Scene in the Window
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Current revision as of 07:36, 21 August 2008
- [18:05] <>Ambiance<> A window appears from nowhere
- [18:05] * Sel-dinner is now known as Selarep
- [18:05] <>Ambiance<> The Cutscene plays within
- [18:05] <Oblivion_Necroninja> ...Fulcan's in danger and all you care about is your itch? We should be trying to find a way to keep Nhox from killing fulcan!
- [18:05] <Selarep> Hmm?
- [18:05] <NhoxTheDivided> ( I'd pay attention to Falerin, actually. )
- [18:05] <Oblivion_Necroninja> ((The Cutscene?))
- [18:06] * Selarep glances at the Revelations cutscene.
- [18:06] * Oblivion_Necroninja suddenly turns his gaze to the window
- [18:06] * Damsel frowns in consideration as she watches.
- [18:06] <Oblivion_Necroninja> ((Oh, the one with the avatars...))
- [18:06] * Zeltan looks at the windows. "What in the ninth bells..."
- [18:06] <>Ambiance<> The scene loops repeatedly like a loop cassette
- [18:07] <Oblivion_Necroninja> Pff. It's broken. Looks like the house is losing it.
- [18:07] <Abode> I am not the origin of that
- [18:07] * Joins: LordBarrius (
- [18:07] * Abode sets mode: +ao LordBarrius LordBarrius
- [18:07] <Abode> It originates with the God
- [18:07] <Oblivion_Necroninja> Oops. Hello Falerin.
- [18:08] <Durroth> he doesnt seem to be here
- [18:08] * Selarep laughs at Galrick.
- [18:08] <Damsel> "Hmmm... How... curious."
- [18:08] * Durroth bursts out laughing at galrick
- [18:09] <Oblivion_Necroninja> ((What's so funny about Galrick...))
- [18:09] <Abode> Does galrick generally engage in lower brain thinking like that?
- [18:09] * Falerin is now known as Arden
- [18:09] <Rimblade> "No, I think that particular function is reserved for boring and worthless corporate meetings."
- [18:09] * Arden descends the stairs
- [18:10] <Rimblade> "Not, of course, that I would know. 's just what I've heard."
- [18:11] <Selarep> Ah. It's perfectly natural for him to feel that way.
- [18:11] * Zeltan chuckles slightly at Galrick.
- [18:12] <Oblivion_Necroninja> ((I haven't seen this cuscene... where is it?))
- [18:12] <Damsel> "So... two annunaki may share a single host. That is quite curious in fact, though not entirely unsurprising."
- [18:12] <Zeltan> ((Deren))
- [18:12] <Zeltan> Indeed, Damsel.
- [18:12] <Arden> "If your theories about the annunaki hope have any basis in fact"
- [18:12] <Zeltan> But I'm curious, what will happen to the soul of the host.
- [18:13] <Arden> "It is highly unsurpising"
- [18:13] <Arden> "It should have been readily apparent in fact"
- [18:13] * Damsel nods. "Yes, that is my assessment as well."
- [18:13] <Oblivion_Necroninja> ((OOOOH, the "a new power for the devourer" one...))
- [18:14] <Arden> ((Er no... haven't you seen that already?))
- [18:14] <Damsel> "Which would mean if Hope is being included in those statements, it would be rather clear in reguards to which annunaki Falerin means when he speaks of two splitting. Hope and Truth. But..."
- [18:14] <Arden> ((If not play it and then play the new one that replaces it))
- [18:14] <Arden> ((If so clear your cache))
- [18:14] <Arden> ((As it has been replaced))
- [18:14] * Damsel bites her lower lip contemplatively. "If the Annunaki bind with the soul, and two Annunaki share the same host, then..."
- [18:14] <Oblivion_Necroninja> ((ah.))
- [18:14] <Damsel> "How does that resolve?"
- [18:15] <Arden> "Then the annunaki would be fused into one"
- [18:15] <Zeltan> Fusion of annunaki?
- [18:15] <Arden> "Or else one or the other must voluntary relinquish control of the soul"
- [18:15] <Arden> "Well that is how it would appear to me"
- [18:15] <Arden> "
- [18:15] <Arden> "Admitedly my knowledge of Lorian issues is nil"
- [18:15] <Damsel> "My word. Then..."
- [18:16] <Arden> Such dual fusion might have something to do with how annunaki reproduce themselves
- [18:16] <Arden> I mean they have to have a way
- [18:16] <Rimblade> "So, annunaki are actually.... megazords."
- [18:16] <Arden> Since reproducing their host just passes them along
- [18:16] <Zeltan> Mega...zords?
- [18:16] <Damsel> "You have a very strong point there."
- [18:16] <Genoclysm> Then it seems to me that Anna having a bit of both isn't so impossible.
- [18:17] <Arden> Hmm'
- [18:17] <Arden> I would not know
- [18:17] * Arden watches the replaying cutscene and frowns at one point
- [18:17] <Arden> "How odd"
- [18:17] <Dale> "Hm..."
- [18:17] <Arden> "Very peculiar"
- [18:17] <Zeltan> Pardon me?
- [18:18] <Dale> "Falerin went to do some research with annunaki, hence why he had to sever his ties with his avatar or somesuch, and thus why Arden collapsed... Now he says he was going to help Myr, then Diviara talks about two annunaki inhabiting one body. I may be off, and probably are, but just thought this was worth mentioning.
- [18:18] <Arden> This dialog has many interesting peices
- [18:18] <Arden> not just one
- [18:18] * Dale goes back to silence.
- [18:18] <Oblivion_Necroninja> Odd... I wonder...
- [18:18] <Arden> Falerin Collapsed here because he tried to takeover a host of an annunaki
- [18:18] <Arden> Thus causing my collapse
- [18:18] * Damsel nods her head.
- [18:19] <Arden> That dialog reveals what annunaki he used is all
- [18:19] <Arden> Though it is somewhat strange
- [18:19] <Arden> hmm
- [18:19] <Arden> peculiar
- [18:19] <Arden> Oh well
- [18:19] * Arden goes out the rear gate
- [18:19] * Damsel frowns and listens to the loop once more, trying to pick up on what Arden had.
- [18:20] <Oblivion_Necroninja> One thing I should point out... Annunaki and Avatars are different, right? the Avatars are a spefic group of annukani. Thus, just because somebody has two annunaki inhabiting their soul wouldn't necessarly they have two Avatars... right?
- [18:20] <Genoclysm> I wonder what happened to Myr's annunaki, and how the attempt injured Falerin.
- [18:20] <Zeltan> Not exactly.
- [18:20] <Oblivion_Necroninja> Myr?
- [18:20] <Zeltan> Myr of Stonedeep.
- [18:20] <Genoclysm> The Avatars are annunaki.
- [18:20] <Damsel> "Ah yes of course."
- [18:21] <Genoclysm> So I'd say it should be possible for two Avatars in one body.
- [18:21] <Zeltan> ((opps, misintepreted >.>;))
- [18:21] <Oblivion_Necroninja> Myr of Stonedeep... Nope, still not ringing any bells...
- [18:21] <Genoclysm> The statement "Lies is the essence of Truth", and Anna's purple hair certainly has me wondering.
- [18:22] <Zeltan> The histories have records of this man, go look for them.
- [18:22] <Genoclysm> Myr is the one who they first believe would be the Manifestation.
- [18:22] <Selarep> ...What would her hair color have to do with this?
- [18:22] <Oblivion_Necroninja> But does Anna matter to us? She's not an avatar in OUR timeline, so why bother with her?
- [18:22] <Zeltan> Hair colour...
- [18:22] <Genoclysm> Family, genetics, Selarep.
- [18:22] <Selarep> Ah.
- [18:22] <Dale> "So then.. Doesn't that mean that the vessel for the mantel is already inhabited by an annunaki?"
- [18:23] <Genoclysm> What does the mantle have to do with annunaki?
- [18:23] <Oblivion_Necroninja> What? "the mantel" is just the title, and robe, of "mysterious Necromancer".
- [18:23] <Dale> ((ER, typo))
- [18:23] * LordBarrius relaxes into a seat to review the looping cutscene himself.
- [18:23] <Dale> ((manifestation*, was thinking of something else. ))
- [18:24] <Genoclysm> It means that someone inhabited by an annunaki is safe from being the manifestation.
- [18:24] <Oblivion_Necroninja> So... this Myr has an annunaki? Is it one of the Avatars, or just a random Annunaki
- [18:25] <Zeltan> The latter I believe.
- [18:25] <Oblivion_Necroninja> Well, the odds would indicate that, even if we have no evidence...
- [18:25] * Selarep is now known as Selarep-icecream
- [18:26] <Damsel> "Which means that any individual with an annunaki is safe from being the manefestation. But if that's so... Hmmm... I only wish we were more clear on the nature of Hope."
- [18:26] * Oblivion_Necroninja 's robe starts beeping. As interesting as this is, and beleive me it IS interesting, I have revenge to attend to...\\
- [18:27] * Oblivion_Necroninja vanishes in a puff of black smoke
- [18:30] * Zeltan places his scroll on the table before producing a fresh one, coloured dull purple, and begin to record the window's scene.
- [15:34] Zeltan: I'm still intriged by the fusion of annunaki.
- [15:34] Zeltan: As Arden has mentioned.
- [15:35] * Lkeas pads downstairs, yawning. "Fusion?"
- [15:35] * Zeltan nods.
- [15:36] Lkeas: What did he say about it?
- [15:37] Zeltan: Should there be an event two annunaki are present in one single host, they will either fuse OR one must voluntary relinquish control of the soul.
- [15:38] * Lkeas frowns. "I wonder if he anticipates such a situation occurring.."
- [15:38] Genoclysm: You know... Myr was supposed to be a Manifestation, but instead he got an annunaki...
- [15:38] Rimblade: "Sometimes they are forced into a wrestling match."
- [15:38] Genoclysm: You think it wasn't The`Galin that gave him it?
- [15:38] Lkeas: I think the annunaki was part of his initiation and preparation.
- [15:38] * Zeltan gestures to the window replaying that cutscene like a broken record.
- [15:39] Lkeas: The anunnaki was meant to help establish control of the host.
- [15:39] Genoclysm: Then why was everyone convinced he was the Manifestation?
- [15:39] Genoclysm: What caused the confusion?
- [15:39] * DoctorLouisZephyr appears
- [15:39] NhoxTheDivided: ( Ojo! Hayt you! )
- [15:39] * Lkeas blinks in surprise. "Zephyr?"
- [15:39] DoctorLouisZephyr: Thats rather easy
- [15:40] Zeltan: What?
- [15:40] DoctorLouisZephyr: The network was unaware what The'Galin's order that Myr recieve an annunaki would do
- [15:40] * Zeltan looks at Zephyr curiously.
- [15:40] DrLouisZephyr: The'Galin on the other hand was quite aware of it
- [15:40] Lkeas: What exactly.. .did it do?
- [15:41] Zeltan: So The'galin know what Myr having an annunaki will do.
- [15:41] DrLouisZephyr: I think thats clear Lkeas
- [15:41] DrLouisZephyr: It rendered it quite impossible for Myr to be used for the manifestation
- [15:41] DrLouisZephyr: and it enhanced Myr's resistance of the Network
- [15:41] Lkeas: Then... the manifestation will not be one of the Avatar?
- [15:41] DrLouisZephyr: Myr was acting as The'Galin's communicant at that time
- [15:42] DrLouisZephyr: Do you honestly believe that The'Galin could not see Myr's thoughts
- [15:42] Genoclysm: I suppose it helped prevent Myr from being corrupted.
- [15:42] Lkeas: Considering his agents could see all of ours... no.
- [15:42] DrLouisZephyr: Any more then Darin of Vandar could hide his from the Water Lord.... The'Galin surpasses the waterlord by a mile
- [15:42] DrLouisZephyr: Myr never betrayed The'Galin
- [15:43] DrLouisZephyr: Myr did exactly what The'Galin wanted of him...
- [15:43] Rimblade: "That could explain why Myr was able to defy The'Galin!"
- [15:43] Rimblade: "Because he actually wasn't!"
- [15:43] DrLouisZephyr: it was a neccesary step toward many things not the least the effort with Diviara
- [15:43] Zeltan: Never betrayed...
- [15:43] * Zephyr turns and vanishes
- [15:43] * Damsel smiles faintly. "How... curious."
- [15:44] Rimblade: "Mmmm."
- [15:44] * Lkeas shakes her head. "Such difficult tests he makes... Myr had to turn against the ones he loved.."
- [15:44] Rimblade: "What, d'you suppose, are the chances that The'Galin is actually fighting himself..."
- [15:44] Rimblade: "In order to garner media attention?"
- [15:44] Lkeas: All so that he did not betray his thoughts to the other agents. But The'Galin knew the whole time.
- [15:45] Abode: why would The'Galin actively aid myr in fighting his own agency... when he could have been a conduit for him
- [15:45] Abode: Doesn't The'Galin like unwilling conduits or something
- [15:46] Rimblade: "That's an absurd thought, Abode. It's like you're saying that The'Galin might not be a domineering evil force of, and I quote, 'PWNAGE DOOOoOM!!!1!'."
- [15:46] Genoclysm: Ooh, that should have been realized sooner.
- [15:46] Damsel: "It would appear that The'Galin and the Network are not quite so closely related when it comes to goals and methods. That's definately worth noting."
- [15:46] Genoclysm: He won't manifest in an unwilling host.
- [15:46] Damsel: "But yes, it is not terribly surprising, either."
- [15:47] Lkeas: Why does The'Galin use the Network, then?
- [15:47] Zeltan: To gather the corrupted?
- [15:47] Rimblade: "Internet monopoly syndrome?"