From Caelwiki
- [14:45] * Diviara has joined #755
- [14:46] <LordBarrius> Hm.
- [14:46] <Leo> Greetings, Diviara.
- [14:46] <Marrin> I'd still love to do the epic.. :-/ Oh well..pity no one else is enthusiastic
- [14:47] <Diviara> Greetings Leo
- [14:47] <Damsel> I am!
- [14:47] <Diviara> He is coming
- [14:47] <Takun> I've died twice already and haven't played for several games.
- [14:47] <Marrin> Who is?
- [14:47] <Takun> I think i'm done
- [14:47] <LordBarrius> I am.
- [14:47] * Diviara smiles
- [14:47] <Robertm> How do you log something?
- [14:47] <Damsel> depends on your client, Robert
- [14:48] * Diviara crooks his shoulders as if uncomfortable
- [14:48] <Diviara> This Cloak is illfitted
- [14:48] <Robertm> mIRC
- [14:48] <Marrin> And how would you know, Diviara? It's not like there are active communicants.
- [14:48] <Marrin> Wait.. yes there are...
- [14:49] * Diviara chortles musically the sound something like tinkling bells.
- [14:49] <Diviara> How would I know indeed Marrin....
- [14:49] <Diviara> How....
- [14:49] <Diviara> Perhaps pray because I am his communicant myself?
- [14:49] * Lkeas has joined #755
- [19:51] Diviara: Hello Prophet
- [19:51] Diviara: The master sends his greetings to you
- [19:52] * Damsel glances at Lkeas
- [19:52] Lkeas: greetings brilhado
- [19:52] Diviara: He bid me greet you MOST personally
- [19:52] * LordBarrius sits up slightly.
- [19:52] Lkeas: i see
- [19:52] Lkeas: i have been studying you, Diviara
- [19:52] Diviara: I am aware of your attentions
- [19:52] Diviara: I know what you have been tasked with....
- [19:52] * Robertm grabs another poato
- [19:52] * Marrin shimmers slightly pondering some things
- [19:52] Lkeas: i see... and how do you feel about it?
- [19:53] Diviara: It means nothing
- [19:53] * Robertm Looks around suspiciosly
- [19:53] Leo: Hmm.
- [19:53] Diviara: It like all created things will be annihilated
- [19:53] * Robertm throws the potato
- [19:53] Lkeas: if it means nothing, then why annihilate it?
- [19:53] Diviara: Because Prophet.... it IS
- [19:53] Diviara: And nothing may BE
- [19:53] Lkeas: but you also ARE.
- [19:54] Lkeas: and please stop calling me that.
- [19:54] Diviara: Indeed I am
- [19:54] Marrin: I wonder... did The'galin ever simply understand he himself is a creation... as are his servants?
- [19:54] Diviara: Our lord has been elevated beyond creation.
- [19:54] ShotokuLegault: Maybe he's too self absorbed to notice.
- [19:54] Lkeas: why do you wish to serve the force that will eventually also cause your unexistence?
- [19:54] Diviara: What he may have been once has no bearing on what he is now
- [19:55] Marrin: A property of his power, I suppose. However, he still has emotions.
- [19:55] Diviara: If he were to allow other created beings to continue they might grow in power and stature too
- [19:55] Diviara: That cannot be allowed. None are worthy.
- [19:55] Diviara: Not I.
- [19:55] Diviara: Not any.
- [19:55] Lkeas: worthy of what, i wonder?
- [19:55] Marrin: Funny, thats not his motive..
- [19:55] Useless: Is that statement to suggest that he is jealous of the mere potential residing in others?
- [19:55] Diviara: To serve the master is glory
- [19:55] Lkeas: why does your master bid me greetings?
- [19:55] Diviara: To be wiped from all memory and existance the higest honor
- [19:55] Marrin: Partially, Useless. He wants someone's attention. Undivided..
- [19:56] Marrin: What DOES he feed his servants..
- [19:56] Lkeas: heh.
- [19:56] LordBarrius: I'm afraid I don't share your belief in that....I prefer existance.
- [19:56] Diviara: Creation is a disease
- [19:56] * Marrin props his feet up on the table grinning slightly
- [19:56] Diviara: a Corrupted cancer
- [19:57] Lkeas: a disease, is it? i've heard of mankind being a disease, but never the entirety of creation
- [19:57] Diviara: While I too am part of the cancer I will elevate myself as far as possible inorder that it might be cured
- [19:57] Leo: I agree with you partially, Diviara.
- [19:57] Diviara: And then It oo will be eliminated and absorbed into the master
- [19:57] Diviara: I will be one with him
- [19:57] Diviara: part OF him
- [19:57] Marrin: Creation may be corrupt, however, uncreation is the cancer. It should have NEVER been created, nor should it ever have been.
- [19:57] Diviara: And should he need me he will reCREATE me after his new authority
- [19:57] Lkeas: yes, uncreation is the imbalance
- [19:58] Diviara: in the unvierse to come
- [19:58] Lkeas: so that is his goal? to create a universe in his own image?
- [19:58] Marrin: Seems rather strange for a god of uncreation.
- [19:58] Damsel: Indeed it does
- [19:58] Diviara: I am aware of the apotasy that false prophet spreads
- [19:58] LordBarrius: Hehehe....that's as he told you, is it?
- [19:58] Useless: To recreate this one, more like.
- [19:58] Damsel: It makes me wonder if it's even possible.
- [19:58] Lkeas: which false prophet?
- [19:58] Diviara: Which is precisely why I split his face in half with an axe
- [19:58] Marrin: He wants creation for himself. He wants a certain someone's undivided attention.
- [19:58] Lkeas: oh, that one.
- [19:59] Diviara: and shall personally kill ANY others of his agents
- [19:59] Marrin: Out of pride?
- [19:59] Lkeas: are you an agent of the network, diviara?
- [19:59] Diviara: And when our attention turns to his world....
- [19:59] Diviara: I will personally see the GOD destroyed
- [19:59] Diviara: It will be my great pride and honor
- [19:59] Lkeas: ...
- [19:59] Diviara: And have no doubt
- [19:59] Diviara: it will happen
- [19:59] Marrin: Ah.. but he LOVES the god...
- [19:59] Marrin: Well, godess anyway.
- [19:59] LordBarrius: Heh....
- [19:59] Lkeas: not that god
- [19:59] Lkeas: he speaks of the god of evil
- [20:00] Useless: And yet there is always doubt in any plan.
- [20:00] Diviara: I am refering to that upstart Ardendor
- [20:00] Leo: I will partially feel satisfied after Falerin's death.
- [20:00] * ShotokuLegault wishes he could run a test to see what is in this... Thing's... Brain.
- [20:00] Diviara: Who dares meddle in worlds on which he holds no rights
- [20:00] Diviara: no less any power
- [20:00] Useless: For no plan, no matter how divine the origin, ever is perfect enough to account for every possible variable.
- [20:00] Marrin: Ardendor is hardly the major god of Caelestia. There are stronger gods than he on his relm.
- [20:00] Lkeas: how exactly do you intend to take on a deity, Diviara? you are hardly one yourself
- [20:00] Diviara: There are none stroger he is one of the four who HEAD his pantheon
- [20:00] *** Robertm has signed off IRC (Vanished:).
- [20:01] Marrin: Ah... but who created the pantheon.
- [20:01] Diviara: We are completely familiarized with his realms cosmology
- [20:01] Diviara: We already have agents there
- [20:01] Marrin: Apparently not.
- [20:01] Lkeas: "we?"
- [20:01] * Marrin smiles knowingly.
- [20:01] Marrin: There are many agents. And of course, those who are obsessed define themselves as part of a whole.
- [20:01] Diviara: You smile all you will for none can claim creation of it.. Only RECREATION within the knowledge of the people of another world
- [20:02] Diviara: And that one....
- [20:02] Diviara: William
- [20:02] Diviara: He will die too
- [20:02] Lkeas: agents is too vague
- [20:02] Diviara: I assure you of that
- [20:02] Marrin: Everyone dies eventually.
- [20:02] Lkeas: don't you TOUCH him
- [20:02] Marrin: Lkeas, do not be provoked.
- [20:02] Diviara: Oh but i will
- [20:02] * Lkeas sighs
- [20:02] Diviara: I will TOUCH him
- [20:02] ShotokuLegault: As in kill him? >_>
- [20:03] Marrin: As in infect him with the Cold.
- [20:03] Lkeas: i can't help it... he is being quite threatening..
- [20:03] Damsel: What exactly is your purpose here, Diviara? Attempts at intimidation?
- [20:03] Diviara: I came merely to speak and observe
- [20:03] * Marrin reaches over picking up a mug
- [20:03] Diviara: I am gratified that my fame proceeded me
- [20:03] Marrin: And what did you wish to speak of? We all know of your master's attentions.
- [20:03] Useless: You've done much more of the former than the latter, mi'dear.
- [20:03] Damsel: There are tales in which you play a role that have come to our ears.
- [20:03] Diviara: Do you
- [20:03] Diviara: Know all of them
- [20:04] Lkeas: all the tales?
- [20:04] Diviara: Yes and my presence here will undoubtedly disapoint
- [20:04] Marrin: One can not completely know all of another beings focus without being that person.
- [20:04] Damsel: Well perhaps you should enlighten us
- [20:04] Diviara: Because of what it means about how that Liars mumblings resolves
- [20:04] Damsel: If you are so deep into his confidence
- [20:05] Lkeas: yes, it is rather concerning how you managed to find your way here
- [20:05] Diviara: Clearly I survived
- [20:05] Diviara: And not only survived followed the dots
- [20:05] Useless: Well put, Marrin.
- [20:05] Lkeas: what did you do to Giliara?
- [20:05] Diviara: Also he who would have killed me has been... dealt with.... so has the Traitor
- [20:05] Diviara: Mostly though
- [20:06] * Damsel growls in disapproval.
- [20:06] Lkeas: how do you expect us to believe you?
- [20:06] Diviara: I came to let the Prophet know we knew of her....
- [20:06] Diviara: and that we knew what she was doing
- [20:06] * LordBarrius chuckles slightly.
- [20:06] Diviara: and that we are watching....
- [20:06] Diviara: very very very closely....
- [20:06] Lkeas: i was unaware that my task would have any effect on the current course of events...
- [20:06] *** Diviara has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).
- [20:06] * Lkeas curses
- [20:06] Leo: Lkeas...
- [20:06] Marrin: Relax, Lkeas.
- [20:06] Lex: xD
- [20:06] Marrin: He is provoking you.
- [20:07] Marrin: Natrually your efforts have altered how we view lore, and without them, we would be less prepraed.
- [20:07] Lkeas: what did he mean? are the signs from the Seeker... do they mean what he implied?
- [20:07] Useless: Every action influences the course of the whole, particularly of the main "players" of the "game", to borrow a phrase
- [20:08] Marrin: Which signs of the seeker?
- [20:08] Lkeas: Falerin mentioned them earlier
- [20:08] Lkeas: the title change, the myspace change...
- [20:08] * Damsel stands ready to protect Lkeas should any attack be launched.
- [20:08] Lkeas: has Galrick been pulled into The'Galin's service completely now?
- [20:09] Marrin: Right. They do, to my best guess, mean quite a bit. I am almost positive that at least NOVA knows of his location.
- [20:09] Damsel: Let us hope not.
- [20:09] LordBarrius: You're not alone in that sentiment, Damsel.
- [20:09] Lkeas: and yes, what of NOVA's dealing with the "problem?"
- [20:09] Lkeas: please... i don't want to put any of you at risk...
- [20:09] Marrin: Which problem, I'm afraid my contact within Nova hasnt returned recently.
- [20:09] Lkeas: the memo from Hadin's laptop
- [20:09] Damsel: Bah. We all took a risk when we decided to try and find the truth
- [20:10] Lkeas: was titled "the problem of galrick"
- [20:10] * Leo turns to Lkeas and whispers to her.
- [20:10] Useless: You may well find the ghost of the Tinkerer sending aid as well, were an attack to be levied
- [20:10] Damsel: I don't think any of us would have come this far if we were too frightened of a little "tussle"
- [20:10] LordBarrius: Lkeas, risk doesn't matter to me.
- [20:10] * Marrin sighs, standing up, newly clothed in what looks like leather and cloth, with silver around it, a double hourglass crest pin attached to his belt
- [20:10] Lkeas: man, i wish i could change clothes that fast XD
- [20:10] * Marrin shimmers, and wings erupt from his back
- [20:10] Marrin: It's merely illusion. I have often said I am not what I seem.
- [20:11] LordBarrius: They can watch you all they like....
- [20:11] Marrin: Just as I rarely let on all I suppose. Some is correct, some is incorrect. What I share is inconsequential..
- [20:11] Marrin: In any case, the important thing is, we all have taken risks.
- [20:11] LordBarrius: But they won't lay a hand on you while I draw breath.
- [20:11] Lkeas: all the same, even an illusion is quite impressive :)
- [20:11] Marrin: I speak for our majority when we say we are prepared to accept the consequences.
- [20:12] * Damsel nods agreement.
- [20:12] Lkeas: thanks everyone...
- [20:12] Lkeas: i want you to treat me as you treat each other, i despise this silly title
- [20:12] Marrin: Delvinians do not fear death or undeath.
- [20:12] Damsel: lol. of course
- [20:12] Useless: Even the dead shall rise again, when the time draws nigh
- [20:12] Lkeas: as we have all played major parts in this story
- [20:12] Marrin: Lkeas, you have done more for us than any other. Even the god. of evil.
- [20:13] Marrin: Your chronicling and progress surpasses any of ours.
- [20:13] *** TruthSeeker has joined #755.
- [20:13] Lkeas: the encyclopedia wouldn't be half of what it is without your help and watchfulness
- [20:13] LordBarrius: Heh....why not.
- [20:13] Leo: Hail Truth Seeker!
- [20:13] Lkeas: greetings, Seeker
- [20:13] * Damsel dips her head. "Evening Seeker."
- [20:13] Useless: Good eve, Seeker of the Truth
- [20:13] TruthSeeker: Where is the Traveller
- [20:13] TruthSeeker: I seek him
- [20:13] Lkeas: he's not with you?
- [20:14] * Damsel bites her lower lip pensively.
- [20:14] Marrin: Which Traveller, the one on Terra?
- [20:14] TruthSeeker: Negative
- [20:14] Lkeas: the last we saw of him he was walking off with you down the streets of some Manhattan
- [20:14] Leo: I believe he is where he deserves to be.
- [20:14] TruthSeeker: I am told his greater essence is here
- [20:14] TruthSeeker: I seek him
- [20:14] TruthSeeker: Where is he
- [20:14] Lkeas: you seek the deity?
- [20:14] Marrin: His greater essence... you seek Falerin.
- [20:14] Lkeas: if he does not speak to you... there must be a reason
- [20:14] LordBarrius: Mmm....
- [20:14] TruthSeeker: The LoreMaster of Isle De Oriens
- [20:14] TruthSeeker: I seek him
- [20:14] Marrin: Why? What has changed?
- [20:14] Lkeas: as you are closest to him of all of us
- [20:14] TruthSeeker: Where is he
- [20:14] Lkeas: what reason would he have for hiding from you?
- [20:15] LordBarrius: Not, erm, present at the moment.
- [20:15] TruthSeeker: He has abandoned all of us.... particularly me
- [20:15] Marrin: Possibly on the isle? What is troubling you?
- [20:15] Damsel: I have never known one who could demand his presence and have him appear. His agenda is his own
- [20:15] Useless: We know not, Truth Seeker, and you have better means than we for locating his presence regardless.
- [20:15] * Lkeas agrees with Damsel
- [20:15] *** Lex is now known as Lex|Away.
- [20:15] * Lex|Away is now away - Reason : Dinner
- [20:15] Lkeas: maybe we could help you? what seems to be troubling you?
- [20:16] TruthSeeker: You cannot help me...
- [20:16] Leo: Nor do I wish to.
- [20:16] Marrin: We may not be able to help you, but we can try.
- [20:16] * Damsel glares at Leo.
- [20:16] TruthSeeker: One of your number has been an agent of the Master from the begining of this
- [20:16] LordBarrius: You'd never know unless you explained the situation....
- [20:16] * Damsel glances around her.
- [20:16] Marrin: Why am I NOT surprised?
- [20:16] Lkeas: we are not on a witch hunt, Seeker. our goal is unification, not division
- [20:16] TruthSeeker: Tell the Traveller that it is DONE... OVER... FINISHED
- [20:17] LordBarrius: Bah. Of all people, you should know what division does for us,
- [20:17] Useless: Neither am I, Marrin.
- [20:17] LordBarrius: Nothing.
- [20:17] *** TruthSeeker has signed off IRC (Interred: Failure).