SemiRPG/Krim Awards

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The Krim Award is like the Darwin Awards of SemiRPG.

Krim Awards are given to players who through their outright stupidity, rudeness, disrespect, lack of taste, foul humor, and general tendency to ruin the game for other players are forbidden from playing this game by a moderator.

Worse, a Krim Award is a call for public censure of a player. Many mods will not even play in a game if an awardee is playing as well.

To be awarded is a singular dishonor here are recent awardees.

The rewards are historically named after Krim a former player of these games who has subsequently been banned from The two events are entirely unrelated and the award is named for him solely for the fact that he played the game consistently in as infantile a way as possible often resorting to having his characters crap and piss themselves and other such general inanity.

Actions that are the fast track to the Krim awards:

  • Violating Channel Rules
    • Especially:
      • Cheating
      • Otherwise discussing an active game in an inappropriate location.
      • Violating game rules in general paricularly by speaking after night has been called.
  • Violating the Setting for a specific game.
  • Violating the genre for a specific game.
  • Assuming excessive liberties.
    • Unless told otherwise:
      • You do not own a handgrenade, a submachine gun, or have magical powers.
      • You are not, unless you have the direct permission of the moderator, an important local buisness owner, innkeeper, governor, or demigod. In fact it is generally best to not assume any specific in town role without discussing it with the moderator before the game begins.
  • Playing in an infantile manner.
    • For Example:
      • Potty Humor.
      • General insults instead of game play.
  • Failure to Role-play in general.

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Awardee Presenter Reason Awarded Expires
Drakonik Falerin Ill Humor, Disrespect, General Disruption of enjoyment, lack of remorse for all of the above 03:21, 17 December 2005 (GMT) Abrogated by — Falerin<talk>,<contrib> 21:43, 7 February 2006 (GMT)
Silvanas Namegduf_Live Disruption of Enjoyment, Refusal to respect Character limits. 02:48, 18 December 2005 (GMT) Abrogated by Falerin 12/18/2005
Q700 LostSoul Never stays in character, makes stupid ass puns. Won't play serious. Constatly does things not approprite for the envoriment (emp senario) Makes the games very unenjoyable 04:41, 23 January 2006 (GMT) Removed by Beo 00:18 10 July 2006 (EST) "I think that Q700 (also known as Prometius, Oreo, and Zoe) has improved significantly and that the award is unfair as LostSoul has not been on recently to see the improvements in game and moderation quality."

I endorse the removal of said award as it has largely been ignored for some time. Falerin 00:20, 22 July 2006 (EDT)

Q700 X Does not seem to realize that class roles, powers, and moderator enforced rules cannot be overturned by godmoding. Nor does he seem to realize how to spell, talk, or interact with other human beings... [Mind you, Q700 has improved much, and this no longer applies..] 06:29, 23 January 2006 (GMT) Removed by X(Darare) 00:33 10 February 2006 (GMT) "I feel Q700 has improved enough that I am removing the Krim award I have given him, for I no longer believe him to be worthy of any such award... the other is up to Falerin's choice."
Xforce Namegduf_Live Infantile Playing, Delibrate Disruption of Attempts to Get Games Back on Track, Refusal to Respect Character Limits. 8:42, 07 May 2006 (GMT) Removed by Namegduf_Live 21:52 21 May 2006 (GMT) "I feel he has demonstrated skill at playing roles within character limits, and playing them well, even when what his role would do turns away from his own preferences, without request or prompting. As such, I wish to withdraw this Krim award."
firefox92 Beo, Scruffy, Lego3400 Infantile Playing, Refusal to Remain in setting. Refusal to report to #werewolf-ooc during the game, even after told repeatedly and given an IRC invite to the channel. 10:00, 25 July 2006 (EST) No time soon.
Twig, a.k.a Rawr, Latius, Ice_Rut Beo, Falerin Extreme infantile playing. After finding a dead body, this was the response: <Rawr> Wow a dead Captain
  • Rawr pokes it

Edit: I feel it needs to be known that the situation mentioned is just the straw that broke the camel's back. In reality the user was Krimmed for a long history of lacking and infintile roleplaying. ~Beo

General assininity. Shows me for allowing him to play anyway. Falerin 23:40, 27 July 2006 (EDT)

5:02, 27 July 2006 (EST) No time soon.
PhoenixDK Beo, Falerin Extreme game disruption. The role of seer was assigned to Phoenix. They asked Beo to let them be a villager. When they were informed that Beo does not accept role requests, they left the game.

User was completely unpenitent and in fact disruptive to other players when objections about his behavior were made known. Falerin 22:34, 29 July 2006 (EDT)

10:24, 29 July 2006 (EST) No time soon.
Cyril Beo, X, Scottish_Sarah, Scottish_Scott, Falerin, Crash Incredibly infantile roleplay. Examples include, but are most definitely not limited to:
  • Cyril craps on the floor
  • Cyril sees a dead cat and starts to poke it with a stick
  • Cyril farts...REALLY LOUD

When a person was asked if they believed Cyril deserved an award, Cyril interjected "I do." demonstrating awareness of offense.

This gentlemen's roleplay is the most singularly definitive example of Krim worthy play since Krim himself Falerin 23:57, 29 July 2006 (EDT)

11:33, 29 July 2006 (EST) Considerably longer than "No time soon."
Victac123 Crash
  • victac123 ate the leaf
  • victac123 eats the paper

At this point, the player was warned. My words were, "If you continue that play in that manner, you will be removed." He showed no acknowledgement and continued to go about doing things his way.

  • victac123 goes to store to get some weapons
  • victac123 has a sharp knife in his pocket now

At this point, he was removed from the game. I feel he showed very childish play, and needed to be shown that he cannot play in any manner he wishes to.

11:32, 09 August 2006 (EST) Removed by Crash 1:38 12 August 2006 I have seen a log of a game he took part in. He left after the first day, but it is evident that he has learned a great deal since recieving the Krim.

dragonman754 Irony


Infantile Play, Taking Liberties.

<shadowofadoubt> coffee orange please
<Waitress> Coffee Orange? What are you a smart ass?
<shadowofadoubt> do you have blue then?
  • shadowofadoubt opens trench coat to reveal smgs pistols and grenade
  • shadowofadoubt goes to sleep in a cardboard box
Falerin 16:38, 10 August 2006 (EDT) Readded 8/12/2006 This dude does not learn... Will Expire.. when it does
BlackKnight1 Crash, X He is yet another childish player treating the game as a joke. Many of his actions brought people in the ooc to remember Cyril, showing idiocy in his Role Playing. I clearly explained to him, as did others, that this was not for messing around before the game started. He was decent and then got bad. He assumed many liberties, including saying that everybody landed in the ocean and swam to shore, after an ambiance stating that they would safely land on the island.
  • BlackKnight1 grabs a parachute, hooks it on, grabs the stewardess and jumps out
6:23, 14 August 2006 (EST) It will be taken away when he shows GREAT improvement.
  • A note.... While he has yet to have signifigant improvement- he claims he is trying to get better. So instead of heckling him- I ask that you try to help and teach him. ~X(Darare)
  • Be careful what you do around him as he has a tendency to follow people around when he wants something. I've been stalked for the removal of this and it only shows the award is not ready to expire. ~ Crash
Robert_Kepley Scruffy, H, Scottish_Sarah, Crash, Beo, Josh Infantile playing, rude, immature. Childish antics.


<Robert_Kepley> Holy Fucka-runie-dunie! <Robert_Kepley> Oh, this sucks so much fucking balls!

Yet another player who treats the game as a joke. This one seems to have gotten steadily worse as his experience has gone up. Half of his input on a game seems to be "Shit!" or "Damn!" He has apparantly lost intelligence as his time with the game moved on. Crash

Witnessing this player acting extremely out of context in the past leaves me no doubt that he is capable of said offenses and has earned this Krim. ~Beo

Robert is responsible for Single handidly distrupting mine and Josh's games. Even after recieving this Krim he insists on modding a game. ~Scottish_Sarah

5:22, 15 August 2006 (PST) Once this player shows he has improved. (AKA- no time soon. ~X) Seeing as how he continuosly shows his immaturity, it may be a bit longer then no time soon. - Crash

(X~ I personally feel he has shown an great improvement, and so I have removed my name.)

Shaeli also known as Da_Cheese Josh, Crash He assumed many liberties and acted like a child. Yet another new player treating the game as a joke, and not realizing that he cannot do what he wants when he wants.


<>Ambiance<> Along the sides of the cave, you see strange markings and shrines, it looks as if this cave was a place of worship, or torture. <Shaeli> I can read this! <Shaeli> It says... milk your cows with the power of milk and they will blow up

Spirit You must go, go back to Garoh, inform Prince Valor what has happened, but heed my warning, for there is someone among you who is a wer- <Shaeli> Wertree! Werbush!

22:17, 16 August 2006 (EST) No time soon.
Malak also known as Yursan, Duragon Crash, Scottish_Sarah, H Extreme game disruption. He was one of the last three players in the game, and his vote was needed. He decided to sit in the OOC and use emotes to say he was on fire. A regular player along with myself told him many times to continue playing the game, and he promptly ignored all of our requests.

I agree with Crash on this. I have seen Malak on IRC on other channels before and even then he showed blatent disregard for Ops requests. ~Scottish_Sarah

22:36, 16 August 2006 (EST) Re-removed by H, 30 August 2006. (7:28 PM EST). I feel this player has matured and should get a chance to fix his mistakes. (I readded it, but I realized my mistake a few minutes later. Malak has matured greatly in and out of games. - Crash)
Faysal Scottish_Sarah, Genesis Yet another new player who doesn't read the rules. I told him that you don't know that the wolf is there yet but still he presisted on saying he saw the wolf. Here are some of his idiotic quotes:

<Faysal> Some Stealthy Ninjas where here and swpied my face that i didn't knew so i couldn't see hwere i was going so he must be running on to the village

<Faysal> Did i see a werewolf?

<Faysal> I'll bring in my cast

<Faysal> But i have low magic points

17:10 23 August 2006 (GMT) When this player shows EXTREME improvement
ZeroTime Josh, Punkid, Crash This player does not know how to play along with storyline, he is very random with each action.

an example of some of his actions are as followed...

  • ZeroTime rolls around on the ground
  • ZeroTime cries when the anti shock runs out on his cd and the explosions make it impossible to listen
  • ZeroTime can finally listento cds again and gladly does so
  • ZeroTime pulls popcorn out of nowhere and wants to sell tickets
  • ZeroTime steals a rootbeer
  • ZeroTime takes another rootbeer when robs not lookin
  • ZeroTime pockets his empty root beer bottle. it may be of use later

(This player constantly fails to realize what he does wrong in games and brings others down with him. Crash)

20:10 23 August 2006 (EST) Until I see some improvement the krim shall not be removed.
kingk Elnaith, Rin, Crash Constantly goes AFK without notice a lot. ~*Rin*~

(Another member of the regime of immature and careless players that is sweeping through the game. He has a lot of trouble even roleplaying, and his failure to make it through games is no help. Crash)

22:10, 9 October, 2006 (EST) When he shows signs he can stay during a game.
Kraken Alexander(X), Crash Constantly spews spam; whining; and annoying phrases in #werewolf-ooc ; It is becoming ridiculous. He sifts through his logs; to paste it all over the channel to show us how he was the "victim".

{I think we all knew this was coming. Everybody knows how he is, and I put my support behind X on this one. Though, the ban may not do much good as he has a way of whining and getting those removed.... ~ Crash}

03:25, 9 November, 2006 (GMT) When hell freezes over
archmage Rin, H Refusal to accept character limits, assuming excessive liberties, poor, disruptive RPing.
Some examples are:

* archmage digs thogh wall
<archmage> with shovel

* archmage plants seeds in the ground

It was stated it was a void and we told him repeatedly not to do that. Later, for removing him from my game he continuously PMed me tell him to let him back in. I told him no and to stop PMing me, he told me to 'Shut up.' I will NEVER let him play in another of my games...

8:30 PM, 2 January, 2007(EST) When Hell freezes over and pigs fly. In other words, never. (Possibly(not very likely) would I remove it MAJOR improvement follows but after the PMs I highly doubt it.)
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