The Secret of the Booth

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Current revision as of 10:25, 19 August 2008

[23:26] * Arden enters the abode looking somber
[23:27] * Brink sings and tosses the bottle to Adam. A spoon is on it's side. And even that is the size of half a normal one. He breaks his part in song for a short second "Try that spoonful only! And you'll set for the time!" which he even sings in the melodiouse tune that is catchy.
[23:27] * Arden Several of you are drunk
[23:27] * Arden Grossly enebriated....
[23:27] * Adam_Hartholm looks at the bottle, a little apprehensive.
[23:27] * Adam_Hartholm starts as Arden speaks, and guiltly hides the bottle.
[23:27] * Brink stops and looks at DB "It can't beat halley's, but it can't hurt to try sometime."
[23:27] * Eitak_Razal isn't drunk as she doesn't drink.
[23:27] * Nick sits in the chair still humming the tune.
[23:27] <Eitak_Razal> This is why I don't Drink....
[23:28] * Arden Is that what the secret of your booth inspired?
[23:28] * Brink looks at Adam. "Now, that little bit is all you'll need until of age. "
[23:28] * Arden Wine is as old as time and it has its place. So does drunkeness frankly
[23:28] * Brink stumbles over and slips the bottle.
[23:28] * Arden When moderated
[23:29] <Brink> ((Out that is))
[23:29] * Adam_Hartholm flushes madly at Arden's mention of the booth.
[23:29] * Brink puts it back into the sack with little motion.
[23:29] <Arden> What did you learn about the booth?
[23:29] <Brink> I never got time to get my turn in th booth.
[23:29] <Eitak_Razal> I drink wine at formal partys and stuff, but only in small doses... I often have my chefs switch mine with juice when no-one is looking...
[23:29] <Nick> The booth? That wasn't the cause of this, I didn't even visit that today...
[23:29] * Damsel stands from her seat and approaches Arden so as not to be shouting across the common room. "Much."
[23:30] <Brink> This was sheer letting go.
[23:30] <Arden> Hmm... really... what was the cause then...?
[23:30] * Brink sighs still quite happy and plops on the couch.
[23:30] <Nick> Good Spirits my fine sir.
[23:30] <Arden> Ah... For good or ill then lady Damsel?
[23:30] <Arden> Was the booth all you feared it was?
[23:31] * Nick still shivers and shakes, nodding his head to the side.
[23:31] * Adam_Hartholm slides down in his seat, wishing himself invisible.
[23:31] * Damsel considers quietly for a time. "It was both much of what I thought it was and something more."
[23:31] * Brink sighs. and Looks at Damsel Seriously. "When you can, please tell me if you made anymore progress with the Jabberwocky."
[23:31] <Damsel> "But like most things, I am uncertain if it can easily be classified as good or ill."
[23:31] * Brink continues to shiver continueously.
[23:31] <Arden> I see...
[23:31] <Nick> Its just is!
[23:31] <Brink> "Nick, what did she say the time would be. 11:30 tommorow?"
[23:32] <Arden> That makes perfect sense to me.. as much of the world is that exactly
[23:32] <Nick> Around there my Brink.
[23:32] <Brink> Ah.
[23:32] <Arden> All things have potential and it can lead to good
[23:32] <Arden> Or to very bad
[23:32] <Brink> Or ill.
[23:32] * Damsel smiles slightly. "Yes. That is what it is."
[23:32] <Nick> The booth is just that! It exists because it is, and good or bad entirely...entirely depends on the person inside!
[23:32] <Arden> What is it's "secret" then
[23:32] <Arden> If I might inquire?
[23:33] <Arden> And for you... was it for good or ill this day?
[23:33] * Brink sighs "Most in this world can go either way."
[23:33] <Damsel> "It is a rather lengthy explination."
[23:33] <Eitak_Razal> And my experance inside, was cleary one of the BAD
[23:33] * Brink then leans into Nick and whispers "Except happy drunks and happy brews!"
[23:33] <Damsel> "And for me, it was truth.Which like the booth itself, may also be good or ill."
[23:33] * Nick laughs.
[23:33] * Brink leans back into the couch.
[23:34] <Eitak_Razal> Damsel, have you looked over my experance in the hut?
[23:34] * Eitak_Razal wants do know what others think about it.
[23:34] <Brink> What was your experiance Lady Eitak.
[23:34] <Adam_Hartholm> ((EVERYONE's looked at it. You won't stop mentioning it. :P ))
[23:34] <Damsel> "I have.But I think, if perhaps, that is a discussion for another time."
[23:34] * Eitak_Razal nods.
[23:35] * Eitak_Razal looks at brink, "I'll tell you later"
[23:35] <Damsel> "For what I learned today might well cast it in a slightly different light."
[23:35] <Arden> Even things that are ill can be for good simultaneously
[23:35] <Nick> Of course it is! Tonight is a night for fine spirits and good friends, why be a downer with things like the future and the omnious comings of some big guy!?
[23:35] * Damsel inclines her head. "Aye, there is also truth to those words."
[23:35] <Arden> Which is to say that negative experiences can lead to positive results
[23:36] <Arden> Often in fact they do
[23:36] * Eitak_Razal smiles.
[23:36] <Arden> All change is first percieved as pain
[23:36] <Damsel> "The'Galin..."
[23:37] <Eitak_Razal> Just what is his true purpose...
[23:37] * Damsel sighs and shakes her head. "You wish for the secret of the booth?"
[23:37] <Arden> Well whatever the booth is good or ill this commune largely seem in a better place
[23:37] <Eitak_Razal> I think... It takes our desires and twists them so they can aid us.
[23:37] <Arden> The'Galin... has something to do with the booth?
[23:38] * Damsel looks about quietly at the others for a moment, then turns back to Arden.
[23:38] * Adam_Hartholm raises a hand. "I :[1]did:[1] meet him in it."
[23:38] <Eitak_Razal> Thats right...
[23:38] <Eitak_Razal> I have no idea who I met inside...
[23:38] <Eitak_Razal> I thought the voice was coming from the booth itself.
[23:39] <Damsel> "The booth functions both as a possibility engine and a channel of power, arcane and divine.The arcane comes from what is local, whether it be mana, leylines, energy...The divine is drawn from The'Galin."
[23:39] * Elaith begins to drift in and out of sleep, clearly exhausted.
[23:39] * Eitak_Razal blinks.
[23:39] <Arden> Wait what? The'Galin POWERS the booth?
[23:39] * Brink ndos off quite calmly.
[23:39] * Damsel nods her head in confirmation. "Yes."
[23:40] <Arden> He is a foreign god.. as I noted how can that be
[23:40] <Damsel> "It is his design."
[23:40] * Nick laughs "Why can't it?"
[23:40] * Quits: Brink (WolvenKing@9B92D004.2D4D6190.184804C.IP) (Iced:Let not the Jabberwock frighten you. Solve the cryptic and move onward into hope!)
[23:40] * Quits: Eitak_Razal (timesage@7012ADA8.4AF8D811.62E1196F.IP) (NickServ (GHOST command used by Plushie-chan))
[23:40] <Arden> Because the Farpoint forbids the interference of ouside deities
[23:40] * Joins: Eitak_Razal (Lazars@7012ADA8.4AF8D811.62E1196F.IP)
[23:40] * Reality sets mode: +v Eitak_Razal
[23:40] <Nick> He's not exactly Interfering is he?
[23:40] <Jeice> ((Again, I need Grett... phooie.))
[23:41] <Arden> And that booth would indicate that The'Galin is actively using his ability on Caelestia
[23:41] <Nick> He's putting on a show for all your lovly followers to see...
[23:41] <Damsel> "Well the divine power is drawn also in part from within."
[23:41] <Adam_Hartholm> Uhm...
[23:41] <Adam_Hartholm> I'm not sure how accurate that is.
[23:41] * Quits: Kazuma (Kazuma@Wishes.He.Could.Change.His.Hostmask) (Suppressed: Imma go sleep or somthing...)
[23:41] <Arden> So it is effected via The'Galin but also what ever force is your patron... your self
[23:41] <Arden> I suppose that makes sense... in a way
[23:41] <Damsel> "Correct."
[23:42] <Nick> Or Mr.G could just want to contribute something to the festival! Afterall he can't be totally anti-social now can he?
[23:42] <Arden> But how can it draw such power from a being.... and I still cannot comprehend how Falerin could not know that The'Galin was so actively working on his plane
[23:42] <Damsel> "Not only that, the booth links itself through a direct source in order to access the probability engine.In order to do so, it uses the occupants mind and The Cold."
[23:42] * Joins: Kazuma (
[23:42] * Arden frowns wait what....
[23:42] * Reality sets mode: +v Kazuma
[23:43] <Arden> The booth uses The Cold on you?
[23:43] * Adam_Hartholm sits up straight, eyes wide.
[23:43] * Damsel nods. "The very moment you enter. I percieved it as a chill wind, others possibly the same."
[23:44] <Nick> Of course I did! But its a nice Cold...
[23:44] <Adam_Hartholm> I...I had no idea.
[23:44] <Adam_Hartholm> I didn't feel anything remotely like that.
[23:44] <Damsel> "No, it is the same Cold.But just as truth can be good or ill, so can that, it would seem."
[23:44] <Durroth> so the cold can be applied with positive effects? interesting
[23:45] <Damsel> "It is a magnification of the mind."
[23:45] <Nick> and thats how the Man was shouting all those names that seemed to hit home!?
[23:45] * Damsel shrugs. "The man I learned nothing further of."
[23:45] <Adam_Hartholm> Magnification...
[23:45] <Durroth> Two of my analogs distrust him
[23:46] <Durroth> slightly
[23:46] <Kazuma> Is it that The Cold can heighten a feeling? Not just anger, or regret, but happiness, and joy?
[23:46] * Adam_Hartholm shifts around in his seat, crossing his legs Indian style, resting an elbow on his knee and his chin in his hand.
[23:46] * Nick is somewhat sober to carry a conversation "Could the Man have been an Agent you think?"
[23:46] <Durroth> at least it would seem that they would
[23:46] <Eitak_Razal> Arden, there is one way Fal can't know about this... Eldron is the only god allowed to be worshiped in this area... Falerin may not be able to tell exactly what goes on here.
[23:46] * Damsel shrugs. "I would not deny the possibility, though I would also add that all this was explained to me by Dr. Zephyr."
[23:47] <Kazuma> I see
[23:47] <Eitak_Razal> Wait Kaz...
[23:47] <Kazuma> and we are still not sure where he stands. do we?
[23:47] <Kazuma> Yes?
[23:47] <Nick> I wish I could'a met him, I want to talk to him...
[23:47] <Eitak_Razal> If what you say is true, and we get our hands on the power, we could counter their cold.
[23:47] <Falerin> There is a second posibility
[23:47] <Kazuma> That's a good question...I'm not sure.
[23:48] <Kazuma> oh, hello hello again.
[23:48] <Falerin> That I knew about the booth all along and allowed it
[23:48] * Damsel looks at Eitak and shakes her head. "I think you miss the point."
[23:48] <Damsel> "Falerin..."
[23:48] <Eitak_Razal> Perhaps I do...
[23:48] * Falerin appears
[23:48] <Nick> Of course! Why wouldn't you! Its entertaining, and why not allow Mr.G to contribute to the fun!?
[23:48] <Eitak_Razal> Oh... Hello again Falerin.
[23:48] <Falerin> Arden... go to bed now
[23:48] <Jeice> ((...darn it, I want to use Grett, but either way I'd use OOC info.>.<))
[23:49] <Arden> Yes I think I shall
[23:49] <Adam_Hartholm> So, the Farpoint agreed to allow The'Galin's intervention in the form of the booth.
[23:49] * Ardem climbs the stairs
[23:49] <Kazuma> ((Fal just said "Arden, bed, NAO!"))
[23:49] <Falerin> The'Galin interefered at most intdirectly
[23:49] * Damsel watches Arden depart. "Good night."
[23:50] <Jeice> ((That is not surprising at all, from what Grett learned, and Geno/Jeice knew.))
[23:50] <Falerin> The booth is of his design and his power channels through it
[23:50] <Falerin> However it is.... a personal thing isn't it
[23:50] <Falerin> The
[23:50] <Adam_Hartholm> ((Curse the cosmic closeness of the ' key to the Enter key. :/ ))
[23:50] <Falerin> Key here is that The'Galin never intereferes on Caelestia except exactly where wanted and even then secondarily
[23:50] * Nick shakes slightly letting the conversation wash over him.
[23:51] <Kazuma> ((worst design EVER!))
[23:51] <Eitak_Razal> Adam, you said when you got The'galin in the booth, you said he you only got him by chance...
[23:51] <Falerin> However it DID make it clear to us.... that he WAS interested in our world
[23:51] <Eitak_Razal> But if it It was drawing on his power....
[23:51] <Falerin> Which naturually has everything to do with my initial attention on Lore
[23:52] * Damsel nods in understanding.
[23:52] <Falerin> Even though from LORE's perspective I paid attention to the world BEFORE The'Galin was active here
[23:52] <Falerin> Time is a funny thing
[23:52] <Eitak_Razal> The fate of Caelestia is closer tied to the fate of Lore than I thought...
[23:53] <Nick> All worlds are tied...
[23:53] <Falerin> This booth is throughout the universe in many places....
[23:53] <Falerin> Not all
[23:53] <Falerin> But very many
[23:53] * Eitak_Razal blinks.
[23:53] <Falerin> It always has a caretaker
[23:53] <Falerin> One who like Louis Zephyr believes in The'Galin
[23:54] <Nick> and with good reason...
[23:54] <Eitak_Razal> I'm going to have my people do a sweep of my word, and search for any sign of a booth...
[23:54] <Adam_Hartholm> That is mildy disturbing, regardless of the booth's nature.
[23:54] * Damsel shrugs slightly.
[23:54] <Falerin> That makes the booth highly dangerous and extrodinarily valuable
[23:54] <Eitak_Razal> Its a double edged sword....
[23:54] <Falerin> I absolutely encourage you to go right on using it
[23:55] <Falerin> But make an inventory of where you are at before going in
[23:55] <Eitak_Razal> We only have till the end of the week to use it... And it doesn't always seem to be around when we want it to be,
[23:55] <Falerin> I was unaware it used the Cold... but that makes quite a bit of sense
[23:55] <Nick> Just because its a part of The'Galin, doesn't make it bad Eitak...
[23:55] <Jeice> An inventory?
[23:56] <Falerin> and I need not point out what happens if you go in to the booth with a very negative state of mine
[23:56] <Kazuma> more like a local check
[23:56] <Falerin> *mind
[23:56] <Durroth> wait
[23:56] <Durroth> what do you mean where we are?
[23:56] <Kazuma> if it spans many realms, we may pop up in a diffrent realm then where we entered
[23:56] <Falerin> To quote some religious snake charmers from terra Durroth
[23:56] * Nick begins to nod off, mumbling some things here or there.
[23:56] * Eitak_Razal looks at nick "I first Heard of The'Galin on Lore, there for I share the same veiw of him most Loreians share"
[23:57] <Falerin> Get right with the Lord
[23:57] * Quits: Nick ( (Distracted: )
[23:57] <Adam_Hartholm> So, the booth knows what it does because it has a deity behind it.
[23:57] <Durroth> you mean check our emotional status?
[23:57] <Adam_Hartholm> And it uses the Cold, so mindset will influence it.
[23:57] <Damsel> "And because it works like Delphi originally did."
[23:57] <Falerin> You have a grasp of things quite well
[23:57] <Eitak_Razal> We want to go in Happy.
[23:57] <Adam_Hartholm> Meaning that the more cynical of our number may have issues?
[23:58] <Falerin> Hmmm.. is that why he refused some of you
[23:58] <Eitak_Razal> If we go in angery or deppresd, it will be like a nomal cold Attack... Am I right?
[23:58] <Falerin> that would seem to imply that the agent operating the booth
[23:58] <Falerin> only wants GOOD to come of it
[23:58] <Falerin> How... peculoar
[23:58] <Eitak_Razal> Is that Why I was refussed entery yesterday?
[23:59] <Eitak_Razal> Becuase I was angery about what the agent said about Lkeas...
[23:59] <Falerin> Keep family within
[23:59] * Falerin vanishes
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