Stealing Her Eye

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Current revision as of 09:37, 14 August 2008

[09:48:57] <Damsel> Maxwell says (9:47 AM):
[09:48:58] <Damsel> A woman Matthew fell in love with and married during the forming of NOVA. Although she already had a young son named Robert from her late husband, Matthew accepted Robert as his own son.
[09:48:58] <Damsel> Maxwell says (9:48 AM):
[09:48:58] <Damsel> share it with the rest of the class if you wish
[09:48:58] <Damsel> I wont say what her name is
[09:50:57] <Ze`lent> Hmm...
[09:51:16] <Ze`lent> No wonder Mat and Robert are at odds
[09:51:50] <Damsel> maybe...
[09:53:15] <Ze`lent> It is most likely I say, with Robert *maybe* trying to replce his stepfather as NOVA's head.
[09:56:02] <Ze`lent> I must say thou, Drakels having nipples is the most shocking thing i've read since knowing that Truth is a pink hippo shooting pixie dust off his hind.
[09:58:47] <Ze`lent> Ok, i need my sleep now
[09:59:59] <Damsel> hang on. more
[10:00:06] <LB|Sleep> Hehehe....
[10:00:07] <LB|Sleep> [03:58:48] <IdleRPG> Kitten hit back hard so Doomsday drops a level, so now they drop to level 33.
[10:00:07] <LB|Sleep> [04:11:21] * Doomsday has quit IRC (Broken pipe)
[10:00:09] <Damsel> Maxwell says (9:59 AM):
[10:00:09] <Damsel> one more thing to share with them if you wish
[10:00:09] <Damsel> Daniel, or The Messenger as he is also known as is the child of Jess and Hollow. This makes Daniel Atlas Maxwell's nephew and ties the knot on the family circle that was formed within The Order.
[10:00:20] <Damsel> Maxwell says (10:00 AM):
[10:00:20] <Damsel> When Daniel was a young boy, his uncle gave him a special gift known as The Mark of Seven. After Maxwell's death, Daniel used his uncle's portal gizmo to travel the portals, much like his uncle did before him.
[10:00:24] <LB|Sleep> That's what happens when you screw with the Kitten. Your pipe breaks. >.>
[10:01:47] * Ze`lent has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[10:01:52] <LB|Sleep> o:
[10:04:28] * max|sleep is now known as max
[10:12:53] * LB|Sleep lets out a victorious mew.
[10:15:46] <LB|Sleep> Turned out good in the end. :P
[10:15:51] <Damsel> yea
[10:25:35] <Damsel> oh hell...
[10:25:44] <Damsel> Maxwell says (10:25 AM):
[10:25:45] <Damsel> Lisa Runde Smith
[10:25:45] <Damsel> you can share that with the class too
[10:25:45] <Damsel> The daughter of Matthew and Elizabeth, she is a proud member of Nova, her father's organization.
[10:25:45] <Damsel> not much goin on
[10:25:45] <Damsel> with Lisa
[10:27:05] <LB|Sleep> Well, that fills a gap I suppose. >.>
[10:27:16] <Damsel> give me a moment...
[10:27:50] <RoninOfDreams> This is what happens when Maxwell is chatty on MSN
[10:28:29] <Damsel> yea
[10:28:50] <RoninOfDreams> Also, Derian has the most craptastic luck ever
[10:30:20] <RoninOfDreams> I'm just glad I didn't get knocked back on him...again...
[10:32:56] * RoninOfDreams sighs
[10:40:03] * Maxwell has joined #755-TotallyOOC
[10:40:03] * Anna sets mode: +ao Maxwell Maxwell
[10:40:45] <Maxwell> ello sleepy seekers
[10:40:53] <LB|Sleep> Hello.
[10:41:12] * Damsel raises a few fingers to her brow as if tipping an imaginary hat
[10:41:16] <Maxwell> look a polar bear!
[10:41:18] <LB|Sleep> How's it going?
[10:41:43] <Maxwell> ahh nm, just a smoke monster out for an morning walk
[10:41:52] <Maxwell> It is going ok.. I am very very tired.
[10:41:54] <LB|Sleep> Heh.
[10:42:16] <Damsel> you need 3 collars for those things, I hear
[10:42:25] <Maxwell> I have been working on AQ projects for very long periods of time straight, and getting as ltitle sleep as possible.
[10:42:43] <Maxwell> Just to get it all done as soon as possible, to get it ouf the way.
[10:42:51] <Maxwell> More time to take your time on the fun stuff :P
[10:43:02] <Maxwell> like confusing truth seekers with cryptic riddles and clues
[10:43:22] <LB|Sleep> Heh.
[10:44:43] <LB|Sleep> Well, 'tis good to hear. Any progress so to speak?
[10:44:59] <Maxwell> I am doing a very mind numbing task currently.
[10:45:16] <Maxwell> its like stacking boxes of the video game world
[10:45:21] <Maxwell> it is very fun :P
[10:45:30] <LB|Sleep> Hehehe. Sounds like it. :P
[10:47:56] * Damsel rawrs at the seeming contridictory clues she's studying.
[10:49:37] <LB|Sleep> Hm?
[10:49:59] <Damsel> I'm trying to study Lisa and her family... but it's... problematic
[10:50:17] * max is now known as max|AFK
[10:50:39] <LB|Sleep> Which part in particular?
[10:50:39] <max|AFK> School once again. >.>
[10:50:57] <Damsel> several actually. let me get the quotes
[10:51:12] * Maxwell widdles a flute out of wood
[10:52:11] <Maxwell> You do not want to study the meaning, or usage of what I say when I am tired.
[10:52:17] <Damsel> [12:29] Maxwell: It seems the child is a halfling, Falerin. The mother is of Vespirian after all, and I do think Lisa is a false name, and not human at all.
[10:52:17] <Damsel> but the child may not be lisa. Lisa may be the mother
[10:52:23] <Damsel> oops.
[10:52:26] <Damsel> skip that last bit
[10:52:28] <Maxwell> The wood part, not anything else :P
[10:52:29] <Damsel> that's notes to myself
[10:52:39] <Damsel> [12:31] Falerin: Lisa being a "Halfling" would explain somethings actually
[10:53:10] <Damsel> So if Lisa is a "halfling" she had to get it from the father. if "the monther is vesperian after all"
[10:53:32] <Damsel> but I think the founder of NOVA, Matthew Twain, is the *most* likely to be vesperian.
[10:54:14] <Maxwell> I really love the word if.
[10:54:16] <Damsel> then add in this quote:
[10:54:18] <Damsel> Falerin: I do not know their family tree... I am not privy to it... I do not know if Daniel married in or Lisa did
[10:54:19] <Maxwell> It can mean so much.
[10:54:26] <Damsel> how the hell is Daniel related?
[10:55:00] <Damsel> I mean he's got to be the child of Jess and Hollow. So is the "boyfriend" thing not false? What of Sasha Green? Is that a cover?
[10:56:11] <Damsel> If the mother isn't Vesperian, that would mean Robert is also a halfling... but we certainly haven't heard of him referred to such... which may or may not mean something.
[10:56:38] <Maxwell> Your so mixed up.
[10:56:48] <Maxwell> It is so mean I actually havea family tree...
[10:56:49] <Damsel> yep
[10:56:55] <Maxwell> and info on all of the members of it
[10:57:00] <Damsel> I'm trying though, if that matters
[10:57:02] <Maxwell> I will give it to you...
[10:57:09] <Maxwell> for a scoobie snack!
[10:57:10] <Maxwell> :P
[10:57:14] <LB|Sleep> XD
[10:57:29] <LB|Sleep> Somehow I didn't expect that.
[10:57:33] <Maxwell> sorry, I get a bit random when tired lol
[10:57:43] <Maxwell> I was very tired when I thought up the hippo too....
[10:57:54] <Maxwell> I think I was going on two days with no sleep that day
[10:57:57] <LB|Sleep> Ouch.
[10:58:20] <LB|Sleep> Hm....
[10:58:36] * Damsel busily tries to figure out the damnable family tree.
[10:58:58] <Maxwell> you seem to be missing some pretty important Damsel :P
[10:59:06] <Maxwell> you should know I never give anyone the full truth, ever
[10:59:11] <Maxwell> I always keep something from people
[10:59:17] <Damsel> Oh I'm well aware.
[10:59:20] <LB|Sleep> I'm thinking about it. Not sure what to say quite yet....maybe if I get some food in my system....
[10:59:39] <Damsel> However, if we wait for that "pretty important information" we'll likely never get anywhere.
[10:59:55] <Maxwell> by the time you get it, you will forget about this
[11:00:04] <Maxwell> kind of like how people forget about old old clues...
[11:00:11] <Maxwell> blue is key is it not?
[11:00:17] <Damsel> Indeed
[11:00:19] <Maxwell> That was an old one, and that seemed to come in handy.
[11:00:31] <LB|Sleep> Heh.
[11:00:36] <Damsel> Though I believe I actually was seen to mention that when the 577 puzzle came up. ^^
[11:01:07] <Maxwell> Also just to let the TSers know.
[11:01:12] <LB|Sleep> I actually hit blue without thinking about it. More reflex than anything else.
[11:01:21] <Maxwell> all of the "ranomd" names NOVA signed in as are not as random as you think
[11:01:24] <Maxwell> random*
[11:01:38] <LB|Sleep> I figured not.
[11:01:38] <Maxwell> they all contain info in small ways
[11:01:39] <Damsel> Dragon... Okard...
[11:01:53] <Damsel> yea... I have been making some note of that too as I search
[11:02:35] <Maxwell> wow mods really like to ban underaged users lol
[11:02:55] <Maxwell> I have to admit, it is rather fun :D
[11:02:59] <LB|Sleep> Heh.
[11:03:19] <Maxwell> But I do not go out of my way to hunt them down.
[11:03:21] <LB|Sleep> There is quite a few of 'em, actually....
[11:03:24] <Maxwell> I am far too busy.
[11:03:51] <LB|Sleep> Eh, they don't usually either. The most recent ones caught all *posted* and admitted they were too young, actually. >.>
[11:04:21] <Maxwell> Yeah, that is the way to really catch them.
[11:04:26] <Maxwell> They lie about their age to sign up.
[11:04:34] <Damsel> I still wonder too at the importance of "Downtown." I'm sure there's something we're missing with the importance there too.
[11:04:37] <Maxwell> So they only way to catch them is if they say how old they really are...
[11:04:53] <Maxwell> Damsel, the meaning of Downtown is the main clue to the song.
[11:04:57] <Maxwell> I have said that once before.
[11:05:21] <Maxwell> In the Truth saga Downtown just means, it could be much better somewhere else.
[11:05:37] <Damsel> hmm
[11:05:40] <Maxwell> somewhere else being "downtown"
[11:06:38] <Damsel> understood
[11:07:37] <Damsel> another old unsolved clue. "Triangle Triange Square Circle 7 4 5 4 5." From "Nogard"
[11:10:24] <LB|Sleep> Gonna head to lunch.
[11:10:49] <Damsel> I am also curious about this "Mark of Seven" you mentioned. We know of 8 main annunaki, 10 if you count Omega and Hope... there are 5 faceless... where have we heard of 7 before other than c7 being Truth, I believe it was...?
[11:11:00] <Damsel> sorry. faceless=forsaken
[11:11:51] <Damsel> hmmm.. something else interesting. Jeice mentioned us not hearing of "Faith" before now... but maybe we were just missing a capital letter...
[11:11:57] <Damsel> [23:08] Maxwell: I trust you will be able to find the door if you have faith
[11:12:06] <Damsel> which is speaking about the Outlands...
[11:12:22] <Maxwell> old clues are nice are they not?
[11:12:24] * Maxwell grins
[11:12:28] <Damsel> sorry... mind is sort of all over as I review things
[11:24:03] <Damsel> another interesting message from Maxwell on the forums:
[11:24:12] <Damsel> Everything, has a reason. Everything is important. It is not the clues, answers, or even the questions that will guide you to the truth. It is your faith that you can actually find it, that is the most important thing you have. If you lack faith, you will never find anything. Good luck finding it.
[11:24:49] <Damsel> sort of sad, actually, that the lesson was stated and yet never learned. Perhaps the so recent test will help reinforce it...
[11:25:21] <RoninOfDreams> Puzzle pieces put aside are still relevant to the picture as a whole.
[11:25:40] <Damsel> indeed
[11:26:19] <Maxwell> And I know I'm gonna steal her eye
[11:26:19] <Maxwell> She doesn't even know what's wrong
[11:26:19] <Maxwell> And I know I'm gonna make her die
[11:26:19] <Maxwell> Take her where her soul belongs
[11:26:19] <Maxwell> And I know I'm gonna steal her eye
[11:26:19] <Maxwell> Nothing that I wouldn't try
[11:26:41] <Maxwell> catchy tune..
[11:26:45] * Maxwell grins
[11:26:48] * Maxwell has quit IRC (Vanished: )
[11:26:56] * Damsel shivers slightly.
[11:28:15] <Damsel> A song... "Girl" by Beck...
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