Gone With The Wind

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Current revision as of 08:13, 15 August 2008

[22:50:31] <Jeice> I just noticed a mistake in the questions.
[22:50:41] <Maxwell> questions?
[22:50:49] <Jeice> Lkeas labeled something as a quote that was actually paraphrased...
[22:51:09] <Kazuma> Who's gonna represent us? I vote LB.
[22:51:56] <Jeice> Maxwell, any chance you can explain Tralin's ability to combine the elements like he does in the histories?
[22:52:13] <Maxwell> Sorry, I can not.
[22:52:17] * Kaz has joined #755
[22:52:21] <Maxwell> Not that I dont want to, I just do not know much about it.
[22:52:23] <Jeice> I was afraid not.
[22:53:02] * Kazuma has quit IRC (NickServ (GHOST command used by Kaz)�)
[22:53:03] * Kaz is now known as Kazuma
[22:53:03] * Kazuma has quit IRC (Killed (Aether.Caelestia.net (Kazuma(?) <- Aurora.Caelestia.net))�)
[22:53:14] <Jeice> Let's see... is there anything you can tell us about Agent Smith?
[22:53:33] * Kaz has joined #755
[22:53:37] * Kaz is now known as Kazuma
[22:53:46] <Maxwell> Other than his name is Smith and he is an agent? Nope.
[22:54:15] <Ness> Can you tell us anything about Faith?
[22:54:40] * Kazuma is now known as Caelestia8163
[22:55:03] <Maxwell> what makes you think there is Faith?
[22:55:07] <Jeice> Yes, why is it you capitalized that? Is it another entity?
[22:55:16] * Caelestia8163 is now known as Kazuma
[22:55:18] <Jeice> You capatilized it during a clue a while back.
[22:55:21] <Ness> Because you wrote it as a proper noun.
[22:55:37] <Kazuma> It was Capatilized in his title too
[22:56:47] * Ras|AFK is now known as Ras
[22:56:51] <Jeice> I got the impression that you meant it as another entity like Hope.
[22:57:13] <Kazuma> since it was in his title, I thought it was a diffrent program
[22:57:23] <Maxwell> What makes you think Trinity is not an entity also?
[22:57:44] * Damsel chuckles. "Ahh..."
[22:58:18] <Jeice> Good point, but I'd like the Faith question addressed too, please.
[22:58:23] <Maxwell> The only way to fight for Hope, is to have Faith.
[22:58:32] <Maxwell> NOVA has said this once or twice.
[22:59:25] <Jeice> Is Faith like an anchor that will draw the pieces of Hope to it or something?
[22:59:36] <Maxwell> If I told you what Faith really was, I would ruin the timeline.
[22:59:47] <Ness> So? XD
[22:59:52] <Jeice> I see. Massive spoiler then.
[22:59:58] <Kazuma> there was a Timeline?
[23:00:05] <Maxwell> You need Faith with you.
[23:00:18] <Maxwell> To ruin the timeline would be to take away your Faith.
[23:00:22] <Maxwell> And Hope would be lost.
[23:00:43] <Jeice> Paradox again? Darn.
[23:00:53] <Maxwell> When the Trinity is bound, and the pieces are in place.
[23:01:08] <Maxwell> Faith will show herself to the chosen army of Hope.
[23:01:46] <Ness> Army of Hope?
[23:01:55] <Maxwell> Trinity and Faith, are the only two who can fix it.
[23:02:03] <Ness> So there is a physical battle that has to happen?
[23:02:06] <Ness> "Fix it?"
[23:02:39] <Kazuma> what is 'it'?
[23:03:06] <Maxwell> the death of the Avatar, and the end
[23:03:24] <Jeice> Would Trinity being bound have anything to do with bringing together certain analog like beings?
[23:03:43] <Maxwell> You know what Trinity is.
[23:03:59] <Jeice> I'm guessing that is a yes then.
[23:04:00] <Maxwell> If the pieces all cross, you would have the being Trinity.
[23:04:26] <Ness> And the pieces are?
[23:04:35] <Jeice> Kalliopes, I'm thinking.
[23:04:50] <Maxwell> Trinity and Faith are both of the same family, the same essence.
[23:05:00] * Rif mumbles something about Agent Smith, Trinity, and some guy named Neo.
[23:05:01] <Maxwell> To have one, is to have the other.
[23:05:07] <Ness> Are they Annunaki?
[23:05:24] <Maxwell> In a sense, they are something new.
[23:05:33] <Maxwell> Something that will make everything right again.
[23:05:47] <Jeice> Right by whose standards?
[23:05:47] <Ness> Slightly off topic, but not horribly
[23:05:53] <Rif> Trinity is the connecting point between many things, ranging from Anna, to Epsilon, and many others.
[23:06:23] <Ness> Truth, Lies, Peace, War, Life, Death, Eternal, and Transient. Were they created specifically to be the Avatar?
[23:06:41] <Maxwell> Even if you feel as if you walk alone in this world, Faith is with you.
[23:06:56] <Maxwell> You might not see her, you might not even know she is watching over you.
[23:06:59] <Ness> When they were created, were they created to fulfill a purpose?
[23:07:28] <Rif> Hm, like a guardian angel...
[23:07:57] <Rif> Might we have ever known Faith by a different name?
[23:08:04] <Maxwell> When the time comes for the Forsaken to give their life for the greater good.
[23:08:23] <Maxwell> What is to become of Hope?
[23:08:34] <Maxwell> The pieces must remain, they must cross.
[23:08:46] <Ness> Is Omega a piece?
[23:09:22] <Maxwell> they are all a piece
[23:09:38] <Ness> Who is "they"?
[23:10:14] <Ness> The Annunaki? The Avatar? The Chosen?
[23:10:27] <Maxwell> You can not know.
[23:10:30] <Rif> These pieces crossing, the being Trinity being created...sounds like a transformation or something.
[23:10:45] <Kazuma> Is trinity a child?
[23:10:57] <Jeice> I think it is time to move on to a different question now, before the topic stagnates.
[23:11:10] <Kazuma> I'm doing that.
[23:11:11] <Jeice> Here's a small one: Just to make sure, the Outland isn't the world where the Brilhado were sent during the last war, is it?
[23:11:13] <Ness> We can not know literally or we can not know because we should not?
[23:11:38] <Jeice> I'm guessing he meant that for now, we can't know.
[23:11:41] <Maxwell> The Outland is nothing more than a mirror world of Lore. It could be, it could not be.
[23:12:01] <Jeice> The descriptions have sounded rather similar...
[23:12:19] * Ness wants Outland!
[23:12:20] <Ness> >_>
[23:12:56] <Maxwell> What makes your think your welcome in the Outlands?
[23:12:57] * Kira_afk_bio is now known as Kira
[23:12:59] * Ras has quit IRC (Exterminated: �)
[23:13:02] <Maxwell> you*
[23:13:33] <Ness> Nothing
[23:13:39] <Ness> In fact, I think we aren't
[23:13:47] <Ness> But I still want it to be IG
[23:13:49] <Ness> lol
[23:13:49] <Kazuma> Maxwell> The Outland is nothing more than a mirror world of Lore. <-- that
[23:13:53] <Rif> Not much actually. The rabbit not being so fond. The beast guarding it. If memory serves of course.
[23:13:58] * Damsel smirks slightly.
[23:14:07] <Jeice> Here's one that has been bugging me. In the first war which part of it is recorded in the histories, did The`Galin manifest or not? What was the "black smoke monster" described on the Isle? An agent, or the Uncreator himself?
[23:14:19] <Rif> Kazuma, look up Superman. Then look up bizzaro Superman. Mirrors work in many ways.
[23:14:34] <Kazuma> I know
[23:14:48] <Maxwell> the black smoke monster is a being known as the exodus race
[23:15:01] <Maxwell> they are agents, that hide in the shadows
[23:15:13] <Kazuma> okay, now I HAVE to research something
[23:15:17] <Maxwell> they are nothing more than smoke, that take the forms of other beings
[23:15:25] <Maxwell> the essence of fear and hate
[23:15:28] <Jeice> I was right! That wasn't him!
[23:15:53] <Jeice> I knew they wouldn't have survived if it had been.
[23:15:59] <Maxwell> the exodus was once a simple creature, but years of following the devourer has turned them into something rather nasty
[23:16:25] <Rif> Is there most common form that of smoke?
[23:16:35] <Jeice> Would the exodus happened to have been used in the creation of annunaki?
[23:17:08] <Maxwell> The Exodus, as they are called is a mass of beings that appear to be smoke.
[23:17:20] <Maxwell> They have nothing to do with the Anunnaki
[23:17:24] * Kaz has joined #755
[23:17:30] <Rif> This only makes me wonder more what that picture at the end of the exodus video was.
[23:17:32] <Jeice> They are like a hive that act as one?
[23:17:44] <Kira> so the smoke is acctualy multiple entities? like a school of fish?
[23:17:51] <Jeice> Interesting.
[23:18:03] <Maxwell> You could say that.
[23:18:15] * Kazuma has quit IRC (Ping timeout�)
[23:18:19] <Jeice> Sounds like a movie I once saw. Not a very good movie...
[23:18:27] * Kaz is now known as Kazuma
[23:18:43] <Maxwell> was it gone with the wind?
[23:18:49] <Maxwell> because thats where the idea came from
[23:18:55] <Jeice> No, it wasn't.
[23:19:07] <Jeice> It came from that movie?
[23:19:08] <Kazuma> You guys aren't very original, are you?
[23:19:10] <Jeice> o.O
[23:19:18] <Kira> ....now i have to go see gone with the wind
[23:19:24] <Damsel> Nothing new under the sun
[23:19:27] <Jeice> I don't recall anything like that in that movie.
[23:19:33] <Maxwell> It was there.
[23:19:44] <Maxwell> You have to watch it backwards and with a black light on.
[23:19:50] * Damsel hides a grin
[23:19:52] <Jeice> ...
[23:20:10] * Jeice tries to hold in his laughter.
[23:20:14] <Rif> O.o
[23:20:32] <Kazuma> XD
[23:20:32] * Rif grabs his blacklight and runs off to watch it.
[23:20:41] <Kazuma> XD again
[23:20:47] <Maxwell> Do you have any more questions?
[23:20:55] <Kazuma> plenty
[23:20:57] <Rif> I have one, unrelated to most so far.
[23:21:05] <Ness> Yes. How can we not be Uncreated?
[23:21:05] <Maxwell> Then ask away I suppose.
[23:21:06] <Ness> XD
[23:21:09] <Jeice> Who are the twins that the Watcher is heavily involved in?
[23:21:18] <Kazuma> we have 22 questions total.
[23:21:29] <Maxwell> I can not really tell you that.
[23:21:33] <Kira> for now at least anyway (its only bound to increace)
[23:21:35] <Maxwell> You will find out in about a month or so.
[23:21:38] <Rif> I've been trying to follow the Messenger and him being alive vs. dead. If his timeline were smoothed out, would he be alive at this point?
[23:22:01] <Maxwell> He would be alive unless he died.
[23:22:03] <Jeice> I think he wouldn't be born at this point...
[23:22:04] <Maxwell> Then he would be dead.
[23:22:27] <Rif> Oh yeah...X.X
[23:22:45] <Damsel> What exactly happened to Daniel during his time with Robert?
[23:22:58] <Jeice> Would you happen to know what has been keeping the Caelestian god of Evil so busy lately, and what is he dragging around Galrick for?
[23:22:59] <Maxwell> right now he is in a world where his past is, he lived
[23:23:17] <Maxwell> if somehow someone would change the past to make him not live when he needed to be saved
[23:23:34] <Maxwell> he would be gone
[23:23:37] <Maxwell> from that timeline
[23:23:52] <Maxwell> and the timeline would adapt to this variable changing
[23:24:08] <Maxwell> of course, if he does die
[23:24:10] <Maxwell> you all fail
[23:24:18] <Maxwell> and no timelines matter
[23:24:40] <Kazuma> I'm acually tempted to- you heard nothing
[23:24:41] <Jeice> Why is it his role is so important?
[23:24:49] <Kira> thats not a happy thought
[23:25:01] <Maxwell> Trinity can not be bound without Daniel's blood.
[23:25:31] <Jeice> Blood as in family, or blood as in cutting him? I'm guessing family...
[23:25:49] <Kazuma> it seems like cutting
[23:25:49] <Maxwell> If Trinity was lost, Faith would not exist, and the Forsaken would forever be bound to die.
[23:26:21] <Jeice> A chain reaction.
[23:26:25] <Rif> How much do we know about Daniel's biological family? Parents, siblings, spouses, kids.
[23:26:44] <Maxwell> Daniel is the son of Hollow and Jessica Stoneforge
[23:27:12] <Maxwell> Atlas Maxwell is his uncle.
[23:28:15] <Kazuma> anything else?
[23:28:29] <Maxwell> There is more, but you do not have to know it.
[23:29:02] <Kazuma> so tempted to have you go on...What do you guys say?
[23:29:30] <Maxwell> It does not matter, the more I answer the more questions you have.
[23:29:32] * Kira is now known as Kira_phone
[23:29:40] <Rif> I trust Maxwell's word. It seems to function to answer Jeice's earlier question.
[23:30:13] <Kazuma> yeah
[23:30:16] <Maxwell> I must be going anyways.
[23:30:24] <Jeice> See you later.
[23:30:25] <Kazuma> goodbye then.
[23:30:28] <Jeice> Thanks for the chat.
[23:30:31] <Damsel> Take care
[23:30:33] * Maxwell has quit IRC (Vanished: �)
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