Missing the Point
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Current revision as of 07:52, 19 August 2008
- <Damsel> "'Twas brillig, and slithy toves did gyre and gible in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogoves, and the mom raths outgrabe..."
- <Nick> So you're here to save some planet somewhere, that might not even deserve saving and because your boss asked? You're not here for you?
- * Elaith smiles at Damsel's words. "Lewis Carroll?"
- <Adam_Hartholm> Mome raths, Damsel.
- * Damsel nods her head. "The Jabberwocky."
- <Adam_Hartholm> Mome raths.
- * bule has quit IRC (Distracted: buh bye E3 ftw! )
- <Elaith> You don't often speak without reason. Any particular purpose for choosing that passage?
- <Adam_Hartholm> Nick, by helping the boss out like this, I'll be doing myself a favor too.
- <Adam_Hartholm> But it's mostly for him.
- <Adam_Hartholm> I owe him big time. Save my life.
- <Adam_Hartholm> Saved even.
- * Elaith folds over his own paper to pay more attention to Damsel.
- * Nick continues on his rant "And therein lies the problem, some of us here, aren't here to seek the truth just to seek it or just to survive to meet the end, your here to save your own hides, to gain some favor somewhere, to be called a hero! Thats not the seeking we should be doing!" he scratches his head "Its a mockery of the word it is."
- <Damsel> "It seems that it may be key, actually. Just that stanza, nothing more. Something about Alice dictating it as directions to travel in time, space, and dimension. At least... in a piece of Terran mythology."
- <Adam_Hartholm> Pfft.
- <Adam_Hartholm> Spare me.
- <Little_Brown_Box> What, the Jabberwocky?
- <Nick> No, the corrupt don't deserve to be spared...
- <Adam_Hartholm> Corrupt my ass. You're the one acting devisivly.
- <Little_Brown_Box> Damsel, you think that that nonsense poem might be directions?
- * Damsel shrugs. "Someone from Terra did at one time."
- * Nick laughs
- <Little_Brown_Box> Well, it's got plenty of random words in it...
- <Damsel> "Just the first stanza though. Nothing more."
- <Little_Brown_Box> Oh?
- * Arden enters via the terrace gate
- * Krosha nods to arden.
- <Nick> At least I'm here to see the ultimate end, and to seek the real truth behind this whole mess and not for some favor from some fat slob, or to save so forsaken planet on the edges of who knows where!
- * Adam_Hartholm happens to be bored, and his wandering gaze finds Arden. "Hey there."
- <Nick> *some not so >.>
- <Damsel> "A mathematical formula... directions that we can not understand because we understand eclidian logic and this is... other..."
- <Damsel> "But maybe..."
- * Arden scowls
- <Adam_Hartholm> Nick, you speak of matters of which you have no comprehension. Kindly shut up.
- <Arden> Leave my home....
- <Arden> Do so now or I shall force you to
- <Adam_Hartholm> Who, me?
- <Arden> No not you
- * Damsel looks up at Arden, uncertain who exactly is being spoken to.
- <Genoclysm> I think he means Nick...
- * Nick gets up "I was just about to anyway, None of you see clearly."
- <Deathbringer> Who?
- <Adam_Hartholm> Oh. Whew.
- <Arden> You are not the fool spreading discord and disunity in my domicile
- * Nick walks out of the door and flys off.
- <Arden> Fat Slobs and Planets in god knows where
- * Nick has left #darkabode
- <Arden> Are the universe
- <Little_Brown_Box> Quite right!
- <Arden> An exemption on the curse....
- <Little_Brown_Box> Lovely place, the universe.
- <Arden> If he enters kill him at iwill
- <Little_Brown_Box> Are you serious?
- <Little_Brown_Box> That's a little draconic.
- <Little_Brown_Box> Er, draconian.
- * Damsel frowns.
- <Arden> He is no seeker
- <Krosha> When it comes to the Deevourer we cant afford acceptions.
- <Arden> I was mistaken when I said he was better then Nicholas
- <Arden> He is WORSE
- <Arden> And I wash my hands of him
- <Damsel> "Does that mean it must be a death sentence?"
- * Arden looks suddenly confused and sober
- * Adam_Hartholm has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
- * Arden Was I saying something?
- <Little_Brown_Box> (( XD knew it))
- <Little_Brown_Box> Yeah.
- <Little_Brown_Box> You were ranting about killing.
- * Arden Nonsense
- * Arden Patent
- <Little_Brown_Box> Probably.
- * LordBarrius blinks at Arden in surprise. "You...." He frowns. "You do not recall it then?"
- <Little_Brown_Box> It sounded uncharacteristic.
- * Damsel sighs softly and turns the majority of her attention to her papers.
- * Arden Perhaps it came from higher up
- <LordBarrius> "Overshadowed then?"
- <Little_Brown_Box> It seems you have a strange effect on my sensors, Arden. I pick up all kinds of crazy crap around you.
- <Deathbringer> Hm...
- * Arden frowns
- <Arden> How can people be so self decieved
- <Arden> So thoroughly lost
- <Krosha> You ok Arden?
- <Little_Brown_Box> He was drunk.
- <Arden> I sensed the breifest glance of what it is he experienced in that strange Festival
- <Little_Brown_Box> Irresponsible of him.
- <Little_Brown_Box> Eh?
- <Arden> and I must say his response to it baffles me
- <Arden> It is the most completely opposite.....
- <Little_Brown_Box> I'm afraid I don't share you insight. Would you mind telling us what happened to him?
- * Adam_Hartholm has joined #darkabode
- <Arden> You know what I will leave you to each other.... I am begining to lose all faith in this process
- <Little_Brown_Box> Aww, don't say that.
- <Little_Brown_Box> They always say that.
- <Arden> And in all invovlved
- <Arden> Not a one of you trully comprehend
- <Little_Brown_Box> 'Cause nobody ever talks.
- <Arden> It is all lipservice and Hypocrisy
- * Damsel appears saddened.
- <Arden> Hypocrisy for the Lose Alex
- <Genoclysm> Not all are hypocrits...
- <Arden> Oh realy Geno... really now
- <Arden> Pray tell me one who is not
- <Little_Brown_Box> We're all hypocrites at some point or another if we live long enough.
- <Genoclysm> Are you a hypocrit?
- <Arden> Give me even one name?
- <Little_Brown_Box> Just as we are all fools.
- <Little_Brown_Box> Is that even a point?
- <Arden> My name is not pertinent.... that is an evasion
- <Arden> I shall take that as proving my point then
- <Elaith> I wouldn't use my name, Geno. Your best bet is Lkeas or Damsel.
- <Genoclysm> Alright, give me a moment.
- <Arden> Unless you want to be genuine
- <Little_Brown_Box> nah.
- <Little_Brown_Box> He's got us.
- <Genoclysm> Useless.
- <Little_Brown_Box> He's got us cold.
- * Damsel shakes her head. "I have had my moments of hypocricy too, I am well aware."
- <Arden> Yes exactly it is useless
- <Genoclysm> No, I mean Talo.
- <Arden> So you see the trouble
- <Arden> Talo?
- <Arden> The mechanical ferret
- <Little_Brown_Box> Yup.
- <Genoclysm> Yes.
- <Arden> Has he followed directions of late.. has he even been part of this community
- <Arden> In recent memory he has been not more then he has been and his interaction has been stitled
- <Arden> Somehow that strikes me as missing the point utterly
- <Little_Brown_Box> And the point is that we're ill-suited to this task?
- <Arden> If he was even part of this community it might have merit
- <Arden> Try again
- <Genoclysm> Hm... Corin certainly isn't a part of this community...
- <Elaith> Lkeas.
- <Arden> Lkeas?
- <Little_Brown_Box> Nope.
- <Arden> Have you heard what happened tonight Elaith
- <Elaith> I have not.
- <Little_Brown_Box> I'm telling you guys, we've got nothin.g
- <Arden> No... Lkeas is as guilty as any
- <Little_Brown_Box> He's asked one of those questions that you can't answer.
- <Genoclysm> Arden, how far back does your inquiry go?
- <Genoclysm> Our entire histories, or as Truth Seekers?
- <Little_Brown_Box> That's evasive, Geno...
- <Arden> What good is the question if it pertains to those no longer aiding the cause Geno
- <Genoclysm> I'm asking about myself.
- <Arden> It goes only far enough back to cover those still here
- * Dale has joined #darkabode
- * Reality sets mode: +v Dale
- <Elaith> Then I guess the best we can do is trust that everything is worth your spending your time here anyways, in the hope that something towards our initial goals will come out of it.
- <Genoclysm> I'm asking if my prior history works against me.
- <Arden> And where you are concerned oh double edged sword
- <Arden> You left us didn't you
- <Arden> You only very very recntly even returned
- <Little_Brown_Box> Are we supposed to actually know someone that has never lied? Who never contradicted their words with actions? You're being irrational, Arden!
- <Arden> Your king has a better chance of coming up clean
- <Genoclysm> I... it slipped my mind.
- <Genoclysm> Then how about Jeice?
- <Genoclysm> I may not have been around for a while, but he has.
- <Arden> He falls short Geno you knew that which is why you did not tried
- <Elaith> How about Avarie?
- <Arden> Grasp not at straws
- <Arden> Hollow unity is no unity at all
- <Arden> Your fiance?
- <Elaith> Indeed.
- <Arden> Do you really want to lay her past Bare Elaith?
- <Arden> I do not believe even she would make an argument for herself
- <Genoclysm> You are right. I did not say him sooner because I figured your judgement reached back to when he misjudged me.
- <Elaith> I trust her.
- <Arden> You cannot sell me by the past
- <Arden> And you sure cannot have not sold me in the present
- <Arden> I only wonder what I could possibly be thinking
- <Arden> The hell with all of this
- <Damsel> "Future..."
- * Ardem flies up the stairs
- <Genoclysm> You're saying we aren't worth the trouble?
- <Elaith> He never answered on Avarie.
- * Arden halts midway up
- <Krosha> If we act like we did earlier we certainly arent we must improve our behavior.
- * Arden speaks quite clealy and meanacingly "I am saying in all high stakes endeavors there comes a time ot cut losses"
- * Arden finishes climbing the stairs
- * Damsel watches Arden quietly and with an expression of sadness.
- <Krosha> So... what do we do now?
- <Genoclysm> We do... the best we can.
- * Damsel speaks softly. "The past is lost to us. The present has proven to be insufficent. All we have now is the future."
- <Elaith> I trust Avarie and she's worth it.
- <Genoclysm> And we try to improve our little community.
- <Little_Brown_Box> What the heck was that?
- <Elaith> I want to hear it from him.
- <Genoclysm> ((Damsel, a certain someone was told otherwise, but he is not here to comment...))
- * Elaith moves to head up the stairs.
- <Krosha> Ok.. Shreix and I will put asideour current quest in order to be more active here.
- * Damsel shakes her head and looks idly at the papers in her lap.
- <Little_Brown_Box> Was that all in response to Iago and Nick?
- <Little_Brown_Box> Why did he fly off the handle of a sudden?
- <Krosha> ((: *adise our))
- <Falerin> (( Frankly I find this entire situation baffling... how anyone could go from such a positive experience and end up where we are currently I cannot imagine"
- <Little_Brown_Box> ((: *aside our :P ))
- <Little_Brown_Box> ((I really liked it. :/ ))
- <Falerin> ((To hell with Falerin having doubts William Donges is having them at the moment))
- <Little_Brown_Box> ((Sorry to hear that.))
- <Damsel> ((That is something I fully understand and echo, sadly))
- <Genoclysm> ((...))
- <Damsel> ((Even though I am likely part of the problem as well for there as been no real solution))
- <Falerin> ((There is a punchline to these experiences.. but I cannot in good conscience give it now))
- <Falerin> ((Because it will be grossly misunderstood))
- * Genoclysm speaks to the entire room. "Who has not visited the booth?"
- <Little_Brown_Box> ((What brought this on then, Falerin?))
- <LordBarrius> ((All of us.))
- <Genoclysm> ((I imagine it is because the message of the booth has fallen on deaf ears.))
- * Krosha has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
- <Falerin> ((People need not be manipulated to sink into darkness..... they do it freely((
- * Krosha has joined #darkabode
- * Adam_Hartholm has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
- * Little_Brown_Box has quit IRC (NickServ (GHOST command used by Little_Brown_Box198) )
- <Krosha> ((did a bunch of you jus get a ping timeout?))
- <Damsel> ((Yes. That is why this whole saga is so... true.))
- <>Ambiance:<> The second floor has numerous rooms
- <>Ambiance:<> and further down another stairwell leading to the the thrid floor
- * Elaith , still very frustrated at Arden's comment about Avarie looks about for any sign of him.
- <Genoclysm> I don't think Arden is right, that we're just losses.
- <Little_Brown_Box> Well, duh.
- <>Ambiance:<> The master suite is apparently not on this floor
- <Genoclysm> But there are certainly some issues.
- * Damsel ruffles the papers in her lap uncomfortably. "I don't think he's entirely wrong, either."
- <Little_Brown_Box> He was, like, pissed beyond reason.
- * Elaith mumbles to himself about getting his answer and heads up to the third floor.
- <>Ambiance:<> The third floor contains a large library a laboratory what looks to be some kind of classroom a computer room
- <Damsel> "I'm not certain there was any 'beyond' about it. He was pissed with reason."
- <>Ambiance:<> a small den, a half bath, and a stairwell up to the Attic
- * Iago has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
- <>Ambiance:<> Which appears to be more of a penthouse then a storage area
- <Genoclysm> Damsel... earlier today you seemed hurt around Useless. Could you explain why to me?
- <>Ambiance:<> It even has a seperate bell cord
- * Elaith listens for signs of Arden's presence.
- <Arden> Hovering is rude
- * Little_Brown_Box has joined #darkabode
- * Reality sets mode: +v Little_Brown_Box
- * Damsel appears to almost physically withdrawal from Geno. "Why?"
- <Genoclysm> Why would you be hurt?
- <Damsel> "Why is that your concern?"
- <Arden> are you stalking me?
- <Beo> Hmm.
- * LordBarrius watches Damsel with visible concern.
- <Beo> Did someone turn gravity off again?
- <Little_Brown_Box> I wish.
- <Genoclysm> Because I would like to help if I could.
- * Elaith whirls about. "I wanted to know what you thought of Avarie. You didn't answer when I asked about her, but I believe she is more than acceptable as worth saving."
- * Damsel shakes her head. "You can't. And it's a rather personal matter I would rather not discuss."
- * Arden flies down the stairs out of the attic and down other two flights to the first floor Great room
- <Little_Brown_Box> We've got too many of those.
- <Little_Brown_Box> It's one of the problems.
- <Genoclysm> Fine. Keep everything bottled up. Everyone keep everything bottled up! Stew yourselves in your own issues in isolation!
- <Arden> That you ask that lady Damsel proves you as lost as the rest of them!
- <Little_Brown_Box> People are all "Ohh, this is so terrible, I don't know what to do!" and when someone asks, they're all "It's none of your business!"
- <Arden> You really are ALL hopeless
- <Genoclysm> So I should show no concern?
- <Little_Brown_Box> Liar.
- <Genoclysm> I should isolate myself?
- <Arden> it might be personal Geno
- * Damsel stiffens, then sags. "I... Shades."
- <Arden> it is not as if we are a family
- <Arden> or friends
- <Little_Brown_Box> Maybe we should try acting like one?
- <Arden> So why should we share
- * Elaith sighs and descends towards the first floor, pausing only briefly to see if any books of interest present themselves in the library.
- <Genoclysm> I would like to think we are.
- <Little_Brown_Box> I mean, it'd be a little dysfunctional, but still.
- * Arden shakes his head
- <Arden> Sarcasm is useless here too
- <Genoclysm> I hoped to think of everyone here as an extended family.
- <Arden> Forget it twice already I have stayed up to all hours gabbing with you
- <Arden> And for what...
- <Arden> I will not do it a third
- <Damsel> "I'm sorry."
- * Arden returns to the stairs "If you are going to self destruct far be it for me to stop you"
- * Elaith continues on and moves down to the main room to sit with Avarie and watch over her while she sleeps, though his frown does not lift at all.
- * Arden climbs the stairs nearlly running over elaith again
- * Arden stops (Annoyed) "Did you want something?!?"
- * Genoclysm walks to the door of the Abode.
- * LordBarrius glances at Damsel. "Sister, if you do not wish to discuss it, that is fine. But don't withdraw from us entirely, please."
- * Little_Brown_Box has joined #darkabode
- * Reality sets mode: +v Little_Brown_Box
- <Elaith> I want to know why you would think Avarie is not worth saving. She's made each moment of my life better.
- <Genoclysm> Can someone tell me how my presence has helped anyone here?
- <Damsel> "I wasn't trying to withdraw, I just don't..."
- * Damsel sighs.
- * Elaith has a hard time keeping bitterness from his tone, and it seeps in at certain points.
- <Arden> I am glad you love her... and she loves you...
- <Arden> May helps you can help her grow a backbone
- <Little_Brown_Box> Well, Geno...
- <Little_Brown_Box> Uh...
- * Arden climbs the stairs
- <Little_Brown_Box> You...there was that one time...
- <Little_Brown_Box> Uhm...
- * Durroth yawns as he puts more detail touches into the sculpture he's working on
- * Little_Brown_Box scoots up clost to Genoclysm and whispers at him.
- * LordBarrius sighs quietly and gently reaches an arm to rest on Damsel's shoulder. "Sister....it's okay. Just try to relax for now."
- * Elaith cocks his head in confusion, and makes a mental note to ask Avarie when she awakens what Arden might mean. He then sits in front of her and just sighs, staring at the wall, though a smile plays at his lips