Whether Good or Not

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Current revision as of 21:42, 27 July 2008

[23:16] <>Ambiance<> A large auditory explosion rocks the abode
[23:17] <Jeice> Woah!
[23:17] * LB|Logging glances around, concerned by the noise.
[23:17] * Rif wakes up with a jolt, "Who da what!"
[23:17] * Damsel looks up from her studies, shaken while Avarie, leaning against the wall as she typically does, peers about her worridly.
[23:18] * Quits: koffax ( koffax@Caelestia-55FC1492.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net�) (Supressed: �)
[23:19] <Rif> Hey, who did that?
[23:19] <Avarie> "Not good, whatever it was."
[23:20] <>Ambiance<> Falerin stumbles down the main stair
[23:20] <Jeice> Falerin?! Are you alright?!
[23:20] * Jeice runs over to Falerin.
[23:20] * LB|Logging stands, his eyes wide. "Falerin!"
[23:20] * Ness looks over at Falerin
[23:20] * Rif looks over and stands up, hearing the foot steps, "Hey, what's wrong?"
[23:20] <Ness> Oh, dear.
[23:21] <Ness> MiB?
[23:22] <Falerin> $2-
[23:22] * Ness stands and walks over to Falerin
[23:22] <Ness> Hm?
[23:22] * Zeltan was awaken by the noise
[23:22] <Falerin> Galrick has been returned to his home reality and set on his path
[23:22] <Zeltan> W-what?
[23:22] <Zeltan> That's good to know, Loremaster
[23:22] * Damsel stands and walks over to Falerin, concern upon her face and ready to assist Falerin should he seem to need it.
[23:22] * Ness nods
[23:23] * Falerin sighs
[23:23] * Ness gives Falerin his customary bow, realizing he forgot it in the confusion
[23:23] * LB|Logging tosses down the scroll in his hand and moves over to Falerin, still concerned by what has just occured.
[23:23] * LB|Logging is now known as LordBarrius
[23:23] <Falerin> Whether good or not remains to be seen
[23:23] <Falerin> Having basically sent the man to his death I find it hard to be positive
[23:23] <Jeice> Falerin, has something happened? Your entrance worries me.
[23:24] * Zeltan frowns "Galrick has his own destiny. His encounter with Ryuusei is what worries me."
[23:24] <Ness> Falerin, something has been botherin me, and it may be of importance. I realize that you aren't in a state to answer questions, but I would be eternally grateful if you would allow me one.
[23:24] <Falerin> Nothing yet has happened Majesty. But it will...
[23:25] * Avarie sighs and nods. "I suppose it is inevitable that it should."
[23:25] <Falerin> Please Ness. Speak plainly. I have almost no patience for circuitous conversation at the moment.
[23:25] * Ness nods
[23:25] <Ness> In that case
[23:25] <Ness> Can I ask you something?
[23:26] * Falerin snaps "Ask it already!"
[23:26] * Ness nods again, quickly
[23:26] <Ness> If The'Galin Manifests through Tralin as some of us believe he will, what would happen to Life?
[23:26] <Rif> Sending him to his death...
[23:27] <Zeltan> I believe Life will escape before he does.
[23:27] <Falerin> Two manifestations in one being is impossibility
[23:27] * Damsel tentively lays a reassuring hand upon Falerin's shoulder. "You could not have postponed it forever, I think. Galrick himself decided to walk this path, no matter how many of us would wish it otherwise."
[23:28] <Falerin> If The`Galin were somehow able to take over the King of Deren. The Avatar of Life would have to be obliterated first.
[23:28] <Ness> So, what happens to Life? It is cast out? Would that mean that Tralin's body would be Forsaken?
[23:28] <Ness> My main concern here is the potential backlash to The'Galin himself, if there is any
[23:28] <Falerin> The`Galin does not utilize forsaken. A manifestation requires an intact soul.
[23:29] <Zeltan> ((what?!))
[23:29] <Ness> So, Life could prevent the Manifestation by Forsaking Tralin?
[23:29] <Jeice> Could he kill life and then take over?
[23:29] <Ness> Or at least delay it
[23:29] <Zeltan> Once an annunaki leaves, the host becomes a forsaken
[23:30] <Ness> Yes, Zeltan, they take some or all of the person's soul
[23:30] <Zeltan> I think dying is equal to leaving
[23:30] <Ness> And Falerin just said The'Galin needs an INTACT soul
[23:30] <Falerin> In theory. If he were faster then The'Galin himself.
[23:30] <Damsel> "You provided the man with an opportunity that he would not otherwise have had. I think you should be thanked for that. Besides, I do not believe a single one here, or Galrick himself, would feel you sent him to his death."
[23:30] * Ness frowns
[23:30] <Falerin> A hollow victory and a phyrric one that would be
[23:31] <Falerin> As The`Galin would just take another
[23:31] <Ness> ((Falerin, I congratulate you. It's been some time since someone actually made me look up a word.))
[23:31] * Ness nods
[23:31] <Falerin> He has an abundance of those who would willingly capitulate
[23:31] <Rif> Yeah, and the number seems to grow by the day.
[23:32] <Falerin> Indeed.
[23:32] <Falerin> Unfortunate though it may be there will always be those foolish enough to take a dark bargin
[23:32] <Ness> I hear the Lorians have found the Temple. This is surely good news.
[23:32] <Jeice> So it is possible to kill Life and take Tralin?
[23:32] <Falerin> I sent them there. Whether it be good news or bad remains to be seen.
[23:33] * Ness nods
[23:33] <Zeltan> I'm sure they will learn from the Temple and Tralin.
[23:33] <Jeice> Bad news for them to have reached the Temple?!
[23:33] <Falerin> For while it does mean the plan to resist advances. It means likewise the timetable for his manifestation does as well.
[23:33] <Ness> I am full of questions, but I shall save them for another time when you are more inclined to answer them.
[23:33] <Jeice> So Omega is his manifestation I take it?
[23:33] <Ness> I thought Omega ran the Network.
[23:34] <Falerin> That is a gamble Ness. For At the moment I am inclined to answer. That may not remain the case for long.
[23:34] <Jeice> Omega will awaken with Hope. That is why I thought so.
[23:34] <Ness> Ah, then I shall ask what I can think of.
[23:34] * Elaith sits and listens, knowing voicing his thoughts would waste time *
[23:34] * Ness ((forgot what he was going to ask >_>))
[23:34] <Rif> Yes, but if you hadn't sent them, the resist plans would have stopped. Just because resistance plans stop, why would his manifestation time table stop?
[23:35] <Ness> Carnax...so I have heard...is Truth's pawn?
[23:35] <Falerin> Omega is a forefront of his effort. I doubt he is a manifestation. I do not doubt he will be key to bringing that about.
[23:35] <Jeice> I see.
[23:35] <Jeice> So you yourself do not know Omega?
[23:36] <Falerin> Even if he himself willingly dies to let The'Galin use his host.
[23:36] <Falerin> Assuming Omega is even Annunaki
[23:36] <Falerin> Evidence supporting that he is such is scant at best
[23:36] <Ness> Ah, Falerin, I have a new pet theory that needs debunking
[23:37] <Falerin> And no. I know omega not. Omega is allegorical from all evidence. A prophetic representative.
[23:37] <Falerin> Omega may in fact stand for the army itself
[23:37] * Zeltan frowns "That certainly confuses things up."
[23:37] * Joins: Kira ( PJIRC-020@Caelestia-3AFE985D.rh.luc.edu)
[23:38] <Ness> I was thinking that if Hope is indeed an Annunaki that is present in all of us (or some other unifying force) and the Overcreator is...everything, perhaps when we awaken Hope everyone will, for just a moment, attain a level of unity so perfect that we can tap into the power of the Overcreator to repel The'Galin.
[23:38] <Jeice> What do you know about Omega? We have so little information that a scrap would help.
[23:38] <Ness> Just a random thought.
[23:41] <Rif> This may seem like a weird question. I have heard that joining The'Galin or being uncreated would be something worse than death. I am confused as to how so. Is it your spirit being shredded and destroyed? Of course, I don't expect you to have a precise answer, seeing as it would be hard to obtain a source.
[23:41] <Zeltan> just uncreated, Rif
[23:41] <Elaith> I like the allegorical approach with Omega being more of a representation of The'Galin's might as opposed to being a physical being of its own.
[23:41] <Zeltan> You never exist, memories of you vanishes
[23:42] <Rif> So, how would that feel so bad?
[23:43] * Ness shrugs
[23:44] <Kira> it would prob feel like nothing
[23:44] <Zeltan> How....is it not sad that your family will forget you?
[23:44] <Zeltan> Friends...
[23:44] <Ness> Yeah, but you won't know. You don't exist
[23:45] <Elaith> Selective people may know according to Lkeas' recordings.
[23:45] <Kira> and they wont have memories to be sad over, no one will, well except for a select few
[23:45] * Damsel gazes at Falerin worridly, concern for him evident upon her face.
[23:46] <Zeltan> And those "select few" will be those in the greatest pain.
[23:48] * Quits: Puppy ( Raku@Caelestia-B2BF3943.client.mchsi.com�) (Connection reset by peer�)
[23:48] * Rif looks at Falerin, "I hope you will be okay." He lays down, exhausted, and drifts to a deep sleep.
[23:51] * Falerin vanishes
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