A Feast to Remember
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Current revision as of 10:18, 19 August 2008
- [21:40] * Falerin vanishes
- [21:40] <Nick> Here the whole time, sneaky...
- [21:42] * Joins: Necro (ultrapower@Caelestia-7FA2042C.austin.res.rr.com)
- [21:42] * Brink appears.
- [21:42] <Brink> Well... that was interesting.
- [21:43] * Elaith appears *
- [21:43] * Iago appears
- [21:43] <Kazuma> oh, hi guys
- [21:43] * Falerin appears back in the kitchen
- [21:43] * Adam_Hartholm appears again in the Abode.
- [21:43] * Kazuma is holding an archive
- [21:43] * Deathbringer appears, "Mass Teleport?"
- [21:43] <Adam_Hartholm> Wha!
- [21:43] <Falerin> Well then
- [21:43] * Damsel appears
- [21:43] <Brink> What you all teleport now?
- [21:43] <Adam_Hartholm> That was sudden.
- [21:43] <Falerin> Dinner is ready
- [21:43] <Nick> Got whatcha needed then?
- [21:43] * Elaith shakes his head and gains his bearings.
- [21:43] * Legault appears, looking more cheerful then usual.
- [21:43] * Iago wonders if Truth teleported
- [21:43] <Adam_Hartholm> Oh! What're we having?
- [21:43] <Falerin> ((ALL))
- [21:43] <Kazuma> ((nice))
- [21:44] * Adam_Hartholm walks into the kitchen area.
- [21:44] <FrogPlushie> ((Yes, the truffle teleported. D:<))
- [21:44] <Falerin> ((Falerin would not miss even a Trobble))
- [21:44] <Iago> ((truffle....))
- [21:44] <Kazuma> ((awww))
- [21:44] <Nick> ((Fal is cool like that =p))
- [21:44] <FrogPlushie> ((Shush.))
- [21:44] <Falerin> ((Or a flea on a truffles nose))
- [21:44] * Brink sighs "Now then, Nick, are you ready or are you going to stay and eat?"
- [21:44] <Brink> ((XD))
- [21:44] * Iago smells a lot of liquor in the air
- [21:44] <Falerin> ((Or that mosquito that was biting you at transit time))
- [21:45] <Legault> ((rofl))
- [21:45] * Kazuma sits back, waiting for the screaming
- [21:45] <Deathbringer> ((What about those who didn't want to teleporrt and their saving throw?))
- [21:45] <Kazuma> ((that's where he gets you))
- [21:45] <Nick> Lets get going, not one for fancy dinners.
- [21:45] * Falerin brings out a large bottle of Martini and Rossi Asti Spumanti
- [21:45] <Falerin> It is time for a celebration
- [21:45] * Iago smiles
- [21:45] <Damsel> ((good luck saving against a god))
- [21:45] <Adam_Hartholm> Here here?
- [21:45] * Brink sighs "You know the way."
- [21:45] <Nick> Well in that case...
- [21:45] * Brink vanishes.
- [21:45] <Falerin> Avarie and Elaith are to be wed saturday
- [21:45] <Deathbringer> ((XD Good point Damsel))
- [21:45] <Falerin> and I am to preform the nuptials
- [21:45] <Kazuma> wha?
- [21:45] * Elaith smiles.
- [21:45] <Kazuma> wow
- [21:45] <Necro> Interesting
- [21:46] <Deathbringer> Awesome!
- [21:46] <Kazuma> Congrats you two
- [21:46] <Legault> (( #Roll 1d100000, you must roll a 100000 to leave.))
- [21:46] <Adam_Hartholm> Oh. Talk about your binding vows...
- [21:46] <Falerin> We shall observe the wedding at a little villa I know on Terra in the 1500s
- [21:46] * Avarie stirs awake at the sudden increase in activity in the abode.
- [21:46] <Falerin> Far from the mass of populace
- [21:46] <Falerin> But that is not what we are celebrating today
- [21:46] <Falerin> We are celebrating Misunderstandings
- [21:46] <Nick> Oh No?
- [21:47] <Durroth> eh?
- [21:47] <Falerin> We are celebrating infighting and backbiting
- [21:47] <Deathbringer> Hmm?
- [21:47] <Adam_Hartholm> Odd thing to celebrate.
- [21:47] <Falerin> We are celebrating jumping the gun
- [21:47] <Falerin> And misinterpreting
- [21:47] * Damsel seems somewhat bemused by these proclimations.
- [21:47] * Brink reappears.
- [21:47] * Iago coughs silently
- [21:47] <Falerin> We are celebrating burn out and anger
- [21:47] <Kazuma> eh...yay us?
- [21:47] <Legault> Hey, atleast we're not tearing holes in reality anymore.
- [21:47] <Falerin> We are celebrating each other
- [21:47] <Kazuma> that's better
- [21:47] <Falerin> We are celebrating Family
- [21:47] <Falerin> All of these things are what makes up a family you know
- [21:47] <Necro> Works for me
- [21:47] <Iago> Hear Hear!
- [21:48] <Falerin> We are celebrating Chances
- [21:48] <Durroth> ... Aye
- [21:48] <Falerin> Second
- [21:48] <Falerin> Third
- [21:48] <Falerin> Fourth
- [21:48] * Adam_Hartholm chuckles and looks for a place to stand out of the way.
- [21:48] <Falerin> 27th
- [21:48] * Nick sighs "Family huh?"
- [21:48] <Falerin> because as Mr. Yankovic of earth said
- [21:48] <FrogPlushie> Noooo! You're celebrating me!
- [21:48] <Falerin> it is a pretty funny number
- [21:48] <Falerin> We are celebrating good times
- [21:48] <Dale> ( Fal. You rule. :D )
- [21:48] * FrogPlushie appears in a burst of fanfare and confetti.
- [21:48] <Falerin> but even more importantly
- [21:48] <Falerin> we are celebrating BAD times
- [21:48] <Falerin> because we learn
- [21:48] <Falerin> and BAD times give way to good times
- [21:49] <Brink> Agreed.
- [21:49] <Kazuma> I'd have to admit, it's an odd way of saying it, but it's more true then the other ways
- [21:49] <Falerin> And you all are celebrating the fact that the god of evil directly manifested in a verboten zone and cooked a dinner for you
- [21:49] * Brink sighs and acts as if he cheers to something.
- [21:49] <Durroth> heh
- [21:49] * Legault grins.
- [21:49] <Falerin> You have no idea how many times my clerics have tried to get me to do that here
- [21:49] <Kazuma> yay
- [21:49] <Falerin> and I refuse
- [21:49] <Falerin> Not the dinner
- [21:49] <Falerin> the manifestation
- [21:49] <Falerin> So then
- [21:49] <Damsel> "Thank you, Falerin.And not for the dinner.Well..not just the dinner."
- [21:49] * Iago laughs
- [21:49] <Deathbringer> Heh
- [21:49] <Iago> Thank you very much
- [21:50] * Falerin pops the cork
- [21:50] <Adam_Hartholm> Hip hip, hooray!
- [21:50] <Necro> Indeed, thank you
- [21:50] <Deathbringer> Yes, thank you!
- [21:50] * Elaith moves over by Avarie and whispers to her the small amount she missed while sleeping.
- [21:50] * Brink smiles. "Nick, I do suppose we must stay."
- [21:50] <>Ambiance<> Sparkling Wine rains from the ceiling
- [21:50] * Avarie blushes and giggles softly.
- [21:50] * Falerin poors forth the sparkling wine
- [21:50] * Kazuma grabs a cup and holds it out
- [21:50] * Nick raises his hand and brings it down in a waving motion "I suppose we must" smiling greatly.
- [21:50] <Falerin> "We are celebrating The
- [21:50] * Adam_Hartholm laughs and looks for a cup.
- [21:50] <Falerin> "A toast...."
- [21:50] <Falerin> "To Absent Friends"
- [21:50] <Falerin> "And absent enemies"
- [21:51] <Falerin> "And especially to The'Galin"
- [21:51] <Falerin> "For driving us all together"
- [21:51] * Falerin raises his glass
- [21:51] <Falerin> Salut
- [21:51] * Iago raises his as well
- [21:51] * Brink sighs "It's not not whiskey but..." He then smiles widely and pulls out a bottle with nothing it and no cork. He fills it high.
- [21:51] * Kazuma holds his glass up too
- [21:51] * Durroth raises his glass
- [21:51] * Dale cheers. "Here here!"
- [21:51] * Adam_Hartholm raises a fist, being bereft of a glass.
- [21:51] <Nick> Here Here!
- [21:51] * Brink raises his bottle.
- [21:51] * Deathbringer raises his hand, as if he had a glass.
- [21:51] * Necro holds his glass up. "Skoll"
- [21:51] <Iago> Here Here
- [21:51] <Brink> Here Here!
- [21:51] * Damsel and Avarie join in the toast.
- [21:51] <Deathbringer> Here here!
- [21:51] <Durroth> Nesthi!
- [21:51] <Adam_Hartholm> Cheers!
- [21:52] <Kazuma> ((geez, do you have a dictionary or something Adam?))
- [21:52] <Kazuma> cheers
- [21:52] <Adam_Hartholm> ((What'dyou mean? :o ))
- [21:52] * Legault didn't get a cup, but he cheers anyways.
- [21:52] <Kazuma> ((you keep using out of the ordinary words))
- [21:52] <Adam_Hartholm> So, what's this supper that the God of Evil himself has prepared for us?
- [21:52] <>Ambiance<> Martini and Rossi is a sweet Asti... it is a rather plesant and moderately high end italian sparkling. Which is to say it is NOTHING like champagne
- [21:52] <Dale> (( he can speel ))
- [21:52] * Elaith , raises his glass in the toast, but does not drink, preferring not to partake of alcoholic beverages.
- [21:52] <Kazuma> ((bereft?))
- [21:52] <Adam_Hartholm> ((Pfft. :P ))
- [21:53] * Falerin looks at Elaith
- [21:53] <Nick> Let your hair loose once in awhile...
- [21:53] <Falerin> Drink the wine Elaith
- [21:53] * Brink takes a swig "Quite a fine wine."
- [21:53] <Falerin> Moderation is the key to all things
- [21:53] * Adam_Hartholm finds himself a cup...somehow. "I'm a bit underage. Anyone mind if I drink anyway?"
- [21:53] <Falerin> and this is a religious observance
- [21:53] <Falerin> this is a religious observance Adam
- [21:53] * Avarie glances at Elaith with a very amused expression as she takes his free hand in hers.
- [21:53] <Brink> He asid.
- [21:53] <Kazuma> I'm just having a small sip
- [21:53] <Falerin> feel free
- [21:54] * Iago likes the taste... "Like a dessert wine"
- [21:54] <Falerin> None says you must drink much
- [21:54] <Falerin> or get stupid drunk
- [21:54] <Dale> (( Nick XD ))
- [21:54] <Falerin> But Wine is as old as time
- [21:54] <Falerin> and we are touching a culture and society beyond us
- [21:54] <Adam_Hartholm> Okay then!
- [21:54] * Legault walks to the kitchen and gets a cup, "Alright, I'll try some."
- [21:54] <Falerin> So no... no teetotaling arround]
- [21:54] <Falerin> here
- [21:54] <Falerin> not today
- [21:54] <Falerin> XD
- [21:54] <Dale> (( XD ))
- [21:54] <FrogPlushie> Eck Dee!
- [21:55] * Adam_Hartholm holds out a cup in a silent request for wine.
- [21:55] * Brink smiles and looks at Falerin "And the dinner.... you spoke of dinner..."
- [21:55] * Falerin somehow manages to actually say Ecksdee... it is an odd warping of reality but there is no other interpretation of the sound he utters
- [21:55] <Iago> (( XD ))
- [21:55] * Nick takes a drink "I don't usually like sweet things but for today I can manage"
- [21:55] <Deathbringer> (( XD ))
- [21:55] <Dale> (( XD ))
- [21:55] <Adam_Hartholm> (( XD ))
- [21:55] <Legault> (( xD ))
- [21:55] * Brink sighs and looks at Adam. He poors him some wine.
- [21:55] <Falerin> ((It is just like some health beverages undeniably TASTE like the color green))
- [21:55] <Kazuma> ((XD))
- [21:55] <Adam_Hartholm> ((How many XDs was that? :o ))
- [21:55] * Elaith takes a small sip, but large enough that he feels the taste, and squeezes Avarie's hand a little.
- [21:55] <Falerin> ((There is no other descriptor for the taste but green))
- [21:56] <Falerin> Fantastic
- [21:56] <Falerin> Now you can have whatever you like to drink
- [21:56] * Adam_Hartholm takes a tentative sip, then grins and takes a slightly bigger one, savoring the flavor.
- [21:56] * Damsel is smiling quietly as she sips at her drink, taking in the community.
- [21:56] <Falerin> Since the toast is complete
- [21:56] <Falerin> We have just about everything in the fridge I saw it stocked when I went out
- [21:56] <Falerin> Listen to me all of you
- [21:56] * Legault drinks the glass, "Mhm..."
- [21:56] <Deathbringer> Yeah?
- [21:56] * Kazuma puts the glass aside and grabs some Coca-Cola
- [21:56] <Falerin> I am about to tell you something terribly shocking
- [21:56] <Falerin> and Maxwell might shoot me
- [21:57] * Brink turns to Falerin grinning he takes another sip.
- [21:57] <Dale> (( I'm a woman! ))
- [21:57] <Falerin> But it needs to be said
- [21:57] <Falerin> Stop truthseeking
- [21:57] <Brink> ((XD))
- [21:57] <Legault> ((xD))
- [21:57] * Legault feels reality shattering.
- [21:57] * Kazuma 's jaw drops...
- [21:57] <Falerin> Start pardon my venacular
- [21:57] <Falerin> Goofing off
- [21:57] * Brink drops his hand downward.
- [21:57] * Adam_Hartholm looks completely bamboozled.
- [21:57] * Nick takes another drink "Really? I believe thats what we've been doing as of late..."
- [21:57] <Falerin> ((That is not the word you hear.. you hear one with an f... and yet simultaneously the G is what is uttered))
- [21:58] <Falerin> ((Like the ecksdee this duality is amazing but undeniable))
- [21:58] <Dale> (( XD ))
- [21:58] * Damsel appears startled, but understanding quickly takes it's place, and she nods.
- [21:58] * Legault scratches his head, "Erm... Alright, but how is that different from what we usually do?
- [21:58] <Falerin> Now do not mistake me
- [21:58] <Falerin> you should still seek the truth
- [21:58] * Iago looks somber
- [21:58] <Falerin> and you should still work on clues
- [21:58] <Kazuma> just don't be seekers?
- [21:58] * Brink doesn't quite understand.
- [21:59] <Falerin> But... I have told you many times to be a family
- [21:59] <Falerin> Forget this seeking as a buisness
- [21:59] * Adam_Hartholm waits for Falerin's explanation, but looks clearly baffled.
- [21:59] <Falerin> as a job
- [21:59] <Falerin> as an obsession
- [21:59] <Falerin> It misses the point
- [21:59] <Legault> Ah, I see...
- [21:59] * Necro starts at first, particularly from last night's discussion, but follows Falerin
- [21:59] <Falerin> it is time you redefine what truthseeking is
- [21:59] <Falerin> it is not beating yourself up solving codes for hours on end and finding transit routes to the nearest intergalactic latrine
- [21:59] * Brink begins to understand.
- [21:59] <Falerin> I mean it is those things
- [22:00] <Falerin> But it surely is not ONLY those things
- [22:00] <Falerin> All of this hostility and fighting
- [22:00] * Adam_Hartholm mouths the words "intergalacit latrine" serveral times.
- [22:00] <Falerin> Worrying about the end of things
- [22:00] <Falerin> And what fat guy is guiding you
- [22:00] <Falerin> and what crap might happen
- [22:00] <Falerin> It is an ulcer
- [22:00] <Falerin> I meant that
- [22:00] <Falerin> an ulcer waiting to happen
- [22:00] <Falerin> and even worse
- [22:00] <Falerin> I will kill you
- [22:01] <Falerin> Because though you try for unity
- [22:01] <Falerin> You actually by perversion
- [22:01] <Falerin> Ensure its failure
- [22:01] <Falerin> You will fight
- [22:01] <Falerin> You will skirmish
- [22:01] <Falerin> You will argue
- [22:01] <Falerin> You will burn out and have to get a second wind
- [22:02] <Brink> We looks at Falerin "We need to continue seeking. But be more loose. And not make it a job of sorts. Correct?"
- [22:02] <Durroth> ((Fal wil kill us?))
- [22:02] <Brink> ((That was a /me))
- [22:02] <Damsel> "I understand."
- [22:03] <Falerin> You will now have the most amazing meal of your pitiful short lives and ever again wish for one a billionth as good and it will make the Prophet ever regret that she considered the cinema and real life more important... and why is it realer anyway really.... Actually I plan to see that movie soon too it really does look good and I infact am just uttering sour graps
- [22:03] <Falerin> Which is to say save her a leftover plate
- [22:03] <Durroth> Durroth plans to see it
- [22:03] * Nick laughs
- [22:03] <Durroth> and the new transformers movie
- [22:03] <Falerin> You will do all of these things
- [22:03] <Durroth> its one of the more recent thoughts in my acquisition
- [22:03] * Legault nods, not really understanding but going along with it.
- [22:03] <Falerin> Especially that part about ever after wishing for a meal one millionth as good
- [22:03] <Falerin> BUT
- [22:03] <Falerin> In the END you will be one
- [22:03] * Avarie looks at Fal in minor amazement.
- [22:04] <Falerin> Or ELSE
- [22:04] * Falerin looks at Avarie
- [22:04] * Deathbringer gulps.
- [22:04] <Falerin> I wish to say something to you
- [22:04] * Brink looks at Falerin and smiles.
- [22:04] <Falerin> I called you a coward
- [22:04] * Adam_Hartholm is wide-eyed by this point, a mixture of amazement and bafflement writ clear on his face.
- [22:04] <Falerin> I intimated that Your Fiance could help you grow a backbone
- [22:04] <Falerin> Well actually my Avatar said it
- [22:04] <Falerin> But it was not uninspired
- [22:04] <Falerin> I was angry and pissed
- [22:05] <Falerin> But please forgive me...
- [22:05] <Falerin> I was NOT implying you did not have perfect reason
- [22:05] <Falerin> You DO
- [22:05] <Falerin> I know what you experienced
- [22:05] <Falerin> I know what caused that
- [22:05] <Falerin> And yes the words were harsh
- [22:05] <Falerin> But they were also hopeful
- [22:05] <Falerin> Even the most craven can change
- [22:05] <Falerin> Fear can be overcome
- [22:05] <Falerin> so can backbiting
- [22:05] <Falerin> The end my friends
- [22:06] <Falerin> Is the truth
- [22:06] <Falerin> Blood runs thicker then water
- [22:06] * Avarie appears confused, startled, and amazed all at once.
- [22:06] <Durroth> ...
- [22:06] <Falerin> and the blood you choose even more so then the blood in your veins
- [22:06] <Brink> And love runs thicker than blood...
- [22:06] <Nick> ((basically like this 0______^))
- [22:06] * Adam_Hartholm nods, mouth slightly ajar, looking quite like a fish at the moment.
- [22:06] * Joins: Eliphas-the-inheritor (sambo_2220@Caelestia-A0086160.dial1.cincinnati1.level3.net)
- [22:07] <Falerin> This is more then just a game somewhere.. that someone is playing.... it is a touch of the consensual reality we build... every second
- [22:07] <Falerin> Here let me patch that fourth wall
- [22:07] <Falerin> We make this community and we are a family
- [22:07] <Falerin> and that is what will save us
- [22:07] * Legault has given up understanding at this point and has submitted to small fits of laughter.
- [22:07] <Durroth> ((we have a fourth wall left to patch?))
- [22:07] <Falerin> We all bring in our diverse talents
- [22:07] <Falerin> we all borrow from each other
- [22:08] <Falerin> Forget my previous curse
- [22:08] <Falerin> its lifted
- [22:08] <Falerin> Beat the hell out of each other
- [22:08] <Legault> ((xD))
- [22:08] <Adam_Hartholm> ((The fourth wall saw that bit about the movies and just quit and took off on vacation. :P ))
- [22:08] <Falerin> But after you do so remember to save each other too
- [22:08] <Dale> (( XDDDD ))
- [22:08] <Falerin> Kill each other
- [22:08] * Dale snickers. "GT's coming backkkk."
- [22:08] <Falerin> But always have a ressurection scroll prepared
- [22:08] <Adam_Hartholm> ...we're going to need some phoenix down.
- [22:08] <Falerin> Yes
- [22:08] <Durroth> I wouldnt go that far... but I think someones gonna have a field day with frog plushie
- [22:08] <Adam_Hartholm> A whole LOT of phoenix down.
- [22:08] <Falerin> That would be a Fantastic investiment
- [22:08] * Nick takes another drink, clearly drinking nothing as his glass has been empty for quite some time.
- [22:08] <Falerin> Just do it in the right mode
- [22:08] <Adam_Hartholm> Too bad I'm plumb broke.
- [22:09] <Falerin> That was the problem after all
- [22:09] <Falerin> We forget ourselves
- [22:09] <Falerin> The antipasti was made by a Mr. Mario Batali of terra
- [22:09] <Adam_Hartholm> In other words, if we're to be a family, we need to have family feuds. Just don't let them get out of hand?
- [22:09] <Falerin> The man and I have met twice
- [22:09] <Falerin> and he owed me for a certain recipie
- [22:09] <Durroth> ((Taking all bets on who slugs FrogPlushie first!))
- [22:09] * Iago bursts out laughing
- [22:10] <Falerin> At anyrate
- [22:10] <Falerin> He is quite good at this cuisine
- [22:10] <Falerin> It is the only part I have not myself prepared
- [22:10] * FrogPlushie meeps, knowing someone is gonna be set on fire any moment.
- [22:10] <Falerin> Ultimately I even made the dessert
- [22:10] <Falerin> which is a pastry tray with cannoli cheesecake zeppoli and an assortment of fruit and cheese
- [22:11] * Durroth pets TruthTruffle who seems to be napping on his shoulder
- [22:11] <Brink> Quite Italian.
- [22:11] <Falerin> The whole meal is
- [22:11] <Falerin> Family scuffle
- [22:12] <Falerin> But when the chips are down we get it right
- [22:12] <Adam_Hartholm> Not exactly in my personal taste, but I'm sure it is simply divine, considering.
- [22:12] * Brink sighs "Batali is quite the man. When it comes to Italian foods. Giada is as well."
- [22:12] * Iago says something under his breath, "Fal is great, Fal is evil, let us thank him for this meal"
- [22:12] <Falerin> Thats not to say I think you should fight all the time
- [22:12] <Falerin> or needlessly
- [22:12] <Falerin> But it is tosay that wrestling a while
- [22:12] <Falerin> even fatally
- [22:12] <Falerin> is not unforgivable
- [22:12] <Falerin> And even I make mistakes
- [22:12] <Adam_Hartholm> Geno'll be glad. He did say that he loved sparring...
- [22:12] * FrogPlushie grins, "If we all die we can't seek."
- [22:12] <Falerin> Just please... save eachother
- [22:12] * Falerin vanishes
- [22:13] * Parts: Falerin (Falerin@Operator.Caelestia.net)
- [22:13] <Brink> ((One of the pastries is burnt if Fal makes mistakes))
- [22:13] * Iago moves toward the food
- [22:13] * Iago turns quickly to Damsel, "So, the punchline?"
- [22:13] * Damsel looks down at her glass for a moment, then a smile slowly crosses her face.
- [22:14] <Nick> That is why you should be seeking. Not for a favor, not for glory or honor, or because its right, but because of that.
- [22:14] * Adam_Hartholm finds himself a plate, and takes samplings of all the foods proffered, before finding a seat.
- [22:14] <Necro> Truly a moving speech, one that will be remembered by all seekers
- [22:14] <Durroth> indeed
- [22:14] <Brink> Present and to be.
- [22:14] <Damsel> "I think the punchline is we will never have a dinner quite as spectacular as this again."