Session XLIII

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<>Ambiance<> A small park in the city of Hong Kong

   * Grett has joined #epic
<Durroth> no
<Durroth> its interesting the FIRST five times
<Durroth> then it gets old
<Matthew> It is an anchor
<Malcolm> this is about my fourth
<Selarep> Ooh. Hong Kong!
<Matthew> Which makes it a very likely entry point
* Matthew stands looking irritated
* Damsel inclines her head to Matthew. "Good day."
<Durroth> Yay hongkong
<Matthew> Good day
<Durroth> erm... sorry
<Matthew> Well then
<Matthew> Let me see the device
* Selarep looks for a sweat shop to purchase slaves :P
* LordBarrius simply nods to Matthew.
* Durroth hands the laptop to matthew
* Matthew gestures
<Durroth> ((>.>))
<Matthew> This device has a perpetual power supply
* Rimblade lies on the ground, unremarkable.
<Matthew> Perpetual energy is impossible
* Durroth frowns for a moment and his hair turns black
<Damsel> "Apparently not..."
<Durroth> better
<Matthew> Hence its battery must be something that limitless for some other reason
<Durroth> Interesting
<Malcolm> thats quite interesting
<Matthew> It draws it's power from a God
<Matthew> Clearly
<Matthew> Or something very near one
<Damsel> "That is in itself not terribly surprising."
<Durroth> Great, we know of one other device that draws power from a godlike being
<Malcolm> can you tell which one?
<Selarep> A god top?
<Durroth> Probably The'galin
<Rimblade> "Ah. If you can't work within the laws of reality, work where reality isn't watching."
* Haze has joined #epic
<Matthew> The Device... is Caelestian
<Matthew> Meaning it draws its power from a God of Caelestia
<Kira> One of the farpoint perhaps then.
<Durroth> hmm... Falerin maybe?
<Malcolm> or another one
<Matthew> The fact therefore is that the`galin is ruled out
<Haze> I had the same theory, Durrothy.
<Haze> Durroth*
<Durroth> ... I bet you did
<Haze> Hmm.
<Matthew> This does not originate with Falerin
<Grett> Is there any way to tell which one?
<Matthew> I know his pattern
<Matthew> While the design is his more or less
<Grett> Is it from Morgan or Tirlerion?
* Beo has joined #epic
<Matthew> it has been ... altered
<Matthew> Morgan? General Karikoff?
<Matthew> No
<Haze> Perhaps there's a command to tell us the power it draws from? Nothing at all?
<Matthew> He is of insufficent magnitude
<Selarep> Eldron?
<Durroth> one of the other three farpoint gods maybe?
<Malcolm> Altered how?
* Damsel is content to listen quietly for the time being.
<Matthew> That would require a more extensive analysis
<Matthew> and a rather detailed prodding
* Dale has joined #epic
<Haze> (Darn, I have to leave. Right during an epic, too. Well. Seeya.)
<Matthew> Shall I do so?
* Haze has quit IRC (Distracted: AQStats Web Client )
<Durroth> sure
<Rimblade> "Does it matter?"
<Durroth> if you think it will help
<Rimblade> "Does the origin of the device's power effect the working of the device?"
<Matthew> How peculiar
* Matthew gestures again
* Matthew frowns even more
<Grett> I would very much like confirmation that Tirlerion has nothing to do with this.
<Durroth> nothing matthew?
<Damsel> "I would agree with Grett on this matter."
<Matthew> The power source is the God of Diversity
<Rimblade> "Shocking."
<Durroth> god of wha?
<Matthew> The power source is the God of Diversity
<Malcolm> which one is that?
<Damsel> "Diversity? I do not believe we have encountered that individual."
<Grett> The creator of Caelestia...?
<Durroth> I dont recall meeting a god of diversity
<Damsel> "Oh of course."
<Grett> That is very interesting.
* LordBarrius frowns slightly. "Odd...Therlion?"
<Matthew> That is correct
<Durroth> great, we have a god powered laptop
<Matthew> It draws its motive energy from Therlion
<Durroth> powered by therlion himself
<Grett> Could you tell us why he sent this laptop to us?
<Rimblade> "Motive energy..."
<Selarep> Interesting...
<Matthew> I cannot read the mind of other Celestines
<Kira> I was under the impression we were not exactly welcome by the rest of the Caelestians.
<Matthew> Very powerful immortals yes
<Matthew> But other celestines
<Matthew> not without..
<Matthew> Them noticing
<Selarep> Matthew, is he an original god, or an ascended god?
<Matthew> ...
<Durroth> ...
<Matthew> The Power Source is The God of Diversity
<Selarep> And...
<Durroth> yes, we've established that
<Matthew> The god does not seem to trace to any Mortal previous existance
<Grett> An original god, of course. Original for Caelestia.
<Selarep> OK...
<Matthew> Therefore he is an Original
<Grett> Matthew, could you perhaps ask Therlion why he's sent the laptop?
<Matthew> ... there is something of a layer
<Rimblade> "A creation at high position. A stand in."
<Matthew> An intermediary
<Matthew> The Laptop draws its power from Therlion via another channel
<Matthew> Rather then directly from Therlion
<Grett> Uh-oh...
<Grett> Don't tell me it is from the Black Avatar...
<Malcolm> through an avatar?
<Rimblade> "Are you tracing motive force, then?"
<Durroth> ... thats probably not a good thing if gretts thinking what I'm thinking
<Grett> Tirlerion...
<Malcolm> or a Analog?
<Matthew> An avatar?
<Matthew> Hmm
<Matthew> Perhaps
<Matthew> Hold on
<Matthew> Yes... the Laptop has bene altered by a mortal emenation
<Matthew> That effects the channel
* Grett frowns.
<Grett> Is there any way to tell which Avatar it was?
  • LordBarrius frowns slightly. "I don't like the sound of that one bit.

Perhaps a device altered by Tirlerion before his ascension...."
<Matthew> The channel is intact
<Matthew> But the intitator has...
<Matthew> Returned to source
<Matthew> So no
<Matthew> I cannot

   <Damsel> "It still begs the question of why we were sent this in the first place."
<Rimblade> "No."
<Matthew> I can trace its movement
<Grett> If the initiator returned to the source, then it might have been the man in White or Gray.
<Durroth> we were sent a laptop and no instructions
<Matthew> Hold on
<Rimblade> "The question is what will be done with it now."
<Matthew> How peculiar
<Durroth> eh?
<Matthew> That is really quite odd
<Matthew> Well that explains not being able to isolate its source and the return buisness
<Durroth> what is it?
<Matthew> This laptop exists in a quantum singularity
<Matthew> A predestination paradox
<Durroth> which means?
<Matthew> It was sent to you
<Matthew> by you
<Durroth> by me?
<Matthew> Collective You
<Matthew> in both cases
<Durroth> ... note to self to send to all analogs if I get the chance
<Damsel> "Hmmm... interesting indeed."
* Grett chuckles.
<Durroth> I dont suppose you know which me it was?
<Matthew> Instructions?
<Matthew> They are patently useless
<Durroth> on what I intend myself to do with this stuff
<Matthew> The laptop is effectively an open wish
<Matthew> There cannot be instructions for such a broad device
<Rimblade> "Monkey's paw?"
<Durroth> great, I've started sending myself gifts
<Matthew> it will do pretty much anything you tell it
  • LordBarrius grins faintly at Durroth before returning his focus to

Matthew. "You said a collective you. You mean to say our group, or simply Durroth's analog?"
<Matthew> So long as it is within the power limit

   <Grett> Alright, apparently we use it for something, and then send it to us so we can do it.
<Matthew> And the power limit is broad
<Damsel> "But it tends to be terribly literal."
<Matthew> The Former
<Durroth> great, we sent ourselves a laptop
<Durroth> but one question
<LordBarrius> "I see...."
<Matthew> Something or a broad series of somethings
<Damsel> "So what are we to do with it then so that we do not violate this Paradox?"
<Durroth> why was De'thion the registered user?
<Rimblade> "Aha. That description surely brings memories."
<Matthew> The origin prior to now has a fairly substantial time differential
<Malcolm> future or past?
<Matthew> Mu
<Durroth> neither?
<Matthew> There is a note
<Matthew> A rather odd one
<Matthew> It is on...
<Matthew> My own account
<Matthew> Hold on
* Matthew touches some keys
* Damsel smiles faintly.
* Matthew places a eye monacle to his eye
<Matthew> "I had to create my account"
<Matthew> So that I can be sent the note
<Matthew> and thus get it
* Matthew frowns
<Matthew> The note said
<Durroth> which means someone will have to send the note probably
<Matthew> Having lost our last operator and device and knowing that as things progress we will need the power
<Malcolm> thinking in Temporal means make my head ache
<Matthew> We have arranged this....
<Malcolm> they... I mean we sent it back so we could change the past
<Matthew> It indicates the former operator and owner of this machine
<Matthew> was one M. A.
<Matthew> It indicates the former operator and owner of this machine
<Rimblade> "Aha."
<Damsel> "Marrin."
<Matthew> was one R.M. too
<Matthew> Which is peculiar
<Matthew> But there it is
* LordBarrius nods at Damsel. "That sounds like it...."
<Matthew> Before that it was posessed by G. G.
<Matthew> But during both previous owners its draw was on Falerin
<Matthew> and that was no longer workable
* Matthew shrugs
<Malcolm> that can't be good
<Damsel> "G.G. would probably be Galrick..."
<Malcolm> was there a reason its draw was changed from Fal?
<Rimblade> "It's firepower. Gah."
<Matthew> I cannot speak to that
<Matthew> The note does not specify
<Damsel> "I understand."
<Matthew> However I have the capacity of switching its input
<Matthew> Since it knows both
<Matthew> Actually it now knows me as well
<Durroth> I dont think fal would appreciate us using him as a power source
<Matthew> and as far as such goes
* Matthew types something rapidly
<Malcolm> would anyone else like us using their power without asking?
<Damsel> "R.M.... Randal."
<Voice> New Powersource and Programming integrated
<Kira> Randal?
<Matthew> There
<Matthew> It uses me now
<Malcolm> and your fine with that?
<Matthew> Can i go back to my work elsewhere?
<Durroth> sure
<Durroth> thankyou for your help
* Matthew vanishes
<Damsel> "Would you kindly return us..."
<Damsel> "Never mind."
* Durroth picks up the laptop
<Malcolm> the laptop can return us I would assume
<Durroth> probably
<Grett> Unless something goes wrong...
<Damsel> "I tend to dislike dealing with the laptop as a whole. It tends to interpret things in unwanted fashions."
<Durroth> I'll be careful
<Kira> Best be as spesific as possible then
<Malcolm> it could be the same one Galrick has
<Rimblade> "I tend to dislike the laptop for the simple reason that it holds so much power."
<Damsel> "There is that as well."
  • LordBarrius narrows his eyes slightly at the laptop. "We've had

unpleasant experiences with specific with your commands, lest we have more incidents."

   * Durroth nods
* Durroth logs back in
<Matthew> Welcome to CaelOS Extended. Where would you like to Go today?
<Grett> Arden's abode that we were in before coming here I think might do it, but I'm not sure...
<Durroth> I need a headcount guys
<Malcolm> back to the Abode or are we going somewhere special
<Durroth> back to the abode
<Durroth> but I want to make sure it takes us all
<Matthew> Back to the abode
<Rimblade> "I have no inclination not to trust to fate."
<Matthew> Noted
<Damsel> "There is no reason for us to travel elsewhere."
<Matthew> Effecting Transit
<Grett> I suppose we can explore if we wished, but we could get lost.
<Durroth> I'd visit surge, but hes probly not home
<Durroth> or at work
* Damsel braces herself for the transition.
* LordBarrius frowns slightly and readies himself.
<Durroth> but he does own a nice nightclub here
* Durroth readies himself for transit
* Rimblade does nothing.
* TaloToecan has joined #epic
<Matthew> <End of Epic?>

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