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Current revision as of 09:56, 14 August 2008

(From #755-TotallyOOC)
[12:56] <Maxwell> It is best to always walk the path with your Faith at your side, even if you do not question her thinking.
[13:28] <Maxwell> If you have any real questions, I will be in my domain waiting for them.
(From #755)
(Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected)
[13:28] * Damsel curteys to Maxwell in his domain.
[13:29] * Ze`lent waltz with Damsel?!
[13:29] <lightbringerlord> Does the outland cor-dem always guard the portal?
[13:29] * Maxwell changes topic to 'Ever wonder what you get when you ask questions to a man who can not Lie?'
[13:30] <RoninOfDreams> Silence, the truth, or a tangent.
[13:30] <lightbringerlord> (I guess it will be like the Liar Liar film.)
[13:31] <Ze`lent> ((>.>))
[13:31] <RoninOfDreams> But that is neither here nor there, nor where we specifically asked to conjecture.
[13:31] <Damsel> There are three beings I've been trying to find information on this morning. If you could tell us anything about them at all I would truely appricate it. Those three are: Faith. Jacob. Elizabeth.
[13:31] * RoninOfDreams bows to Maxwell and proceeds to shut his trap.
[13:32] <Damsel> of course Robert and Lisa fall in the Elizabeth conjecture.
[13:33] <Maxwell> Faith is the essence of Hope, and your guide in all walks of life.
[13:34] <Damsel> Is Hope not an annunaki?
[13:34] <Maxwell> Elizabeth Twain was Matthew's wife.
[13:35] <Maxwell> Jacob, is the man who formed the true Trinity.
[13:36] <Maxwell> Does this help you with your questions? Or does it only cause more questions?
[13:36] <lightbringerlord> I'm guessing that the true trinity is 755.
[13:36] * Damsel chuckles. "Would you expect any answer other than 'both?"
[13:36] <lightbringerlord> *T
[13:37] <Ze`lent> Tell me more about The Mark of Seven please?
[13:38] <Korban> You know what's crazy, louis zephyr, a play on words to be lucifer, which has 7 letters, Galrick, 7, Cor-Demi, 7, it's crazy how many more comeout like that. Just wanted to say I noticed it. :P
[13:38] <lightbringerlord> ..
[13:38] <lightbringerlord> Oh..
[13:38] * Ze`lent is now known as Zeltan
[13:38] <lightbringerlord> Trinity bounds us all I guess.
[13:39] <Maxwell> The Mark of Seven is a term used to cover up the true word for the true gift.
[13:39] <Zeltan> And why does it needs to be hidden?
[13:40] <Maxwell> For Daniel's protection.
[13:40] * Joins: Ness (Ness@2F6ECB50.9BC8DA26.A29168AC.IP )
[13:40] <Korban> So seven is only a disguise of words in a way?
[13:40] <RoninOfDreams> If the truth behind the Mark of Seven were known by any other soul, would Daniel immediately fall into grave danger?
[13:40] <Maxwell> Yes, he would.
[13:41] <Korban> Hm.
[13:41] <Damsel> Then I suppose further questions on the subject should remain unanswered...
[13:41] <RoninOfDreams> Are we to therefore disregard that mystery of the Mark of Seven given the danger to Daniel that would result?
[13:42] <Korban> Is it a physical gift, or something like a mental gift, such as Telekenesis?
[13:42] <Maxwell> All you need to know, is Atlas gave Daniel a gift, and the true gift is masked by the title The Mark of Seven.
[13:42] <Korban> I only want to get a few clues that will come in handy later.
[13:42] <RoninOfDreams> Very well and good, sir.
[13:42] <Zeltan> Thank you
[13:43] <Korban> Thanks.
[13:43] <Maxwell> You could consider The Mark of Seven to sound very much like the Mark of Five, the pentagram that represents the Forsaken.
[13:44] <Zeltan> Indeed
[13:44] <Maxwell> This of course, was done for a reason.
[13:44] * Joins: X (
[13:44] <Korban> What reason?
[13:44] <Korban> Do they share a comparison other then that?
[13:44] <Zeltan> And does this Mark of Five do something else other than representing the 5 Forsaken?
[13:45] <Korban> ...He gave him an annunaki?
[13:45] <Korban> Or Avatar?
[13:46] <Korban> I'm just guessing it's something there's only a limited amount of.
[13:47] * Quits: X ( (Vanished: )
[13:47] <Maxwell> I must be going in a few minutes.
[13:47] <Maxwell> If you have any questions, please ask them now.
[13:47] <Maxwell> Of course, I do choose what I answer and what I do not.
[13:48] <Korban> Alright then.
[13:48] <Zeltan> I presume you chose not to answer my previous question?
[13:48] <Damsel> You mentioned a mark a few days ago. Does it have something to do with the mark of the Forsaken?
[13:48] * Joins: Lyoko (
[13:49] <Maxwell> Do you not have any better questions?
[13:50] <Korban> Sorry, I can't think of any more at the moment.
[13:50] <Damsel> I'm trying to think. I just reviewed so much...
[13:50] <Maxwell> Do not think, that would be a start.
[13:50] <Zeltan> Did Daniel cause any paradox with his time travelling like his uncle does?
[13:50] <Damsel> Have Faith instead, eh?
[13:51] <Maxwell> Maxwell never caused any paradox, although you seem to think he did.
[13:51] <lightbringerlord> Is Faith an object, or something within us?
[13:51] <Zeltan> I see
[13:52] <Korban> I still want to know what the third eye represents.
[13:52] <Korban> In all this I mean.
[13:52] <Damsel> What has become of Robert Twain after he and Daniel ran off?
[13:52] <Maxwell> I would assume it means what it means.
[13:53] <Maxwell> Robert "Ryuusei" Twain Cartwright is running NOVA.
[13:53] <lightbringerlord> 1/7/----
[13:53] <lightbringerlord> Does this day seem familiar to you?
[13:53] <lightbringerlord> *date
[13:54] <Maxwell> July First 2007?
[13:54] <Damsel> Is Ryuusei a "halfling?"
[13:54] <lightbringerlord> I guess so.
[13:54] <Maxwell> I filled in the last part of course.
[13:54] <lightbringerlord> Halofane Marrius System Report
[13:54] <lightbringerlord> 7/1/----
[13:54] <lightbringerlord> 22:25:55
[13:54] <lightbringerlord> Login:755
[13:54] <lightbringerlord> System Failure
[13:54] <lightbringerlord> 7/1/----
[13:54] <lightbringerlord> 22:34:25
[13:54] <lightbringerlord> Login:755
[13:54] <lightbringerlord> Message Sent
[13:54] <Korban> Oh I wanted to ask, does 557 have anything to do with the past?
[13:54] <lightbringerlord> What is Halofane system report?
[13:55] <lightbringerlord> *Halofan Marrius
[13:55] <lightbringerlord> Correction, what is Halofabe Marrius?
[13:55] <lightbringerlord> *fane
[13:55] <Korban> XD
[13:55] <Maxwell> I am sure you can find that information elsewhere.
[13:56] <Korban> I assume I'm not getting an answer? It's cool.
[13:56] <lightbringerlord> Was there a system failure in the past?
[13:56] <Damsel> It has been said Lisa is a "halfling." What is the other half?
[13:57] <Maxwell> I would assume they think she is half Vesperian.
[13:57] <Damsel> And the half not Vesperian is....?
[13:57] <Korban> And what else?
[13:58] * Korban is now known as Korban[Away]
[13:59] <Maxwell> For someone who wants the Truth so badly, you don't seem to know much.
[13:59] * Joins: Temari (
[13:59] * Parts: Temari (
[13:59] * Damsel nods. "A failing I know."
[13:59] <Damsel> Do you know anything of the "reversed haven of peace?"
[14:00] <Zeltan> And this Robert, who is his father?
[14:00] * Joins: Hinata (
[14:00] * Parts: Hinata (
[14:00] <Maxwell> Your questions would be a waste to answer.
[14:01] <Maxwell> Perhaps if you can offer some true questions worth anything, I will answer them.
[14:01] <Damsel> What has NOVA been doing in their time away from the public eye?
[14:01] <Maxwell> They have been planning the assault.
[14:02] <Damsel> Are they close to enacting these plans?
[14:02] <Maxwell> We act on different forms of time.
[14:03] <Damsel> Ah, of course.
[14:03] <Maxwell> five more minutes
[14:03] <Damsel> What has become of the group of Vesperians which believe differently than NOVA?
[14:04] <Zeltan> I ack it because of the fact that Ryuusei seeks out The'galin on his own...or so I believe
[14:05] <Zeltan> ask*
[14:07] * Maxwell changes topic to 'Hope rests in the heart of many, Faith rests in the heart of all.'
[14:07] * Damsel ponders.
[14:07] * Quits: Maxwell (max@755.755.755.755) (Vanished: )
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