Channel/DarkAbode Character Stats

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The developing nature of the story line has made it necessary that all characters, free slotted or no, have a simple set of numerical stats in order to help determine results of combat and other contests of ability. As such, a simple system has been developed for help in these situations and are divided into 4 simple categories: power, resistance, physical health and mental health. Guidelines for finding appropriate values for your character are detailed below.



Power is further divided into 4 categories: physical, psychic, magical, and alteration. Each of these have 'caps' in regards to the standard values of characters. "Normal" characters caps at a value of 50, gods at 75, and DheEhms at 100. Some characters can break these values without having achieved the position of the higher tier, but such is generally rare. Also it should be noted that alteration is an exception, for it is the power to warp the reality around oneself with one's will alone. This is almost always reserved for DheEhms, though not all DheEhms possess it. Nearly all characters will have an alteration stat of 0.

Note - In terms of physical power, 50 is an extremely fit human (think an Olympian marathon runner or weightlifter or somesuch), and 25 is the average human. In terms of psychic and magical power, normal humans do not possess these traits so unless there has been some training, this stat will be 0.


This works much the same as power, but should be considered one's 'defense' to such measures. The categories and general type caps remain the same as the more 'offensive' group above.

Note: Psychic Resistance for normal people is generally 0 (willpower alone does not give you resistance!). Things like exposure to psychic attacks or training in psychic resistance can increase this stat, though.

Physical Health

This is measured in a percentage, from 0-100. 100% is perfectly healthy, where 0 is dead and 10 unconscious. In between proportionally measure injury.

Mental Health

Also a percentage, from 0-100. Unlike physical health, however, one is not so easily at 100%. Rather, that number is reserved from those in a nirvana-like state. A character's base line mental health is almost certain to be lower, though events can raise or lower it from this state. Beware, however, for 30% or below indicates conditions of psychosis and 10% or below catatonia. Unlike physical health, however, a character is not dead if mental health drops to 0 or even below.

Mental Wellness 'guide': 100% Pure Nirvana, 85-99% Approaching Nirvana, 50-84% Mentally Stable, Minorly unstable 40-50%, Instable 30-40%, Psycosis 11-30%, Catatonia 0-11%, Profound Disturbance <0%

Final Thoughts

Once you have determined where you character's values are, please submit them to the Abode GMs via this link while values of currently accepted and pending characters can be viewed here. Also, please make use of the box allowing for further notes. In this space, any of conflicts of values due to specializations, such as the higher scores of Rimblade's illusion magic compared to any other form of magical ability, should be mentioned.

Any further questions can be directed towards the GM team, and all values submitted will be looked over for approval. Should there be issues, a friendly discussion to determine a more realistic value will be held so multiple submissions should not be necessary and the process can be expedited.

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