03:31] <darksames> srry, din't saw the 'paxia expansien, week 2' yet
[03:31] <Lord_Me> i wanna know what it stands for
[03:32] <BaneOfTheUnborn> A nove can be many things, a dying star for instance.
[03:32] *** Falerin has quit (User has been Supressed)

[02:01] Falerin: I can say little before....
[02:01] darksames: kill NOVA kills three are one ten Truth Lies Omega NOVA free Hope
[02:01] kingk: well id like to ponder this but im going to be before i become an insomniac
[02:01] Blaster: he said it was 1.50 there so i would be dark
[02:01] darksames: don't pay attention, i'm bored
[02:01] Ranma236: Truth is hidden within the lies keep your minds sharp
[02:01] Lkeas: goodnight kingk
[02:01] kingk: ?
[02:02] kingk: good night
[02:02] Maxx: shh, Falerin's back
[02:02] kingk: bo hes not....
[02:02] Ranma236: Gosh thats the wisest thing ive ever said
[02:02] *** BaneOfTheUnborn has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[02:02] Lkeas: ... Falerin? are you there? we can't see you
[02:02] kingk: rememebr you guys trust is valued
[02:02] *** BaneOfTheUnborn has joined #755.
[02:03] Maxx: he just posted
[02:03] Falerin: Lore-ithia Lorithia
[02:05] Falerin: Lore-ithia Lorithia
[02:05] kingk: check out that link now
[02:05] kingk: it relates to what he just said
[02:05] Maxx: I think something Ranma said wasn't Ranma saying it.
[02:05] darksames: Lorithia?
[02:05] Ranma236: is that really falerin?
[02:06] Falerin: Reposts will supressed too... and may earn bans
[02:06] Lkeas: what?
[02:06] Lkeas: why?
[02:06] kingk: ?
[02:06] Falerin: If they can supress me they can supress anyone....
[02:09] Falerin: They can ban game accounts too
[02:09] BaneOfTheUnborn: They don't play AQ, they don't care if they can't access the site.
[02:09] Lkeas: how would they help you?
[02:09] Ranma236: That aint the real falerin
[02:09] BaneOfTheUnborn: By posting from there pc's.
[02:09] Falerin: And they will know... they have eyes everywhere
[02:09] kingk: fal was talking about this galin awhile ago and this came up about him and lorithia
[02:09] kingk: you arent fal
[02:10] Blaster: who are they?
[02:10] Falerin: The'galin.... will never "come" he will Manifest
[02:11] Falerin: That would be true..except The'Galin will never come..... he will manifest... he will not risk his actual being
[02:11] Maxx467: how do you ghost?
[02:11] Lkeas: i think you just type /ghost
[02:11] Falerin: He will animate forms and control them as "emenations"
[02:11] Lkeas: golems
[02:11] BaneOfTheUnborn: Then there must be a way from where he is to LORE, any path can be sealed.
[02:11] Lkeas: maxwell mentioned golems
[02:11] Maxx467: yes, he did
[02:11] Ranma236: dang
[02:11] Lord_Me: isn't that what the faceless do?
[02:11] Blaster: anyone recording this?
[15:10] Lkeas: Falerin... are you also searching for the relic?
[15:10] Falerin: Good evening Mephistopheles how are you this evening
[15:10] bluemanrocks: Falerin
[15:10] *** Azerkail is (NOVA or Truth?)
[15:10] *** Azerkail is on: #NOVA #755
[15:10] *** Azerkail is using Even the trees and microbes are undead here
[15:10] *** End of /WHOIS.
[15:10] Marrin: why search for something that is not there/
[15:10] Azerkail: Mephistopheles? Enough with the deities!
[15:10] bluemanrocks: Sesquipedalian
[15:10] bob: wow now i have to stay on longer....
[15:10] *** Xforce has joined #755.
[15:10] Falerin: That is harder then you imagine Mephistopheles much harder
[15:10] Falerin: So whats this about a Relic?
[15:10] Marrin: Mephistopheles is not a deity. His personification, also known as belial and satan, are higher demons named in the Goetia of the lesser key of solomon..
[15:11] Lkeas: the relic, we are supposed to be searching for a relic
[15:11] Falerin: Are we?
[15:11] Lkeas: aren't we?
[15:11] Azerkail: Oops, not deity. Demon.
[15:11] bob: lkeas, exsplain it from the begining
[15:11] Falerin: Where did you get that tidbit?
[15:11] Azerkail: Gah, late to the draw.
[15:11] Xforce: There is no pole...
[15:11] Lkeas: from Truth
[15:11] Lkeas: Kaliope
[15:11] bluemanrocks: Are you going to say "Why search for something not lost?" again?
[15:11] Lkeas: the forums, the portal
[15:11] Falerin: Well then it must be so....
[15:11] Falerin: Which Relic though is the question
[15:11] bob: ...
[15:11] Xforce: The lorekeeper knows many things...
[15:11] bluemanrocks: ...
[15:12] bob: the realic that IO wanted us to find
[15:12] Lkeas: a relic of the elemental lords
[15:12] Lkeas: a crystal
[15:12] bluemanrocks: Yes
[15:12] bob: if its real
[15:12] Donto_M: Yes it is indeed. Falerin, they sometimes refer to it and Hope in the same phrase.
[15:12] Xforce: but many things also know the lorekeeper...
[15:12] Marrin: Isnt that a wonderful puzzle? There are many relics in this world... however a green crystal rather narrows it down.
[15:12] Falerin: The Drakel searched for several
[15:12] Falerin: It could be any of them
[15:12] bob: anyone a crystal?
[15:12] Lkeas: how many are there?
[15:12] Falerin: They believed it would help defeat the Uncreator
[15:12] Azerkail: 1. I think.
[15:12] Trenton: "several" ^^^
[15:12] bluemanrocks: By the way, thanks for the cookie...
[15:12] Marrin: Would that be part of a further weapon?
[15:12] Marrin: or...shield as the case may be
[15:12] Lkeas: apparently there is a relic that Edward has stolen from a king
[15:12] Donto_M: It might not necissarily be a crystal. Falerin, is there a crystal that would relate to a being known as Hope?
[15:13] Azerkail: ^_^ Kill my fun Trenton.
[15:13] Falerin: Of course theres also the matter of IO himself
[15:13] Azerkail: IO?
[15:13] bob: yes...
[15:13] Trenton: :)
[15:13] Falerin: you seem very interested in what he has to say
[15:13] Xforce: Hope is the carrot dangled in front of the plow horse...
[15:13] bob: yes...
[15:13] bluemanrocks: InfiniteObserver?
[15:13] Azerkail: Infinite?
[15:13] Falerin: I myself have little interest in hot are
[15:13] bob: not sure if its reliabul
[15:13] Falerin: and that is not a mispelling
[15:13] Donto_M: Yes, he has me quite captivated.
[15:13] Lkeas: ?
[15:13] bluemanrocks: hot are?
[15:13] bob: hot are?
[15:13] Azerkail: Hotter?
[15:13] bluemanrocks: I know hot air
[15:13] Falerin: It is rather a pun and double entendre
[15:13] bluemanrocks: Ah
[15:14] bob: ok...
[15:14] bluemanrocks: Got it
[15:14] bob: so hot air?
[15:14] Azerkail: Bloody Da Vinci Code.
[15:14] bob: so he is full of it you mean>
[15:14] Marrin: <.< fricken airships...
[15:14] Marrin: and no thats not it.
[15:14] Trenton: all we need is Dan Brown >.>
[15:14] bluemanrocks: What do you know of the Seeker Falerin?
[15:14] bob: do i still get to keep my seeker badge?
[15:15] Falerin: The storm that is the infinite observer is full of great clashes and much loud noise, mystical expressions and great portents... none of it generally signifying any more then an Iota
[15:56] Falerin: That image looks nothing like the NOVA presentation
[15:56] Terrix: greeeat
[15:56] Marrin: er... it approaches two each way.
[15:56] Azerkail: But in other cases, its infinite.
[15:56] Marrin: its a simple derivative
[15:56] Falerin: though it is funny you should choose hanson roberts consering the most recent entry
[15:56] The_Lying_Truth: Im going to go right now
[15:56] The_Lying_Truth: IM hungry for pie
[15:56] The_Lying_Truth: so cya
[15:57] Azerkail: Recent entry of what Falerin?
[15:57] *** The_Lying_Truth has signed off IRC (Distracted: AQStats Web Client).
[15:57] bob: hmm
[15:57] bob: i like pie
[15:57] bob: alot
[15:57] Falerin: To me the middle three silver stripes in the middle of the o look very much like the three swords in a three of swords
[15:57] Marrin: the reading?
[15:57] Falerin: but who knows
[15:57] bob: but you all know that (:
[15:57] Lkeas: i agree falerin
[15:57] Lkeas: like this one
[15:57] Lkeas:
[15:57] bob: yes...
[15:57] Marrin: wow.. that is not a fun reading!
[15:57] Azerkail: The ends look like swords...
[15:57] Marrin: tower... my gode
[15:58] Marrin: nope its wands <.<
[15:58] Azerkail: Gah, that's why.
[15:58] Marrin: inverted judgement/1
[15:58] Lkeas: what tower? what wands? what are you talking about marrin?
[15:58] Marrin: enough i do these all day... no more
[15:58] Marrin: a tarot reading
[15:58] Marrin: from june 6'th
[15:58] Azerkail: On Seeker's blog?
[15:59] Marrin: but why would you use the handson roberts for a future question? thats more introspective...
[15:59] Falerin: Perhaps because what he is talking about survival goes even further then the physical
[15:59] Falerin: I might use that deck if I was talking about the Soul
[16:00] Falerin: It also may be the only deck he has
[16:00] *** Fayt has joined #755.
[16:00] Falerin: Though it would be a pretty odd default deck
[16:00] Falerin: Most people that only own one own Rider
[16:00] Falerin: Which is sad IMO
[16:00] Azerkail: Rider...
[16:00] Falerin: its abysmal
[16:00] *** Fayt has signed off IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected).
[16:00] Marrin: Probably. But im really not involving that.. really? im partial to the godess tarot myself
[16:01] Marrin: Yep, it is.
[16:01] Azerkail: I don't have any Tarot cards. =P
[16:01] Marrin: One of the worst forboding ones ive seen. Lack of knowledge gaining knowledge surrounded by doom.
[16:01] Lkeas: i don't know much about tarot; what is a Rider deck?
[16:01] Falerin: Its the one most people know of or associate with the tarot
[16:01] Falerin: its Games Workshop's default deck
[16:01] Azerkail: Is it the one the DC sniper used? That's where I recall the name...
[16:02] Falerin: It's easy to come by too... a walden books will have copies
[16:02] Lkeas: but what deck do you suspect the Seeker has?
[16:02] Falerin: The reading refers to Hanson Roberts
[16:02] Marrin: im acutally really partial to the enochian tarot... <.<
[16:02] Falerin: Thats not a Classical deck tho
[16:03] Marrin: No, its not
[16:03] Falerin: I unfortunately can give you nothing about the reading
[16:03] Falerin: though I can in fact interpret it
[16:03] Falerin: I am afraid this is an area where you will need to find the answer yourself
[16:03] Marrin: I really dont feel like interpreting it <.<
[16:04] Falerin: Then do not.. it hardly matters to me what you do... one way or the other
[16:04] Falerin: You do not feel like it
[16:04] Falerin: I MAY NOT
[16:04] *** Falerin has left #755.
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