A Mirror Shall Pay the Price

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Current revision as of 10:19, 17 August 2008

[17:10] <>Ambiance<> The edge of limbo encroaches rapidly upon the abode
[17:10] <Dyn> "Simple steel, simple silver. No magic."
[17:11] * Xilix stands up reflexively, "Hm?"
[17:11] * Rimblade glares at Dyn.
[17:11] <Dyn> "Stop that. You cannot glare- you lack the sight."
[17:11] * Nick looks up..."Well there goes my arm..."
[17:11] * Xilix walks into the main room, and out the window, "What is that?"
[17:12] <Dyn> "If I had to guess, I'd say that..."
[17:12] <Xilix> ( looks out the window* )
[17:12] <Rimblade> "The edge of Limbo is encroaching on the ABODE!!!"
[17:12] <Dyn> "Ahem. Yes, that was it."
[17:13] <Rimblade> Er... that good or bad?
[17:13] * Damsel wakes up to the increased activity of the others. She looks around somewhat blearily as she waits for herself to come more fully awake.
[17:13] <Dyn> "Gad."
[17:13] * Joins: Deathbringer (duelmaster@Caelestia-650F41A8.kc.res.rr.com)
[17:14] <>Ambiance<> A shadowy figure emerges from the mist
[17:14] * Dyn turns to Damsel, and lifts an eyebrow.
[17:14] * Xilix looks at the figure, "Wha-?"
[17:14] * Deathbringer wanders in.
[17:14] * Nick looks at Xilix "Get away from the windows...
[17:14] <Nick> "
[17:15] * Elaith remains in his spot against the wall, but pauses working.
[17:15] <Rimblade> Everyone, this is very, very important.
[17:15] * Damsel is sits up quickly, startlement clearing the remnants of sleep from her mind. "Harbringer...?"
[17:15] <Rimblade> Panic at once.
[17:15] <Nick> ((exactly xD))
[17:15] <Deathbringer> Hm... looks like today will be an interesting one.
[17:15] <Dyn> "As opposed to what we're doing now?"
[17:16] * Xilix backs away from the window, and turns to the figure
[17:16] <Harbringer> We are the edge of time. We are the Harbringer of things to come.
[17:16] <Rimblade> Oh. It's just the Harbringer. Never mind.
[17:16] * Xilix raises a brow out of curiosity.
[17:16] * Nick gets up and dusts off.
[17:17] * Dyn raises three brows, out of considerably more curiousity.
[17:17] * Deathbringer takes his normal spot against the wall.
[17:17] <Xilix> ( THree? O.o )
[17:17] * Rimblade nudges Dyn.
[17:17] <Rimblade> "You've only got two. Stopit."
[17:17] * Deathbringer grins.
[17:17] <Damsel> "Why have you come again?"
[17:17] <Nick> ((and they sayd Dyn's Eyebrows raised three times that day...))
[17:18] <Xilix> ( lol )
[17:18] <Nick> ((Watching the Grinch :) ))
[17:20] * Quits: Dyn (Dyn@Caelestia-7A5F3A6E.cap.east.verizon.net ) (Ping timeout )
[17:20] <Harbringer> Past echos depart. Future echos begin.
[17:20] * Xilix tilts her head slightly
[17:20] <Harbringer> The results of our actions comes to fruition.
[17:21] <Harbringer> Sanctity is sacrificed
[17:21] * Damsel nods her head as she listens carefully.
[17:21] * Nick thinks and remains silent.
[17:21] * Rimblade snickers softly.
[17:21] <Harbringer> You wonder why the prophecy has suddenly appeared again in a new form.
[17:22] <Xilix> ( Nick's thoughts: Now what will I have for dinner...? Stuff that LOOKS like shrimp, or the other stuff that SMELLS like shrimp? )
[17:22] <Nick> ((XD))
[17:22] <Harbringer> You are the reason. Your own alteratations alter the course of rivers.
[17:22] <Damsel> "Yes, I suppose that would be the result..."
[17:23] <Harbringer> Streams flow into rivers, rivers flow into oceans. Entire oceans altered by the hand of the few.
[17:23] <Harbringer> What comes next you have purchased.
[17:23] * Rimblade hopes it wasn't too cheap.
[17:24] <Harbringer> A mirror shall pay the price. He that is saved will pay....
[17:24] <Harbringer> And sanctity has been sacraficed for vitality
[17:24] <Harbringer> Security sacraficed for inanity
[17:24] * Damsel tugs on her hair, a worried look upon her face.
[17:24] <Rimblade> "So, that's good, right?"
[17:25] * Xilix frowns
[17:25] <Harbringer> You are coming...
[17:25] * Harbringer fades into the shadows
[17:25] * Elaith frowns, recognizing his own shortcomings' contributions to the current situation.
[17:25] * Deathbringer sighs.
[17:25] <Rimblade> Well, that was uplifting!
[17:25] * Nick hangs his head slightly and walks back into the hallway.
[17:27] <>Ambiance<> A dark shadow hangs over the abode.
[17:27] * Joins: Dyn- (Dyn@Caelestia-7A5F3A6E.cap.east.verizon.net)
[17:27] * Damsel sighs softly. "Well... that certainly makes it sound as if we have had far more negative influence on all of this than positive..."
[17:27] <>Ambiance<> A small red fox darts into the glade from without and perches on the top of a nearby rock
[17:27] * Dyn- looks at the shadow.
[17:27] * Joins: Astral ( Ron_bwf@Caelestia-DF9DC500.bb.netvision.net.il)
[17:27] <Dyn-> "That is, however, moderately LESS than uplifting."
[17:28] * Xilix looks at the fox
[17:28] * Rimblade snorts.
[17:28] <Rimblade> "Inanity is always a good thing."
[17:28] <Damsel> "I'm afraid that is not always so, Rimblade."
[17:28] * Nick sniffs quietly and turns around.
[17:29] * Fox chitters softly and tilts it's head sidelong
[17:29] * Dyn- snorts.
[17:29] <Dyn-> "Rimblade is very rarely correct, but often right."
[17:30] * Damsel manages a half-smile.
[17:30] <Rimblade> "I say we glare at that fox until it weeps with fear."
[17:30] * Dyn- sighs.
[17:30] * Nick laughs a little.
[17:30] <Dyn-> "What do you suppose the chances of that fox being simply a fox are?"
[17:31] <Deathbringer> Slim to none.
[17:31] <Xilix> "Very little to none."
[17:31] <Rimblade> "What if it eats rabbits?!"
[17:31] <Fox> (a soft voice vaguely masculine) Try it artifact and see how long you maintain the enchanment that gives you life
[17:32] <Rimblade> "Er, maybe we shouldn't glare at it."
[17:32] <Deathbringer> Sounds like a smart idea.
[17:32] * Dyn- buries his head in his hands.
[17:32] * Elaith pauses, having been just about to resume his "work", though in actuality he was reading a book, and decides to pay some more attention.
[17:32] <Rimblade> "I wonder if it eats kibble?"
[17:33] <Fox> (a soft voice vaguely masculine) no but I have been known to eat metal
[17:33] <Rimblade> "I'm begining to get the idea that it doesn't like any of my proposals."
[17:33] * Xilix hides 'Redemption' in her cloak
[17:33] * Damsel stands and approaches the fox though she remains a small distance away. "Good day to you, sir."
[17:33] * Dyn- sighs.
[17:34] <Dyn-> "Rimblade. Please feel free to be quiet. That's an order."
[17:34] * Nick turns around and heads for an empty room. "Foxes bore me..."
[17:34] * Rimblade makes several 'Mrmph!'-ing sounds, and stops making noise.
[17:34] <Xilix> "Nick, don't be rude."
[17:34] * Fox transforms to a young male with short dark hair and a small black satchel. He is attired in light armor.
[17:35] * Nick closes the door behind him.
[17:35] * Xilix tilts her head the other way and grins slightly
[17:35] * Fox-boy Goodday to you mirror
[17:35] * Dyn- walks up and stands to the left and behind Damsel. He appears to be carrying a small potato.
[17:36] <Damsel> "Mirror?"
[17:36] <Xilix> "What?"
[17:36] <Rimblade> "Mrmmrorpm?"
[17:36] <Nick> ((Dun Dun DUUUUUNNN))
[17:37] * Joins: Hat|EverywhereButHere (perroquite@Caelestia-97A46FAA.bois.qwest.net )
[17:37] * Hat|EverywhereButHere is now known as Legault
[17:37] * Fox-boy I am Sakel
[17:37] * Fox-boy What is your name?
[17:37] * Reality sets mode: +v Legault
[17:37] * Xilix bows slightly, "Nice to meet you, Sakel, I am Xilix Ryst."
[17:37] * Damsel smiles welcomingly. "I am known as Damsel. It is a pleasure to meet you."
[17:38] * Dyn- sketches a bow. "I am Dyn(sans-)."
[17:38] * Deathbringer bows low, the hellfire in his eyes dancing, "Most know me as Deathbringer. Many here call me DB."
[17:38] <Sakel> I have never met a Ryst I have liked
[17:38] * Damsel hides a grin behind a hand.
[17:38] <Nick> ((...Nice...))
[17:38] <Dyn-> "I assure you, Xilix is far less offensive than her kin."
[17:39] * Xilix sighs, "I can understand that. They've given me a dark shadow, Sakel."
[17:39] <Xilix> "Thanks, Dyn."
[17:39] * Nick scratches his head and lays down, closing his eyes to rest for awhile.
[17:39] * Dyn- makes a short bow to Xilix.
[17:39] * Parts: Astral (Ron_bwf@Caelestia-DF9DC500.bb.netvision.net.il)
[17:40] * Sakel withdraws a small scroll case from his satchel
[17:41] <Xilix> "What is that, if you don't mind me asking?"
[17:41] <Sakel> The commentator.
[17:41] <Sakel> I seek her.
[17:41] <Xilix> "The commentator? I'm not quite sure if I know anybody by that title..."
[17:41] * Dyn- shrugs. "I can only assume he means Lkeas. That's whom they're all after, if you get my drift."
[17:42] <Sakel> She is I.
[17:42] <Sakel> And I am She.
[17:42] <Dyn-> "Ahh. Are you from a mirror reality, then?"
[17:42] <Xilix> "Hm? I don't quite understand."
[17:42] <Sakel> Whatever might have given you the first clue?
[17:42] * Damsel studies Sakel with respectful curiousity.
[17:43] <Dyn-> "Forgive me. My mind is not what it was- and it never was much."
[17:43] <Elaith> Rearrange the name I would suppose, based on sound.
[17:43] * Joins: Jeice (Jeice@Operator.Caelestia.net)
[17:43] * Reality sets mode: +ao Jeice Jeice
[17:43] * Rimblade bursts free of Dyn's binding.
[17:43] <Xilix> "Sakel... Elkas... Saekl... Lkeas?"
[17:43] <Rimblade> "Besides, SOMEONE's gotta blurt out the obvious!"
[17:43] <Damsel> "Well your mirror is not here at current, I am afraid."
[17:44] <Sakel> We will return then
[17:44] <Dyn-> "Fare thee well, wayfarer."
[17:44] * Sakel reassumes a vulpine form
[17:44] * Xilix is now known as Xilix-[Away]
[17:44] <Damsel> "May you have a safe journey."
[17:44] * Sakel skitters off into the mist
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