Fulcan and Orions Bane - Part 1

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Current revision as of 21:11, 20 August 2008

[23:41] * Fulcan reenters.
[23:41] <Fulcan> "I will not."
[23:41] <Fulcan> "I will not an I don't CARE why you brought me back, damnit."
[23:42] <Fulcan> "I WILL NOT KILL HIM GOD DAMNIT!"
[23:42] * Lyoko stops zoning out. "What did you want, Clyde?"
[23:42] * Clyde is in confusion, "What's happening?"
[23:42] <Nick> Kill who Fulcan?
[23:42] <Rimblade> "I will abide not in Silence!"
[23:43] <Fulcan> "I have killed too much as it is, Twain. I will not kill him."
[23:43] <>Ambiance<> The Abode Freezes in time
[23:43] <Fulcan> "I will NOT kill Arden."
[23:43] <ApexFog> Wait....what would you killl?
[23:43] <>Ambiance<> The Abode Freezes in time!!!
[23:43] <Selarep> (Are we frozen with it?)
[23:43] <Fulcan> ( That means stop moving. No actions. )
[23:43] <Nick> ((Hence the Bold))
[23:43] <ApexFog> ((ohhhhhhhhhhhh))
[23:43] <Lyoko> ( XD )
[23:43] <Selarep> (XD)
[23:44] <>Ambiance<> Time restores to the abode
[23:44] <ApexFog> Well...what happened?
[23:44] * Fulcan stands, shaking slightly.
[23:44] <Selarep> I feel strange...
[23:44] * Clyde feels like he's out of breathe.
[23:44] <Nick> Twain!? Where?
[23:44] <Grett> ((You shouldn't notice it, really.))
[23:44] <Grett> ((If we all froze with it.))
[23:45] <Selarep> (Oh.)
[23:45] <Deathbringer> The hells?
[23:45] * Joins: CrimsonRaven ( TCBell47@Caelestia-60C0FD64.dialup.optusnet.com.au)
[23:45] * LordBarrius frowns and eyes Fulcan carefully.
[23:45] <Deathbringer> Fulcan.... what is going on?
[23:45] <Rimblade> "Constantly interesting, are Timestops."
[23:45] <Arden> Wait what?
[23:45] <Fulcan> "To kill Arden... I was ordered..."
[23:45] <Selarep> (I'm guessing something "big" happened or someone popped into the Abode.)
[23:45] <Arden> ((Beats hsi script to death))
[23:45] <Selarep> Say what?
[23:45] <Fulcan> "To use Orion's Bane... in his milk."
[23:45] <ApexFog> ((XD))
[23:45] <Arden> Kill me?
[23:45] <Fulcan> "I won't do it."
[23:45] <Arden> Orion's Bane?!
[23:45] <Selarep> ...
[23:45] * Arden blanches
[23:46] <Deathbringer> What?
[23:46] <Selarep> What's Orion's Bane?
[23:46] * Arden staggers and collapses on a chair
[23:46] * Nick doesn't know what that is but can see that is clearly bad.
[23:46] * Clyde watches, "Should we stop him?"
[23:46] * Fulcan withdraws a vial, filled with liquid.
[23:46] <Arden> He wanted you to use Orion's bane on me?
[23:46] * CrimsonRaven slowly appears into the room, holding onto somthing at his chest. He gains full form, and releases what he is holding, and hides it in his tunic.
[23:46] * Arden shudders
[23:46] * Fulcan nods grimly.
[23:46] <Arden> Where in the nine hells did you procure that
[23:46] <Dale> What is Orion's bane, Arden?
[23:46] <Selarep> What does that do?
[23:46] <Deathbringer> Damnit... you Rysts are so easily controled...
[23:46] <Fulcan> "The laboratory..."
[23:46] <Fulcan> "I did not do it. I will not do it."
[23:46] <Arden> The laboratory?
[23:46] <Rimblade> "Clearly, Cartwright intended to remove the protection Arden offers."
[23:46] <Arden> You broke into my Laboratory
[23:47] * Deathbringer mumbles, "Damnable nine hells..."
[23:47] * Fulcan nods grimly once again.
[23:47] <CrimsonRaven> Seems I have I stumbled into a bit of conrovesy here
[23:47] <Selarep> Right...Well, watch what you drink for a while, Arden.
[23:47] <Arden> Orion was a king
[23:47] * Clyde yells, "We should stop him!"
[23:47] * Lyoko just listens.
[23:47] * Nick ((taps his foot "Fulcan...You got some splainin' to dooooo.))
[23:47] <Arden> The king of Valoria
[23:47] <Fulcan> "I put nothing in to anything."
[23:47] <Arden> A rival sought his throne
[23:47] <Arden> He hired an alchemist known as Morgan
[23:47] <Grett> Morgan?
[23:47] <Arden> To produce a poision for him
[23:48] <Arden> The poision was known as orion's bane
[23:48] <Arden> It is... exceedingly biotoxic
[23:48] * Clyde eyes flare, "...Morgan.....alchemists...."
[23:48] <Grett> This just a random Morgan, or one we know? How old is the lich?
[23:48] <Dale> Morgan of Orisis?
[23:48] <Arden> Orion's bane...
[23:48] <Arden> Orion's bane killed the king
[23:48] <Arden> And the entire royal family
[23:48] * Fulcan approaches Arden, and holds the vial out to him, "Please, take it from me."
[23:48] <Arden> And anything their bodies touched
[23:48] <Arden> And anything those bodies touched
[23:49] <Arden> And anything those bodies touched
[23:49] <Dale> So it is a mass spreading poison then.
[23:49] <Arden> And it would have continued doing so untill it killed all of valoria
[23:49] <Arden> and spread to the ocean
[23:49] * LordBarrius shudders. "Disgusting...."
[23:49] <Dale> Intended to take out entire nations...
[23:49] <Dale> Ryuusei, you sick bastard.
[23:49] <Lyoko> "It would have kept going until the entire world died."
[23:49] <Deathbringer> Damn... thats some powerful stuff...
[23:49] <Nick> Its a passable poison...oh dear god...
[23:49] <Arden> Whereupon it would have begun to poision
[23:49] <Arden> The whole World
[23:49] <Grett> That stuff is potent.
[23:50] * Clyde raises his tone, "Where's Morgan now?"
[23:50] <Dale> Ryst, is he still talking to you?
[23:50] <Arden> Morgan did not originally know for what the poision was intended
[23:50] <Rimblade> "Why did you have this poison, Lord Arden?"
[23:50] <Fulcan> "Not at the moment, no."
[23:50] <Arden> nor indeed how effective it might be
[23:50] <Lyoko> "That's awful. Destroy it."
[23:50] <Grett> I imagine either that should be locked up by... "Eldron", or be disposed of.
[23:50] <Fulcan> "I expect I don't have much time left, though."
[23:50] <Selarep> Can we move that stuff far away and destroy it?
[23:50] * Deathbringer frowns.
[23:50] <Dale> I will stay with you at all times. You will not move if I am not with you. For safety measures, of course.
[23:51] <Arden> When Morgan learned of it he prepared a phylactery and went into Valoria and sealed king Orion away in a glass tomb
[23:51] <Arden> Glass is the only material which effectively contains the toxin
[23:51] <Arden> Doing so of course required he contact orion's corpse
[23:51] <ApexFog> Interesting...
[23:51] <Rimblade> "And he became a lich."
[23:51] <Arden> Morgan was therefore posioned and going to die
[23:51] <Clyde> "And if we break the glass, we kill Orion?"
[23:51] <Nick> So thats how it happened...
[23:51] <Dale> And then?
[23:52] <Grett> No, Clyde.
[23:52] <Arden> As he already had prepared a phylactery
[23:52] <Grett> He's already dead.
[23:52] <Dale> What happened that he became a lich?
[23:52] <Arden> He ran to Orisis and there developed an angent to neturalize some of its effect

[23:52] <Arden> but only slightly
[23:52] <Dale> Some, not all?
[23:52] * Deathbringer frowns, "You gotta have a phylactery to become a lich."
[23:52] <Arden> He died at Orisis
[23:53] <Dale> So that's where the title comes from.
[23:53] <Arden> And rose from the dead as Lich
[23:53] <Arden> Orisis on mithius contracted the poision
[23:53] <Arden> the Surrounding country side died as well
[23:53] <Dale> And thus became his army?
[23:53] <Arden> The mountain
[23:53] <Arden> Finally the poision was neutralized as it spread to far
[23:54] <Arden> Orisis newly awakened as undead raised an army from the dead
[23:54] * ApexFog is now known as ApexFog|Diiner
[23:54] <Arden> And Orisis became accursed thereafter
[23:54] <Arden> Morgan was no longer known as Morgan of Valoria
[23:54] * Dale shudders. "To think... Yes, he's a lich... But of that magnitude..."
[23:54] <Arden> but ever after Morgan of Orisis
[23:54] <Clyde> What will break the curse, Revenge?
[23:54] <Arden> Nothing will break the Curse
[23:54] <Deathbringer> All liches are extreamly powerful, Dale.
[23:54] <Arden> there is no curse
[23:54] <Grett> Possibly nothing, Clyde.
[23:55] <Arden> Fanciful dreams
[23:55] * Joins: Durroth ( durroth@Caelestia-68BCADF6.cncdnh.east.verizon.net)
[23:55] * Abode sets mode: +v Durroth
[23:55] <Dale> I know, Deathbringer. But to animate an entire nation...
[23:55] <Dale> That's incredible....
[23:55] <Arden> A number of years back an accident broke a hole in orions tomb
[23:55] * Fulcan looks at the vial in his hands.
[23:55] <Arden> he had been dead for some 4000 years by that point
[23:55] <Arden> By the time the tomb was resealed 3000 people were dead
[23:56] <Clyde> So now he has an army of 3000?
[23:56] <Dale> Oh, no.
[23:56] <Nick> That poison...is very effective...
[23:56] * Arden stares at Clyde
[23:56] <Dale> His army's much greater then that...
[23:56] <Arden> No
[23:56] <Arden> Those dead were on Valoria and were put to rest
[23:56] <Dale> The entire nation of Orisis is his army, Clyde.
[23:56] <Durroth> Thats a BIG army
[23:57] <Arden> And countless more besides Dale
[23:57] <Arden> Orisis has been a lich for millenia
[23:57] * Deathbringer chuckles grimly, "Should would ravange Demogorgon's forces... not so much with Orcus though... all his minions are undead..."
[23:57] <Arden> You have encountered him
[23:57] <Arden> You know what he is like
[23:57] <Dale> I had forgot that part.
[23:57] <Rimblade> "And a most fascenating incident."
[23:57] <Arden> Death is for Orisis release
[23:58] <Arden> I was on the team that responded to Valoria from Universitas Caelestiae
[23:58] <Arden> When the accident occured
[23:58] <Clyde> What was said accident?
[23:58] <Arden> I obtained the sample of Oil of Morgan Orisis there
[23:58] <Arden> An earth quake caused part of the ceiling to collapse into the tomb
[23:58] <Dale> Arden, will you be okay? I mean, I imagine this must have some effect on your physical and mental status...
[23:58] <Dale> And shattered the glass?
[23:59] <Arden> An attempted assassination does not concern me much
[23:59] <Dale> True.
[23:59] <Fulcan> "I didn't try!"
[23:59] <Rimblade> "But the lab, and the potential for death?"
[23:59] <Arden> An attempted assasination with Orion's Bane
[23:59] <Fulcan> "I did not want to!"
[23:59] <Arden> Is a very different issue
[23:59] <Grett> The fact that they suggested the poison did...
[23:59] * Fulcan holds the vial out to Arden, "Please, take it from me."
[00:00] <Grett> It would have endangered those here too.
[00:00] <Dale> It's not an assasination at that point, it's the murder of all Fair Harbour.
[00:00] * Arden gestures at the vial and it vanishes
[00:00] <Deathbringer> And us.
[00:00] <Fulcan> "Thank you."
[00:00] <Nick> Aye Dale
[00:00] <Grett> More than Fair Harbour, I'd expect.
[00:00] <Dale> Caelestia entire...
[00:00] <Arden> Not likely
[00:00] <Arden> I have had the poision cheifly because myself and others were working on counters
[00:00] <Arden> given the tradgedy at valoria
[00:01] <Arden> We were able to contain it to just the 3000 there
'[00:01] <Arden> It would however had taken out Fair Harbor
[00:01] <Rimblade> "And what, Ward Arden, would have occured to those in the Abode given your absence?"
[00:01] <Arden> Without question before they even knew what and how it happened
[00:01] <Clyde> Does this poison carry a very rare element?
[00:01] * Arden looks at Rimblade
[00:01] <Deathbringer> I... I don't suppose you would give me a sample? I doubt you would, but it would be highly effective against Demogorgon.
[00:01] <Arden> You would be dead
[00:02] <Arden> "I am not at war with hell"
[00:02] * Nick looks grim.
[00:02] * The_Statue begins to crack, spiderweb fractures spread across the entirety of its surface. The voice that issues from its newly freed vocal cords is instantly recognizable.
[00:02] <Arden> "You can take your war of the damned elsewhere"
[00:02] * Deathbringer nods, "I know."
[00:02] <Arden> "I shall not be an agent to it"
[00:02] <Deathbringer> Okay...
[00:02] <Paladin_Of_Souls> "I highly doubt even I would be able to resist effects of such a poison."
[00:02] <Nick> ...No way...
[00:03] <Nick> Tonight is just full of suprises isn't it...
[00:03] * Selarep turns to the Paladin. "Who are you?"
[00:03] <Fulcan> "You?"
[00:03] <Arden> The fact that you went into my Laboratory to take the poison at all says much Fulcan
[00:03] <Durroth> who?
[00:03] <Arden> That you continue to be influenced even now by your lusts and greed
[00:03] <Fulcan> "I'm so sorry, please, forgive me..."
[00:04] <Arden> I have agents of the Abyss living in my home on whom I would stake my life
[00:04] <Arden> Far sooner then ever trust you again
[00:04] * LordBarrius simply shifts his eyes in the Paladin's direction, not offering further acknowledgement beyond that, and remains listening attentively to Arden.
[00:04] <Arden> Indeed in fact I already largely do
[00:04] <Fulcan> "I can understand that..."
[00:04] * Arden looks at Deathbringer pointedly
[00:04] <Rimblade> "Fulcan. Fulcan. I must have your coins now."
[00:05] * Fulcan fishes through his pocket and tosses the coins to Rimblade.
[00:05] * Arden looks at Rimblade pointedly
[00:05] <Selarep> ....
[00:05] <Fulcan> "Take them."
[00:05] <Selarep> ...How will he hold them?
[00:05] <Arden> I take it Falerin was aware of this plan... at least in part?
[00:05] <Rimblade> "Indeed."
[00:05] * Arden frowns
[00:05] * Paladin_Of_Souls shrugs as the last framework of stone pieces falls to the ground and winks away as motes of power. "This was not the reason I had come, but to what delight I find such chaos. Displeasure too, as it risked my own life...but..."
[00:06] <Selarep> ....
[00:06] <Rimblade> "I am sorry that I cannot provide you with more information on that, but I fear I must be going for good."
[00:06] <Durroth> your not coming back?
[00:06] <Nick> You're leaving Rim? This be goodbyes?
[00:06] <Fulcan> "Take care, Rimblade."
[00:06] * Arden sighs it is quite notable that he has directly referenced Falerin directly by name
[00:06] <Clyde> "Bye, Rimblade."
[00:06] <Lyoko> "Good bye, Rimblade. It was nice knowing you."
[00:07] <Arden> "Is this what we have come to"
[00:07] * Fulcan bows to Rimblade, "It has been an honor."
[00:07] <Durroth> I hardly knew you, but I'll miss you all the same talking sword hilt dude
[00:07] * Dale bows to Rimblade. "You may be insane, but you're wise beyond your years, dear hilt."
[00:07] * Deathbringer frowns, "Take care, Rimblade."
[00:07] <Arden> "People being commanded by fate to march to their "demise" "
[00:07] * Xforce blorps, then slithers up a table and accesses pen and paper
[00:07] <Arden> "Even while we fall appart around ourselves plotting against each other"
[00:08] * Paladin_Of_Souls ignores the potential departure of Rimblade, and instead moves over to pet the semi-conscious Talo while looking at Arden.
[00:08] <Arden> "We are the great and noble seekers of truth.... but useless peons in a war we cannot even begin to understand"
[00:08] * Xforce writes "What exactly happened here?" in a flowing script, then holds the paper up.
[00:08] <Clyde> "I refuse to believe in destiny."
[00:08] <Selarep> Goodbye, Rim....
[00:08] <Arden> "What was Falerin Thinking"
[00:08] <Nick> He was not interfering...
[00:08] <Arden> Oh?
[00:09] <Arden> And his not interfering brought Good?
[00:09] <Arden> Thats nonsense
[00:09] <Arden> When has My lord ever not interefered
[00:09] <Lyoko> "If I had known...."
[00:09] <Paladin_Of_Souls> "Perhaps, Nick, perhaps not. He is quite inconsistent, sometimes."
[00:09] <Arden> He is about the most meddlesome god the world of Caelestia has known
[00:09] * Selarep chuckles.
[00:10] * Clyde laughs.
[00:10] <Rimblade> "Ah, Fulcan. I require a service further. Please smash me now."
[00:10] <Fulcan> "Are you sure?"
[00:10] <Paladin_Of_Souls> "And to that, Arden, I would agree. Far unlike the Hermit, He."
[00:10] <Grett> Why do you think it is funny, Selarep,and Clyde?
[00:10] * Quits: ApexFog|Diiner (IceChat7@Caelestia-26F9571.sd.sd.cox.net ) (Ping timeout )
[00:11] * Nick looks between them..."Bye Rimblade, pleasure to know you..."
[00:11] <Rimblade> "I am not compelled by desire, Fulcan. You will do so at once."
[00:11] <Selarep> It...just is to me...I can't explain comedy or my tastes in it.
[00:11] * Selarep shrugs.
[00:11] * Zack|GHERt80s is now known as Elite26_TLM
[00:11] <Fulcan> "Very well. Farewell, Rimblade."
[00:11] * Fulcan picks up Rimblade, and throws him down to the ground with great speed and force.
[00:11] <Clyde> "Do I have to explain myself?"
[00:11] <Grett> We are coming out of a very grave situation, or have you two forgotten?
[00:11] * Nick looks away
[00:12] * Arden gestures
[00:12] * Fulcan freezes
[00:12] <Arden> "No"
[00:12] <Arden> "He wont"
[00:13] * Arden stands there
[00:13] * Arden looks at the ready to be thrown Rimblade purposefully
[00:13] * Arden removes the hilt from Fulcan's hands
[00:13] <Nick> ...huh?
[00:13] * Paladin_Of_Souls grins broadly at his own internal mirth over the denial
[00:13] <Rimblade> "Do you claim to deny my freedom, then?"
[00:14] * LordBarrius lets out a quiet sigh of relief.
[00:14] <Arden> Freedom is Volitional Rimblade
[00:14] * Nick sighs, heavily.
[00:14] <Arden> Without Volition there is no liberty
[00:15] <Rimblade> "I have perhaps minutes of even that remaining. I will follow instructions."
[00:15] <Arden> Interesting
[00:15] <Paladin_Of_Souls> "Now this DOES seem familiar. How...much of a bore, that similarity is."
[00:15] * Arden appears
[00:16] * Arden looks at himself
[00:16] <Fulcan> ( ? )
[00:16] <Fulcan> ( Clonez! z0mg! )
[00:16] <Nick> What the hell is going on...
[00:16] <Selarep> (Wrong guy, Fal. >_>)
[00:16] <Arden> You are slipping Arden
[00:16] <Fulcan> ( not at all, Selarep. )
[00:16] <Arden> Am I?
[00:16] <Deathbringer> The hells?
[00:16] <Selarep> (Or not...)
[00:16] * Fulcan is still frozen.
[00:16] <Durroth> theres... theres two of him...
[00:16] <Arden> Well you just openly said my name
[00:16] <Arden> Which is kind of sloppy
[00:16] * Selarep turns to Arden 2. "What the?!"
[00:17] <Dale> Hello Falerin.
[00:17] <Arden> The enchantments I keep you under are failing
[00:17] * Selarep glances between the two Ardens.
[00:17] * Lyoko watches, and waits.
[00:17] * Clyde draws a circle and conjures a weapon.
[00:17] <Paladin_Of_Souls> "Dale, I think now is not the time to say that name."
[00:17] <Arden> They failed along time ago I just kept my thoughts from you
[00:17] <Arden> and continued to act the part
[00:17] * Paladin_Of_Souls chuckles softly at the battle of wits between oneself.
[00:18] * Xforce blorps questioningly, wondering what exactly he slept through
[00:18] <Arden> How long did you think I would not notice my narcolepsy since returning from valoria
[00:18] <Arden> or wonder why parts of me were locked away
[00:18] <Arden> My memory of active service
[00:18] * Durroth , obviously confused, reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a deck of cards, which he shuffles idly
[00:19] <Rimblade> "This is fascenating, but you must destroy me at this point."
[00:19] <Clyde> "Rimblade, why?"
[00:19] * Dale shrugs, and goes to sit on a couch, tilting his head back as he relaxes, falling asleep.
[00:19] * Falerin turns into his familiar form though he is dressed in black robes not his Loremaster attire
[00:19] <Arden> No
[00:20] <Arden> You shall not be sacraficed even willingly to any power while I exist to stop you
[00:20] * Clyde hears the tea kettle, "Sorry for the interruption."
[00:20] <Falerin> You are talking out of turn Arden
[00:20] <Lyoko> ( >_> )
[00:20] * Paladin_Of_Souls scowls at Rimblade. "Must? Must? I think there exists no 'musts' in the presence of deities."
[00:20] <Selarep> (<_<)
[00:20] * Falerin looks at Rimblade
[00:21] <Falerin> Come along
[00:21] <Falerin> I will do what must be done
[00:21] <Rimblade> "Excellent."
[00:21] <Falerin> All things have there time
[00:22] * Falerin looks at Paladin of Souls pointedly
[00:22] <Falerin> Rimblade has made his "choice"
[00:22] * Falerin takes the hilt and vanishes
[00:22] * Fulcan is still frozen...
[00:22] * Arden barely stifles a sob
[00:22] * Clyde tries to stop them, "Rimblade!"
[00:22] <Selarep> What is Falerin going to do with him?
[00:22] <Nick> Rim...
[00:22] * Paladin_Of_Souls smirks softly. "His choice did not mean he could force others, just as it was *your* choice to heed his request, Falerin."
[00:22] <Falerin> Exactly what he asked him to do
[00:23] <Durroth> Rimblade... I barely knew you more than a week, but I already know I'll miss you
[00:23] * Nick looks slightly sad "...A-Aye"
[00:23] * Arden looks at Paladin of Souls and seems overshadowed
[00:23] <Arden> Ah good so you do understand then
[00:24] * Arden returns the smirk with a grave smile
[00:24] <Paladin_Of_Souls> "Quite. After all, you chose to override myself before...and I would not be here otherwise."
[00:24] <Arden> Oh on the contrary
[00:24] <Arden> You are quite confused
[00:24] * Xforce blorps confusedly
[00:24] <Arden> I overode something
[00:24] <Arden> But it was not yourself
[00:24] <Arden> And the fact that you are still here
[00:25] <Arden> proves that point rather fully
[00:25] <Arden> As you were long ago set free from the Geas that kept you
[00:25] * Arden shudders and collapses no longer overshadowed seemingly crushed
[00:25] <Paladin_Of_Souls> "Ah...yes, true. I suppose at the time I was not yet choosing for myself, when the Geas was originally set upon me to LEARN to choose, wasn't it?"
[00:26] * Clyde runs up to Arden, "What's wrong?"
[00:26] * Joins: ApexFog|Diiner (IceChat7@Caelestia-26F9571.sd.sd.cox.net)
[00:26] * Arden stands up and shoves Clyde aside
[00:27] * Joins: Dyn (Dyn@Caelestia-62531365.cap.east.verizon.net)
[00:27] * Abode sets mode: +v Dyn
[00:27] <>Ambiance<> A telephone booth appears and Arden enters it
[00:27] <Grett> An upheaval of some kind seems to be occuring, but it is hard to say what at this time.
[00:27] * Paladin_Of_Souls laughs softly at the sight of the booth.
[00:27] <Durroth> a... you've got to be kidding me
[00:27] * Dyn appears near Fulcan. He appears confused.
[00:27] * ApexFog|Diiner is now known as ApexFog
[00:27] <Durroth> what is this, Doctor Who now?
[00:27] * Arden picks up the phone and places a call
[00:27] <Nick> ...Whats going on...Jeez
[00:27] <Dyn> "Er, Fulcan, old chap? Are you forfeiting our wager?"
[00:27] <Deathbringer> 'Ello, Dyn.
[00:27] * Fulcan is frozen, and therefore, cannot respond.
[00:28] * Dyn looks at Fulcan, bemused.
[00:28] <ApexFog> Hey
[00:28] <Dyn> "Goodness. Something happen to this old boy, Deathbringer?"
[00:28] <Arden> I will do as you requested
[00:28] * Arden hangs up the phone
[00:28] * Arden exits the booth
[00:28] <>Ambiance<> The booth sinks into the ground
[00:29] <Deathbringer> Yeah. He isn't moving.
[00:29] * Arden looks at Dyn
[00:29] * LordBarrius glances at Arden. "What...who requested, Arden?"
[00:29] <Arden> You are a foreign power
[00:29] <Dyn> "Eh?"
[00:29] <Arden> I spoke the common tongue Dyn
[00:30] <Arden> You are a foreign power
[00:30] * Grett frowns.
[00:30] <Dyn> "I am?"
[00:30] * ApexFog turns his head to the side
[00:30] * Xforce looks around worriedly upon mention of "foreign powers", then slithers into a flower pot.
[00:30] * Arden looks Dyn irritated
[00:30] <Arden> I am not in the mood for games with you
[00:30] * Paladin_Of_Souls raises a hand towards Grett, cutting off the protestation he believes is coming.
[00:30] <Durroth> ((Dyn... god of useless weapons that straighten paintings))
[00:30] <Arden> You will not like the results of playing them
[00:31] <Arden> Death will send a God home as assuredly as abjuration
[00:31] <Dyn> "I'm sorry, milord Arden."
[00:31] * Grett just continues to watch, and frown, not even concerned with the Paladin's gesture.
[00:31] <Arden> And I would as soon go with the later right now
[00:31] <Arden> Your servant has been faithful and obedient until his last
[00:31] <Arden> Your servant I valued
[00:32] <Arden> I have absolutely no use for you
[00:32] <Dyn> "Ah. Then I am sorry to have bothered you, sirreh."
[00:32] <Arden> Your wagers and games incite us to divide further
[00:32] * Nick looks slightly Shocked..."One by one we fall..."
[00:32] <Arden> Your manipulations are highly unwelcome in my domicile
[00:32] * Xforce blorps from inside the flower pot, then slithers toward nick and tugs at his pant leg.
[00:32] * Xforce assumes the fedora position.
[00:33] <Arden> Did you think we would smile passively?
[00:33] <Arden> Hmm?
[00:33] <Dyn> "I'm afraid I'm a tad confused, milord."
[00:33] <Arden> Did you think we would just accept that things must be as they are
[00:33] * Arden looks at Dyn
[00:33] * Nick removes the Fedora, not in the mood but keeps hold of him in his hands.
[00:33] <Arden> I blame you for what happened to your servant
[00:33] <Clyde> "Arden, what ever happened to frogiveness?"
[00:33] <Arden> I blame you quite personally
[00:33] <Fulcan> ( Clyde. Shut up. )
[00:33] <Clyde> forgiveness*
[00:33] <Fulcan> ( Not the time >_> )
[00:34] <Arden> I am the avatar of the God of Evil
[00:34] <Clyde> (k, ._.)
[00:34] <Arden> I do not know the meaning of the word Forgiveness
[00:34] <Paladin_Of_Souls> "Reckonings..."
[00:34] * Dyn looks at Arden confusedly.
[00:34] <Clyde> "Are such things forbidden for you?"
[00:35] <Fulcan> ( Clyde. Seriously. It would be VERY wise to shut your mouth. )
[00:35] <Arden> Falerin may accept that what Rimblade had to do was his time or whatever
[00:35] <Arden> I do not accept it
[00:35] <Clyde> (back off Fulcan)
[00:35] <Fulcan> ( I'm doing this for your own good. )
[00:35] <Fulcan> ( I've done all the same things. )
[00:36] <Fulcan> ( And he's gotten uncreated thrice. )
[00:36] <Arden> Free will is being used as an excuse
[00:36] * Clyde hesitates, "........."
[00:36] <Clyde> (fine)
[00:36] <Arden> There are times when it is best squashed
[00:36] * Arden looks at Clyde
[00:36] <Clyde> (i cant Fulcan)
[00:36] <Fulcan> ( Yes you can. )
[00:36] * Paladin_Of_Souls chuckles softly. "My, my, my...but the Avatar is quite lovely in his Evil today."
[00:36] <Arden> Dyn might as well have killed Rimmblade personaly
[00:37] <Arden> The events are those he set in motion
[00:37] * Nick shakes slightly but remains focused on events at hand.
[00:37] <Clyde> (this guy makes me....)
[00:37] <Fulcan> ( He doesn't make you. )
[00:37] <Dyn> "I do not understand. How can Rimblade be killed?"
[00:37] <Clyde> (im gonna)
[00:37] <Fulcan> ( Just keep your mouth shut if you can, and it'll pass over good. I hope. )
[00:38] * Grett is careful to remain quiet, knowing he would be cast out just as easily as Dyn.
[00:38] <Arden> The same way you can Dyn
[00:38] <Clyde> (i gotta say what i have to say)
[00:38] <Arden> You may reform
[00:38] <Arden> But you are still killed
[00:38] <Arden> And it was made quite apparent that Rimblade himself refored or not is dead to us
[00:39] <Arden> So play semantic and religous games
[00:39] <Arden> it will not avail you with me
[00:39] <Clyde> (Fulcan what will happen if i defy a god?)
[00:39] <Nick> ((you get owned...severely))
[00:39] <Fulcan> ( You'll get your ass kicked in one of several ways. Very not fun. )
[00:39] <Fulcan> ( You might only die, if you're lucky. )
[00:40] * Clyde looks away, "Whatever."
[00:40] <Dale> ( Not necessarily. It could have a good outcome. )
[00:40] <Arden> ((Might I point out that telling someone to change their characters behavior out of character and to act inconsistently with themselves is in fact metagaming)
[00:40] <Arden> ((I do not like metagaming))
[00:40] <Fulcan> ( Oh. Very sorry. )
[00:40] <Dyn> "Then I shall depart, milord, and I will respect your wishes and not try to return."
[00:40] <Arden> ((Clyde can learn the results of pushing to far in character if in fact there are any))
[00:40] <Dyn> "Fare thee well."
[00:40] <Clyde> ((i am))
[00:41] * Dyn is not.
[00:41] * Parts: Dyn (Dyn@Caelestia-62531365.cap.east.verizon.net)
[00:41] <Fulcan> ( Very well then. )
[00:41] * Clyde looks at Arden, "Id rather face the wrath of a god then follow destiny."
[00:41] * Selarep sighs.
[00:41] * Arden unfreezes only Fulcan's vocal aparatus and breathing
[00:41] <Arden> What was the terms of your Wager with Dyn
[00:41] <Fulcan> "Huh? What the?"
[00:41] * Paladin_Of_Souls bursts out laughing. "Destiny is an outdated concept, mi'boy!"
[00:41] * Elite26_TLM is now known as Zackary
[00:42] <Nick> Destiny in my opinion is crap...
[00:42] <Clyde> "Spare me the formalities Paladin."
[00:42] <Fulcan> "There were three choices, and two prizes: I could take the short and narrow road, the more fatal, or the long and wider road, more safe. Or I could go for the prize beyond his. The Tabula Rasa, or the blade I asked Dyn to forge."
[00:43] <Selarep> What is the Tabula Rasa?
[00:43] <Arden> Prophecy works though... so there must be something it sees... if not destiny then likely
[00:43] <Arden> A stone
[00:43] * Paladin_Of_Souls continues to laugh, then looks about to the others. "Have I ever said how delighfully amusing you lot are?"
[00:43] <Arden> I am the one asking questions
[00:43] * Arden looks at Fulcan
[00:43] <Nick> Possibly...Paladin...
[00:43] <Arden> And your end of the Bargin?
[00:44] <Fulcan> "Nothing."
[00:44] <Fulcan> "I get neither prize.
[00:44] <Arden> A very strange wager that is
[00:44] <Arden> Not really a wager at all
[00:44] <Arden> More like a contest
[00:44] <Paladin_Of_Souls> "Or a dare, in a way."
[00:45] <Fulcan> "And I guess now, I go."
[00:45] <Arden> What?
[00:46] <Arden> Oh no you are going nowhere...
[00:46] <Fulcan> "I think it's out of both our hands."
[00:46] <Fulcan> "You won't even remember me."
[00:46] <Arden> Oh really
[00:46] <Fulcan> "Yeah."
[00:46] <Selarep> You're being uncreated again?
[00:46] <Nick> Fulcan...you're kinda hard to forget...
[00:47] <Arden> Abode Defcon 4
[00:47] <Fulcan> "Bingo. Selarep's on the money."
[00:47] <Selarep> ...
[00:47] <Lyoko> "Please don't..."
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