Falerin the Younger

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Current revision as of 07:13, 15 August 2008

[17:17] * Falerin appears suddenly
[17:17] * LordBarrius opens his eyes and looks up at Falerin with mild surprise. "Loremaster?"
[17:17]|<--Ness has left unknown.caelestia.net (Ping timeout)
[17:17] * Damsel looks at the figure in surprise.
[17:17]-->|Lkeas (Lkeas@The.Archivist) has joined #darkabode
[11:34] * Kazuma looks up, thinking he is seeing things.
[11:35] * Damsel bites her lip and waits for the response to LordBarrius' greeting, a bit uncertain thanks to the recent brush with the analog version of the Loremaster.
[11:36] * Kazuma notices Damsel biting her lip and realizes that he isn't seeing things
[11:40] * Falerin collapses unconcious
[11:40] *** Mode change "+v Korban" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[11:41] * Lkeas lands with a thump in the grass outside the abode, a light powder clinging to her hair and clothing as she scrambles to her feet and into the lobby. "Who knows how long this realm jump will last before I end up back in the Troll's grasp..."
[11:41] * Damsel sucks in her breath and rushes to his side, all hesitation immediately forgotten.
[11:41] * LordBarrius stands and rushes over to Falerin.
[11:41] * Kazuma runs up to Falerin. checking for a pulse
[11:41] * Lkeas halts as she sees a group huddling over a body. "What now..."
[11:41] Kazuma: Falerin is out cold.
[11:42] * Dale stands as well, moving over to Falerin.
[11:42] * Nick walks up to the abode and into the abode seeing everyone gathered in a group.
[11:42] * Korban yawns and stands, then looks to the other seekers.
[11:42] Korban: ((Sorry are we in the house or somewhere else at the moment?))
[11:42] Kazuma: ((in the abode))
[11:42] Korban: ((Thank you.))
[11:43] * Damsel frowns as she rests on her knees at Falerin's side. "What could have done this?"
[11:44] * Damsel glances around. "Where is Mariel when you need him?"
[11:44] * Falerin sits up
[11:44] Kazuma: oh! hello Falerin.
[11:44] * Lkeas brushes off her shirt and her jaw drops a bit as she recognizes the figure on the floor. "Wait... are you the LoreMaster, or the other one?"
[11:44] * Falerin shoos Damsel away wordlessly
[11:44] * Damsel rocks back slightly, surprised.
[11:45] Falerin: LoreMaster?
[11:45] Falerin: Other One?
[11:45] Lkeas: Hmm. Couldn't be the Immertot Falerin...
[11:45] * LordBarrius moves himself back slightly, eyeing Falerin carefully.
[11:45] *** Kazuma has signed off IRC (Suppressed: class time. *Kazuma hates classes BTW).
[11:45] * Damsel 's eyes widen. "Avatar?"
[11:45] Lkeas: Do you recognize any of us?
[11:45] Falerin: Avatar....
[11:46] Falerin: "I do not employ them...."
[11:46] Falerin: "That is the Jursidiction of Greater powers than I"
[11:46] Falerin: "
[11:46] Korban: then, Pardon me, where are you from now sir?
[11:46] Falerin: "By Dralen Ath's beard what is this place...."
[11:47] Korban: For now your origin's would be more helpful.
[11:47] Lkeas: This is... your house.. well, it will be, I assume.
[11:47] * Damsel continues to rest on knees as she considers this Falerin. "You must be an analog then of one we know. This realm is known as Caelestia."
[11:48] Falerin: "Who was that?"
[11:48] * LordBarrius frowns somewhat.
[11:48] * Lkeas scratches her head confusedly, some of the lunar dust escaping her curls to swirl about in the air. "That voice again.. we don't know."
[11:48] * Korban contemplates these words, not understanding them as well as the others.
[11:48] Falerin: "As for Caelestia I presumed it was"
[11:48] Damsel: "It... happens sometimes. It seems to have various sources..."
[11:48] * Korban shrugs unknowingly.
[11:48] Falerin: "I am a Caelestian deity afterall"
[11:48] Falerin: "Wait..."
[11:48] * Falerin frowns
[11:48] * Paladin_Of_Souls fades into existance over in a corner, very humored indeed.
[11:48] Falerin: "Your power level is not sufficent"
[11:49] Lkeas: Power level?
[11:49] * Korban look's up still rubbing his chin,"Hm?"
[11:49] Falerin: "You are not deity at all.. not even demi..... well you perhaps are"
[11:49] * Falerin turns and looks at the Paladin of Souls
[11:49] Falerin: Demipower
[11:49] Falerin: Or nearly
[11:49] * Falerin frowns
[11:49] Falerin: "Something has happened that is untoward"
[11:49] Paladin_Of_Souls: "Not quite so much as I once might have been, but yes I suppose you could call me such."
[11:50] Falerin: Lloth's web! this is most peculiar
[11:50] Damsel: "It would appear you have jumped to a different branch along the tree of possibilities."
[11:50] * Falerin frowns
[11:50] Falerin: "No..."
[11:50] Falerin: "I have done no such thing"
[11:50] Falerin: "This is Caelestia"
[11:50] Korban: Hm... very curious...
[11:50] Lkeas: Time travel, perhaps?
[11:50] * Falerin bends down and picks up a piece of earth
[11:51] * Damsel nods. "Yes, a Caelestia where Falerin is a Greater Power, the God of Evil."
[11:51] * Paladin_Of_Souls raises one eyebrow as his smile widens minutely
[11:51] Falerin: "There is a 100% phase correspon.....
[11:51] Falerin: "Temporal...."
[11:51] Falerin: "Yes... there is a distortion...."
[11:51] Falerin: "A 6000 year one"
[11:51] * Lkeas nods. "We are not unaccustomed to such things."
[11:51] Korban: Ah now I understand.
[11:51] * Falerin frowns
[11:51] * Damsel looks taken aback. "Oh dear..."
[11:51] Falerin: I remember you....
[11:51] Falerin: There was a bottle
[11:51] Korban: We were once.
[11:51] Korban: Well, not I but my analog.
[11:51] Falerin: Yes!
[11:52] * Lkeas curses. "Yes, now I place you as well.."
[11:52] Falerin: there was a bottle
[11:52] Paladin_Of_Souls: "A bottle? What bottle..."
[11:52] Korban: Ah *that* bottle.
[11:52] * Korban sighs.
[11:52] Falerin: Though at the time... I was.... among the less then I now am
[11:52] Falerin: Another God Snatched you
[11:52] Falerin: What is going on here...
[11:52] * Damsel bites her lower lip again, afraid she may have said too much.
[11:52] Falerin: What games are involved
[11:53] Korban: No games.
[11:53] * Falerin appears in a Flash
[11:53] Falerin: "Ah... there I am"
[11:53] Lkeas: I'm afraid these aren't games.. this is a very real danger we're all in.
[11:53] * Falerin turns to the assembled
[11:53] Paladin_Of_Souls: "Chaos creeps among all things."
[11:53] * Korban looks to both Falerin's wondering, what exactly these two have to say to one another.
[11:53] Falerin: "I am afraid I cannot stay TruthSeekers"
[11:53] * Paladin_Of_Souls is extremely mirthful given the situation.
[11:53] Falerin: "I am whisking Galrick off for some R&R"
[11:53] Falerin: "But I do wish you a good day"
[11:53] Lkeas: Tell him we said hello..
[11:54] Falerin: "I will come with me...."
[11:54] * Falerin frowns
[11:54] Lkeas: I hope he is well.
[11:54] Falerin: "No I won't
[11:54] Falerin: "Yes.... I WILLL"
[11:54] * Falerin grabs Falerin
[11:54] Korban: Indeed, best woishes to both of you.
[11:54] Paladin_Of_Souls: "Off with you then, jailor, and good bye indeed."
[11:54] * Damsel looks between the two with growing amusement.
[11:54] Korban: ((wishes*))
[11:54] * Lkeas creases her brow. "Why would the younger Falerin want to come along?"
[11:54] * Falerins vanish
[11:54] * LordBarrius looks at the spot where the two stood and frowns somewhat.
[11:55] * Paladin_Of_Souls breaks out into roaring laughter upon the departure of both Falerins.
[11:55] Korban: Hm, perhap's he wants answer's only a god of such can supply.
[11:55] * Damsel barely holds back laughter of her own. "Seems he remembered to keep his own appointment."
[11:55] *** Falerin has left #darkabode.
[11:56] * LordBarrius raises an eyebrow at Damsel's comment, then grins himself. "I suppose so."
[11:56] Paladin_Of_Souls: "He did not even think to check the geas he placed upon me. Too rich!"
[11:56] * Lkeas finally turns to the Paladin. "What did you mean by that?"
[11:57] * Damsel raises an eyebrow at the Paladin, though her lips still curve in a smile. "I suspect he had a few other things on his minds at that point."
[11:57] * Paladin_Of_Souls redoubles his laughter at Lkeas' question.
[11:58] * Lkeas scowls. "What's so funny?"
[11:59] * Damsel glances at Lkeas and attempts to explain while the Paladin is caught up in his mirth. "Mariel freed him of the punishment Falerin had placed upon him, in light of the God of Evil's continued absence upon the plane."
[12:00] Lkeas: Ah, I see. Well, since you found your punishment so laughable, I question why you hang around here, then.
[12:01] * Paladin_Of_Souls calms himself in due time. "I have still been debating my options to that point, but it is simple enough to cast an eye here, particularly after having been called here again."
[12:02] * Paladin_Of_Souls glances back towards where the Falerins departed and smirks again. "Too enjoyable, his timing, at that."
[12:02] Damsel: "Well, seeing as he met with himself, I doubt I have to worry about letting slip his eventual rise to a Greater Power. That is certainly a relief."
[12:03] * Lkeas continues frowning. "I want to know what brought him here. And the other one, too."
[12:03] Lkeas: I don't find it very funny, temporal distortions are a complicated matter.
[12:05] * Paladin_Of_Souls glances about again. "Now there's an idea.......Mariel! If you've the time, I would have a word with thee!"
[12:05] * Damsel looks at Lkeas and nods, her mood more sober. "Aye, there is good reason to worry, I suppose. Though the fact that our Falerin did not seem phased by the event eases my mind somewhat."
[12:06] * Lkeas takes her turn to laugh. "If he has time, that's clever I suppose. But I somehow doubt Mariel would be the type to appear whenever we have wish to speak with him for personal reasons."
[12:08] * Paladin_Of_Souls glances at Lkeas with another smirk. "He called me, I can call him. We both have the choice to respond, but since he had the time to give a lesson as well before...well...matters of Chaos ARE most assuredly his concern."
[12:09] Lkeas: You fancy yourself on par with the God of Chaos, now? That you can call him as easily as he can call you?
[12:09] * Lkeas shakes her head.
[12:09] * Damsel gets to her feet a bit belatedly only to sit down once again upon the floor in front of her usual couch.
[12:09] * Paladin_Of_Souls laughs again. "On par? Far from it, but if he wants to lecture than I shall seek to learn."
[12:15] * Paladin_Of_Souls snaps his fingers and begins to fade away. "I may well be back, and I may well find Mariel at another time. You best watch yourselves now..." His laughter echoes for minutes after he has disappeared.
[12:16] * Lkeas shrugs indifferently. "As if we aren't watching ourselves already, what with Diviara and Ryuusei mucking about.."
[12:16] *** Ness has joined #darkabode.
[12:16] *** Mode change "+o Ness" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[12:16] * Damsel appears baffled as she watches the Paladin fade away.
[12:17] Lkeas: I don't know who he thinks he is, but if he starts stirring up trouble, demigod or not I won't hesitate to expel him from here..
[12:18] * Lkeas looks down hesitantly. "Or try, anyway.."
[12:18] * Lkeas sighs and flops down on a couch.
[12:18] Damsel: "An interesting one, the Paladin is..."
[12:19] Lkeas: As if we don't have enough trouble as it is... poor Gil... we didn't even have a chance to help him..
[12:19] * Lkeas stares at her feet.
[12:20] * Dale takes a seat near Lkeas. "You okay?"
[12:20] * Damsel nods. "It would appear the Delphi Wave did not wish us to be there, for whatever reason... When even it's creator can't control it, I'm not sure what hope we have."
[12:21] * Lkeas looks at Dale. "I... I don't know.."
[12:22] Lkeas: What Rimblade and Diviara said really got to me I guess. What are we doing here? Why are we doing this... just interfering, causing our friends to get killed, or tortured..
[12:22] Lkeas: And for what? Are we even making a difference?
[12:23] Lkeas: Are we any closer to survival than we were when we knew nothing..
[12:23] *** Althyn has joined #darkabode.
[12:23] *** Mode change "+v Althyn" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[12:23] Damsel: "You don't think we've made any difference at all? Not one tinest positive effect? Not one person we've influence for the better?"
[12:24] * Lkeas 's shoulders shake a little. "I just don't know... maybe we have.. it's just hard to see it amidst all the suffering... and maybe the suffering would be worse if we had done nothing, it's just hard to take it.."
[12:25] * Althyn wanders into the abode from outside (presumably the area chosen to sleep off the ill effects of drunkeness) and strides (Again, far more heroic than WALKING) to chair.
[12:25] * Damsel stands and moves to sit next to Lkeas, placing her arm about her shoulders.
[12:26] Damsel: "Yesterday, when Diviara came here for his son, did you not see something there that gave you hope? Did you miss it's subtle signs?"
[12:27] Lkeas: Diviara... I want to hope for him so badly, but what his son said about his mother.. so awful. I want so badly for him to be redeemed, but it's nearly impossible to tell if he is just being subtle in his manipulation of our feelings.
[12:28] * Lkeas trails off into silent brooding.
[12:28] *** You are now known as Lkeas[lunch].
[12:29] * Damsel leans in and whispers something to Lkeas.
[12:30] *** LBL[CC3] is now known as lightbringerlord.
[12:36] *** Rif has joined #darkabode.
[12:36] *** Mode change "+v Rif" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[12:37] * LordBarrius remains standing where he was, thinking for but a moment longer before walking silently to the abode door and outside into the forest.
[12:39] * Althyn glances about.
[12:39] Althyn: Cheery lot, I see.
[12:40] * Rif walks to the abode as LB passes, "Hello there."
[12:41] *** Shade has joined #darkabode.
[12:41] * Shade walks to the abode
[12:42] * LordBarrius doesn't respond to Rif as he passes by, not really seeming to notice, as if his attention is focused elsewhere. He pauses at the forest's edge however and turns to observe the abode from afar.
[12:42] Shade: So this is Caelestia? I'm impressed.
[12:42] * Shade notices people arround the abode
[12:42] Rif: ...Ok, you can do that to. Where are you headed?
[12:43] * Althyn glances at Shade.
[12:43] Shade: I'm presuming that you are the truthseekers, am I correct?
[12:43] Rif: ((intent of being a louder voice of course))
[12:43] Althyn: I DO hope you're not here to improve your outlook on life. These folk are a dour lot.
[12:43] Shade: ((That's ok, I know the stuff))
[12:44] Shade: No.
[12:45] Shade: I'm actually sent by my master.
[12:45] Shade: *here
[12:45] Althyn: Lovely then! I don't suppose I might inquire as to your business here?
[12:46] Shade: Well, under the circumstances I think everyone who is capable should come here and face the truth.
[12:46] * Rif shrugs at the lack of a response and walks in, "How does the day fair for others." He notices Shade, "Well hello. Name's Rif."
[12:46] * Althyn snorts.
[12:47] * Shade bows before Rif A plesure to meet you... truthseeker.
[12:47] Althyn: Come here and 'Face the truth'? My word, you do realize that such dodges wouldn't fool a tenyear-ward?
[12:47] Rif: Heh, I may be old, but I'm an equal. No need to bow.
[12:48] *** Lyoko has joined #darkabode.
[12:48] * LordBarrius remains in silent contemplation outside. His back leans against a nearby tree, which he slowly slides down the length of until he is seated at the tree's base, at which point he closes his eyes as if in rest.
[12:48] * Shade turns to Althyn Tanyerar-ward ?
[12:49] Althyn: Er, one of ten years of life, that is. Sorry, the lexicon-spells don't always work perfectly.
[12:49] * lightbringerlord opens his eyes
[12:50] lightbringerlord: Good morning everyone.
[12:50] * lightbringerlord looks arround
[12:50] lightbringerlord: I guess we have a newbie?
[12:50] * Shade laughs
[12:50] Shade: I guess you can call me like that.
[12:51] * Lyoko appears in a bolt of lightning.
[12:51] Shade: My name is shade, a Lorian necromancer
[12:51] * Lyoko brushes dust off of his shirt.
[12:51] Althyn: Lorian, eh? And who's this 'master' whom you profess to serve?
[12:51] lightbringerlord: A plesure to meet you then.
[12:52] Shade: I'm sure you've heard of her.
[12:53] * Althyn blinks.
[12:53] * Shade shivers
[12:53] * Damsel looks up from speaking quietly with Lkeas at the disturbance.
[12:53] Shade: Wha...what was that?
[12:53] Ness: Oh, you get used to it.
[12:53] * Lyoko looks around.
[12:53] Korban: What in creation...?
[12:53] Althyn: Doom-doggerel. We can only presume that it heralds the end of time, or whatnot.
[12:53] * lightbringerlord looks to the sky
[12:53] lightbringerlord: No falling doors.
[12:54] Shade: Falling doors?!
[12:54] lightbringerlord: It's just the enterence of Falerin, you'll get used to it.
[12:54] * Damsel notices the new presence for the first time. "Oh no. They don't normally fall. Just tend to appear from nowhere."
[12:55] Shade: Falerin the Loremaster? What is he doing here?
[12:55] Althyn: Come now, surely the entrance of your host here would hardly be a thing of worry?
[12:55] Lyoko: ...
[12:55] Shade: ((I'm aware why he is here though.))
[12:55] Ness: We don't know that it's Falerin
[12:55] lightbringerlord: I know Ness.
[12:55] Ness: Could be something FAR more sinister
[12:55] Ness: Likely is, in fact.
[12:56] Ness: Given our recent luck
[12:56] Althyn: And yet, it did NOT smite us from above, you'll note.
[12:56] Althyn: I tend to take that as a good sign.
[12:56] Damsel: "In fact, I'd say in all probability it isn't Falerin. As for sinister... I would not yet make that judgement."
[12:56] Ness: Well, not YET, it hasn't
[12:57] Althyn: If you're going to be pessimistic, you might as well direct me to some type of wine.
[12:57] Shade: I don't understand, from what I've learnt, Falerin is just a librarian.
[12:58] Shade: Isn't he?
[12:58] * Damsel clears her throat, hesitating. "Not... not quite."
[12:58] lightbringerlord: Actually Shade..
[12:58] *** Alastor has joined #darkabode.
[12:58] *** Mode change "+v Alastor" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[12:58] lightbringerlord: He's far more than that.
[12:59] * Alastor yawns
[12:59] lightbringerlord: He is the God of Evil, one of the deities of Caelestia.
[12:59] * Shade shivers again
[12:59] * Alastor looks at Shade, "Who might you be?"
[13:00] Althyn: Ah, don't let that bother you. Just because he's evil doesn't mean he can't be a really nice chap, I'd think.
[13:00] * Damsel chuckles. "That makes it sound much more dire than it is... He's the God of Evil, but he's not exactly very... well... evil."
[13:00] Althyn: Oh, is that so, Damsel?
[13:00] Alastor: Please forgive me for my words, but Falerin is like the Man in Black says. He isn't evil.
[13:00] * Shade turns at Alastor I've just came here, I'm Shade. A plesure to meet you, Mr..?
[13:00] Althyn: What, per se, do you call evil?
[13:00] Alastor: Ryst. Alastor Fulcan Ryst.
[13:01] Shade: I have some information about the deities, yet I didn't know one of them was Falerin teh Loremaster.
[13:01] Shade: ((the))
[13:02] Alastor: Falerin Ardendor, the Caelestia God of Evil.
[13:02] Damsel: "Well, the concept of good and evil always tends to be a very touchy subject. Usually people use it to simplify the way they see the world, but the universe very rarely fits in such assigned slots."
[13:02] Lyoko: True.
[13:03] Lyoko: It depends on the situation and your morals and beliefs.
[13:03] *** Alastor has signed off IRC (Killed (Falerin (Evil is as evil does.))).
[13:03] lightbringerlord: Indeed. All that is evil is not dark.
[13:03] *** Alastor has joined #darkabode.
[13:03] Althyn: Well, I can hardly presume to pass judgement on the man. Or god, as he may happen to be. And I'm NOT just saying that in some halfhearted bid to avoid divine retribution.
[13:03] *** Mode change "+v Alastor" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[13:03] * Alastor coughs, "..."
[13:04] lightbringerlord: Some thing wrong Ryst?
[13:04] * Damsel chuckles a bit at Althyn's words.
[13:04] * Lkeas shakes her head, as if the motion might clear it of hopeless thoughts. She nods to Damsel and gives her a light hug. "Thank you."
[13:04] Althyn: Well, you know, as a cleric, I'm fairly used to strange things happening anyway.
[13:05] * Shade loos at Lkeas as he hears her
[13:05] Alastor: Nothing at all.
[13:05] Shade: ((*looks*))
[13:05] Althyn: Why once, I tell you, I awoke one morn to find all of my undergarmets had been turned purple, and embroidered with pink hearts.
[13:05] * Damsel smiles more widely as she returns Lkeas' hug. "Hey, that's what friends are for. No, I'm sorry. Friends is the wrong term. Family."
[13:05] Shade: I presume you are the archivist.
[13:05] Dale: That's her.
[13:05] Althyn: "The Miracle of the Purple Underpants' so I told it.
[13:05] * Lkeas grins and then turns to Shade. "That would be me, yes. Ah! Have you come to join us?"
[13:06] * Dale chuckles
[13:06] * Alastor waves to Althyn, "Hail, Sir Althyn! How do you fare?"
[13:06] * Althyn turns to Alastor and grins.
[13:06] Shade: Indeed, I'm sent here by a necromancer, she believes that everyone should participate on your holy goal.
[13:07] Althyn: Quite well, thank you! Actually, I'm STILL waiting for the relic to show up. Blasted holy items.
[13:07] Lkeas: Well, I wouldn't call it MY goal, per se. Everyone here hopes to work together.
[13:07] Alastor: Heh.
[13:07] * Dale nods. "Unity."
[13:07] Lkeas: And indeed, the Archive would be very incomplete without their help.
[13:08] Shade: But you are the creator of the said archive.
[13:08] Lkeas: They just wish me not to give them credit... or I'd paste their names in very prominent places all over the scrolls.
[13:08] Shade: I wouldn't able to find this place without it.
[13:08] * Rif looks at Lkeas with a blank look on his face. "What's an Archive?" He keeps the blank look on his face for a few moments before admitting a goofy smile.
[13:08] Galrick: Is this thing on.
[13:09] Shade: What the?!
[13:09] Alastor: Galrick?
[13:09] Althyn: Oh, and here's one a mite older!
[13:09] Rif: What the...Galrick? Ye-Yeah!
[13:09] Galrick: Hey friends. The LoreMaster related to me your greetings. So I have arranged this one way communication.
[13:09] lightbringerlord: We can hear you Galrick.
[13:09] Alastor: One way, then.
[13:09] * LordBarrius looks up from his thoughts and listens quietly.
[13:09] Galrick: I have updated my MySpace page and it is just for you!
[13:09] Rif: ...but he can't here us. Hm, still, better than nothing.
[13:09] Alastor: MySpace?
[13:10] Galrick: Well duty calls. Good luck all
[13:10] Alastor: What in the blazes is that
[13:10] Alastor: ?
[13:10] * Damsel smiles at the ceiling, listening to Galrick's words.
[13:10] Rif: Heh, wow. I wonder how he's doing over there.
[13:10] Shade: Ah..of course! Lorians saw Galrick and Falerin together, that explains some stuff.
[13:11] * Damsel begins giggling.
[13:11] * Lkeas smiles as she opens up her scroll that links to Galrick's journal. Music begins pervading the room.
[13:13] * Damsel points at his quote by his avatar with a grin.
[13:14] * Lkeas looks down at the scroll and giggles. "You know.. it's so great being on this journey with you guys..."
[13:14] Lkeas: Even when the going gets rough to the point of being unbearable, you're still there.
[13:15] * Damsel winks at Lkeas. "You see? We do make a difference for the better every now and then."
[13:15] Lkeas: Yeah.
[13:15] Althyn: And if that doesn't work, I usually turn to sugar.
[13:16] * Lkeas turns back to Shade. "Well, then we'd best keep up the work, eh? How may we address you, seeker?"
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