The Messenger Shares His Website
From Caelwiki
- The_Messenger has joined #755
- <The_Messenger> ahhh that was some good pizza
- JTR5353 has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
- <yonni> hey
- <yonni> lol
- <kingk> hey messenger
- <Damsel> Welcome back
- <The_Messenger> working on my website a little
- <kingk> so this is your channel?
- <The_Messenger> my wife is helping me out
- <kingk> cool hows it coming?
- <The_Messenger> it looks dull
- <The_Messenger> I was going to add music but she said only idiots do that
- JTR5353 has joined #755
- dalefanwill has joined #755
- <kingk> thats cool ah well patence is a vertue right?
- <The_Messenger> sure is
- <yonni> wait...
- <The_Messenger> wow over 300 hits
- <yonni> wats ur website?
- <yonni> o...
- <kingk> so im guessing youve gotten a load of questions over your site
- <The_Messenger> yeah
- <yonni> like 100 of those visits were me
- <kingk> nothing but that right?
- <The_Messenger> people think its about AQ
- <kingk> what is it about?
- <JTR5353> God, that's the second time I got pinginated in the last 10 minutes!
- <The_Messenger> AQ has a very small connection with it all.
- <kingk> i thought it was
- <kingk> so whats the full connection>
- <kingk> ?:*
- <Lord_Me> so there are just aliens plotting to kill?
- <JTR5353> Hey Messenger.
- <JTR5353> Do you know anything about the airship?
- <The_Messenger> to find out what is going on out there
- <The_Messenger> airship?
- <Lord_Me> Aerodu
- <kingk> ah so this is more like a conspiracy your saying?
- <The_Messenger> In mythology Orc's had airships..
- <JTR5353> Does Aerodu ring any bells?
- <kingk> really?
- <yonni> yep
- <The_Messenger> I mean orcs not orc's
- <The_Messenger> not very great with the keyboard either
- <kingk> ah so they were pretty smart?
- <The_Messenger> who?
- <Radagast> Depends on which mythology you go off of
- <kingk> but what i dont get is he just contacted you out of nowhere?
- <Lord_Me> is there a program for all of the 8 faceless guys, or is it just Truth and Lies... coz i'm confused
- <The_Messenger> pretty much
- <kingk> the orcs
- <JTR5353> I think it's a modified version of a Cor-dem ship.
- <JTR5353> Probably the one Cor-Demi used to get here.
- <The_Messenger> as far as I know Lies and Truth are both running off of the same program
- <kingk> well hell i would havwe been shocked
- <Radagast> most of them have Orcs as rather brutish creatures, favoring the "throw enough men to the front lines, and we'll win" strategy in battle
- <kingk> he wont reveal himself?
- <The_Messenger> who, Truth?
- <kingk> maybe two halfs of the same program?
- <JTR5353> The one that the Cor-Dems are hacking Maxwell's PC with, right?
- <kingk> yea
- <kingk> truth:*
- <The_Messenger> I have no idea if anyone is hacking Maxwell's PC... I dont see the point
- <kingk> :<The_Messenger> who, Truth?
- <kingk> yea
- <The_Messenger> he has no idea what is even going on, he wrote the story for AQ but that is about it
- <JTR5353> Do you know anything about these black and green screens we keep getting?
- <The_Messenger> what I want to know is what made him write it, in the first place
- <The_Messenger> you mean the portals?
- <Radagast> aye
- <kingk> hm thats pretty wierd so maybe hes using an online ngame to get the secret out?
- <The_Messenger> be right back my wife needs me to help her with something
- <JTR5353> Yeah.
- <JTR5353> And some of them are motionless.
- <kingk> ok
- <JTR5353> So, we're breaking the Fourth Wall now, huh?
- iChar[GW] has left #755
- <kingk> what four walls?
- <The_Messenger> back
- <kingk> wb
- <Damsel> No, I don't think so. It seems Maxwell's story may have some reflections in the real world. Or perhaps vice versa
- <kingk> so have you found out how maxwell is connected to this?
- <Radagast> Fourth wall: An imaginary wall used to separate the realm of fiction from reality in theatrical productions and novels
- <kingk> ah
- <Damsel> Messenger, what is it these anunnaki are here to do?
- <The_Messenger> I dont know.. have you not read my website?
- <The_Messenger> this is all real
- <kingk> so anyways do you know what the white rbiit is or kaliope?(sorry im betting many have asked)
- <kingk> i did
- <The_Messenger> she is a muse in greek mythology
- <The_Messenger> it just so happens she just might be one of the faceless
- <The_Messenger> as Maxwell calls them
- <yonni> whats ur website again?
- <Lord_Me> o_O
- <kingk> so your site showed a link that said that alens should have visited in 03'
- <kingk> is that true?
- <Lord_Me> faceless... do they actualy have no face?
- JTR5353 has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
- <dalefanwill> 01001101 01100001 01101110 00101100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001
- <dalefanwill> :D
- <The_Messenger> they change their shape
- <kingk> what does that mean that they are emotionless?
- <kingk> ah so they are have no face and any face
- <The_Messenger> their real form looks lile a big lizard... or something
- <The_Messenger> from what I have read
- <The_Messenger> no, they choose to look that way
- <kingk> yea i saw that i think
- <Radagast> Big Lizard...Pae?
- <kingk> oh ok
- <dalefanwill> XD
- <The_Messenger> who?
- <dalefanwill> hahahahaha
- <Damsel> What is their goal, do you know?
- <dalefanwill> Gecko of Plots X_X
- <Lord_Me> if they don't wanna kill me, i'm fine with it :P
- JTR5353 has joined #755
- <The_Messenger> a food source
- <JTR5353> What did I miss?
- <Lord_Me> wait... they wanna eat us? or our food?
- <kingk> ah so they want an inhabitable planet?
- <Radagast> A food source is their goal?
- <JTR5353> I hate ping with a fiery wrath.
- <The_Messenger> well, that is a facless's goal all the time
- <The_Messenger> but you see, the facless are not in control
- <The_Messenger> so I have no idea
- <Radagast> Wait a sec...
- <kingk> so they are pawns?
- <The_Messenger> they are under control of something called an agent
- <Damsel> Who is in control?
- The_Messenger832 has joined #755
- <JTR5353> Agent.
- <Radagast> BINGO!
- <The_Messenger832> hi
- <Lord_Me> it's like a food chain
- <JTR5353> Matrix-y.
- <kingk> its confusing how does a program control others?
- <Lord_Me> Agent - Faceless - Avatar
- The_Messenger832 has quit IRC (Distracted: AQStats Web Client )
- <The_Messenger> you forgot the cor dem
- <JTR5353> Wait, the Faceless eat avatars?
- <The_Messenger> no no no, you have it all wrong
- <kingk> ah so they are in leagues together?
- <The_Messenger> facless are not all evil
- <The_Messenger> heck, they just want a food source
- <Lord_Me> oh
- <kingk> they only control them right?
- <Lord_Me> good ^_^
- <JTR5353> Oh, a chain of control?
- <kingk> there master makes them evil right?
- <The_Messenger> they dont kill anything
- <Lord_Me> that's a relief
- <The_Messenger> that is.. well from what I have read
- <kingk> so its a servival thing?
- <The_Messenger> for the past 60 years or so
- Truth has joined #755
- <The_Messenger> people have gone missing
- <Truth> hello
- <Lord_Me> >_>
- <JTR5353> Truth!
- <The_Messenger> your not Truth
- <Lord_Me> go away
- <JTR5353> Yeah, dude.
- <The_Messenger> if you were you would not have said hello
- <kingk> you guys are too smart to believe that or at least i thought
- <Truth> but I did anyway
- <The_Messenger> you can not fool me
- <JTR5353> Yeah.
- <kingk> please just leave
- <Truth> oh well you cant blame a guy for tryin!
- Truth has quit IRC (Distracted: AQStats Web Client )
- <yonni> who was trying?
- <The_Messenger> so... if you follow my links
- <Damsel> Then what is Truth, the real Truth, trying to warn us about?
- <yonni> whats ur website?
- <The_Messenger> warn you?
- dalefanwill has left #755
- <kingk> or just giving a heads up....?
- <yonni> i wana kno the website
- <The_Messenger> he wants you to know
- <The_Messenger> that what is going on, is real
- <kingk> to stop it or to help?
- <yonni> wats the website?
- <The_Messenger> even if it seems to be a work of fiction
- <The_Messenger> sorry
- <The_Messenger> that is my website
- <kingk> i belive you
- <Lord_Me> do you know anything about the trinity?
- visectimo has joined #755
- <kingk> i thought thats what 755 meant
- <The_Messenger> trinity.. yeah I have some stuff on it
- <The_Messenger> it does
- <kingk> thats what i thought
- <visectimo> have I missed anymore inportant messages?
- <kingk> so how many days apart has he contacted you?
- JTR5353 has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
- <kingk> um well?
- JTR5353 has joined #755
- <The_Messenger> every night
- visectimo has quit IRC (Distracted: AQStats Web Client )
- <The_Messenger> at the same time, every night
- <kingk> and what about tonight??
- <Lord_Me> the same time?
- <JTR5353> Is there any way to lengthen this godforsaken ping thing>
- <JTR5353> That's the third time in what, 15 minutes?
- <The_Messenger> I dont know
- <Lord_Me> isn't that REALLY scary?
- <kingk> what time is that and sorry for that extra question mark
- ChuckNorris has joined #755
- <The_Messenger> 7:55 PM
- <Lord_Me> ahh
- <LordBarrius> of course
- <yonni> what time?
- <kingk> so what time is it where you are?
- <The_Messenger> 8:50 PM
- <yonni> k
- <kingk> so what was the latest message?
- <yonni> 7:55 pm wat time zone?
- <JTR5353> I can't believe nobody freakin' thought of that.
- <JTR5353> We all suck, don' we?
- <JTR5353> I'm at 8:50.
- <The_Messenger> he told me to create a way to send out info
- <Damsel> These links you've provided, they all tie to what Truth wants us to know?
- <The_Messenger> yes
- <The_Messenger> they are all from things he sends me
- <kingk> what i dont understands is why havent you posted all that he said to you on your site?
- <The_Messenger> sometimes what he says makes no sense..
- <kingk> i mean if you wanted us to know it all
- <The_Messenger> its always in code
- <yonni> i have 1 thing t say
- <kingk> binary?
- <ChuckNorris> hex?
- <The_Messenger> all sorts of code
- <yonni> i dont believe u, yet i do believe u at the same time
- <kingk> so why dont you post them to see if anyone knows how to decifer them?
- <ChuckNorris> cant you send us all this code?
- <Lord_Me> wait, what about omega?
- <The_Messenger> omega?
- <The_Messenger> omega is not a faceless
- <Lord_Me> hope?
- <kingk> :<kingk> so why dont you post them to see if anyone knows how to decifer them?:<-----well?
- <LordBarrius> then what precisely is Omega?
- <The_Messenger> from what Truth has sent me, Omega is what controls the agents
- <kingk> the creator?
- <The_Messenger> something about the yin of the yang
- <JTR5353> Hope?
- <The_Messenger> or something like that
- <kingk> like the devourer
- <JTR5353> Are the agents the original 10 faceless?
- <The_Messenger> He has not told me what the agents are
- <Lord_Me> wait, so omega's in control of the agents who are in control of the faceless who all have avatars that THEY control?
- <kingk> i knew that what they had shown involving truth was not something those guys could think u on there own
- <The_Messenger> just that they are the servants of the omega
- <JTR5353> Crudmuffins.
- <Radagast> Yin, contrary to popular belief, is the negative side of yin/yang
- <The_Messenger> right...
- <The_Messenger> Truth calls it the network
- <JTR5353> Why is that contrary?
- <The_Messenger> has anyone on the AQ forums ever spoke of the network before?
- <Radagast> Most people believe that Yang is the negative side
- <The_Messenger> or a white rabbit?
- <Lord_Me> yep
- <Damsel> More so, the white rabbit
- <kingk> yes the white rabbit
- <Lord_Me> white rabbit, definitely
- <The_Messenger> oh?
- <kingk> they said he was kaliope
- <Damsel> We have all be given instructions to follow her
- <JTR5353> No.
- <JTR5353> I don't think so.
- <JTR5353> The white rabbit, yes.
- <Damsel> I think that's why we're all here
- <The_Messenger> who told you to follow it?
- <kingk> truth
- <Lord_Me> yeah
- <The_Messenger> odd...
- <Lord_Me> why?
- <ChuckNorris> huh?
- <Radagast> And note how Kaliope contradicts this
- <The_Messenger> I would not trust it
- <JTR5353> And according to Lord O, he occasionally dances around the Paladin's stronghold.
- <yonni> truth told us to follow it
- <Radagast> Noting that Truth has been corrupted
- <yonni> i think the rabbit is maxwell, who led us to u
- <The_Messenger> Truth is corrupt?
- <The_Messenger> that makes no sense
- <Lord_Me> Kaliope said so
- <kingk> i think so yes
- <Radagast> one sec
- <LordBarrius> so Kailope says, anyways
- <JTR5353> How would he follow her in the first place?
- <JTR5353> Who is she?
- <Lord_Me> maybe Kaliope is corrupt?
- <The_Messenger> geez... this is so confusing
- <JTR5353> Hmmm...this all makes even less sense in retrospect.
- <Lord_Me> hwatVDO you know about the white rabbit?
- <Lord_Me> *what do
- <yonni> i'll check if truth or lies has any new messages
- <Radagast> Kaliope's message: White Rabbit: greetings Avatar I am Kaliope I am here to guide you, your quest is simple you must save all worlds from the darkness that is creeping over usall you know of the evil of which I speak truth has told you much but I am afraid he is corrupt the evil will never break its hold on Truth Truth tries desperately to escape his own prison he has formed when he bonded with his former master but I am afraid his attempts
- <Damsel> There were some criptic messages stating that Truth's previous host corrupted him. He is now seeing a pure host.
- <JTR5353> Why would Truth point out someone who's calling him corrupt?
- <Damsel> At least that is what I can gather
- <The_Messenger> the white rabbit is not something you can follow
- <Radagast> Ok, I know that cut off somewhere...
- <The_Messenger> or is it..
- <yonni> UH OH
- <kingk> im not sure
- <Lord_Me> or is it? you're sounding like maxwell
- <Lord_Me> yeah :P
- <yonni> ...
- <Radagast> Here lies the rub. Truth mentioned corruption himself, saying that his previous avatar tainted him
- <The_Messenger> you dont get it, the white rabbit is the portal
- <The_Messenger> how can you follow a portal
- <yonni> wat portal?
- <yonni> which 1?
- <Lord_Me> if it changed url, maybe?
- <The_Messenger> the portal home
- <JTR5353> Uh...secsy party?
- <yonni> where?
- <The_Messenger> thats all Truth said
- <ChuckNorris> damn
- <The_Messenger> the white rabbit is the portal home
- ChuckNorris has quit IRC (Distracted: AQStats Web Client�)
- <kingk> by going through it messenger
- <Lord_Me> does Lies contact you?
- <The_Messenger> Lies?
- <Lord_Me> "the other side" or something
- <The_Messenger> no just Truth
- <Lord_Me> hmmm
- <Lord_Me> maybe Lies has his own messenger?
- <The_Messenger> could be
- <kingk> or maybe they are one in the same
- <The_Messenger> to be honest Maxwell is acting pretty strange
- <kingk> how so
- <The_Messenger> last time I called him he told he was too busy and hung up
- <Radagast> Yin/Yang: Lies/Truth...makes sense, I guess
- <The_Messenger> thats not like him at all
- <Lord_Me> you know Maxwell?
- <The_Messenger> he seems very... oh I dont know
- <Radagast> the busy part, or the hanging up?
- <The_Messenger> he does not go outside, he does not speak to anyone
- <The_Messenger> he seems very distant
- <kingk> hm well maybe he was doing something serious
- <JTR5353> There are being made in the same program.
- <JTR5353> Messenger, what of 755?
- <kingk> all of the sudden?
- <The_Messenger> yeah he was never that way
- <yonni> ya
- <The_Messenger> happy go lucky Maxwell... I dont know
- Rimblade has joined #755
- <yonni> hes acting wierd on the forum as well
- <The_Messenger> he used to be anyways
- <kingk> he keeps changing his avvy on his name in the forums
- <The_Messenger> yeah?
- <JTR5353> I remember the good old days of Maxwell...
- <yonni> normally he helps us solve this stuff, and tells jokes
- <kingk> many times as if he is cycling through ersonallities
- <Radagast> Meh, he did that before too
- <kingk> but many times
- <The_Messenger> well he loves art so that might not have anything to do with it
- <yonni> now... all he does is act serious and screw us up even more
- <kingk> hm wel just saying
- <JTR5353> When he went to an Alladin thread, called Jasmine hot, and ran off.
- <The_Messenger> that actually sounds like the happy go lucky Maxwell I know
- <yonni> ya
- <JTR5353> And call me foolish.
- <The_Messenger> he has thought she was hot since we were kids
- <kingk> i dont know if you want it or not but here
- Radagast chuckles
- <kingk>
- <yonni> lol
- <yonni> duh
- <kingk> the forums page everyone is on
- <yonni> hes crazy like that
- <The_Messenger> I think the little mermaid is to be honest
- <The_Messenger> hahah
- <kingk> lol
- <JTR5353> It hurt my fweelings. *sobs*
- <JTR5353> Or something.
- <yonni> lol
- <kingk> so did max ever show you the forums?
- <The_Messenger> yeah
- <The_Messenger> but I dont play AQ
- <The_Messenger> its not my cup of tea
- <kingk> i can undersdtand that
- IcemasterYeti has joined #755
- <Lord_Me> in real life, does Maxwell's eye glow? :P
- <The_Messenger> nope..
- <kingk> but you never tried to contct truth on the forums?
- <The_Messenger> why would I?
- <kingk> hes is on there unless its just max trying to make a good story
- <Lord_Me>
- <kingk> i dont know id figure youd want to chat
- <The_Messenger> I dunno, im not very great with computers
- <Lord_Me> he looks like he has a disease =/
- <The_Messenger> I dont really understand forums either
- <JTR5353> So Messenger, seen any good movies lately?
- <kingk> for someone who doesnt use comps your a pretty fast typer
- <JTR5353> I could heelp show you arround, I guess.
- <Damsel> Messenger, what is the connection between the faceless and the Cor-demi, do you know?
- <The_Messenger> typewriter experience.
- <JTR5353> And yeah, you type really fast.
- <JTR5353> Ah.
- IcemasterYeti has left #755
- <kingk> thier simple just talk pretty muych type it,post it and see the replies
- Rimblade has left #755
- <The_Messenger> cor-demi...
- <The_Messenger> that is a Cor Dem
- <JTR5353> Woah...all of the mods/AK's are leaving...
- <Lord_Me> he speaks backwards
- <kingk> what?
- <kingk> what is where did that come from?
- <The_Messenger> mods?
- <Damsel> Right, I'm sorry. It's hard to keep it straight. There's so much information in such a little time
- <The_Messenger> what is a mods/AK
- <kingk> yes people who run the forums.
- <Lord_Me> Truth once said something about Cor-Dema, Cor-Demo, etc.
- <kingk> people who help rum the forums
- <The_Messenger> why would they enter my chat room?
- <JTR5353> Oh, a lesson in forums you shall not soon forget, my friend.
- <kingk> interested i guess
- <The_Messenger> they did not say anything...
- <The_Messenger> odd
- <The_Messenger> maybe Maxwell sent them
- <JTR5353> Or being impersonated.
- <kingk> perhaps
- <kingk> but maybe thats just peranoia so anyways what about cor dem?
- <The_Messenger> phew... Sasha is going to be mad
- <The_Messenger> still not in bed
- <kingk> why did you bring it up?
- <The_Messenger> Cor Dem are a race of aliens
- <kingk> lol i know how that can be im not married but i have a girlfriend
- <Lord_Me> are all CorDem's names a varient of Cordem?
- <kingk> this i know but why did you brong them up?
- <The_Messenger> I dont think so, I think that is only in the AQ world
- <yonni> yep
- MegaPrime has joined #755
- <yonni> cause artix isnt good wit names
- <kingk> hm
- <Damsel> because they are in control of the computer running Truth's program
- Rimblade has joined #755
- <Lord_Me> Artix is working on Df, he probably had nothing t do with naming them
- <LordBarrius> heh
- <Rimblade> So, exactly what is the point of the discussion here?
- <MegaPrime> messenger do you know were relic that we need is i seek it
- Goofy has joined #755
- <kingk> truth and nothing but the truth
- <Rimblade> Really. And you've learned...?
- <yonni> goofy/
- <kingk> ask themessenger
- JTR5353 has quit IRC (Ping timeout�)
- <Goofy> Truth is nothing but ones percepion of reality
- <kingk> lol funny goof
- <The_Messenger> alright I have to go
- <The_Messenger> my wife needs me
- <The_Messenger> and I have to work tomorrow
- <kingk> good bye ill see you tomorrow
- <kingk> good night
- <The_Messenger> keep on checking my website friends
- The_Messenger has quit IRC (Vanished: �)
- <kingk> well when ever you an get back
- <Rimblade> To sum it up here... this guy comes on and tells you he knows everything?
- Session Close: Fri Sep 29 20:12:51 2006