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Current revision as of 01:26, 30 July 2008

* lightbringerlord is now known as LBL[AFK]
<Maxwell> about ready to go to sleep.. just checking in real quick
<LBL[AFK]> On the second thought...
<Kazuma> BTW, We saw your pposts
* LBL[AFK] is now known as lightbringerlord
<lightbringerlord> and saved them
<Maxwell> are you the only active member online right now LBL?
<lightbringerlord> nope
<Kazuma> I'm here...
<lightbringerlord> there is computafreak somewhere here
<Maxwell> hello Kazuma
<Kazuma> ^^
<lightbringerlord> Drakels possesing Cor-dem tech?
<Kazuma> I'm watching something funny to wake up, so I'm in and out
<lightbringerlord> That's not good news.
<Kazuma> meh, Monty Python can wait.
<Maxwell> Drakels?
<lightbringerlord> If I read that right.
<lightbringerlord> Quote:
<lightbringerlord> I discovered it’s power source and I am starting to adapt it to Drakel technology, soon I will be able to power some of the most fascinating technologies I could ever dream of. Perhaps some day soon, we will all use technology much like this.
<Maxwell> I'm pretty sure it is Drakel not drakel's.
<Kazuma> what's with the forign symbols above your avvy? at the vary least give us a clue of the language
<lightbringerlord> So, he/she will not share that info?
<Kazuma> very: *
<Maxwell> Professor Lae`ula Arimoz is not a Drakel.
<Maxwell> he just used Drakel tech
<lightbringerlord> Hmm
* Kazuma pokes Maxwell until he answers his question
* ComputaFreak has quit IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected_)
<Maxwell> If your really a Truth Seeker, you know the symbols below my Avatar are not the same symbols in the story.
<lightbringerlord> umm
<lightbringerlord> thoose are in japan.
<Maxwell> or above
<Maxwell> I am pretty tired
<Maxwell> Indeed, it is a pretty basic title
<Maxwell> all it says is the highest level which is obtained
<Kazuma> I'd know them if they were french, but that's it.
<Maxwell> or, gotten max
<Maxwell> get it?
<Maxwell> Got-Max
<Kazuma> XD
<lightbringerlord> lol
<Kazuma> thaat's going in my OOC diary.
<lightbringerlord> By the way.
<Maxwell> also, I released some new info on some future saga charcters in the encyclopedia tonight
<lightbringerlord> That prank was the worst ending right?
<Maxwell> I suppose so, it was just a prank..
<Maxwell> Its not what will really happen.
<lightbringerlord> I knowç
<lightbringerlord> .
<Kazuma> oh good
<Maxwell> But who knows, could be worse.
<lightbringerlord> Like omniwerse going boom?
<lightbringerlord> or moob?
<Kazuma> the only thing worse is to see us get uncreated
<Maxwell> That would be worse I suppose.
<Maxwell> By the way, please dont call me Atlas, that is not me.
<Maxwell> Atlas Maxwell is not based on me any way, I am Goten Maxwell, I share the same last name is Atlas.
<Maxwell> as: *
<Maxwell> Just a heads ups.
<Kazuma> okay
<lightbringerlord> that rain of fire reminds me the tiberium anliens.
<lightbringerlord> The Scrit.
<lightbringerlord> : *aliens
<lightbringerlord> I thought the rain of fire didn't happen though.
<lightbringerlord> It seems it happened 5 years ago.
<lightbringerlord> But then
<lightbringerlord> We haven't seen any drakels in DF.
<Kazuma> then again, DF is an alternate future. We may never see them.
<lightbringerlord> Then again
<Maxwell> future?
<lightbringerlord> My char pushed that rock at crystal cave.
<Kazuma> I meant reality
* Ze`lent has joined #755-TotallyOOC
* Anna sets mode: +v Ze`lent
<Maxwell> DF is five years in the past, and yes they are the same realm and reality
<Ze`lent> yo
<lightbringerlord> Hey evil Zel.
<Ze`lent> :o
<Kazuma> ...
<Kazuma> I see
<lightbringerlord> Meh,
<Maxwell> the rain of fire, if in DF
<Ze`lent> hmm..army of Hope
<lightbringerlord> We have to find the exact location of Falconreach.
<Maxwell> would not be seen by him anyways
<Maxwell> Falconreach is to the north
<Ze`lent> by who?
* lightbringerlord remembers a couple of words written on a stick
<Maxwell> I am looking at a map of the whole wormd of Lore right now...
<lightbringerlord> O_O
<Maxwell> oh look Falconreach and Battleon are both on here...
<Maxwell> wow.. amazing
* Maxwell laughs
<Ze`lent> Are they close? :p
<Maxwell> nope
<lightbringerlord> ...
<lightbringerlord> You love to see us suffer don't you?
<Maxwell> Nope
<Maxwell> I cant show you the map
<Maxwell> Big A's orders
<Kazuma> yes, show us
<lightbringerlord> XD
<Ze`lent> Meh I understand
<Maxwell> I would love to show you.
<Maxwell> but its a secret
<Kazuma> okay then
<Kazuma> I tryed
<Maxwell> lets just say that travel map in AQ right now
<Ze`lent> Disobey the Big A and get splatered by undead juice
<Maxwell> is only a small part of the real world
<Kazuma> I knew that part
<Maxwell> say... ten percent of it? haha
<Maxwell> its a pretty big world
<Ze`lent> Hmm...
<lightbringerlord> When we'll able to see all of it?
<lightbringerlord> in 2 years?
<Maxwell> Oh... I suppose in about five years.
<lightbringerlord> ....
<Maxwell> I have no idea, I was actually teasing you that time.
<Ze`lent> how about that almost-inaccurate map given by Galrick? How many percent does that show?
<lightbringerlord> 100%?
<Maxwell> Those inaccurate maps are about as inaccurate as you can get.
<Maxwell> It has some names right.
<Maxwell> Thats about it...
<Ze`lent> Ouch
<lightbringerlord> Back to the rain of fire...
<lightbringerlord> If those meteors are the meterors that I think about.
<Ze`lent> Which i put first :p
<lightbringerlord> I'll have to buy soem D-coins to buy that codex.
<lightbringerlord> : *some
<Ze`lent> how long was that page written?
<Ze`lent> The time
<Maxwell> It is broken up from his personal notes.
<Maxwell> His last entry was the last one posted.
<Ze`lent> no dates what-so-ever?
<Maxwell> No dates posted.
<Ze`lent> Hmmm...
<Ze`lent> I wonder if Vincent refers to Vince
<lightbringerlord> No
<lightbringerlord> it's a super intelligent dog.
<Ze`lent> Oh?
<Ze`lent> ...
<lightbringerlord> adn his plane crushed to an isalnd.
<lightbringerlord> : *island
<Maxwell> A golden retriever if Im not mistaken...
* Ze`lent looks for his hammer of mighty smiting
<Maxwell> If it helps, he had to get the Drakel tech from somewhere.
<lightbringerlord> figures.
<Ze`lent> His name doesn't sounds very drakish
<Maxwell> I kinda thought you would all figure that out, he talks about his good friend Vincent, his friend knows about drakel tech.
<Maxwell> His friend must be Vince the Drakel.
<Ze`lent> figures
<Ze`lent> :p
<Maxwell> Not hard to put two and two together lol
<Maxwell> If you have trouble with that, I really hope you dont attempt to find out the truth about Anna's parents dark secret.
* Ze`lent smites Lbl for distracting him
<Kazuma> I knew it, but I thought it was common knoledge
<Ze`lent> which Anna?
<lightbringerlord> the forsaken?
<Maxwell> can I see that hammer of mighty smiting real quick?
<Maxwell> I need to knock some sense into you both, there is only one Anna...
<Ze`lent> exist in my mind only ;p
<Ze`lent> hehe
* Kazuma "vorrows" Ze'lent
<Kazuma> s mind
<Kazuma> borrows*
<Ze`lent> What's her parents' dark secrets? Something shameful?
* Kazuma hands the smiting tool to Maxwell
<Kazuma> do you think he'd tell us?
* lightbringerlord runs
<Ze`lent> Maybe, you never know
<Kazuma> he won't
<Kazuma> not directly
<Maxwell> The clues are already floating around, you just have to catch them.
<Maxwell> For some reason it seems like truth seekers have gotten lazy lately.
<lightbringerlord> Let's see.
<Ze`lent> MEh
<Ze`lent> I'm busy with RL
<Maxwell> This is not easy ya know, just because there has been a lack of clues recently.
<Kazuma> umm...There's a reson I don't play Baseball Maxwell, I'm no good with catching
<Ze`lent> True
<Maxwell> Does not mean your task is over.
<Ze`lent> This place is pretty quiet lately
<Maxwell> even Baseball needs cheerleaders and seat fillers Kazuma :P
* Kazuma has quit IRC (Suppressed: school. Keep me posted._)
<lightbringerlord> If the rain of fire happened 5 years ago, the cor-dem key and codex will be somewhat useful.
<Maxwell> Well, it is 7 in the morning...
<lightbringerlord> On the otherhand.
<lightbringerlord> We should ask Vince about this guy.
<Maxwell> No need, you will get to ask this guy about Vince soon enough!
<Maxwell> bye! :D
* Maxwell has quit IRC (Vanished: _)
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