The Artist's Model

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Current revision as of 19:31, 27 July 2008

[15:47] Mariel: At the risk of inciting a little chaos.... I have a theory about the 8 avatar prophecy and the temple that may lead to some rather different conclusions
[15:48] lightbringerlord: Let's hear it then.
[15:48] Mariel: The Cor-Dem who was in the previous abode oberved something about a moglin on more then one occasion
[15:48] * Dale nods. "Go on."
[15:48] Mariel: At one point he says painted and at another he says yellow
[15:48] Mariel: Perhaps at both he says yellow in fact
[15:49] Mariel: Yes I think so...
[15:49] Mariel: But I think that the two seperate mentions
[15:49] Mariel: are not the same moglin
[15:49] * Avarie looks up from her meditations, curious.
[15:49] lightbringerlord: Two awatars?
[15:49] Rif: Yes, color has been slaughtered when it comes to these moglins. Apparently the moglin known as Twig is in fact brown.
[15:49] Mariel: The moglin being mentioned as yellow and standing in the temple and the moglin who may or may not be an avatar are different creatures
[15:50] Rif: Yes, I had once thought that. Inside the temple would be the simple librarian. Outside, however, would be another moglin of a different significance.
[15:50] Mariel: Of course i predict, and this will confuse the issue even more. That if the artist who made the glass windows for the temple were making a window of a moglin
[15:50] Mariel: He would pattern the window after the model he has presently
[15:51] Mariel: Even if that moglin looks substantially different then the moglin who actually IS the avatar
[15:51] * Avarie sinks into thought. "Oh, this complicates things greatly."
[15:51] Mariel: After all he has to have something to do his art from
[15:51] Mariel: And if this Tatooed moglin... lives at the temple
[15:51] Mariel: Why he would be the one he would base it on
[15:51] Mariel: would he not
[15:52] Mariel: Even if that Moglin is in fact NOT the avatar
[15:52] * Dale nods. "That makes sense.."
[15:52] Mariel: The legend from what I can tell does not actually specify a color
[15:53] Mariel: But since a Yellow moglin is what the artist had to do his work
[15:53] Mariel: The window would naturally be that color
[15:53] Mariel: The avatar moglin could in fact be purple
[15:53] lightbringerlord: or red.
[15:53] Mariel: But his window would be representative of the artists creative interpretation
[15:53] Wrakigink: or silver?
* LordBarrius is now known as LB|AFK
* Ester|Ryst|AFK is now known as AlastorRyst
<Wrakigink> Mariel why isnt my Pyromancy working?
<Mariel> Why do you believe it is not working
<Avarie> I suppose to some extent, it depends on how old the temple actually is. Because I'd imagine the same might be said for any of the other windows.
<Rif> Hm. It seems possible. However, this artist managed to make many paintings. I doubt he had models for every person. It seems to me that he painted the windows with some type of source or picture.
<Wrakigink> I havent been able to make a fireball. watch
<Mariel> The temple is ancient but Glass is a relatively fragile and new technology
<Mariel> It has been updated during the time of Draynor
* Lkeas:[logging] is now known as Lkeas
* Wrakigink tries for the 100th time to make a fireball form in his hand.
<Mariel> Or so Falerin says
<Mariel> Since he saw the temple in both periods
<Mariel> I suspect its accurate
<Avarie> Still, the question remains whether the other windows actually had acurate models.
<Rif> Probably. Again though, why would the artist need to model the moglin and no one else?
<Wrakigink> See. i cant make a fireball.
<Mariel> Consider for instance the fact that untill recently there was no official church of Lorithia
<Mariel> Untill very recently
* Lkeas has quit IRC (Vaporized: Keep Hope within.)
<AlastorRyst> ( Nice quit message.
<AlastorRyst> )
<Mariel> Why might that be
<Mariel> Hmm
<AlastorRyst> ( I take it the magic-proof's still up then? )
* Lkeas has joined #darkabode
* Reality sets mode: +ao Lkeas Lkeas
<Mariel> You tell me sir I am quite sure I do not know it
[15:58] Wrakigink: Uh...NO one prayed to Lorithia?
[15:58] Avarie: I think her history was generally lost to that world.
[15:59] Rif: Knowledge is just starting to spread.
[15:59] Wrakigink: But Mariel, What about my Pyromancy? is the anti magic thingy still up?
[16:00] Mariel: Your pyromancy sir is what I was talking about
[16:00] * Mariel gestures and vanishes
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