It Is Like Labor

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Current revision as of 10:48, 20 August 2008

* The`Galin has joined #darkabode
* Dale yawns.
* Rimblade whurples amoungst the borogroves.
* Nick stretches
<>Ambiance<> Oddly one of the windows of the abode changes rather drastically.
* Dale looks over. "Hm?"
<Rimblade> "Egads! That window seems to have changed rather drastically!"
<>Ambiance<> That single window clearly no longer looks out on Fair Harbour
<Nick> Wuzzgoinon?
<Kazuma> Wazzat?
<Kazuma> it's not the Harbour
<>Ambiance<> Rather it streches out on a dark mist and a large expanse the world of Lore standing below like and endless sea.
<Rimblade> "Who put that there?"
<Nick> Woah...
<Kazuma> Is that...LORE?
<Rimblade> "That really looks terribly drafty.
* Dale wants to jump through it.
<>Ambiance<> The image draws even futher back and suddenly resolves into a large chamber looking into a small bowl in which the image of lore sits
<Charlie> "What's going on?"
<>Ambiance<> The perspective change is somewhat dizzying
<Rimblade> "I think we're watching someone watching someone.
* Nick is glad he's sitiing down.
<Arden> When ever you watch someone.
* LordBarrius simply glances at the window in silence.
<Arden> You should be aware they may watch you back
<Dale> The looking glass...
<Rimblade> "Well... yeah, and they also watch when I'm not."
* Charlie sits down, dizzy.
<Nick> ...
<FemaleVoice> That is true it is painful and to do it again shall be even more so... However to effect change one must be part of the system. Which is why you can....even now
<Kazuma> I watch, because I choose to watch. If I didn't want myself to be known, somebody else caould tell me
<The`Galin> That does not make the effort any more reassuring
<The`Galin> It has never been a process that was easy
<Rimblade> "Hey! Isn't that the voice of the one guy we're not very fond of?"
* Kazuma hides where he cannot look, or be looked upon
<The`Galin> It is
<The`Galin> how did you put it love
<Kazuma> Describe it to me later
* Nick makes a shushing sound, wanting to listen.
<FemaleVoice> Labor. It is like labor.
<FemaleVoice> All change is percieved as loss.
* Furticus has joined #darkabode
* Legault walks into the abode, "Hmm... What's with the window?"
* Korban walks out of a back room, with some dusty goggles on his head, and some soot(sp?) on his face.
* CrimsonRaven is now known as Azazel
<Rimblade> "Mmmmm.
<Voice> (shifting) Melaris said you said something of the sort
<Voice> (shifting) I am unsure I find the two of you reassuring
* Fulcan-[Starcrafting] has joined #darkabode
* Fulcan-[Starcrafting] is now known as FulcanRyst
* Legault looks around, "... Huh?"
* Abode sets mode: +v FulcanRyst
<FemaleVoice> Come my child have your grown that withdrawn. It is good to see that since the first coming you have become aware but you were designed as part of the cycle too
* FulcanRyst appears.
<FulcanRyst> "Afternoon, Seekers."
<Rimblade> "Shhh."
* Nick makes another shushing sound.
<FulcanRyst> "Huh?"
<The`Galin> Faith is a difficult and terrible thing
<Rimblade> "Strange voices are coming through the window.
<The`Galin> I have not found such very easy myself
<FulcanRyst> "I... I-I know that voice..."
* Charlie has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
<Korban> I-I don't care shh.
<Rimblade> "Yeah, hauntingly familliar. Isn't it that one guy?"
<Voice> (shifting) I must say that in some ways the answers were easier when you were not speaking to us....
<Nick> Hmmm...
<FemaleVoice> He was always willing to speak
<The`Galin> Speaking takes little effort.
<The`Galin> Listening is the more difficult task
<The`Galin> Once we get that perhaps we can actually end this
<Voice> (shifting) Why not just stop it now. Is that not what you want my lady
<FemaleVoice> It is what I want.
<The`Galin> That cannot be
* The`Galin vanishes
* Nick looks slightly suprised.
<Rimblade> "I am agog!"
<Legault> ... Huh.
<Voice> (shifting) Why does he still hate us
<Rimblade> "If not a Gogg, mind.
<FemaleVoice> He does not.
<Korban> He is most certainly blinded by his own motives.
<FulcanRyst> "Why was HE here?"
<FemaleVoice> I was as convinced as you so thoroughly did he take on his task
<FemaleVoice> Even I lost faith in my creation
<Nick> Who's the chick? and that other voice though...
<Rimblade> "He wasn't. He was through that."
<Legault> Lorithia...? I don't know.
<Lorithia> And do not think this is easy for me either child of the winds
<Rimblade> "Ohhh. Wind lord?"
<Lorithia> Before this ends....
* Nick looks up slightly.
<Rimblade> "Ohhh. Or maybe just some random bird. Gods sometimes talk to those, you know.
<Lorithia> We shall come to blows
<Lorithia> He however is as he ever was
<Lorithia> And as he ever should be
<Lorithia> I do not regret my choice
<Lorithia> I only feel remorse that it has come to this
<Korban> Hm.
<>Ambiance<> The window shatters or seems to but it remains sitting there only now it looks out on the Harbour again
<Rimblade> "Aha.
<Korban> She still doesn't regret it?
<Nick> That was certainly interesting...
<FulcanRyst> "Uh huh. So why was The`Galin here?"
<Rimblade> "Well. There is a sight most never ever see, eh wot?"
<Rimblade> "The'Galin wasn't.
<FulcanRyst> "His voice was."
<Rimblade> "Or no more than usual, I guess."
<Korban> I think just maybe something good will come from all of this, being that she is pretty much in the past present and future at all times.
<FulcanRyst> "He must've been watching."
<Rimblade> "The window was in some way altered."
* LordBarrius lies back in his seat. "How....interesting."
* Romulus has joined #darkabode
* Abode sets mode: +v Romulus
<Legault> Huh... So we've been off track all this time. She seems pretty intent on this.
* Romulus pops into the room, Brink in hand.
<Rimblade> "Right."
<Korban> No, not intent.
<Rimblade> "Absolutely."
* Romulus places Brink on the sofa
<Rimblade> "Nah, I don't see that a conversation makes us wrong or right, eh?"
<Korban> Well, if she is it makes sense about what I just said, somethig great will come out of all of this.
* Nick nods.
<Korban> something: *
<Kazuma> Ah, so my puppet made it there, eh?
<Arden> Intent?
<Romulus> Yeah...
<Arden> No... resigned I think
<Nick> So...Who was the third voice?
<Korban> More neutral if anything, I assume.
<Arden> Though a bit... excited
* FulcanRyst vanishes abruptly.
<Rimblade> "I dunno. She seemed pretty calm."
<Arden> However what might her statemet mean
<Arden> We shall come to blows before this ends
<Rimblade> "Er... huge wars, with massive laser cannon?"
<Korban> I was thinking... something like that.
* Xforce fades into existence
<Arden> Hmm... Maybe... but her statement seemed self inclusive
<Xforce> "Massive Laser Cannon?"
* Arden ascends the stairs
<Xforce> "What?"
<Korban> Where ar you going?
<Korban> are: *
<Nick> A disagreement perhaps?
<Rimblade> "A cut scene?"
<Xforce> "..."
* Azazel has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
<Xforce> "I've only got a dagger."
<Rimblade> "The'Galin and Lorethia, duking it out!"
<Xforce> "And I'm not slitting my wrists."
* Lyoko has joined #darkabode
* Abode sets mode: +v Lyoko
<Arden> To my quarters? Is that quite alright with you?
<Xforce> "So... yeah. No cut scenes for me."
* Brink 's eyes are closed, no apparent injury but an elongated cut about 6 inches long that's not even deep nor bleeding on his chest. He is however knocked out and breathing rather slowly.
* Arden ascends the stairs the rest of the way
<Korban> Yes yes, just it would be nice to get a good bye once and again, out of worlders are so rude.
* Legault glances at Brink, "He sure is high mantience."
<Rimblade> "Ah..."
* Azazel has joined #darkabode
<Abode> you are the out of worlder
<Kazuma> and high-risk, it seems
<Rimblade> "We ARE living as guests on his property. And we never pay for what we eat, neither.
<Xforce> "We eat?"
* Xforce seems puzzled by this notion.
<Xforce> "Since when?"
<Kazuma> I steal snacks from Romulus
<Korban> I hunt what I eat, it's more sporting.
<Rimblade> "Well... I mean..."
<Romulus> Hey!
<Rimblade> "SOMEONE must eat."
<Rimblade> "Or they'd have never invented cattle.
<Abode> Your semantics games are funny. You live on his largesse while within ME
<Xforce> "Well, yes."
<Xforce> "But we aren't those someones."
<Korban> Being that we are guests, we should get some respect.
<Xforce> "I'd like to eat, I suppose."
<Xforce> "Just haven't been able to for a while."
<Korban> Just a friendly hello, or goodbye.
<Xforce> Stomach was one of the first things to decohere."
<Rimblade> "You know what I just realized?"
<Romulus> Just want me to bring extra snacks, Kaz?
<Kazuma> may as well
<Rimblade> "The Abode hasn't got a head."
<Abode> It is definitely funny to call Arden an out of worlder. He is the only caelestian within me
<Abode> And you are on Caelestia
* Korban chuckles.
<Korban> I'm speaking from my own mind.
<Abode> Ooh thats dangerous.. you might start a fire
<Rimblade> "You live in your mind?"
<Korban> Sort of.
* Rimblade puzzles at the thought.
<Korban> Why do you think I sleep for three days straight.
<Rimblade> "Pfft. It's a bad place inside minds."
<Rimblade> "Because minds are scary places!"
<Rimblade> "And just think of the time it wastes.
<The`Galin> ((Support the United Neggerra College Fund, because a mind is a terrible thing!"
<The`Galin> ))
<Nick> ((XD))
<Korban> ((XDD))
<The`Galin> ((To waste to waste... yeah thats what I meant))
<Kazuma> ((at the risk of at least a kick, suuuuuure ya did))
<FulcanRyst> ( I dun have a mynd. Lookit how I turnd out! :D )
<Korban> ((I thought you did. XP))
<The`Galin> ((or was that.. to not be wasted....))
* Rimblade pales to a bone white hue, and twists in midair, in order to effectively flip a silvery coin.
<Durroth> ((I is hi skool grajooit))
<The`Galin> ((
<Rimblade> ((Minds are terrible things to dwell on :O))
<Korban> So abode, may I ask, being I know nothing of you, what's your history, are you a soul infused with the house, an inanimate object with nothing to do, what?
<Durroth> ((yeah, its better not to dwell on them rimblade, think of the time you save))
<Rimblade> ((Gwhahahahahaha. Guahahaha!))
<>Ambiance<> The sound of cattle bleating is heard
* Korban twitches his ears.
<Romulus> Yeowza
<Korban> Hm, what the hell is that, I ask you a question and you send a stampede?
<Durroth> ... Cows?
<Rimblade> "Nah."
<Rimblade> "It's a recording of us talking."
<Azazel> Must be the vampire sheep
<Romulus> something like that, Rim
<Durroth> vampire sheep sound like cows then do they?
<Azazel> No. The vampire sheep are obviously preying on the cattle
<Rimblade> "Our total lack of equating cows with ourselves is just a sign of our times, really."
<Durroth> moo.
<Korban> ((It's bleating, so most likely a goat?))
* Rimblade turns a dark grey colour.
<Durroth> ((he said cattle))
<Korban> ((Goats or sheep.: *))
<Abode> MooKav of the Clan Mooklavian will handle the vampire sheep with his vampiric heifer army do not be concerned
<Durroth> ... I remember him
<Korban> Oh alright then, so what were you saying?
<Abode> Aside from that the cattle sound was just to alert you to the fact that your answer was Mu
<Rimblade> "Oh, well. That's alright then."
<Durroth> hes the one who was responsible for the accelerated night/day cycle when we were in medieval england
<Rimblade> "Cows know the answers to everything, honestly."
<Rimblade> "Mu, mu, mu.
<Abode> Especially vampiric cows
<Nick> Are there any Lycan cattle?
<Korban> Duh, why do you think the Vesperians mutilate them?
<Durroth> the who?
<Rimblade> "I like vampires. Vampires suck blood, so they often have deep-seated desires for a good wholesome conversation with someone who doesn't make them salivate.
<Azazel> Im pretty sure there are Vampire and Lycan versions of everything.
<Korban> You know, N.O.V.A?
<Abode> Its not actually the greys doing that
<Durroth> no, I dont
* Korban shrugs.
<Abode> Its the ghoul cattle preying on their living cattle brethren
<Korban> Who is it then?
<Korban> Ah, it makes so much sense now.
<Korban> And crop circles are just made by drunken farmers with too much time on their hands to look for missing cattle.
<Rimblade> "I've oft suspected as much.
<Rimblade> "Oh no."
<Rimblade> "Crop circles are magical conveyances."
<Rimblade> "Created by faeries."
<Rimblade> "In order to raid local pubs."
<Korban> Then find drunken farmers to do their bidding.
* The`Galin has quit IRC (Interred: )
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