SemiRPG/Krim Awards

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The Krim Award is like the Darwin Awards of SemiRPG.

Krim Awards are given to players who through their outright stupidity, rudeness, disrespect, lack of taste, foul humor, and general tendency to ruin the game for other players are forbidden from playing this game by a moderator.

Worse, a Krim Award is a call for public censure of a player. Many mods will not even play in a game if an awardee is playing as well.

To be awarded is a singular dishonor here are recent awardees.

The rewards are historically named after Krim a former player of these games who has subsequently been banned from The two events are entirely unrelated and the award is named for him solely for the fact that he played the game consistently in as infantile a way as possible often resorting to having his characters crap and piss themselves and other such general inanity.

Actions that are the fast track to the Krim awards:

  1. Violating Channel Rules (Especially cheating or otherwise discussing an active game in an inappropriate location).
  2. Violating the Setting for a specific game.
  3. Violating the genre for a specific game.
  4. Assuming excessive liberties.
  5. Playing in an infantile manner.
  6. Failure to Role-play in general.

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Awardee Presenter Reason Awarded Expires
Drakonik Falerin Ill Humor, Disrespect, General Disruption of enjoyment, lack of remorse for all of the above 03:21, 17 December 2005 (GMT) Abrogated by — Falerin<talk>,<contrib> 21:43, 7 February 2006 (GMT)
Silvanas Namegduf_Live Disruption of Enjoyment, Refusal to respect Character limits. 02:48, 18 December 2005 (GMT) Abrogated by Falerin 12/18/2005
Q700 LostSoul Never stays in character, makes stupid ass puns. Won't play serious. Constatly does things not approprite for the envoriment (emp senario) Makes the games very unenjoyable 04:41, 23 January 2006 (GMT) Removed by Beo 00:18 10 July 2006 (EST) "I think that Q700 (also known as Prometius, Oreo, and Zoe) has improved significantly and that the award is unfair as LostSoul has not been on recently to see the improvements in game and moderation quality."

I endorse the removal of said award as it has largely been ignored for some time. Falerin 00:20, 22 July 2006 (EDT)

Q700 X Does not seem to realize that class roles, powers, and moderator enforced rules cannot be overturned by godmoding. Nor does he seem to realize how to spell, talk, or interact with other human beings... [Mind you, Q700 has improved much, and this no longer applies..] 06:29, 23 January 2005 (GMT) Removed by X(Darare) 00:33 10 February 2006 (GMT) "I feel Q700 has improved enough that I am removing the Krim award I have given him, for I no longer believe him to be worthy of any such award... the other is up to Falerin's choice."
Xforce Namegduf_Live Infantile Playing, Delibrate Disruption of Attempts to Get Games Back on Track, Refusal to Respect Character Limits. 8:42, 07 May 2006 (GMT) Removed by Namegduf_Live 21:52 21 May 2006 (GMT) "I feel he has demonstrated skill at playing roles within character limits, and playing them well, even when what his role would do turns away from his own preferences, without request or prompting. As such, I wish to withdraw this Krim award."
firefox92 Beo, Scruffy, Lego3400 Infantile Playing, Refusal to Remain in setting. Refusal to report to #werewolf-ooc during the game, even after told repeatedly and given an IRC invite to the channel. 10:00, 25 July 2006 (EST) No time soon.
Twig, a.k.a Rawr, Latius, Ice_Rut Beo, Falerin Extreme infantile playing. After finding a dead body, this was the response: <Rawr> Wow a dead Captain
  • Rawr pokes it

General assininity. Shows me for allowing him to play anyway. Falerin 23:40, 27 July 2006 (EDT)

5:02, 27 July 2006 (EST) No time soon
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