A Record of Uncreation

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Current revision as of 19:13, 18 August 2008

[13:14] >Ambiance<: A dark cloud hangs over the abode and there is a strange sense of odd anticipation. All chronometers begin to malfunction regardless of type.
[13:14] >Ambiance<: A large curtain of rippling light slices the abode in two but on the otherside stands a very different environment
[13:14] >Ambiance<: Beyond a strangely familiar scene begins to materialize
[13:14] * DavidViara takes out a gun and points it at the group
[13:15] DavidViara: Now
[13:15] * Lkeas looks up from her sketch in alarm.
[13:15] * Lkeas nods
[13:15] * Avarie slowly raises her hands to shoulder level.
[13:15] * Orpheus looks up
[13:15] RandalMoonash: Well that wasn't so Bad
[13:15] Voice: Your credit card has been refunded 90000 for this transit
[13:15] * Hadin hobbles on over to the door.
[13:15] Hadin: I daresay this is our exit.
[13:15] * Hadin knocks twice, then looks at the others.
[13:15] Hadin: Just to be polite, mind.
[13:15] * Wes looks around and places one of his hands inside his jacket
[13:15] RandalMoonash: Beam me up scotty...
[13:15] * Lkeas lets out the breath she was holding unconsciously
[13:15] >Ambiance<: There is an odd ripple in the feed. A sense of distortion.
[13:15] * Sakel lets out the breath he was holding unconsciously
[13:15] Hadin: "Ah, but you did choose, in a way. Chose to buy more time by messing with Time. Still, worry not about in now, we have work to do."
[13:15] Diviara: Myr of Stonedeep was willing to kill his friends to decieve the Devourer.... and me....
[13:15] Bluemanrocks: Wow, I really want to KILL me too!
[13:15] Maxwell: human contact is the only thing that corrupts the human mind into chaos.
[13:16] Lkeas: What in the farpoint... what is this?
[13:16] >Ambiance<: The ripple intensifies.
[13:16] * Wes looks around and places one of his hands inside his jacket
[13:16] * DavidViara takes out a gun and points it at the group
[13:16] DavidViara: I do believe it is time we find out exactly what is going on.
[13:16] * DavidViara stands and walks over to a machine the Gun still pointed.
[13:16] Hsarc: Well, it looks to me like you are mad about something and threatening our lives. At the risk of losing mine, I'm not going to say another word for a while.
[13:16] DavidViara: "Where are the rest of you...."
[13:16] * Wes laughs nervously
[13:16] * Sakel takes a slow step forward, careful not to make any sudden movements
[13:16] Sakel: David, I've been trying to tell you, our nature is... somewhat erratic. people come and go within our group, we are pulled among realms
[13:16] * David makes some adjustments on the machine without comment
[13:16] * Avarie shakes her head rapidly.
[13:16] Avarie: "Did anyone else feel that? Deja vu?"
[13:16] DavidViara: "This world had barriers too thick for that, but your arrival and subsequent disturbance in time has broken those barriers"
[13:16] * Sakel runs a hand through his hair nervously.
[13:16] Sakel: "The barriers are thinning amongst all worlds"
[13:16] >Ambiance<: Ripples intensify.
[13:16] * Wes taps his foot impatiently
[13:16] DavidViara: "There are eddies....temporal echos that are going like crazy. It is impossible to say if and when they will ever stop.
[13:16] DavidViara: A pebble can cause a tsunami your presence here... your presence here is a boulder
[13:17] Sakel: You don't think we're crazy anymore?
[13:17] * LordBarrius smiles, chuckling to himself.
[13:17] LordBarrius: "Echos thats one word for it...."
[13:17] DavidViara: "I knew the moment I saw you outside Villa de'Scallia you were sane...
[13:17] * Avarie breathes a sigh of frustration.
[13:17] DavidViara: "I sure as hell could not admit that on a San Francisco street with Jason standing over us and who knows how many other ears listening"
[13:17] *** Zeltan has joined #darkabode.
[13:17] *** Mode change "+v Zeltan" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[13:17] * Wes draws a large gun from his jacket
[13:17] Wes: Enough.
[13:17] Wes: Lower your weapon now.
[13:17] * DavidViara hesitates.
[13:17] * Wes fires at point blank range.
[13:17] *** ZLOK has joined #darkabode.
[13:17] *** Mode change "+v ZLOK" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[13:17] Sakel: Wes!?
[13:17] Sakel: What the hell!
[13:17] * Wes shrugs nonchalant.
[13:17] Wes: He was threatening us.
[13:17] Gilphon: ack!
[13:17] Sakel: Aren't the temporal paradoxes bad enough already?
[13:17] Sakel: We needed his help and not just here but in the future.
[13:17] * Lkeas frowns as she spots Sakel among the group. "But... that was me before.. wasn't it?"
[13:17] Wes: The master will address the issue.
[13:17] * Sakel shudders violently.
[13:17] * LordBarrius grins.
[13:17] LordBarrius: You devil I wanted to shoot the guy myself.
[13:17] LordBarrius: You beat me too it.
[13:17] Wes: time for games was over.
[13:18] * Wes shrugs
[13:18] Wes: Avarie how long untill we must transit?
[13:18] * Avarie looks at something.
[13:18] Avarie: We have twenty minutes.
[13:18] Hsarc: It might be long enough to download his database before the uncreation wave.
[13:18] Wes: It is risky....
[13:18] * LordBarrius grins widely
[13:18] LordBarrius: I enjoy a challenge.
[13:18] Wes: well get to it then but if you are not done we leave without you...
[13:18] * LordBarrius salutes.
[13:18] *** Mariel has joined #darkabode.
[13:18] Reality: [Mariel] The Devourer was only human untill the Brother or mostly called Th' Brutees by the Drakels granted him SUPER destructable powers. But he would have to take the form of a planet. The Devourer was a great Hero but he accepted the power and lost his human form to Th' Brutees. Later Th' Brutees Morphed himself into a human and attacked a City. His names might be: NillaG, ProdiVerse, Th'Brutees
[13:18] *** Mode change "+qo Mariel Mariel" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[13:18] LordBarrius: Yes sir.
[13:18] * Wes frowns looking at Sakel
[13:18] Wes: What is your problem.
[13:18] Wes: You do not seem very enthusiastic.
[13:18] * Sakel shrugs noncommitally
[13:18] Wes: Do you question the masters will?
[13:18] * Sakel mutters something
[13:18] Sakel: "...second of every day..."
[13:18] Wes: What was that?
[13:18] Sakel: I just think you are being unnecesarily disruptive.
[13:18] Wes: And that thinking is why you are not in control and I am.
[13:19] LordBarrius: Got it!
[13:19] Genoclysm: Offload complete ready for escape before uncreation.
[13:19] LordBarrius: I love my life!
[13:19] Avarie: Here comes the uncreation wave.
[13:19] AMBIANCE: A bubble surrounds the assembled even as the skyline of San Francisco implodes in a nova of pure energy.
[13:19] Avarie: Uncreation efficiency 84 percent.
[13:19] * Wes scowls
[13:19] Wes: Eighty Four percent? Why Eighty Four Percent?
[13:19] Avarie: The time eddies for one thing.
[13:19] Avarie: That and a 5 percent drift caused by an unerasable memory of this analog.
[13:19] Wes: In english, woman!
[13:19] * Avarie scowls.
[13:19] Avarie: "Frag Off. I am not your 'woman'"
[13:19] * Wes frowns and points the gun at Avarie's head
[13:19] Avarie: Make my lifetime.
[13:19] Avarue: How will you explain losing another one to the boss.
[13:19] Sakel: Put the gun down Wes.
[13:19] Genoclysm: Someone else observed this world.
[13:19] Hadin: Someone outside of the frame of uncreation and we cannot wipe them.
[13:19] Genoclysm: The eddies are more then we can account for.
[13:19] Wes: Why? Who? More to the point how?
[13:19] Avarie: Why and how are not clear. Who is some of our analogs, but there is drift.
[13:19] Wes: then deal with the drift and account for it the analogs need to be dealt with anyway.
[13:19] * Sakel mutters something.
[13:19] Genoclysm: Transit time.
[13:20] >Ambiance<: The group vanishes in a blink even as the small peice of reality on which they stood is uncreated with the rest of the world.
[13:20] >Ambiance<: The ripples fade.
[13:20] *** Mode change "-m" for channel #darkabode by MovieServ.
[13:20] Mariel: How decidedly disturbing
[13:20] * Lkeas scowls. "What was that?"
[13:20] * Dale nods. "Indeed..."
[13:20] Beo: Disturbing indeed.
[13:20] Dale: Analogs, I would say...
[13:20] Beo: It was Wes.
[13:20] Mariel: I do no tknow...
[13:20] Mariel: Some sort of temporal echo
[13:20] * Orpheus removes the glasses from his wrinkled nose, breaths on them, wipes them on his jacket, and returns them in place.
[13:20] * ZLOK giggles as he enter the abode.
[13:20] Mariel: From an uncreated reality
[13:21] Mariel: Which should be impossible
[13:21] Mariel: Unless....
[13:21] * Mariel frowns
[13:21] Mariel: One of them sent it
[13:21] Mariel: On purpose
[13:21] Lkeas: ... sent?
[13:21] * Mariel vanishes
[13:21] *** Mariel has left #darkabode.
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