Fulcan and Orions Bane - Part 2
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Current revision as of 02:33, 21 August 2008
- [00:47] <>Ambiance<> The windows turn black as night
- [00:47] <>Ambiance<> The doors vanish
- [00:47] * TaloToecan shifts lightly, remaining mostly semi-concious, but breathing out in a whisper. "Memory does not forget."
- [00:47] <Durroth> what the hell?
- [00:47] <Lyoko> "Fulcan!"
- [00:47] <Deathbringer> Oh boy...
- [00:47] <Nick> This thing has a defense system!?
- [00:47] <Selarep> Fulcan...
- [00:47] * Clyde looks at Fulcan, "I would take the Uncreation for Fulcan...."
- [00:47] <>Ambiance<> There is a sense of floating and the abode feels like it is movement
- [00:47] * Fulcan chuckles, "No you wouldn't."
- [00:47] <Deathbringer> Fulcan... am I released from duty?
- [00:47] <Arden> Decon 3
- [00:47] <Nick> I can think of a thousand different times when this was probably needed...
- [00:47] <Fulcan> "You won't ever have been in duty."
- [00:48] <>Ambiance<> The walls begin glowing runes appearing on their surface and fading into transparency
- [00:48] <Lyoko> "Good bye, friend."
- [00:48] <Arden> Defcon 2
- [00:48] <Selarep> Goodbye, Fulcan...
- [00:48] <Deathbringer> But I'm Left!
- [00:48] <Clyde> "Fulcan, why wont you let me do this for you?"
- [00:48] <Fulcan> "And Alastor will be the first."
- [00:48] <Lyoko> "I'll miss you."
- [00:48] <Deathbringer> Ah.
- [00:48] <Selarep> Is it possible that you might return?
- [00:48] <ApexFog> Bye
- [00:48] <Arden> The abode vanishes entirely and you are in a vast exspanse of stars
- [00:48] <Fulcan> "Because, Clyde, you're just doing it to be a hero."
- [00:48] * Paladin_Of_Souls frowns lightly. "Goodbyes and goodbyes? Does no one actually listen?"
- [00:48] <Deathbringer> Well... see you First.
- [00:48] <Durroth> what?
- [00:48] <Durroth> where are we?
- [00:48] <Selarep> What the?!
- [00:49] <ApexFog> Well...I decided to get on the bandwagon
- [00:49] * Lyoko looks around.
- [00:49] <Deathbringer> Cool
- [00:49] * Selarep glances around while floating.
- [00:49] <Arden> Defcon 1
- [00:49] * Nick shakes a bit more.
- [00:49] <>Ambiance<> The stars wink out and you float in a vast nothingness
- [00:49] <Durroth> okay, this is kinda... weird
- [00:49] <Deathbringer> The Void?
- [00:49] <Arden> The abode is seemingly gone replaced by an endless expanse of empty nothing
- [00:49] <Selarep> Where are we?
- [00:49] <Arden> Complete void
- [00:49] <Clyde> "We might have had our differences Fulcan, but you were my greatest friend and ally."
- [00:50] <Arden> More so the even the Void of Lore
- [00:50] <Fulcan> "..."
- [00:50] <Lyoko> "There's nothing..."
- [00:50] <Arden> or the Vast expanses of Stellar Space
- [00:50] <Fulcan> "I don't like you, Clyde."
- [00:50] <Lyoko> ( XD )
- [00:50] <Durroth> how are we breathing then?
- [00:50] <Fulcan> "I did not consider you a friend."
- [00:50] <ApexFog> Well...are we?
- [00:50] * Deathbringer chuckles, "I'm a VoidWalker."
- [00:50] <Fulcan> "I simply considered you a colleague."
- [00:50] <Lyoko> "And I, Fulcan?"
- [00:50] * Paladin_Of_Souls floats and yawns into the void. "Must we devolve into petty insults at a time like this?"
- [00:50] <Clyde> "Please Fulcan, why me?"
- [00:50] * Nick doesn't say anything, but merely looks around.
- [00:50] <Fulcan> "'Cause you're a dick."
- [00:51] <ApexFog> Well...if it is within their nature Paladin...why not?
- [00:51] <Clyde> "Please I merely stuck up for the people who didnt feel like taking your crap!"
- [00:51] <Deathbringer> But... looks like I'm in a different Void...
- [00:51] * LordBarrius rolls his eyes at the comments between the others and focuses upon the void itself. "Interesting...."
- [00:52] <Fulcan> "Huh."
- [00:52] <Fulcan> "I should write that down for when I actually DO get uncreated."
- [00:52] <Durroth> I dont like this place... its empty... lonely
- [00:52] <Selarep> It feels as if we were all uncreated...
- [00:52] <ApexFog> How would you know how it feels?
- [00:52] <Fulcan> "HA! Selarep, you don't remember being uncreated."
- [00:52] <Selarep> Fulcan, do you remember how it felt to be uncreated?
- [00:52] <Fulcan> "No."
- [00:52] <Fulcan> "That is impossible."
- [00:53] <Selarep> I'm just guessing this would be how it feels, if it did have a feeling...
- [00:53] <Clyde> "Is this some test or are we in trouble?"
- [00:53] <CrimsonRaven> This is ruddy weird
- [00:53] * Fulcan sighs, "This place does seem familiar, though."
- [00:53] <Selarep> Now what?
- [00:53] * Lyoko watches... and waits.
- [00:54] * ApexFog sighs taking in his surroudings
- [00:54] * Paladin_Of_Souls gently corrals Talo's floating form and pets it idly.
- [00:54] <Arden> We are nowhere and nowhen
- [00:54] <Arden> I have taken us out of existence
- [00:54] <Arden> We are in the timeless nothing
- [00:54] <Deathbringer> Whoa
- [00:54] <ApexFog> Ok
- [00:54] <Clyde> Why?
- [00:54] <Arden> Because I can
- [00:54] <CrimsonRaven> That...doesnt sound so good.
- [00:54] * Deathbringer chuckles.
- [00:54] <Fulcan> "Because he's not through with me."
- [00:54] <ApexFog> Well...what is so bad about it?
- [00:54] <Lyoko> "So we are uncreated, then, at least, in a basic sense."
- [00:55] * Nick shakes a bit more and tries to look around, but his eyes can't focus on anything...
- [00:55] * Arden looks at Fulcan
- [00:55] <Durroth> ((So it IS a place!))
- [00:55] <Nick> ((HA!))
- [00:55] <Arden> No it is not a place
- [00:55] <Clyde> ((i have to go))
- [00:55] <Arden> It is everyplace
- [00:55] <Durroth> ((we didnt say it and Durroth didnt think it))
- [00:55] <Arden> there is a quite distinct difference Mr. Holmstolk
- [00:55] <Arden> er Stock
- [00:55] <Arden> Or whatever you go by
- [00:55] * Quits: Clyde (tonyh0428@Caelestia-BAC4499B.hsd1.nj.comcast.net ) (Vanished: )
- [00:55] * Arden looks at Durroth as he says this
- [00:55] <Arden> but it is distant
- [00:56] <Durroth> What? who?
- [00:56] <Arden> There are no walls here
- [00:56] <Arden> least of all the fourth wall
- [00:56] <Fulcan> "So Arden, what's to stop Twain from uncreating me when we get out?"
- [00:56] <Arden> I shall tell you where we are right now
- [00:56] <Deathbringer> What is the fourth wall?
- [00:56] <Lyoko> "..."
- [00:56] <Arden> We are within the mind
- [00:56] <Dale> There is no fourth wall here :D
- [00:57] <Arden> We are blips on the screen
- [00:57] <Fulcan> I love taht instance.
- [00:57] <Arden> Travelling at the speed of light
- [00:57] <Fulcan> I am a blip.
- [00:57] <Arden> over a large fiberoptic cable
- [00:57] <BusyFerret> And the mind is such a grand place to be, is it not?"
- [00:57] <Fulcan> That's so damned cool.
- [00:57] <Arden> We are registered by eyes and minds...
- [00:57] <Lyoko> Hmm.
- [00:57] <Deathbringer> Aye
- [00:57] <Arden> Even as other minds higher up register those
- [00:57] <Arden> and it is that endlessly
- [00:57] <Arden> mind
- [00:57] <Arden> We are not in a place
- [00:57] * Quits: bule (bule@Caelestia-60344F4E.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net ) (Distracted: AQStats Web Client )
- [00:57] <Arden> we are in a concept
- [00:58] <Arden> There is no space here
- [00:58] <Lyoko> Even real people can jsut be a story.
- [00:58] <Grett> And what is it you are trying to do by us being in this way?
- [00:58] <Nick> So why are we...er..Here?
- [00:58] <Arden> You only percieve it because your mind depends on spatial dimmensions
- [00:58] <Arden> It is how you order things
- [00:58] <Arden> If you could let go of that you would percieve true nothingness
- [00:58] <Arden> not even space
- [00:58] <Arden> But that is beyond your capacity
- [00:58] <Deathbringer> Thats some complex stuff man...
- [00:59] <Paladin_Of_Souls> "Oh for that to be easily obtained."
- [00:59] <Durroth> okay, okay. I concede the point.
- [00:59] <Fulcan> So now what?
- [00:59] * Arden looks at Fulcan
- [00:59] <Durroth> ((wow... that was some lag))
- [00:59] <Arden> Thats what you think
- [00:59] <Arden> I have some buisness with you
- [00:59] <Durroth> ((or lots of people just talked in one second))
- [00:59] <Lyoko> We wait?
- [00:59] <Arden> Thats what is for you is it
- [00:59] <Fulcan> Huh. What kind of business?
- [00:59] <Arden> Who is out to get who
- [00:59] <Arden> You lived your entire life that way
- [01:00] * Lyoko tries float sit.
- [01:00] <Lyoko> *to
- [01:00] <Arden> It is little wonder you resort to such now
- [01:00] * ApexFog thinks
- [01:00] <Fulcan> I could've proceeded to put the poison in the milk, Arden.
- [01:00] <Fulcan> But I did not.
- [01:00] <Arden> I am not done with you, you said
- [01:00] <Fulcan> Why is that?
- [01:00] <Arden> Regret fulcan is not the same as courage
- [01:00] <Arden> Coming to your senses is not the same as actually having character
- [01:00] <Fulcan> I don't regret anything.
- [01:01] <Arden> If you had that
- [01:01] <Arden> you would have alerted us to Ryuusei immediately
- [01:01] <Arden> adn you would not have even entered my lab
- [01:01] <Arden> Please do not play me a fiddle
- [01:01] <Arden> I dislike the music
- [01:01] <Fulcan> Alright, you have me there.
- [01:01] <Lyoko> Heh.
- [01:01] <Rimblade> ((/me packs his violin away >.>))
- [01:02] <Arden> You regret nothing
- [01:02] <Fulcan> No.
- [01:02] <Arden> What about remorse
- [01:02] <Arden> Do you have any of that
- [01:02] <Fulcan> Just a bit.
- [01:02] <Arden> But not much right
- [01:02] <Fulcan> No.
- [01:02] <Arden> You enjoy being evil so much so that you are terrible at it
- [01:02] <Arden> Because you cannot even fake being good
- [01:03] * Deathbringer chuckles.
- [01:03] <Arden> You are not a person Fulcan
- [01:03] * LordBarrius grins faintly at this.
- [01:03] <Arden> You are your Dhe Ehmn's idea of a Caricature
- [01:03] * Nick looks at Deathbringer but says nothing.
- [01:03] * Lyoko simply continues to watch and wait.
- [01:03] <Fulcan> What the hell is Dhe Ehmn?
- [01:03] <Arden> Likely some teen full of angst that thinks playing a dark character is cool
- [01:03] * Paladin_Of_Souls laughs softly at the invoked mental image of the Caricature.
- [01:04] <Arden> Well its not cool
- [01:04] * Lyoko chuckles at that.
- [01:04] <Arden> Not if you are stupid cardboard cutout
- [01:04] <Arden> You are not a seeker Fulcan
- [01:04] <Arden> You never have been
- [01:04] <Arden> You are not part of this group and you have never really wanted to be
- [01:04] <Arden> You are leech
- [01:05] <Fulcan> Yeah, I guess.
- [01:05] <Arden> I would much sooner dine with Oblivion and his comrades
- [01:05] <Arden> then spend a second in your company
- [01:05] <Arden> You are insipid
- [01:05] <Arden> You are the very reason The'Galin uncreates if I understand his journal correctly
- [01:05] <Fulcan> Give me a sec to look that up.
- [01:06] * Quits: Durroth (durroth@Caelestia-68BCADF6.cncdnh.east.verizon.net ) (Ping timeout )
- [01:06] <Lyoko> Wait...
- [01:06] <Arden> It is therefore little wonder that you were inducted into the network
- [01:06] <Paladin_Of_Souls> "Him and others like him, yes."
- [01:06] <Lyoko> If there is no fourth wall, even you don't understand it and you wrote it?
- [01:06] <Lyoko> That's.. strange.
- [01:06] <Lyoko> ( >_> )
- [01:06] <Arden> Of course you do not even have the stength to stand by your choices
- [01:06] <Fulcan> I'll agree.
- [01:07] <Arden> The flight of whatever wind takes you is ever after what you follow
- [01:07] <Arden> Do you ever intend to change?
- [01:07] <Arden> Do you honestly possess any desire too?
- [01:07] <Fulcan> I don't know.
- [01:07] <Grett> To be truthful, such analysi pique my curiosity...
- [01:07] <Arden> Thats not an answer fulcan
- [01:07] <Fulcan> I'll be honest with you.
- [01:07] <Mind_Behind_Ronin> "If I may...characters do tend to take a life of their own, in a fashion, within their creator's subconcious. Ergo, one might not always understand everything about them, but it is far from a bad thing in that instance Lyoko."
- [01:07] <Fulcan> All I wanted here was attention here.
- [01:08] <Fulcan> And to be part of something important.
- [01:08] <Arden> That is what you desire
- [01:08] <Arden> Attention
- [01:08] <Fulcan> Yes.
- [01:08] <Arden> This is all about getting attention
- [01:08] <Arden> You are an attention starved child
- [01:08] <Fulcan> No.
- [01:08] <Arden> and apparently have conduct disorder too
- [01:08] * Lyoko does not respond to Ronin mind guy, instead pondering his words.
- [01:08] <Arden> Because you prefer the negative variety to friendship
- [01:08] * Arden gestures
- [01:09] <Lyoko> Yes, even when I tried to be a friend.
- [01:09] <Arden> any number of us here would have died to defend you
- [01:09] <Arden> Even as you pushed us away we would have
- [01:09] <Arden> Clyde offered to even
- [01:09] <Arden> and your response to him was to attack him
- [01:09] <Fulcan> But why would he?
- [01:09] <Fulcan> All we did was argue and fight.
- [01:09] * Arden shakes his head slowly
- [01:09] <Lyoko> He cares, Fulcan.
- [01:09] <Fulcan> For what reason does he have to defend me?
- [01:09] <Arden> Reason?
- [01:10] <Lyoko> We all do.
- [01:10] <Arden> This is not about reason
- [01:10] * Nick sighs
- [01:10] * Joins: Durroth (durroth@Caelestia-68BCADF6.cncdnh.east.verizon.net)
- [01:10] * Abode sets mode: +v Durroth
- [01:10] <Arden> It is about care and it is about some sort of loyalty
- [01:10] <Arden> Even the Lords of the Abyss value Loyalty
- [01:10] <Arden> As rare as it is for them to get it
- [01:10] <Fulcan> Indeed.
- [01:10] * Selarep is stricken by the truth of Arden's words.
- [01:11] * Deathbringer nods.
- [01:11] <Arden> You do not even make a very good Chaotic Evil
- [01:11] <Arden> You cannot pull off ploting and machination
- [01:11] <Arden> You really are just a juvenile who thinks its cool to be the bad boy
- [01:11] <Arden> Well if it has not escaped your attention we have plenty
- [01:11] <Arden> We do not need any more thanks
- [01:11] * Joins: FrogPlushie (ManiacFrog@Caelestia-3DF57FA8.bois.qwest.net)
- [01:11] * Abode sets mode: +v FrogPlushie
- [01:11] <Arden> Your audtion tape has carefully been reviewed
- [01:11] <Arden> Do not call us
- [01:11] <Arden> We will call you
- [01:12] <Fulcan> Alright.
- [01:12] <Arden> I am asking you again fulcan and if you lie to you I swear to you it will be the last time you lie to anyone
- [01:12] <Arden> Do you intend to change? Do you even want to?
- [01:13] <Fulcan> I want to, yes. But I also want to do what I enjoy.
- [01:13] <Fulcan> If I could be Chaotic Evil and still be nice, somehow, I'd do it.
- [01:13] <Arden> And what you enjoy is hurting those who would care for you
- [01:13] <Arden> I see
- [01:14] <Arden> Well we need no Chaotic Evil PC's
- [01:14] <Fulcan> So I guess I'm done.
- [01:14] <Arden> There is a reason they are generally excluded from game settings
- [01:14] <Fulcan> Aren't I?
- [01:14] <Deathbringer> Yeah... even I'm not Chaotic Evil...
- [01:14] <Fulcan> Never played a Role Play like this before.
- [01:14] <Fulcan> Didn't know the generalizations.
- [01:14] <Arden> It has also not escaped me that you tossed Rimblade into the Ocaen
- [01:14] <Paladin_Of_Souls> "Even I tend towards Chaotic Neutral more so than Chaotic Evil."
- [01:15] <Selarep> >.>
- [01:15] <Fulcan> I did. Tried, at least.
- [01:15] <Arden> So I blame you nearly as much as Dyn
- [01:15] <Arden> *Dyn
- [01:15] <FrogPlushie> Left arrow period left arrow?
- [01:15] <Fulcan> I could say he was driving me insane, but then again, it was I who let him.
- [01:15] <Fulcan> I am at fault, I agree.
- [01:15] <Lyoko> Plushie, the fourth wall is gone. Speak freely.
- [01:15] * Quits: Xforce (Infinity.D@Caelestia-DA05E77B.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com ) (Distracted: BRBFBI )
- [01:15] <Arden> You therefore killed one of our number
- [01:15] <Selarep> Right arrow period right arrow, actually.
- [01:16] <Arden> The old curse was lifted but the instructions were not to do anything you could not fix
- [01:16] <Fulcan> Greater than period Greater than.
- [01:16] <Arden> Ressurection will not fix this
- [01:16] <Deathbringer> True Ressurection?
- [01:16] <FrogPlushie> How 'bout some rust remover?
- [01:17] <Arden> Falerin obliterated him
- [01:17] <Arden> Not even on a molecular level
- [01:17] <Arden> not even an atomic one
- [01:17] <Rimblade> ((Ressurection doesn't work if one leaves the omniverse, DB >.>))
- [01:17] <Arden> he seperated him at the quarks and muons
- [01:17] <Durroth> well thats not good
- [01:17] <Deathbringer> Ouch....
- [01:17] * Nick sighs again
- [01:17] <Dale> I say we enlist the help of Nilla G.
- [01:17] <Lyoko> ...
- [01:17] <Arden> He asked for it
- [01:17] <Fulcan> He did.
- [01:18] * Arden restores the fourth wall as people are abusing the privilige with inanity and disrupting the IC section of rp
- [01:18] <Nick> ((Night guys...gotta run :( ))
- [01:18] <Lyoko> ( Darn. )
- [01:18] <Lyoko> ( Oh well. )
- [01:19] * Quits: Nick (lincoln14n@Caelestia-570E6237.hsd1.co.comcast.net ) (Vanished: )
- [01:19] <Arden> ((Very pointedly everything said WAS to Fulcan and not the player. Other then the comment that the player seems very enamored of playing a villain and such rarely if ever works as a PC especially not a Chaotic Evil One
- [01:19] <Arden> __
- [01:19] * Paladin_Of_Souls continues to pet Talo absently
- [01:19] <Selarep> Is this uncreation permanent?
- [01:19] <Fulcan> ( Oh. You however, inferred about topics directly to me. )
- [01:19] <Grett> Would it be out of line to request more like the analysis you gave about the power or powers behind Fulcan? It was quite interesting.
- [01:20] <FrogPlushie> ((Erm, it's near impossible to be Chaotic Evil if you're trying to save a planet.))
- [01:20] <FrogPlushie> ((Unless you want to destroy it later.))
- [01:20] <Durroth> ((or rule it))
- [01:20] <Arden> ((Even then it does not really work))
- [01:20] <Deathbringer> ((Aye... Chaotic Evil works best only when with other Evils))
- [01:21] <Deathbringer> ((Well... as a PC anyway...))
- [01:21] <Fulcan> ( Falerin, in actuality, what alignment would you classify Fulcan as? )
- [01:21] <Arden> ((Group play is NOT served by that alignment. The original players handbook outright forbade it to players))
- [01:21] <FrogPlushie> ((Neutral Chaotic. >.>;))
- [01:21] <Deathbringer> ((Did it really? Man...))
- [01:21] <Arden> ((Chaotic Stupid with Narcisitic leanings))
- [01:21] <Dale> (( XD ))
- [01:21] <Selarep> (XD)
- [01:21] <Deathbringer> (( xD ))
- [01:21] <Fulcan> ( I'd argue, but that honestly fits. )
- [01:22] <FrogPlushie> (( xD ))
- [01:22] <Arden> Unfortunately for me
- [01:22] <Dale> (( So then, if we're making up alignments. Then I guess Dale's Chaotic pervert. ))
- [01:22] <Arden> I am the Avatar of the God of Evil
- [01:22] <Arden> Which of course means I am not particularly evil
- [01:23] <Arden> In fact I am actually Chaotic Good last I looked
- [01:23] * Joins: Little_Brown_Box (Little_Bro@Caelestia-F4159B6D.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net )
- [01:23] * Abode sets mode: +v Little_Brown_Box
- [01:23] <Deathbringer> Hmm...
- [01:23] <Deathbringer> I am fairly sure I am still Neutral Evil...
- [01:23] <Arden> I would very much like to allow Ryuusei have you
- [01:24] * Arden gestures
- [01:24] <Fulcan> Is it your decision?
- [01:24] <FrogPlushie> Doesn't he already have Alastor?
- [01:24] <Arden> Netural Evil with Good Tendencies
- [01:24] <FrogPlushie> Who'd want TWO Rysts?
- [01:24] <Arden> but only toward those you have loyalty toward
- [01:24] * Arden looks at Ryst
- [01:24] <Arden> I would very much like to allow Ryuusei have you
- [01:24] * Little_Brown_Box attempts to pop up, but seems to get stuck along the way, and only manages a partial appearance as a brown heat haze on the floor.
- [01:24] <Arden> But thats not at all in my nature
- [01:24] <Durroth> ((De'thion is just plain chaotic))
- [01:24] <Selarep> I believe I am Lawful Good...
- [01:24] <Fulcan> "Naturally."
- [01:24] <Durroth> ((no neutral, no evil, no good))
- [01:25] <Fulcan> "No pun intended."
- [01:25] <Fulcan> ( <_< )
- [01:25] <Arden> Furthermore Ryuusei is an insufferable meddler who thinks he can violate Caelestia with impunity
- [01:25] <Arden> Well hate to break it to him
- [01:25] <Arden> But the farpoint does not just apply to Gods
- [01:25] <Rimblade> ((I would place myself as lawful chaotic. :o))
- [01:25] <Fulcan> ( Oxymorons! The pain! )
- [01:25] <Lyoko> ( Neutral good for me. )
- [01:25] <Arden> So with all due respect
- [01:26] <Arden> Ryuusei can go Fuck Himself
- [01:26] * Little_Brown_Box burbles.
- [01:26] <Selarep> (XD)
- [01:26] <Fulcan> "Hm. Well then."
- [01:26] <Arden> He shall not uncreate any under my protection
- [01:26] <Selarep> Arden may I ask you a question? Besides asking you if I can ask you a question.
- [01:26] <Deathbringer> Sounds good to me.
- [01:26] * Lyoko laughs.
- [01:26] <Arden> even one as contemptible as you
- [01:26] <Arden> And you can quote me exactly
- [01:26] <Fulcan> Thanks, I guess.
- [01:27] <Arden> Abode return to Defcon 5
- [01:27] * Grett says it again, seemingly unnoticed the first time. "Would it be out of line to request more like the analysis you gave about the power or powers behind Fulcan? It was quite interesting."
- [01:27] <Selarep> Is Fulcan being permanently uncreated? Or can he be recreated again?
- [01:27] <Fulcan> "I'm not being uncreated, Selarep."
- [01:27] <Selarep> Huh?
- [01:27] <>Ambiance<> Caelestia reforms around you rather instantly unlike the outbound transit
- [01:27] <Deathbringer> Cool.
- [01:27] <ApexFog> Well...that was an interesting trip...
- [01:27] * Selarep breathes a sigh of relief.
- [01:28] * Lyoko continues to sit.
- [01:28] <Lyoko> "Fun."
- [01:28] <ApexFog> Well..it was...
- [01:28] <ApexFog> Learned a lot...
- [01:28] <ApexFog> At least...for me...
- [01:28] * Selarep sighs and shakes his head.
- [01:28] <FrogPlushie> Soooo... Where's the nearest god who can recreate the hilt?
- [01:29] <Durroth> this is better
- [01:29] <FrogPlushie> Or would we get stabbed?
- [01:30] * Fulcan wants to know if he can move again.
- [01:30] <Little_Brown_Box> Flavle napledreda halp?
- [01:31] <Fulcan> "Arden. Was I just absolved?"
- [01:31] <Fulcan> ( That IS the right word, right? )
- [01:32] <Lyoko> ( I believe so. )
- [01:32] <Arden> Absolved?
- [01:32] <ApexFog> ((><__
- [01:32] <ApexFog> ))*
- [01:32] <ApexFog> ((sry,,,))
- [01:32] <Arden> Your redemption will depend upon you Ryst
- [01:32] <Arden> You were however just.... given a reprieve
- [01:32] * Arden shudders and begins sobbing
- [01:33] <Arden> Dyn.... I am sure you can still hear me....
- [01:33] <Arden> You may do as you please
- [01:33] * Fulcan looks at Arden, a grim look on his face.
- [01:33] <Arden> I was angry and spoke out of turn
- [01:33] <ApexFog> Arden...are you ok?
- [01:33] * Arden ascends the stairs rapidly not answering Apex