The Messenger's Site is Hacked

From Caelwiki

Revision as of 12:10, 28 October 2007 by Zeltan (Talk | contribs)
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[17:06] *** The_Messenger has joined #755.
[17:06] *** Maxx has joined #755.
[17:06] The_Messenger: hey! im home
[17:06] Lkeas: hi again
[17:06] Crynsos: seems related to the story though
[17:06] Crynsos: hello
[17:06] Lkeas: we're sorry to report, someone seems to have destroyed your site
[17:06] The_Messenger: ride home was kinda crazy
[17:06] Lkeas: what happened?
[17:06] The_Messenger: I feel sick
[17:07] The_Messenger: think I am getting the flu or something
[17:07] penguins_rock: welcoem back Messanger
[17:07] Lkeas: oh no...
[17:07] Fayt: oo
[17:07] Crynsos: Bad bad...
[17:07] Lkeas: chicken soup!
[17:07] Lkeas: orange juice!
[17:07] The_Messenger: site? what are you talking about
[17:07] The_Messenger: I just got home
[17:07] Lkeas: ...
[17:07] Crynsos: (Link:
[17:07] Fayt: o really?
[17:07] Lkeas: your website, it looks like a hacker got at it
[17:07] Lkeas: someone named Nova?
[17:07] The_Messenger: what the hell!
[17:07] Crynsos: Really odd...
[17:07] Fayt: ...
[17:08] Rimblade: Hehe. Then Lies goes and posts that 'Nova is born' meheh.
[17:08] Crynsos: Appeared shortly after you left
[17:08] The_Messenger: but... that took me hours
[17:08] The_Messenger: how could anyone get on my site like that
[17:08] Lkeas: :(
[17:08] penguins_rock: eh, shit happens :D
[17:08] Lkeas: someone apparently doesn't like what you put on there
[17:08] The_Messenger: why would they want to
[17:08] Lkeas: maybe they think you know too much!
[17:08] Crynsos: Why hours?
[17:08] The_Messenger: I am mad
[17:09] The_Messenger: very very mad
[17:09] The_Messenger: it is not like I can remake the site...
[17:09] penguins_rock: in the words of Steven Tyler: "Don't get mad, get even"
[17:09] The_Messenger: it could just happen again
[17:09] Fayt: who do u think is this nova?
[17:09] The_Messenger: how would I know
[17:10] The_Messenger: some stupid nerd
[17:10] Lkeas: Lies apparently knows...
[17:10] *** Terrix has signed off IRC (Distracted: AQStats Web Client).
[17:10] The_Messenger: that hacked my website
[17:10] Crynsos: Why cannot you remake it?
[17:10] Lkeas: well, the hacker could just destroy it again
[17:10] *** Terrix has joined #755.
[17:10] Terrix: messenger?
[17:10] *** Ralfy has invited you to #DarkHideout.
[17:10] penguins_rock: make a new page on a new, more secure server
[17:11] The_Messenger: sorry, this day has been bad ever since I left home from work
[17:11] *** Tamras has invited you to #DarkHideout.
[17:11] Lkeas: :( what happened on the ride?
[17:11] Lkeas: were you in an accident?
[17:11] The_Messenger: no
[17:12] The_Messenger: do any of you have any idea who this Nova guy is
[17:12] Terrix: omega
[17:12] Lkeas: he logged onto here after you left and said the "game was over"
[17:12] Fayt: he came and said lock down
[17:12] penguins_rock: nope......... I know a few people who could hack him lol (j/k)
[17:12] *** Tamras has invited you to #DarkHideout.
[17:12] The_Messenger: did he do it after I left?
[17:12] Rimblade: Of course, what you have to consider is that if Messenger's site WAS hacked, by 'nova' right after 'nova' posted, and then Lies posted in code about 'nova coming', then it must be the person who controlls the accounts Truth and Lies- unless 'nova' can hack those :P
[17:12] The_Messenger: right after?
[17:12] Lkeas: pretty much right after
[17:13] Lkeas: 4:39 pacific time
[17:13] The_Messenger: well
[17:13] The_Messenger: I was at work..
[17:13] The_Messenger: maybe he was at the office
[17:13] The_Messenger: and got on my computer?
[17:13] Rimblade: And then why did Lies mention him?
[17:14] The_Messenger: who?
[17:14] Sir_Walter_Jadugarr: ...
[17:14] Crynsos: How should he have gotten the passwords?
[17:14] Lkeas: Lies, one of the programs of the Cor Dem
[17:14] Terrix: cuz maxwel is nova!
[17:14] Lkeas: he posted in the forums saying "Nova is born"
[17:14] The_Messenger: right sorry im a bit
[17:14] The_Messenger: out of it right now
[17:14] Lkeas: that's right... the flu...
[17:14] The_Messenger: feels like the flu
[17:14] Sir_Walter_Jadugarr: Hmm...
[17:14] Rimblade: I'm assuming that Lie's controller doesn't work at your office :P
[17:14] The_Messenger: why is that?
[17:15] *** Ralfy has joined #755.
[17:15] Ralfy: o.o
[17:15] The_Messenger: It could be Nova is just some..
[17:15] The_Messenger: hacker
[17:15] The_Messenger: I mean.. I am just trying to make sense of this
[17:15] Ralfy: where is teh op?
[17:15] penguins_rock: could be, but not likely
[17:15] Ralfy: where is the topic :O
[17:15] Rimblade: I'd tell Lie's normal op, but he's offline right now.
[17:15] Lkeas: Lies seems to think that now that Nova is here, Hope will never be set free
[17:16] The_Messenger: I see
[17:16] The_Messenger: I failed then
[17:16] Lkeas: ... wait... didn't Truth say the Cor Dem need to be set free?
[17:16] penguins_rock: do we even know who nova is, or even a clue?
[17:16] Lkeas: is Hope the Cor Dem?
[17:16] Lkeas: how have you failed?
[17:16] Crynsos: Maybe it is good that Hope cannot get set free, since Hope is in the Box of Pandora?
[17:17] The_Messenger: Hope needs to be set free
[17:17] The_Messenger: I thought
[17:17] Maxx: How do we find Truth's relic so that Hope can be set free
[17:17] The_Messenger: maybe I could do that
[17:17] Sir_Walter_Jadugarr: Go in the box...
[17:17] Lkeas: you thought you could free Hope by yourself?
[17:17] Fayt: the key
[17:17] Rimblade: Quote: Nova is born. Hope will never be set free. White Rabbit will never be found. Truth will never win this war. <--- Lie's decoded statement
[17:17] The_Messenger: but, I failed
[17:18] Terrix: Nova is born. Hope will never be set free. White Rabbit will never be found. Truth will never win this war. -Lies
[17:18] The_Messenger: and now.. Truth does no speak with me
[17:18] Lkeas: oh no..
[17:18] Terrix: cuz we are all doomed
[17:18] The_Messenger: this day...
[17:18] The_Messenger: my life is falling apart and its all my own damn fault
[17:18] Lkeas: but how is it your own fault? you were just trying to help us
[17:18] The_Messenger: why did I ever get my self into all of this!
[17:18] Terrix: its the end of the world as we know it... and I feel fine!
[17:19] The_Messenger: do me a favor
[17:19] Terrix: k
[17:19] The_Messenger: forget everything, just leave
[17:19] Lkeas: never!
[17:19] The_Messenger: you can not stop it
[17:19] The_Messenger: no one can
[17:19] Lkeas: the Encyclopedia will prevail!
[17:19] Terrix: i take back the favor
[17:19] Lkeas: your site may be gone but we will never forget
[17:19] Terrix: we will fite til death
[17:19] The_Messenger: I failed you, I failed Truth
[17:19] * Sir_Walter_Jadugarr dumping memory into trash
[17:20] The_Messenger: do you not understand?
[17:20] Lkeas: nothing is certain yet
[17:20] The_Messenger: Truth is gone
[17:20] The_Messenger: he left, for good
[17:20] Sir_Walter_Jadugarr: Truth is gone?
[17:20] Lkeas: but how could Nova do all this? all he did is hack your site
[17:20] Sir_Walter_Jadugarr: Your site was truth!
[17:20] Terrix: nova is The' Galin!
[17:20] Sir_Walter_Jadugarr: Owe noes
[17:20] The_Messenger: Truth did not contact me
[17:20] The_Messenger: at 7:55 I felt a sharp pain in my chest
[17:20] Terrix: lies contacted us!
[17:21] penguins_rock: Eh, next to nothong is COMPLETELY over in AQ. It always come back in some form or other
[17:21] The_Messenger: now, I feel very sick
[17:21] Lkeas: was that before or after you got sick?
[17:21] Lkeas: uh oh
[17:21] Terrix: not aq, but the world
[17:21] penguins_rock: right.........
[17:21] The_Messenger: so if you want to keep playing hero
[17:21] The_Messenger: have fun
[17:21] The_Messenger: but im done
[17:21] The_Messenger: I have a family
[17:21] The_Messenger: I cant
[17:21] The_Messenger: I wont
[17:21] The_Messenger: do this anymore
[17:21] * Sir_Walter_Jadugarr gets a wooden sword and plays hero
[17:21] Crynsos: Ok then...
[17:21] Lkeas: :(
[17:21] * Terrix has moved to Mars
[17:21] Sir_Walter_Jadugarr: Bye then
[17:22] The_Messenger: I do not care about Maxwell's story
[17:22] Lkeas: how will we find clues now?
[17:22] The_Messenger: I do not care about the aliens
[17:22] Terrix: we dont
[17:22] Sir_Walter_Jadugarr: Another messenger?
[17:22] The_Messenger: I do not CARE about this damn place and all of you
[17:22] Crynsos: We have to find clues!
[17:22] Lkeas: don't you want to know where Truth went?
[17:22] *** The_Messenger has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).
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