Epic temp 5/18/08
From Caelwiki
Current revision as of 20:15, 19 May 2008
Session Start: Sun May 18 18:29:20 2008
Session Ident:#epic
->> You joined channel #epic
->> Topic is: The channel of imposibilities, one at a time!
->> Topic set by lightbringerlord on 6/18/2007 2:18:41 PM
->> Channel created on 5/18/2008 10:00:03 AM
- Oceshay closes her eyes and reaches out for Talo. "This... this isn't good at all..."
- Stromy looks around in annoyance, "What is with this infernal darkness?"
<TaloToecan> "Never is, dear heart."
<Liliana> "I suggest staying still until it dissaptes"
- Rimblade (<A id=mbna10 href="mailto:Rimblade@Operator.Caelestia.net">Rimblade@Operator.Caelestia.net</A>) has joined #epic
<Vega> "I hate darkness oh so much..."
- Lego3400 (<A id=mbna13 href="mailto:timesage@Caelestia-8DA480C4.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net">timesage@Caelestia-8DA480C4.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net</A>) has joined #epic
- Paladin_Of_Souls grunts softly. "Reduced to the tomfoolery of a mortal hero at best. Bah. Bah I say! Should've taken the exit to stage left, I should've..."
<Legault> "You sleep with a light on?"
- Aylie says a few more words in her language. She pauses and attempts to recast her translation spell, to no avail. Sighing, she looks around again, wondering when the magic will return.
- SkoobaliciousIRCop (<A id=mbna18 href="mailto:skooby@Why.Books-Window.to.Soul">skooby@Why.Books-Window.to.Soul</A>) has joined #epic
<Oceshay> "I'd... gotten used to certain things... It feels... lonely."
- Roch sighs and slips his Circles into his pockets.
- Kazuma (<A id=mbna22 href="mailto:Romulus777@do.or.do.not.there.is.no.spoon">Romulus777@do.or.do.not.there.is.no.spoon</A>) has joined #epic
- Iago awakens in the dark, and is taken aback, "Whoa"
- Crash (<A id=mbna25 href="mailto:Fan@Greenbay.Packers.Net">Fan@Greenbay.Packers.Net</A>) has joined #epic
<Vega> "Yes technically...since I am the light when I sleep."
- TaloToecan manages to clasp Oceshay's hand firmly in his own.
- Discipline (<A id=mbna29 href="mailto:Discipline@96DC0731.6D39D11F.74B46DFD.IP">Discipline@96DC0731.6D39D11F.74B46DFD.IP</A>) has joined #epic
- amboo (<A id=mbna31 href="mailto:andrewmcga@Caelestia-3300B146.b-ras2.mvw.galway.eircom.net">andrewmcga@Caelestia-3300B146.b-ras2.mvw.galway.eircom.net</A>) has joined #epic
- amboo (<A id=mbna33 href="mailto:andrewmcga@Caelestia-3300B146.b-ras2.mvw.galway.eircom.net">andrewmcga@Caelestia-3300B146.b-ras2.mvw.galway.eircom.net</A>) has left #epic
- Oceshay holds Talo's hand tightly, taking comfort in at least that much.
- Shade-brb is now known as Keara
- Rimblade opens an eye, and regrets it rather quickly.
- Keara looks around nervously, trying to see anything, "Why's it gone so dark...?
<Rimblade> "Someone has clearly banned the photon."
<Liliana> "No idea"
<Sean> That would be the unconciousness
- Vega sighs
- Oceshay smiles faintly in the dark, at least partially comforted, and leans against Talo.
- Talo-Toecan`s eyes might sparkle in amusement as he holds his love gently to him, were there any way to notice such.
<Sean> This world... in which you find yourself... has issues... and... Even I am not fully aware of what they are.... certain continuity randomnesses are involved...
- AaronThePaladin (<A id=mbna46 href="mailto:AaronThePa@Caelestia-C5354B6F.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net">AaronThePa@Caelestia-C5354B6F.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net</A>) has joined #epic
<Figure> Suffice to say there is a story to tell... and given as Falerin has interests here I am of he opinion i need to discover them...
<Oceshay> "You mean we are not in Galrick's Terra?"
<Rimblade> "Oh. Sounds cozy."
<Roch> "Terra has become unstable?"
<Figure> Of course if you become involved... you will be stuck here
- Squash (<A id=mbna53 href="mailto:Squash@Caelestia-86A76AF9.hsd1.ma.comcast.net">Squash@Caelestia-86A76AF9.hsd1.ma.comcast.net</A>) has joined #epic
- Paladin_Of_Souls grumbles. "This seems neither Dayside nor Nightside...but then again, that's assuming just the two sides. Phah!"
- Squash (<A id=mbna56 href="mailto:Squash@Caelestia-86A76AF9.hsd1.ma.comcast.net">Squash@Caelestia-86A76AF9.hsd1.ma.comcast.net</A>) has left #epic
- Legault remains quiet, not wanting to mess something up with one of his own silly questions like others have in the past.
- LordBarrius keeps himself quiet, content to listen for the moment and seeing no point in blurting out his thoughts.
- Stromy (<A id=mbna60 href="mailto:stromy42@Caelestia-B470E031.hsd1.mn.comcast.net">stromy42@Caelestia-B470E031.hsd1.mn.comcast.net</A>) Quit ( NickServ (GHOST command used by Strom) )
<Falerin-NotHere> Sean That might annoy your Dhe Ehmn... and While that might please me that may annoy my other half enough to interfere
- Aylie tries to not let frusturation overcome her, waiting for the magic to return so she can recast her translation spell.
- Stromy (<A id=mbna64 href="mailto:stromy42@Caelestia-B470E031.hsd1.mn.comcast.net">stromy42@Caelestia-B470E031.hsd1.mn.comcast.net</A>) has joined #epic
<Sean> So.... I fragment you
- Shayril had quietly tried to search out Barrius' hand as well after finding herself not in their shared room but suddenly in this dark plane.
<Keara> "...fragment us?"
<Rimblade> "AGAIN?"
<Roch> "That doesn't sound fun..."
<Oceshay> "...The decoherence..."
<Liliana> "Fragment?"
<Sean> See you are brigther then I though babe
<Sean> The decoherence....
<Sean> The decoherence indeed
<TaloToecan> "The last time something such as that resolved, *I* owed Arden a regrowth of the terrace's garden."
<Oceshay> "So you have forced analogs. One is here... the other still in the abode?"
<Sean> Both are here presently
<Sean> And both share the same mind at this point
<Sean> Because as of right now you exist in the astral where the two are one
<Roch> "So I'm here twice?"
- Aylie seems to suspect that even if she could understand the language everyone was speaking, that she still wouldn't understand a word of it.
<Sean> And just because it amuses me whenever you sleep or lose conciousness you will return to this place... allowing communication among your analogous selves
- Vega looks around once more , mumbling somehting about bad days
- TaloToecan considers how another might say such. "Think, if you will Roch, of the place that the Ronin walks. That might help you..."
- Keara nods in understanding.
- Aylie glances at Vega with a questioning look, though she's not really sure what to do.
<Sean> At least for those of you that have abode identitys... You will find yourselves among some new lost souls I believe
<Oceshay> "So... deeply connected analogs..."
<Sean> As for your local... analogs.. well... they have been fully integrated....
<Sean> This place is dreary.... let me go with the theme
<Rimblade> "Dreary? I see the gloom..."
<>Ambiance<> A single bright light appears like a ceiling track light. It shines at a Psychiatrists couch
<Figure> there we are the astral with decoration
<Figure> It is apropo
- Aylie's eyes follow the light, looking at the couch.
- Roch grins and cries happily, "Light!"
<Figure> As you shall soon see...
<Rimblade> "The doom?"
<Paladin_Of_Souls> "Cliche, too, but it does work."
- Vega looks at the cough raising an eyebrow
<Figure> Oh it is indeed cliche... but here it is also a truism
- Oceshay again grows worried, not liking where the implications of this are leading.
<Figure> For you are quite insane....
<TaloToecan> "This is far from Nyx nor Ronin's...'decorum', I suppose you would call it. And I wonder, as it is the Astral..."
- Travis (<A id=mbna106 href="mailto:ttrraavvii@Caelestia-E5C45234.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com">ttrraavvii@Caelestia-E5C45234.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com</A>) has joined #epic
- Figure laughs hysterically
<Rimblade> "The Astral's a moderately large place."
<Rimblade> "Even if it's kina titchy."
- Roch tries to run to the couch, drawn by the light.
<Figure> Yes if one calls infinity Moderate
- Aylie wonders if she should approach the couch, but decides that it's best not to take any such action, as she's completely uninformed.
<Figure> You are locked in this subset and I have locked the rest of the Astral from it
<Figure> this is the ONLY place you lot will appear when you dream
- Rimblade blinks.
<Figure> Makes for....
<Rimblade> "That's not at all nice."
<Figure> Continuity
<TaloToecan> "Of course, Rimblade, its vast...just ask the Fae! Seelie and unseelie, the latter such as Doolie."
<LordBarrius> "That's not surprising, somehow. We couldn't possibly be sane after all we've been through..." the comment ceases with a faint eyeroll, as even *he* found the joke in poor taste.
<Rimblade> "But don't ask the Reseelie."
<Oceshay> "And you are doing this only because you enjoy playing games with the Dhe Ehm?"
<Rimblade> "Can't see why not. Obviously they enjoy being played with."
<Figure> Do we
<Figure> I think you find I prefer to do all the playing
<Paladin_Of_Souls> "There will be friction, and conflict. Mmm."
<Figure> You have a good life now
<Figure> Ya hear
- Keara frowns, not really understanding a huge amount of what's going on, nor liking what she does.
<Rimblade> "That's the dream."
<Rimblade> "....or it was."
<>Ambiance<> You awake in a bed... to which you are restrained
- Aylie looks around, breathing deeply to try to keep herself calm.
- TaloToecan gently tests his restraints, rather than panic.
- Keara gasps slightly, and tries to get out of her restraints.
- Discipline is now known as Dan
- Iago breathes deeply and tries to loosen his restraints, if possible
- Rimblade grumbles, but is not overly alarmed by immobility.
- Vega gulps glancing around quickly his teeth clenching
<Nurse> Doctor some of these patients are showing signs of wakefulness...
- Paladin_Of_Souls curses himself blue to the face in silent utterings.
- Travis tries to break his restraints.
- Legault grimaces a little but doesn't make any extreme attempt to move, why bother? He does, however, glance about wherever he is.
<Liliana> "What in the Lords' True Names?
<Doctor> Thats not unusual... but they are never coherent
- Roch strains against the straps, but all his strength is insufficient.
- Aylie looks questioningly at the nurse and doctor, and asks a question in her language.
- Oceshay takes this in with a start, then begins trying to calm herself down. Shayril does similar, putting together the pieces of what Sean was implying and where they are at.
- LordBarrius frowns somewhat but doesn't muddle with his restraints yet. Instead he focuses his attention on checking to see what manner of restraints they are bound to, and if any of the others are within his sight.
<Doctor> It is a sign of the illness
- Keara continues fighting against her restraints, trying to somewhat remain calm, but not suceeding hugely well.
- Liliana looks at the restraints but does not bother struggling, knowing she has not the strength to break free and feeling they are too tight to wiggle her way out of
- Travis stops struggling and relaxes.
- Vega remains where he is not fighting merely cursing under his breath
- Rimblade gives a little mental shrug and closes his eyes again.
- TaloToecan stops testing the restraints and stills himself, closing his eyes softly and considering in curiousity at their situation.
- Shayril turns her head, trying to discover if there are any others here or if she is in a private room
- Dan is now known as Danny
<Nurse> But Doctor this one just said something that sounded like engflish
- Danny walks through the door
<Danny> What... the...
<Doctor> It is a sign of the illness... nothing more a random utterance. Not a single case of the Mind Fever has woken... consistently
<Danny> Is this a renaissance fair?
- AaronThePaladin wakes up and starts trying to get out of the restraints
- Aylie decides to simply lie back, not having anything else she can do, and not being physically strong enough to have a chance of breaking the restraints.
<Doctor> They mutter strange things about their dark fantasy worlds and then lapse unconcious
<Danny> Nobody gave me a flyer saying there was going to be a fair on my block!
<Roch> "You say I am ill? Mind Fever?"
<Keara> "Why am I strapped down? who are you?"
<Danny> I would have gone to it.
- Legault sighs, "Are you going to let us go any time soon?"
<Danny> Is it over?
<AaronThePaladin> What the hell is happening?
<Doctor> That;s odd...
- Shayril decides it might be worth testing her voice. "Excuse me? Could someone tell me where I am?"
- DinnerSeraph (<A id=mbna177 href="mailto:SeraphOfDi@Caelestia-B9D7E8B3.dsl1-fairport.roc.ny.frontiernet.net">SeraphOfDi@Caelestia-B9D7E8B3.dsl1-fairport.roc.ny.frontiernet.net</A>) has joined #epic
<Rimblade> "I appear to be restrained. It seems I've finally gone mad."
- Aylie says "Hello?", though it's in her own language, so good luck understanding it.
- Doctor stops near Shayril
- DinnerSeraph is now known as Fulcan
- Danny looks around. 'Is ANYONE going to answer me?'
<Doctor> You are in Bellevue... can you comprehend me
- Keara on hearing the other voices, calls out as loudly as her still slightly raspy-voice can manage, "Who else is here? Shayril, was that you?"
<Danny> Oh. You must be more of those mental guys.
<Liliana> "I assure you I understand all of what you are saying, whoever you may be"
<Danny> What a drag.
<AaronThePaladin> What the hell is Bellevue?
- Shayril nods at the doctor. "Bellevue you say? "
<Rimblade> "Babble. Wonderful."
- Aylie looks back and forth, trying to somehow take a guess at what's going on.
<Danny> Bellevue is a hospital, dumbarse.
<Shayril> "I take it this is an asylum? Or perhaps a mental institution?"
- LordBarrius breathes a mild sigh of relief having heard Shayril's voice, and tries to locate the direction the voice is coming from.
<Doctor> Astonishing... I believe these individuals are actually coherent
- Roch sighs, relaxing in the restraints. He turns his eyes to look at the doctor. Hearing Keara, he replies, "I'm here, Keara. And well, for what it
<AaronThePaladin> How did we end up in here then?
<Danny> I know. They are weird, aren't they, Doc.
- Fulcan looks around.
<Keara> "Roch?"
- Roch sighs, relaxing in the restraints. He turns his eyes to look at the doctor. Hearing Keara, he replies, "I'm here too, Keara. And well, for what it's worth."
<Doctor> This is unheard of.. they survived the mind fever and awoke
- Iago stops resisting his captivity and simply listens
<Danny> Unless, you aren't actually a doctor, but you think you are a doctor... spooky.
- Roch replies, amused, "That's me."
- Keara continues struggling against the restraints.
<Danny> How would anyone know?
- Vega blinks a few times "Sick? Why the hell do you tie up a sick person?"
<Fulcan> "What the fuck is going on?!"
- Fulcan attempts to teleport out of his constraints.
<Shayril> "Would you care to explain? What is this mind fever?"
- Doctor looks over at Danny
<Doctor> That one appears to be still incoherent
<Doctor> But unshackle the rest....
<Doctor> I will get a treatment team assembled at once
- Doctor goes to a door and turns a key letting himself out
<TaloToecan> "It would be appreciated...the unshakling at least."
- Nurse begins to unshackle the patients
- Oceshay tries to lift herself up slightly, looking about to make sure everyone is present. She does however stay quiet at this point, uncertain of what else to say.
<Danny> So, you have these loonys tied down, I'm going to visit my aunt now, have fun with the mad guys.
<Shayril> "Thank you."
<Legault> "... Tch, I'm not mad."
- Paladin_Of_Souls stills and grows silent until he is unshackled, though he obviously is brooding.
- Iago is unshackled and looks to the Nurse, "Uh, thanks." he sits up
<Danny> What... why am I tied down. And how the hell did you do that without me noticing?
<Fulcan> "I'm not mad... I'm PISSED!"
- Aylie simply lays there, no clue that she's about to be released.
<Danny> Wait a second. I know you.
- Danny glances at Fulcan.
- Travis , after being unshackled, sits up and rubs his wrist.
<Danny> Jesus!
- Roch grins as the Nurse gets to him, and nods to her. "Thank you, ma'am."
- Danny faints
- LordBarrius waits patiently for his bonds to be removed before considering their surroundings.
- Fulcan grins, "Well, I am rather heavenly."
- AaronThePaladin gets up and starts trying to figure out what happened
- Danny unfaints
- Liliana sits up after being unshackled and swings her legs off the side of the table "Thank you ma'am"
- Keara continues struggling right up until the Nurse unshackles her, when she sits up immediately and gets to her feet, nodding in thanks to the Nurse as she rubs at her wrists absentmindedly.
- Aylie blinks a few times at the others being untied, but doesn't say anything, simply waiting for her turn.
<Danny> Y...you're Fulcan.
<Fulcan> "Damn straight. Who're you?"
<Danny> How the HELL did you get here?
<Danny> You can't be real...
- Fulcan giggles.
<Fulcan> "I'm very real."
- Oceshay sits up as she's released, smiling faintly at Talo, even if there's no real assurance there.
- Vega waits for his turn, upon being unshackled he sighs and looks around at the others
<Danny> Where's Konnas?
- Aylie sits up and gets off the bed. Once she's free, she tries to cast a translation spell.
<Fulcan> "Who's Konnas?"
<Vega> "I hate hospitals..."
<Danny> You don't even know him. I thought he was well known. I guess I suck at making characters.
- Iago stands up and tries to look around the room
- Keara looks around anxiously, relaxing on seeing everyone from the group there, and apparently unharmed.
- TaloToecan smiles back at Oceshay and, once his bonds are removed, will head to take her hand in his.
<Rimblade> "Well. Now that we're all free, I suggest that we begin babbling incoherently."
<Fulcan> "...the fuck?"
<Danny> He's that freaky electric mage. Do you know him?
- Liliana rolls her eyes and giggles
<Fulcan> "Who ARE you?"
- Roch jumps down from the table and stretches out, smiling at the freedom and the light. Reaching into his pockets, he checks to see that the circles of metal are still there.
<Danny> I'm Dan, pleased to meet ya, Rysty.
- Aylie sighs as her spell fails.
<Fulcan> "...Don't call me that. And how do you know me?"
- Shayril glances at Rimblade. "I... would suggest we don't actually."
- Danny offers a hand to Fulcan.
- Fulcan is strapped down.
<Vega> "Babbling incoherently seems to be the reason that we were tied up."
<Rimblade> "Well, then our freedom will be brief."
<Danny> Let's just say... I have friends in places you know.
<Fulcan> "...I don't like you."
- Keara looks for the Nurse in order to ask her a few questions.
<Liliana> "I suggest we say nothing of import until we are freed from this place"
<Vega> "Id rather not be tied up....not in a hospital.."
- Roch opens his eyes wide to find that not only are the circles missing, but the pockets are different. "Okay, this is odd..."
<Danny> I was never fond of you too. Everyone else in #truthseekers made fun of you and your creator for the wings...
<Fulcan> "What do you have against the wings, bitch!?"
<Danny> And the cocky attitude. That's a no go.
- Oceshay sighs and leans against Talo. Not wanting to give these people cause to doubt their sanity, she remains quiet and watchful.
<Danny> Man. I have got to get you guys to the internet!
<Rimblade> "Man, you're not going anywhere!"
<Fulcan> "I'm going to kill you, when I get out of here."
<Danny> Moi? Why?
- AaronThePaladin remains quiet and just waits
<Rimblade> "You seem quite insane."
- Keara blinks, deciding that this stranger is most likely insane, and decides to ignore him, as she looks at her surroundings, still searching for the Nurse.
<Danny> Tell me about it.
<Rimblade> "I believe that I just did."
<Fulcan> "You dissed the wings."
- Aylie looks around the room again, trying to think of something.
- Danny smacks his head.
<Fulcan> "I'm tired, confused, and cold! I'm NOT happy!"
<Danny> Why is that a problem? Everyone else does it.
- Vega glances around the room looking for one of the people he considers sane
<Rimblade> "The hospital authorities are unlikely to accept your explaination for the babbling."
- Liliana reaches inthe pouch to her side and feels that the sphee and twig are still there, but realises the sphere must have lost its powers and is nothing more than a child's toy once again
- Aylie's there, though whether she's considered sane is anyone's guess.
- Shayril shakes her head at the current antics and conversation of the few before she moves over to Barrius. Content here at least for the moment, she waits.
- Roch glances about at the others, noting that they are all clad as he is, and moves over quietly by Oceshay and Talo. He resists the urge to run around insisting that he has been robbed, as that seems less than wise.
- AaronThePaladin looks at danny "what are you talking about?"
- Danny gets out his I.D and shows it to Fulcan.
<Danny> See. I'm Daniel Stayt. I live in the REAL world. I am visiting my aunt.
- LordBarrius stretches once he is free, and smiles warmly upon finally noting Shayril. He waits until she has reached his side before leaning into her gently, wrapping a single arm around her.
<Fulcan> "Real world?"
<Liliana> "Considering tha man is in an insane asylum, I would hardly take him too seriously"
<Fulcan> "This isn't a real world?"
<Fulcan> "I'm dreaming, or something?"
- Vega scratches the back of his head "All this and still none of the sleep I want.."
<Danny> You are Fulcan Ryst. You live in the internet. You are a fairy boy.
- Liliana surpresses a giggle
- Fulcan struggles in his constraints, "I'LL FREAKING KILL YOU!"
<Danny> Don't make me contact your manager about this.
- Aylie may not understand the words, but she does understand angry yelling. She eeps and backs away from Fulcan.
<Vega> "um...okay can we keep both of them down..."
<Rimblade> "Now, go on. There's no need to scream at the disturbed."
<Danny> Disturbed?
<Rimblade> "It would be a shame to throw this man into a fit."
<Liliana> "Calm down Fulcy, he is clearly insane"
- Iago moves toward the door, but doesn't try to open it
- Vega coughs "Does anyone have a tranq gun?"
<Danny> You were a bloody hilt until your manager changed you.
<Danny> I'm not crazy, you are.
<Danny> All of you.
- Fulcan realizes that he's not constrained, and walks over to Danny.
<Rimblade> "I believe this illustrates my point rather well. This is insanity most typical."
- Aylie looks at the tied up guy, wondering why he's not released.
<Danny> I knew I should have stayed away from IRC.
<Liliana> "Aparently the overseer of this place feels otherwise"
<Vega> "No? Fine I guess we can always hit him with something blunt."
- Fulcan cracks his knuckles.
<Danny> You guys are classic.
- Roch rushes to get near Fulcan, lest he try something rash.
<Rimblade> "Ah. So you are all aggresively disturbed as well?"
- Fulcan tries to punch Danny in the face.
- Danny ducks
<Rimblade> "Best pray that they do not utilize EST in this ward."
- Roch attempts to restrain Fulcan.
<Danny> Woah!
<Danny> Calm down, dickweed!
<Liliana> "Fulcy do not do that, getting out of here and away from him is in our best interests"
- Aylie backs further away from the fight, not wanting to be caught in it.
- AaronThePaladin (<A id=mbna344 href="mailto:AaronThePa@Caelestia-C5354B6F.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net">AaronThePa@Caelestia-C5354B6F.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net</A>) Quit ( Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected )
- Travis takes a step towards Fulcan and Danny.
- Fulcan struggles from Roch's grip.
<Vega> "On second thought, ignore him babbling of a madman is nothing to be concerned about."
<Danny> I could get you in some serious trouble when I get back to my computer. If Falerin finds out you guys breached the fourth wall, you are toast.
- Keara flinches slightly at Fulcan's violence, and taking several steps back.
- Shayril watches, shaking her head slightly before whispering. "This is rediculous..."
<Fulcan> "I'm going to beat your ASS!"
<Keara> ((takes^))
<Liliana> "Falerin is quite busy at the moment, but how do you know him?"
- LordBarrius shakes his head faintly and ignores the antics of those gathered around Danny, not really caring much about it any more. Instead, he glances back at Shayril and nods his agreement.
- Danny takes his i-Phone out of his pocket.
<>Ambiance<> Orderlies rush in and restrain Fulcan and Danny
- Keara hopes the Doctor will return soon, hoping that he can stop this mad person.
<Danny> Wait! What are you doing!
<Doctor> I though I said not to unrestrain that one... who let him out....
- Iago gets out of the way, but stays close to the door
<Liliana> "See what you did now?"
- Roch steps back and allows the orderlies to take care of it.
<Fulcan> "You're going DOWN!"
- Liliana sighs
- Aylie just watches, not being able to do anything else.l
- Roch holds his hands up peaceably lest he be thought involved.
<Falerin-NotHere> Nurse I never released him doctor. I do not know how he got out... metagaming perhaps
- Keara breathes a sigh of relief, although she isn't certain how good it is seeing her house-mate being restrained.
<Danny> Bring it on, fairy pants!
<Doctor> Thats quite a serious disease... 50cc of sodium pentathol
- Travis folds his arms across his chest and watches, somewhat amused.
<Fulcan> "What the hell is that?"
<Danny> Let me go!
- Vega rubs his eyes shaking his head "Do they ever act sane..."
<Danny> I'm not crazy, dammit!
<>Ambiance<> Doctor injects Danny with Sodium Pentathol
- Danny relaxes
<Danny> Wheee....
<Fulcan> "C'mon! I could've beaten him into submission! No need to drug him."
- Doctor looks at Fulcan
<Doctor> Sedate him too
<Fulcan> "Don't you touch me with that stuff!"
- Fulcan struggles in attempt to remove himself from whoever's restraining him.
- Doctor Nurse sedates fulcan
- Keara calls out uncertainly, "Don't hurt him..."
- Fulcan stops struggling and falls limp.
- Aylie just sort of stands near the others.
<Nurse> They seem coherent doctor but Clearly are still delusional
<Oceshay> "Don't worry, Keara. They're just making him... calm down a little."
- Roch sighs in relief as the fight seems to be resolved. "They'll be okay, right?" he asks the Doctor.
<Danny> Inter...net...
<Rimblade> "And quite confused. Most of us are not aggresive, however."
<Doctor> they were saying all sorts of bizzare things
<Doctor> I saw the monitor
<Fulcan> "I'm... gonna... beat... the..."
<Danny> Phone...pocket...Caelestia.
- Keara nods slightly, trusting Oceshay's words.
- Fulcan stops talking.
<Liliana> "You can hardly blame the second one, sir, the first one was very insulting to him"
<Doctor> Insults are no call for assaultive disorder
<Liliana> "True, he has a temper, but it hardly makes him insane"
<Doctor> That sort of mispaced physical aggression is cause for being locked up for an extended period or transfered to a prison
- Liliana nods "I suppose so"
- Roch listens to Danny and tries to reason out his insane babble.
<Liliana> "He really eeds to learn to keep himself in check"
<Doctor> All of you have been quite ill
- Iago , still by the door, speaks up, "Perhaps if we would move out of this place, the catalysts for the aggression would cease?"
<Travis> "Ill with what?"
<Doctor> There is no telling what longterm effects the mindfever may have had
<Vega> "Mindfever?"
<Travis> "Mindfever?"
<Oceshay> "Please, describe this disease."
<Doctor> The seizures, convulsions and high fever combined with hallucinative dellerium may be lasting
<Danny> I...demand...diagnose...sue...ass...malpractice...
<Doctor> Narcoleptic fits are possible
<Doctor> You do that sir.... hwever I admitted you myself
<Doctor> You were in full catatonia with violent seizures
<Doctor> My diagnosis will hold up in any court
<Iago> "How... long ago was this?"
- Aylie holds back a sigh.
<Vega> "Wait..we all had this? Is it some kind of epidemic?"
<Doctor> Given your continued babbling about fourth walls and other worlds
<Danny> Bas...kick...your...
<Oceshay> "What is the nature of this disease? I take it not to be a simple virus?"
<Doctor> I am quite sure they will suggest a mandatory confinement
<Doctor> Shall I call an attorney for you?
<Danny> Do...eeeeeet!
- Legault coughs, "People say wierd things when they dream, huh?"
- Roch smiles at the doctor in a friendly way. "I feel fine at the moment, so I don't think the seizures and fever are permanant."
<Doctor> Dose him on a high dose of Haldiperol
<Doctor> he needs an antipsychotic
- Doctor turns to Oceshay
- LordBarrius remains silent, shutting out Danny entirely as he focuses on the doctor instead. "Do you happen to know how we contracted this disease, by any chance, sir?"
<Doctor> The etioglogy of yoor illness is somewhat unknown.... but the problem is epidemic in levels and spreading
<Doctor> The first recorded cases appeared in philadelphia
<Doctor> Then it spread from there
<Legault> "And we're the first batch to wake up properly...?"
- Iago looks concerned, "Haldiperol is dangerous..."
<Vega> "I see..."
<Doctor> Elevated immunological responses do suggest some sort of infectious agent but none has been isolated
<Oceshay> "I take it, however, you've ruled out direct contact as a cause? Or are you simply the brave who risk such to help those afflicted?"
<Doctor> Neurochemica levels are extrememly elevated which explains the delusions, paranoia, psychotic symptoms and ultimately the convulsions
<Doctor> Before now none of the sufferers awoke
<Doctor> They all died
- Legault considers suggesting its magic-based, but holds back after realizing they'd think him insane.
<Doctor> Generally with no antaonistic features to explain their deaths
<Doctor> *antagonistic
<LordBarrius> "Oh my....very strange."
<Travis> "So we're very lucky?"
- Aylie debates if she should try another translation spell, thought she's doubting that it'll work.
<Doctor> That remains to be seen
- Roch frowns. "Did death come soon after they fell ill, or take a long time?"
<Doctor> As to the other question beds at a critical care facility ran out...
<Legault> "... Where were we found? Or where we all found in different places?"
<Doctor> There are 4200 suffers of the illness in greenwich village alone
- Oceshay waves a hand at the others, indicating they should give the doctor a chance to speak.
<Doctor> Because the illness is long term... and long term hospitilization was indicated
<Doctor> concensions were made
<Doctor> *Concessions
- Roch opens his eyes wide in surprise at this large number.
- Danny drools a bit
- Fulcan simply does not move.
- Vega bites his lip looking around the room once more deep in thought
- Keara listens, aghast at what she is hearing.
- Durroth (<A id=mbna466 href="mailto:durroth@Caelestia-F07AD1C4.man.east.verizon.net">durroth@Caelestia-F07AD1C4.man.east.verizon.net</A>) has joined #epic
- Liliana sits and listens quietly
<Doctor> Unfortunately for you... even if you show lasting side effects....if you remain coherent more then 24 hours protocol demands I release you to the streets
<Doctor> Beds are in far to high a demand
<Doctor> With new cases coming in daily
- Aylie's thoughts start to wander, as there's clearly little she comprehend about this.
<Legault> "I can understand that."
<Doctor> though we would request you come in for voluntary followup to our outpatient clinic
<Doctor> to try to determine why you survive what noone else has
- Roch nods.
- Danny wishes that the sodium pentathol would wear off soon so he could go home.
<Liliana> "So we are to remain for the next 24 hours then?"
- Durroth wakes up
<Oceshay> "I see."
- Danny wants to kick the doctor in his face. He was in his room this morning, and the doctor says he was in a coma. That isn't on.
<Durroth> huh, wha... where am I now?
<Doctor> Bellevue
<Vega> "So the next several hours we are here?"
<Doctor> We seem to have a gorwing number of cases
<Doctor> I need to call arround the country to other treatment centers and see if we have any correlations
<Doctor> and determine what might be different at this facillity
- Liliana nods
<Durroth> cases of what?
<Shayril> "Before you go, might you enlighten me to as to how long on average a victom is asleep before they pass on? And how long were we ourselves unconsious?"
- Danny read the sign for Bellevue thinking it said Taco Bell. It was dark!
- Doctor picks up the chart at Shayril's bed
<Doctor> You have been asleep for 7 months
<Doctor> You were admited in november
<Rimblade> "My word. Quite a nap."
- Iago looks a bit startled
<Travis> "7 months?!"
- Keara blinks, and looks for her own chart to see if she was the same.
- Doctor blinks
<Shayril> "Quite a bit of time to have lost."
<Doctor> I am sorry I mispoke
<Doctor> this says you were admitted in November of 2007
<Doctor> A year and 7 months
<Doctor> You must have been among the first cases
<Travis> "A year and 7 months!?"
- LordBarrius raises an eyebrow. "Oh my."
<Iago> "Whoa."
- Aylie glances at the char that was at her bed, though she can't understand it.
<Shayril> "Oh dear..."
- Doctor compares the charts
<Doctor> All of you were admitted at nearly the same time.,,, you were transfered from several places but your initial entry is about that long aog
<Doctor> Hmm.... this is a promising lead
- Doctor exits the ward
<Durroth> ...
<Rimblade> "Oh dear."
- Legault sighs, "Great."
<Vega> "Um...wow.."
<Roch> "Well then, that presents us with a problem."
- Legault coughs, "None of us know each other, right?"
- Danny fumbles to try to reach his pocket, failing.
- Shayril shakes her head. "2009... that's... troublesome."
<Durroth> thats a long ass time to be in bed
- Aylie lets out a sigh.
<Durroth> I'll never finish high school before I'm 20 at this rate
<Shayril> gets up to help Durroth out of his restraints. "It's surprising our muscles haven't atrophied more."
- Iago paces between his bed and the ward exit
<Rimblade> "Perhaps we've been having lots of fits."
- Keara starts walking around the room, examening every inch of it.
- Travis (<A id=mbna529 href="mailto:ttrraavvii@Caelestia-E5C45234.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com">ttrraavvii@Caelestia-E5C45234.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com</A>) Quit ( Interred: )
- Roch examines his arms, finding them surprisingly fit for having not done anything for 7 months. "So, are we going to wake up again soon, into somewhere else, or should we start getting settled?"
- Vega finaly stands sighing "That freaking long....its rediculous."
<Durroth> somehow I'm not surprised to wake up in a mental hospital
<Liliana> "Is it normal to have memories of before the coma cloudy? I can not seem to remember clearly"
- Shayril, when finished with her task, goes back over to Barrius. "At this point, we wait it out. Twenty-four hours is not a long stretch. Then maybe we can start searching for answers."
- Roch sits down on his bed with a sigh. "I'm going to miss Impact something fierce. Real or no."
- LordBarrius stands and stretches a bit more, making sure his muscles in fact *are* functioning properly. He then nods in agreement with Shayril as he returns an arm around her. "I agree. It would be wise to figure out a bit more about our surroundings at least...."
- Iago takes a seat on the end of his bed and puts his head in his hands
- Aylie tries to cast another translation spell, figruring it can't hurt now that they're alone.
<Oceshay> "I can not help but wonder...." She then shakes her head, uncertain if she wants to voice that thought.
- Keara continues to walk around, not willing to sit and do nothing.
<Vega> "Sooo....anyone else feel like they missed something big?"
<Durroth> like what?
<Rimblade> "Not so much."
- Fulcan is passed out on the floor from drugs.
- Roch smiles at LordBarrius and Shayril, and muses, "Well that's proof right there." Looking over to the babbling Aylie, whom he has not seen before today, he frowns. "Looks like she got stuck with the wrong language, poor girl."
<Durroth> like... about a year and seven months of high school?
- Keara moves over to the door, and tries the door handle.
<Durroth> damnit, whats that make me now?
<Durroth> eighteen? nineteen?
- Aylie looks back at Roch, not knowing what to do.
- Iago looks up with a grim smile, "At least I can legally drink now." he chuckles
- Legault looks around for a sheet of paper or something to write on, as well as something to write with.
- Roch smiles sadly and waves to Aylie, thinking at least to engage the poor girl on a level she can respond to.
<Liliana> "Well what can we do for the next 24hours"
<>Ambiance<> He finds such decidedly lacking in a Psychiatric ward
- Aylie returns the wave, thankful that someone's at least paying attention to her.
- Danny thinks 'Ping-Pong'!
- Iago looks to the others, "Would it be so bad if we tried the door?"
- Keara tries to open the door.
- Iago hops down from his bed and goes to the door with Keara
<Vega> "Hmm...we can stare idly at each other for the next 24 hours...sounds fun to me."
<Keara> ((hivemind? ^-^))
<>Ambiance<> Doctor renters with a female physician Durroth immediately recognizes and several long term abode regulars recognize as well
- Keara steps back from the door quickly.
- Iago does as well, standing to the side
<Doctor> This one I believe is one of your patients Doctor Jardis
- Oceshay smiles faintly. "Ah... I thought so."
- Aylie glances towards them.
<Durroth> Hiya Doc!
- Roch sighs as he looks back over his shoulder at the doctor, his mind still on the language barrier.
- Fulcan would recognizer her, but he's passed out.
- TaloToecan grins pleasantly
- Danny (<A id=mbna574 href="mailto:Discipline@96DC0731.6D39D11F.74B46DFD.IP">Discipline@96DC0731.6D39D11F.74B46DFD.IP</A>) Quit ( Distracted: Web IRC Disconnected )
<Amelie> Yes he is...
- LordBarrius manages a faint smile himself.
- Iago sits back on his bed
- Aylie does not seem to recognize them.
<Amelie> I am somewhat concerned about him though as he was not a normal case
- Shayril nods faintly in greeting.
- Roch does not recognize the lady, but notes that a few others seem to and brightens.
<Amelie> We found him with a sword in his stomach at a local graveyard
- Keara watches this new Doctor, noticing that a few of thr group recognise her.
<Amelie> The other cases of Mindfever clearly did not exibit such... coconditioning
- Aylie glances back from the group to the people, noticing the looks of recognition on their faces, but nothing else.
<Amelie> How are you feeling Durroth
<Durroth> Surprisingly well for apparently being asleep over a year
- Vega just kinda stands there not really wanting to talk to Doctors
<Durroth> though I realize I probably have over two years of school to make up
<Amelie> Yes and it will have to be elsewhere
- TaloToecan softly whispers to Oceshay. "I wonder if that means Zephyr is around..."
- Murray (<A id=mbna593 href="mailto:Murray@96DC0731.6D39D11F.74B46DFD.IP">Murray@96DC0731.6D39D11F.74B46DFD.IP</A>) has joined #epic
<Amelie> The government has shut down the Academy
- Murray looks around
- Roch turns his attention back to Aylie and frowns. "Maybe they can teach you how to speak the dominant language around here..." he says, knowing he's unlikely to be understood, "though that might be harder not knowing which language to start with..."
- Aylie looks at Roch helplessly.
- Rimblade blinks over and over.
<Durroth> aww
- Keara continues to listen to the conversation going on between Durroth and the female doctor, hoping to pick up any more hints.
- Oceshay shrugs faintly. "it does appear to be the correct world..."
<Amelie> I am afraid I also have so rather bad news... about your parents
<Amelie> There was a traffic accident.... they were rushing back to Pennsylvania from home... it was icy
<Amelie> They did not make it I am sorry
<Durroth> ...
- Durroth sits there in shock
- Legault frowns, "... Ugh."
- Keara winces in sympathy for Durroth, and makes a step in his direction before hesitating, not really knowing him well enough to do anything.
- Fulcan lays there like a vegetable.
- Aylie sighs, only knowing that what's happened is bad, because of the reactions of the party member.
<Durroth> great, I would have been better off staying asleep
- Liliana frowns "I am so sorry for your loss"
- Paladin_Of_Souls contemplates a sarcastically witty remark to take out the sting, but then realizes he has nothing and that that would best come from Rimblade if anyone. So, cursing softly underneath his breath, he otherwise says nothing.
- Vega begins to pace back and forth obviously bored and restless
- Durroth clenches his fists, fighting back his tears
- Keara makes a decision, and moves over to stand next to him, laying her hand on his shoulder.
- Shayril shakes her head faintly. "Durroth... I'm so sorry."
- Oceshay sighs softly. "Oh Durroth..."
- Roch looks back towards Durroth, frowning. He doesn't really know the man, and doesn't see how he can help, and so remains silent.
- LordBarrius bites his lip gently. He seems unsure what comfort to offer Durroth, if such is even possible.
- TaloToecan says softly. "We are here for you, Durroth. For what its worth."
- Aylie mutters a short prayer to Sylawn, in a very low tone.
<Amelie> I will check in on you tommorrow
- Amelie exits
- Vega finaly stops pacing sighing and cursing under his breath
- Falerin-NotHere sets mode +ooo Damsel LordBarrius Useless for #epic
<Keara> "Durroth?"
- TaloToecan moves to hold Oceshay gently and supportively.
- Shayril sighs and lays back on Barrius' bed, across the width rather than the length, so that her feet are hanging over the side. "Orphic... Why am I not surprised...?"
<Durroth> Home again and homeless, how ironic
<Durroth> how massively fucking ironic
- Murray (<A id=mbna633 href="mailto:Murray@96DC0731.6D39D11F.74B46DFD.IP">Murray@96DC0731.6D39D11F.74B46DFD.IP</A>) Quit ( Vanished: Gigantihobo! AWAAAAAAAAAY! )
- Roch turns back to Aylie, as she stands at risk of being forgotten. Thumping his chest with a big hand in an identifying guesture, he says, "Roch."
- LordBarrius slides back onto his bed, though he remains sitting up rather than lying down. "I suppose it's not too surprising. We have been intertwined with Delphi before....my question is, why here?"
- Aylie likewise points at herself and says. "Aylie."
- Shayril looks pained as she gazes at Durroth, even though from her point of view he's upside down. "Durroth, if there's anything we can do at all... please... just ask?"
<Rimblade> "Because answers are never enough for us."
- Keara remains silent, not entirely certain what she can say.
- Oceshay considers. "This mindsickness... does it not sound like the spread of Orphic's effects? Zephyr did tell us long ago that it began to affect those who weren't even associated with the program."
<Vega> "WHat to do now...."
- Vega pushes his hair back out of his eyes frowning
- Roch nods at this, and repeats the name, trying to get a hang of it and cement it in his memory. "Ay-lie. Aylie."
<Aylie> "Roch?
<Rimblade> "Now? I suggest we seek. For..."
- Roch nods, smiling. "Yes, that's me." He thumps his chest again on 'me'.
- Liliana puts her feet back up and leans back against the wall
- Aylie points at herself. "Me?"
- Legault smiles a little as she watches Roch and Aylie, but refrains from saying anything.
- Keara , despite trying her best to stay awake, feels her eyes slowly slip closed, exhausted by the day's emotional upheavals, she opens her eyes again long enough to give Durroth's shoulder a reassuring squeeze, before her chin slips onto her chest, and her eyes gradually droop closed, despite her wishes.
- Keara is now known as Shade-seep
- Shade-seep is now known as Shade-sleep
- Roch nods, and points to himself. "Me." Pointing at Aylie, he says, "You."
- LordBarrius gives Oceshay a faint nod. "Could be. Though they treat it as an illness which, apparently, all subjects die from. Perhaps they die in their "dream" state in the world we know....?"
- Aylie points at Roch questioningly. "You?"
- Roch nods, grinning. "Yes!"
<Vega> "Tweny four hours...what am I supposed to do with all that time?"
- Oceshay nods. "That had occurred to me as well. That there's a connection between the two. We should be careful. If what's going on is self-preservation, then there is likely a much larger problem than what appears to be occuring here."
<Liliana> "Count the dots on the ceiling tiles?"
<Aylie> Yes?
- Lucas_Michaels (<A id=mbna662 href="mailto:leekrs1@Caelestia-B19D9AAC.salmky.dial.dynamic.tds.net">leekrs1@Caelestia-B19D9AAC.salmky.dial.dynamic.tds.net</A>) has joined #epic
<Vega> "That boring and isnt interesting to look at."
- Roch nods vigourously and says "Yes" at the same time, realizing he's on shaky ground here. He then shakes his head, and says "No," in order to form a useful counterpoint.
<@LordBarrius> "I agree. Caution seems wise, especially given that the place we know of....is treated as lunacy here. I suggest minding our tongues."
- Oceshay simply nods.
- Aylie repeats the motion, copying his nodding, and saying "Yes" at the same time, then shaking her head, saying no.
<Liliana> "Not much interesting to look at here. Even the window is too small and barred to lok out of"
<Vega> "I gues there is always people....I can see some who Id like to look at.."
<Legault> "Heh... You're a good teacher, Roch."
- Shayril debates with herself for a small while before finally deciding that perhaps it would be wise to give Durroth something else to focus on for a while, if it's even possilbe. "Durroth... Can you talk about this place a little bit?"
<Shayril> "If... you'd rather be left alone though, I understand."
<Liliana> "Oh? Who would that be?"
- Roch tilts his head, wondering if the nodding and the head shaking carry over into whatever culture Aylie is from. Seeing no way to verify, he looks about, wondering what to do next. Looking to Legault with a wry smile, he says, "Just patient, I think. I have no idea what to teach next, though."
<Vega> "You for one."
<Legault> "Heh... Try they."
<Liliana> "Me? Why?"
- Aylie is happier now, at least someone's paying attention to her.
<Vega> "Your nice to look at, your different."
- Fulcan groans slightly as he regains conciousness.
<Liliana> "Oh, thank you very much. I like your hair"
<Durroth> I dont know much, its a hospital, I've never been here before I dont think.
<Vega> "Thank you."
- Shayril gestures broadly, trying to imply something bigger than the room they're in. "I mean about... everything. Amilie recognized you but not us. Or at least so it seemed. I figure perhaps you'd know more on the whole."
- Liliana grins
<Fulcan> "The hell... happened...?"
- Roch scrunches up his face. "A pretty hard concept to teach, but... fair enough." Walking over to Aylie, he touches her shoulder and points to himself with his free hand. "Me," he says. Then he points to Aylie and says, "You." Then, waving between the two so as to indicate both at once, he says, "Us."
<Liliana> "They drugged you when you threatened to kill that other guy"
- Aylie clearly already understands the first two. She repeats the last gesture, and says "Us?", though it's anyone's guess if she understands the meaning.
<Fulcan> "...I did... wha...?"
- Fulcan is still facedown on the floor, limp.
- Roch had expected this, and walks over to put a hand on Legault's shoulder. Indicating himself and Legault, he says, "Us." Pointing back to Aylie from that place, he says, "You."
- Aylie watches. She then walks over to the nearest person, and makes the gesture between the two. "Us?"
<Vega> "So...24 hours to spend...most of it looking at you...what alse to do.."
- Roch nods, and joins Aylie and her selected mark. Indicating all three of them, he says, "Us," cheerfully.
- Aylie repeats the motion. "Us."
- Legault grins, "Heh, she learns pretty well."
<Fulcan> "...Someone... help me... up..."
- LordBarrius frowns as he again considers the room around them. He reaches a hand to grasp Shayril's carefully, to at least offer that small bit of comfort, little though it may be.
- Roch nods. "She has her own language, so she probably has similar words to relate it to." Turning back to Aylie, he indicates himself and her, saying again, "Us." He then makes a wide sweeping guesture to the rest of the party, nay, the rest of the world, and says, "Them."
- Shayril smiles faintly at Barrius. She doesn't seem too out of sorts at their situation, merely worried perhaps mostly for Durroth.
- Aylie gestures to everything that's not Roch and her. "Them?"
<Liliana> "No ideas here"
- Legault looks over to Fulcan and slowly paces over to him, kneeling down and offering out a hand.
- Fulcan tries to lift his arm, but cannot.
<Fulcan> "...can't... move..."
<Vega> "hmmm...."
- Legault frowns and tries to grab Fulcan by the arm and pull him up a little.
- Fulcan is rather light for his size, and can be lifted easily.
- Legault hoists Fulcan up and tries to drag/walk/pull him over to a bed.
- Roch nods vigourously, then indicates just Talo and Oceshay, who seem conveniently clumped together. "Them," he says.
<Vega> "Wanna play a game? Say the first thing that comes to mind from one word either of us says."
<Durroth> I wonder if its not too late...
<Liliana> "That sounds lie fun"
- Fulcan is dragged over to a bed by the arm.
- Aylie looks a little puzzled. She points to the two. "Them?" Then gestures to everything. "Them?"
- Legault holds Fulcan over the bed and releases him.
<Fulcan> "...Thanks...
<Vega> "Alright hmm....blue."
<Liliana> sky"
<Legault> "Welcome, get some rest, otherwise we'll have to leave you here in the morning." He says this cynically, but since he almost always does, it's hard to tell if he's joking.
<Vega> "Okay now your turn."
- Roch nods, then points to himself and Aylie. "Us." Not pointing anywhere for the moment, he says, "No Us, Them."
<Fulcan> "I'm... gonna punch... that doctor... in the balls..."
<Liliana> "Hmmm Night"
<Vega> "sleep."
- Aylie looks confused at this point.
<Liliana> "Now Fulcy that is what got you drugged in the first place, calm down"
<Fulcan> "...My... name is... Ful...CAN."
->> me, :Unknown command
- Legault glances back at Roch, "You should proably let that soak in, she's learning faster then I did."
- Iago , who had nodded off in thought, comes around and stands up, stretching
<Vega> "red. "
<Liliana> "wongs"
- Liliana giggles to herself
<Liliana> ((wings)
- Roch sighs and shakes his head, abandoning this particular word for the moment. Then, walking up to Shayril and LordBarrius, he looks back towards Aylie and points to Shayril. "Shayril," he says. He then points to Lord Barrius and says, "Lord Barrius."
<Fulcan> "...my... wings... not here...."
- Aylie points to each of them and repeats their names, then at herself, saying. "Aylie"
<Liliana> "They will think you insane if you speak lie that"
- Liliana turns to Vega "Grass"
- LordBarrius smiles faintly at Aylie and gives her a nod of confirmation.
<Fulcan> "...this...blows..."
<Vega> "hmm...spring."
- Aylie returns the smile.
<Vega> " Fun."
<Liliana> "Party. Water."
<Vega> "Calm. Interesting."
- Roch nods, grinning at her comprehension. He then points to Aylie and says, "You." He points to himself and says, "Me." He then points to Barrius and says, "He." Pointing to Shayril, he says "She." He then makes the rounds again, hoping dearly that he doesn't have to point out or mime the differences.
<Liliana> "Book. Funny."
<Fulcan> "Talk...ing... not easy..."
<Vega> "joke. Cute."
- Aylie points at herself, and says. "She?" She then points to Roch. "He?"
<>Ambiance<> Twenty-four hours pass rather uneventfully, with no obvious regressions into seizures or anything other than natural sleep. At the end of this period the doctor returns with a number of orderlies who wheel up a few carts laden with small dufflebags.
- Shade-sleep is now known as Keara
<Liliana> "Kitty. Oh the doctor is back"
- Iago looks to the doctor, expectantly
- Keara Keara wakes up, having slept deeply throughout the entire time apparently.
<Fulcan> "About damn time."
<Doctor> "Seeing as none of you have regressed into the symptoms of the mind sickness, you are being released. We do ask, however, that you return in a week's time for further study to help us understand why you were able to wake."
- Liliana nods
<Fulcan> "I'll consider it."
- Vega nods aswell
- Aylie recognizes the "you" in the sentence, but not much else.
<Durroth> uh-huh...
<Fulcan> "I don't think DRUGGING me would make me really want to come in."
- Roch nods. "Yes, we'll think about it. See how we're doing in a week and such."
- Keara nods in agreement.
<Rimblade> "Absolutely."
- Aylie nods, though she has no clue what she's nodding at.
<Doctor> "These bags contain the clothing you were discovered in as well as $200 granted from the state of New York."
- Fulcan snatches his bag.
<Doctor> "You will also find a medical card and food stamps."
<Legault> "And of our other possessions...?"
- Liliana nods, grabbing the bag, peering at what may be inside
- Iago gets up and gets a bag
- Durroth takes his bag listlessly
- Vega takes his bag
- Aylie takes her bag. She looks inside.
- Fulcan starts to undress in the middle of the room to put his clothes back on.
- LordBarrius nods and accepts his own bag quietly.
- Roch takes the bag and looks inside, wondering if he'll recognize any of it.
<Doctor> "If you are in need of housing, the receptionist shall be able to direct you to the nearest homeless shelter."
- Keara nods in both thanks and understanding as she accepts her bag, and starts leafing through it.
<Doctor> "At this time, that's all we can do for you."
- Liliana can't help but glimpse over as Fulcan undresses but looks away quickly, blushing
- Legault retrieves his back, sifting through it to see if his medicine back and weapons are inside it.
- Fulcan puts a black undershirt on, and then his jacket.
- Durroth checks out what he has for clothes in the bag
<Legault> ((bag*))
- TaloToecan tugs gently on Oceshay's arm. Would we be able to look up someone's address as well, you think?"
<>Ambiance<> No weapons exist in any of the bags and the clothing is very common for this world, rather than what your Caelestian selves might have been wearing.
- Iago puts on his black polo and khaki shorts. He puts his sunglasses on his collar near the buttons and pockets the $200
- Fulcan takes off whatever he was wearing in the hospital, pants wise.
<Liliana> "Where may we Xxhange bac into these?
<Liliana> ((gah change))
- Fulcan puts on the black boxers he had in the bag, and then a dark pair of jeans.
- Legault notes this grudgingly, but doesn't speak up, simply keeping the bag with him until a better opportunity arises to change into them.
- Keara reorganises her bag until it's neat from her riflings, and waits for the others to decide what to do.
- Aylie wonders what the strange clothes inside are.
<Liliana> "I do not believe changing in front of all these men would be very proper for us females"
- Shayril takes a moment to collect her bag.
- LordBarrius decides against changing in the middle of the room, opting to wait until a better location is offered.
- Fulcan is now in normal Terran clothes.
<Doctor> "There is a restroom across the hall."
- Fulcan puts on the black baseball cap he had. There are two small pins on it with black designs.
<Fulcan> "Can I leave now?"
- Iago finishes his seemingly covert changing by sliding on a pair of sandals. He then stands wuth Fulcan, ready to leave.
- Liliana nods and looks at Aylie
- Liliana points at her, then the bag, then out the door
- Aylie looks at Liliana. She looks out the door.
- Fulcan puts on the pair of dress shoes he was wearing.
- Keara makes a hesitant move towards the restroom, but pauses until she's certain others are going as well, not willing to go off alone.
- Roch shoos Aylie towards the door, and says, "Go, Aylie."
- Vega goes over behind one of the beds and changes into a black button up dress shirt jeans and sneakers before walking back out in the open
- Romulus (<A id=mbna817 href="mailto:Romulus777@Caelestia-10C7EB1C.no.no.cox.net">Romulus777@Caelestia-10C7EB1C.no.no.cox.net</A>) has joined #epic
- Aylie heads for the door, and into the washroom.
- LordBarrius offers a nod in thanks to the doctor and proceeds to the restroom to change in private, thinking it unwise to walk around in mental patient attire.
<Doctor> turns towards Talo. "You could ask the receptionist for a phonebook if you are trying to locate someone."
- Keara follows Aylie, heading into a sepearate cubicle and quickly changes before going back to the main ward.
- Liliana takes her hand, and motions for her to come along
- Aylie does likewise, heading inisde a seperate stall, and changing. She emerges in a normal outfit, walking back to the main ward.
<Rimblade> "Mmm. So I suppose we are all of us devoid of funds?"
<Liliana> ((oops behind sorry))
- Doctor turns back to fulcan. "You can leave whenever you are ready."
- SkoobaliciousIRCop is now known as Skooby
- Liliana nods and walks into the washroom herself and changes into the plain grey t shirt and stone washed jeans with a grey pair of leather flats before going back to the other room
- Legault follows suit after LordBarrius and locates a stall, changing into a pair of beige cargo pants, a black t-shirt, a pair of sneakers, "... What the heck does my analog wear...?"
- Kazuma (<A id=mbna831 href="mailto:Romulus777@do.or.do.not.there.is.no.spoon">Romulus777@do.or.do.not.there.is.no.spoon</A>) Quit ( Ping timeout )
<Fulcan> "Good. I'm out of here."
- Romulus is now known as Kazuma
- Fulcan walks out the door.
- Iago follows Fulcan
- Aylie is wearing a simple red dress, that looks a little like the modern version of her clerical robes.
- Shayril waits for her turn to use the restroom, emerging wearing a long-sleeved red sweater, a pair of jeans, and a pair of New Balance sneakers. Oceshay does likewise to change into a similar shirt, albeit powder blue, and a darker pair of jeans.
<Vega> "Well this certainly feels better than before."
- Rimblade shrugs and heads out.
- Roch follows LB over to the Men's room, notes the sign there and takes a moment to differentiate it from the one Lilliana and the girls went through. Once inside, he finds his way into a stall that is a bit cramped for him and manages to don the simple jeans, black tshirt, and silver polo shirt. The shoes, simple sneakers, he finds a marvel, but simple enoughh to put on.
- Aylie pokes idly at the dress, finding it a little wierd.
- Shayril tugs self-consiously at the bottom of her shirt. "I am not used to this kind of fabric... or style."
- Roch finishes and walks out of the bathroom, a happy spring in his step at the lightness of the clothing he wears. "Feels good," he says with a grin to nobody in particular.
- Vega smooths his his sleeves out adjusting the collar before looking around
- LordBarrius emerges from the restroom finally, perhaps unfamiliar with the style of dress of Terrans, or maybe just not sure he likes the look. He is dressed in a rather plain black t-shirt and blue jeans, with rather plain-looking sneakers.
- Useless hops over to grab a bag for himself and changes without much care for modesty in a corner.
- Liliana looks a bit uncomfortable at wearing pants, bending her legs, getting used to how they feel
- Keara fiddles with her clothes, finding herself feeing hugely uncomfortable wearing her jeans and a black top, for one, she's obviously grown a bit in the year plus she'd been unconscious, and as a result her clothes are slightly too small.
- Stromy looks around the bag until he finds a pair of pants and a shirt that he likes
- Keara crouches down on the floor to continue her fight with her shoes, which are similarly too small, she frowns in a slightly irritated fashion.
- Aylie doesn't seem too too uncomfortable.
<Vega> "Hmmm...comfy."
- Fulcan manuvers his way to the exit of the hospital.
- Roch hops to and fro slightly. "Much better than armor... or even leather."
- Iago , who has been following Fulcan, motions over to him, "You think we should wait up for the rest of them? or do you know where you're going?"
- Aylie shrugs, seemingly in regards to her clothing.
<Fulcan> "I know my way around Terra."
<Iago> "Cool, I'm with you then"
- Vega bends backwards and twists his body a bit cracking his back
- TaloToecan brushes a few rogue wrinkles and creases free, taking note of the styles given to the lot of them, in case he might need to risk a more vulgar display in the future.
<Vega> "Ah there perfect."
<Stromy> "Hmm... as much.... trouble as you get in, Fulcan, I would normally deign from accompanying you... but what the heck."
- Romulus (<A id=mbna864 href="mailto:Romulus777@Caelestia-10C7EB1C.no.no.cox.net">Romulus777@Caelestia-10C7EB1C.no.no.cox.net</A>) has joined #epic
- Fulcan exits the hospital.
<Fulcan> "Now the problem is... I don't know if my house here is on this version of Terra."
- Stromy follows Fulcan
- Oceshay smiles faintly at Talo, a sparkle of mischief in her eyes, though she refrains from acting on it. Instead she poses a different question. "Where shall we go?"
- Iago laughs, "Well, at least it's better than my wierd iteration of Terra" he tries to keep up with Fulcan
<Stromy> "Also,
<Fulcan> "Another problem would be getting there from here."
<Stromy> Fulcan, there may be someone else occuping it in this world."
- Roch sticks around the Damsels and company, since they always seem to know what's going on.
- Iago laughs, "Yeah... that would be prettty awkward"
- Aylie sticks with the non-Fulcan group.
- LordBarrius moves to stand alongside Shayril, offering her a smile and barely keeping from gentle laughter at the strange styles they both wear. "Mmm, not a bad look, dearest." He then offers her a hand, waiting for her before going anywhere.
- Stromy laughs with Iago, adding, "But not the most akward thing ever to occur... not even close."
- Vega stays away from the fulcan group and stays with the others
<Stromy> "A word of warning, Fulcan, keep things... uh, 'normal'."
<Stromy> "Don't... overreact."
- Shayril shakes her head slightly in disagreement. "I will say this though... I don't think I've had a pair of boots ever that are quite this comfortable."
- Paladin_Of_Souls seems to have managed to change without making a display or an affir of it.
<Fulcan> "I've been here much more than you, I know normality."
- Kazuma (<A id=mbna885 href="mailto:Romulus777@do.or.do.not.there.is.no.spoon">Romulus777@do.or.do.not.there.is.no.spoon</A>) Quit ( Ping timeout )
- Liliana stays back with Vega, not liking in the slightest how Fulcan is acting here
<Stromy> "I have been on Terra for long streches also..."
<Fulcan> "Hm. Maybe we should wait up for the others..."
- Stromy seeing everyone react negatively to Fulcan, along with listening to his intuition, decides that he'd better head back too.
- Fulcan leans against a wall on the outside of the hospital.
- Iago dons his sunglasses, "Same, but not for a long time... I'd prefer not to make a scene"
<TaloToecan> "Well, dearest, we need a place to stay...so...we either take up on the offer for the location to the shelter, or we look for someone we know 'round here."
- Stromy sighs and leans up against the wall, nodding at what Fulcan says
- Iago looks around for any signs or buildings of interest
<Fulcan> "If my house is indeed here, we could probably crash there..."
<Fulcan> "If it's big enough...
<Fulcan> "
<Stromy> "You said that it was some distance away...?"
<Fulcan> "Central New York... It's near one of the Fingerlakes."
- LordBarrius lets a bit of laughter escape, though he bites off further laughter by instead leaning in to kiss her cheek. "Okay, so it's not the best look for you. I admit it. I confess, I'm not much of a fun of this shirt....though, the pants seem rather durable. Some sort of light combat piece, maybe?"
- Fulcan looks inside to see where the others are.
<Oceshay> "Well... I'm not certain who we could try. There's Amilie perhaps... or... well there was the suggestion earlier about Greenwich villiage."
<Durroth> its just plain streetclothes.
<TaloToecan> "I was thinking of looking for Uncle Zephyr, but that would assume he recognizes me in a favorable light."
- Romulus (<A id=mbna906 href="mailto:Romulus777@do.or.do.not.there.is.no.spoon">Romulus777@do.or.do.not.there.is.no.spoon</A>) Quit ( Ping timeout )
<Rimblade> "Mmmm. That's not a bad plan, Talo."
- Oceshay nods her head. "We could try."
- LordBarrius tilts his head in Durroth's direction with a hint of surprise on his face. "Do they have combat so openly on the streets?"
<Durroth> no.
- Stromy heads back inside to look at what could be taking so long
<Shayril> "Hon... I think it's just the style."
- Romulus (<A id=mbna914 href="mailto:Romulus777@Caelestia-10C7EB1C.no.no.cox.net">Romulus777@Caelestia-10C7EB1C.no.no.cox.net</A>) has joined #epic
- Iago stays outside, now leaning against the hospital as well
- Legault had exited the bathroom soe time ago and is currently standing with the main hub of people.
- Vega stays with Lil and the others merely standing there listening in occasionly glancing around at people
- Stromy addresses the group, "Have you come up with a course of action yet?"
- Fulcan sighs, "Good GOD." He walks back in with the others, "What's taking so long?"
<@LordBarrius> "Hmm, strange sense of 'style'. Why wear heavy and tear-resistant pants if you have no intent to use them?" He shakes his head. "I suppose I'll never understand Terran culture."
<Liliana> "I know nothing of this place, I will stay with those that do"
- Iago , having been left outside whistles a tune
<Durroth> because they last along time and you can wear them for about a week before you have to wash them
<Legault> "We're planning things out, something we should learn from..." He doesn't say past, lest something think he's insane, but others should hopefully pick up on that.
- Useless (<A id=mbna926 href="mailto:talonmk5@Operator.Caelestia.net">talonmk5@Operator.Caelestia.net</A>) Quit ( Connection reset by peer )
<@LordBarrius> "Ah, I see. I wasn't aware they washed so sparingly."
<Vega> "I dispise this place ever so much....but Id rather stay with those who know the best choice..."
- Aylie just sort of stands there with the others.
<Durroth> we wash everything else plenty. I'm not gonna bother explaining the concept of jeans
->> Attempting to join #castleIago
- [DefaultMan] (<A id=mbna933 href="mailto:Default@">Default@</A>) Quit ( Services-Link.Caelestia.net Services.Caelestia.net )
- Durroth sighs listlessly, not really in the mood to explain anything
<Fulcan> "I don't want to stay overnight in a homeless shelter; it's DEMEANING. Let's go somewhere where we can sleep."
- LordBarrius shrugs. "Fair enough." Having given up on understanding Terra once again, he glances back at Shayril and the others. "Where are we headed, then?"
<Fulcan> "We have money, we should get hotel rooms."
<Liliana> "Is ths much money?"
--Global-- Services are now back online - have a nice day
- ChanServ sets mode +ntr for #epic
- [DefaultMan] (<A id=mbna942 href="mailto:Default@">Default@</A>) has joined #epic
- [DefaultMan] sets mode +ao [DefaultMan] [DefaultMan] for #epic
- Shayril shakes her head, uncertain. "I'm not sure. Besides, I doubt we have enough for an extended stay... and we need to plan for this to be."
<Fulcan> "Not really, but if we pool together, we can get about three people in a room."
- Useless (<A id=mbna947 href="mailto:talonmk5@Operator.Caelestia.net">talonmk5@Operator.Caelestia.net</A>) has joined #epic
<Rimblade> "Perhaps. Perhaps we should look into methods of aquiring more."
<Fulcan> "We just spent a day in a hospital. We should get some rest and figure things out in the morning."
- Fulcan looks puzzled at the fact that he just suggested something, like, useful.
<Fulcan> "...And uh... dibs on the biggest bed in the room."
- Paladin_Of_Souls snorts in mild amusement
- Shayril sighs and moves towards the door. "Let's at least get out of the patient ward. The doctor said something about a receptionist, so perhaps we can get information on where to go from there."
<Vega> "aquiring more? A job?"
- Liliana nods and prepares to follow Shayril out
<Durroth> sure, whatever
- TaloToecan nods in agreement to Shayril and, after gripping Oceshay's hand in his, moves to follow after
- Aylie follows.
- Fulcan sighs, and follows Shay.
- Iago sees the group coming and moves to join up with them, "So, what's the decision?"
<Rimblade> "It could come to that."
- Vega follows
- LordBarrius moves readily alongside Shayril.
- Roch follows Shayril and smiles warmly to Aylie, to let he know she's not forgotten.
- Legault nods, still tugging a bit at the cargo pants wondering who decided to cross a rucksack with a pair of pants. She moves after the others after grabbing his dufflebag.
<Fulcan> "We're going to talk to the receptionist, Iago."
<Iago> "Fun..."
- Aylie returns the smile.
- Shayril speaks softly as she walks, enough that the group can largely hear her but not to hopefull catch the attention of those working. "I figure thusly. We were brought here for a reason. Whatever that is, I doubt living day to day is going to reveal anything. We should probably start trying to talk to people. Perhaps Amelie first. Otherwise we might never return."
<Fulcan> "I hope Falerin needs me."
<Fulcan> "Might be a ticket out of here."
<Durroth> all the same to me
- Shayril shakes her head. "There already is one of you in a much more accessable place: Caelestia. I don't think we can count on him to bail us out."
<Fulcan> "...Zetta lame."
- Paladin_Of_Souls glances at Fulcan disapprovingly. "Deal with it."
- Stromy (<A id=mbna977 href="mailto:stromy42@Caelestia-B470E031.hsd1.mn.comcast.net">stromy42@Caelestia-B470E031.hsd1.mn.comcast.net</A>) Quit ( Interred: )
<Fulcan> "You know what? Bite me."
- Roch whispers, "I wonder what we're here for... and if there even is a going back. I mean, if we're all still back there, how can we ever go back to how things were?"
- LordBarrius ignores Fulcan's antics and nods at Shayril. "Let's speak with Amelie. Maybe she can shed some light on this."
- Shayril sighs softly as they reach the main enterence. "Perhaps the receptionist could page her?"
- TaloToecan nods lightly at Shayril. "Likely can."
- [DefaultMan] (<A id=mbna984 href="mailto:Default@">Default@</A>) Quit ( Services-Link.Caelestia.net Services.Caelestia.net )
- Aylie continues along with the group.
- Vega whistles somehwat quietly following along all the way
- Legault glances over at Roch, whispering, "I wouldn't be surprised if they're monitoring us, we'll talk about it once we're out."
<TaloToecan> "If not, there's other potential manners of prodding."
- Stromy (<A id=mbna990 href="mailto:stromy42@Caelestia-B470E031.hsd1.mn.comcast.net">stromy42@Caelestia-B470E031.hsd1.mn.comcast.net</A>) has joined #epic
- LordBarrius shrugs softly and approaches the receptionist desk, figuring they might as well ask promptly. "Excuse me....is Ms. Jardis available? We'd like to speak with her before we leave."
- Fulcan leans against a wall, crossing his arms, waiting.
- [DefaultMan] (<A id=mbna994 href="mailto:Default@">Default@</A>) has joined #epic
- [DefaultMan] sets mode +ao [DefaultMan] [DefaultMan] for #epic
- [DefaultMan] sets topic to: The channel of imposibilities, one at a time!
<Receptionist> "I can try her office. Is there something I should tell her this is about?"
- LordBarrius shakes his head faintly. "No one particular reason. We'd just like to have a word with her before we leave, if that's possible."
- Fulcan (<A id=mbna1000 href="mailto:SeraphOfDi@Caelestia-B9D7E8B3.dsl1-fairport.roc.ny.frontiernet.net">SeraphOfDi@Caelestia-B9D7E8B3.dsl1-fairport.roc.ny.frontiernet.net</A>) Quit ( Interred: I don't really feel like putting something clever here anymore, so this'll just be my default quit message. Cheers. )
- Receptionist nods and punches a few buttons on the phone after picking up the receiver. She speaks quietly into it for a few moments before hanging up. "She will be with you shortly."
- TaloToecan pops up beside LordBarrius, still in that more child-like mischievious mannerism that seems to have infected him slightly. "Oh! And if you could, could you look up contact information for a Dr. Louis Zephyr? I'm not sure he works at this particular hospital, mind."
<Receptionist> We have no Dr. Zephyr on staff
- Aylie simply walks with the group.
- Vega follows along with the group idly glancing at random things
- Legault thinks they just dug themselves deeper into their grave.
- TaloToecan looks slightly downcast. "Bummer...ah well."
- Liliana just follows quietly along, not understanding a bit of any of it but not leting that show on her face
<Oceshay> "Perhaps a way to look him up?"
<Rimblade> "And pray that he exists."
<Receptionist> I am sorry but Doctor Jardis is only a consulting physician she is not on Bellevue staff and is not present here today
<Amelie> We only have occasional need for a neurologist here
<Amelie> You are fortunate though
<Amelie> I wanted to check on my former patient
<Amelie> Can I assist you in some manner?
- Amelie taps her foot impatiently
- Crash (<A id=mbna1018 href="mailto:Fan@Greenbay.Packers.Net">Fan@Greenbay.Packers.Net</A>) has left #epic
- Shayril hesitates, uncertain now that they're at this point of what to say. "I think perhaps we were hoping you might be able to help us in some manner."
- Amelie frowns
<Amelie> I am sorry?
<Amelie> How do you mean?
<Shayril> "Well...
- Shayril hesitates again, not certain she wants to voice all of this even in a semi-public location.
- TaloToecan nods softly. "We...were particularly hoping of managing something better than a homeless shelter for, well, shelter. At least for one."
<Amelie> Didn't the hospital give you benefit cards and a stipend?
- Iago looks around, "Or even if you could tell us a little about the world over the past, oh, say, year and a half"
<Amelie> there is a shelter 3 blocks down
<Amelie> Oh
<Amelie> Well you could stay at a hotel
<Amelie> but that stipend will not last long
<Amelie> I am not sure why you would be asking this of me of all people though
<Amelie> My former pupil alone I might understand but the rest of you?
- TaloToecan looks slightly sheepish after shooting a look at the Shays. "Ahh...forgive me, apparently I am still thinking with some preconcieved notions..."
<Amelie> Preconcieved Notions?
- Amelie frowns
<Amelie> That explanation makes no more sense then your query
- Shayril frowns faintly, catching Talo's gaze and nodding. "I see... I apologize then. It just seemed you were familiar. We must have been mistaken."
<Rimblade> "Perhaps it is a result of long unconsiousness."
<Rimblade> "After all, the subconsious effects on survivors of Mind Fever can hardly be well-documented if no one has ever done so before."
- Amelie seems disconcerted....
<Receptionist> They asked after a Dr. Zephyr as well Doctor. Do you know him...
- Amelie frowns even more severely
<Amelie> You've been talking with Mr. De`Thion?
- Stromy looks up in suprise
- LordBarrius (<A id=mbna1047 href="mailto:pd142001@Operator.Caelestia.net">pd142001@Operator.Caelestia.net</A>) Quit ( [Immertot.Caelestia.net] Local kill by Kitten (Clone.) )
<Shayril> "Yes... though not about that..."
<Amelie> Dr. Zephyr was the president of our Academy... he was killed in Indonesia a year ago
- TaloToecan notices the frown and appears even more sheepish, though he raises an eyebrow at her inquiry. "Ah...not about him actually...oh no..."
<Durroth> I dont recall saying anything to them
<Iago> "Indonesia..."
<Amelie> That you know that name... speaks volumes...
- TaloToecan sighs heavily and looks downcast.
- LordBarrius (<A id=mbna1056 href="mailto:pd142001@Operator.Caelestia.net">pd142001@Operator.Caelestia.net</A>) has joined #epic
- Amelie frowns
<Amelie> Louis Zephyr is dead and gone....
- lola22 (<A id=mbna1060 href="mailto:lola22@Caelestia-410EB490.dhcp212-198-248.noos.fr">lola22@Caelestia-410EB490.dhcp212-198-248.noos.fr</A>) has joined #epic
- Rimblade sighs sadly.
<Stromy> "Why is it so odd that we would know his name?"
<Amelie> Our academy with him
<Amelie> He was not a known individua
<Amelie> He ran an academy for the talented in rural pennsylvania
<Amelie> he never did anything notabe
<Amelie> our academy never did either
<Stromy> "The talented?"
<Amelie> He is not someone anyone would know outside that circle
- TaloToecan sniffs lightly after moving over to Oceshay. "Dead......"
- Shayril, unsure of where this is leading, and not wanting to discuss what's on her mind in front of other observers, backpedals slightly. "Appologies..."
<Durroth> I didnt tell them anything.
<Amelie> Yes the gifted.... IQ's greater then 140
- Oceshay glances at Talo and shakes her head very slightly.
- lola22 (<A id=mbna1076 href="mailto:lola22@Caelestia-410EB490.dhcp212-198-248.noos.fr">lola22@Caelestia-410EB490.dhcp212-198-248.noos.fr</A>) Quit ( Vanished: )
- Amelie looks at Durroth
<Iago> "Quite talented"
<Amelie> You have never in your entire life spoken to them about Louis
<Stromy> "Ah... and, I might add, I'm sorry about his death."
<Amelie> You are lying
<Rimblade> "Largely the section of the population which needs to be excised."
<Durroth> Not here and not recently
- Amelie scowls and enters the ward
- Aylie seems somewhat resigned to her situation, and is glancing around the area idly.
- Roch sighs. "Well, that could have gone better."
- Iago moves towards the exit
- Shayril sighs, deciding not to say anything more on that particular subject until the group of them can be alone. Instead she turns to the receptionist. "The nearest homeless shelter is 3 blocks away? In which direction?"
- TaloToecan catches Oceshay's glance, and after a moment of being startled by it, tries to get his act together.
<Rimblade> "It is as is, I suppose."
<Durroth> I wonder if it even exists here... or if we've gone off the beaten path entirely
<Rimblade> "What exists here? Delphi?"
- Stromy looks at Rimblade and Durroth with a glance that is meant to say, "Be quiet!"
- Durroth glares at stromy with eyes devoid of all emotion
- LordBarrius frowns faintly at the result of the conversation overall, a bit of disappointment in his own gaze.
- Stromy glares back at Durroth
<Rimblade> "I suspect we had best go."
<Iago> "I'd prefer if we got out of here"
<Durroth> whatever.
- Vega does as Aylie does and glances around just listening in but not commenting
<Stromy> "...Before we get in any more trouble."
- TaloToecan shakes his head to clear the last of sadness from his visage for the moment. "We can always talk to her again, later, over a cup of tea. Perhaps find out more then, one way or another."
- Iago , once more, goes outside
- Oceshay shakes her head once more but again doesn't comment vocally.
- Legault wonders if Talo actually escaped the mind fever without side effects.
- Romulus is now known as Kazuma
- Shayril sighs at not getting an answer. "I suppose we'll just find it ourselves..."
<Durroth> I should have stayed as I was
<>Ambiance<> An orderly speaks to another individual about 25, with blond haire and a goatee "You off then Glenn? Where you headed?"
<TaloToecan> "Hindsight is, as they say, 20-20...but its no use dwelling on."
<Glenn> The Figaro, I have that ethics class tonight at NYU so I figured I would hang at my usual wifi spot in the village
- Rimblade stops dead.
- Iago , wondering why no one followed, goes back inside, a tad exasperated
<Durroth> It wasnt that bad, floating in the void
- Stromy perks up at the word 'ethics' as it is one of his favorite topics of conversation
- Iago sees the situation and stops
- Shayril stiffens noticably. "Glenn...? Figaro cafe.... Galrick?"
- Iago 's mouth is slightly agape
- Stromy gasps, "That's why it sounded familar..."
- Glenn turns away and walks down the road slowly
<Durroth> its not the same person likely
- Aylie wonders what everyone's stiffening, gasping, and otherwise acting surprised about.
- LordBarrius turns his head faintly to observe the two, having come to the same conclusion as his companion.
<Stromy> "Think we should... follow?"
- Roch whispers, "Galrick? What?"
- Legault frowns, "Uhh... More reminders of dead people." He mutters bitterly under his breath.
<Durroth> havent you figured that out by now? none of the ones here are the ones we know
<Shayril> "That's one hell of a coincidence..."
<Stromy> "I wouldn't call it a coincidence. I think we should follow."
<Durroth> fine, whatever
- Shayril glances at Stormy. "Exactly."
<Rimblade> "Away, then."
- Iago moves to follow, at a bit of a distance
- Roch whispers, "It's a heading, anyway. Let's go."
<Durroth> I dont care anymore.
- Paladin_Of_Souls shrugs himself. "At this rate, I'd call coincidences a Dhe Emn's plaything."
- Stromy mutters, "No such thing as a coincidence."
- Stromy starts following Glenn, looking back at the group with raised brows as he does so
<Durroth> At least this place is quiet
- Iago walks along with Stromy, "We seem to be the on-the-go guys today, huh?"
- TaloToecan nibbles on his bottom lip in thought.
- Stromy sighs, responding, "Nothing is done quickly with this group"
- Iago puts his sunglasses back on and chuckles
- Stromy continues, "I suggest we remain far enough behind so that we aren't noticed..."
- Shayril looks at Barrius, trying to gauge his prefered plan.
<Iago> "Yeah... a large group of people is not the best when following someone"
<Oceshay> shakes her head. "He might notice and think we're stalking him. It might be better just to get his attention now."
<Stromy> "And, if we are noticed... I guess we'll just play it by ear."
- TaloToecan tugs on Oceshay's arm and moves to follow Glenn without waiting on the others.
- Oceshay nods at Talo in agreement, trotting alongside him.
- Stromy lookst back at Talo, smiling at his following
- Roch thinks. "If we talk to him, what do we say?"
- LordBarrius glances at Shayril back, then proceeds after Glenn promptly, though not at a pursuit pace but rather a jog, hoping to catch up with Glenn rather than following him the entire way.
- Legault runs his hand through his silvery white hair, "This isn't going to end well..."
- Shayril matches strides with Barrius, also agreeing that this is the better plan.
- Stromy sees LB's pace and decides to stay back. "We shouldn't all confront him at the same time... If we should even do it at all."
- Roch starts after the group, waving to Aylie to come as well.
<Stromy> "One... or two are enough."
- Aylie follows.
- Legault resignedly follows after the others, not seeing another option.
<Stromy> "Hmmm..."
<Stromy> "I know!"
- TaloToecan looks over at Oceshay tellingly as they continue to follow.
- Stromy looks to the rest of the group, "I don't know about you... But I've got an idea. I'll go walk up, after LB and Shayril, and say that I overheard that he was heading to The Figaro... I'll say that I was going the same way and wanted some company!"
- Oceshay shakes her head, indicating her own confusion.
- Iago just keeps pace with whoever is going the fastest
- Glenn stops and turns arround as if percievving something odd and almost runs into Barrius
- Vega follows the others remaining quiet
- Stromy walks at his current pace, waiting for LB to engage.
<Glenn> Whoa....
- Shayril skids to a halt, smiling faintly. "Oh, sorry about that. We weren't expecting you to stop so quickly."
- Iago stops a few paces behind LB
- LordBarrius draws himself to a halt promptly, glad to have avoiding the collision. "Indeed, I apologize."
<Glenn> Were you pursuing me....
- Legault lingers towards the back of the group silently.
- Glenn looks at the two and then beyond them dwwn the street
- Stromy slows down a bit, giving LB and Shayril more time to talk
- Roch waves to Glenn nervously.
<Glenn> You... Hey! You are the group that woke from the Mindfever aren't you?
<Liliana> .me stays back and follows behind the furthest person, making sure not to loose sight of them
- Iago nods to Glenn
<Shayril> "Ah.. yes, that would be us."
<LordBarrius> "Ah....yes, that's right...."
- Stromy sighs and joins LB and Shay
- Vega his close to the back of the group as he would much rather avoid talking
<Glenn> I was not on that ward often... but I remember a few of you... There was a big story in the Daily News today about it and in the Times too
<Glenn> You are a mystery... noone quite knows whats going on...
- Shayril winces faintly. "Hopefully not with pictures?"
- Aylie stays with the group, stopping when they do.
- Stromy quietly hovers behind LB and Shay, just listening for now
<Glenn> Say.. I would love to chat but I am going to grab a latte and then head to class... Do you have a place to stay tonight?
<Stromy> "As far as I know, we really don't, unless you count that homeless shelter."
- Iago shakes his head "Notsomuch"
<Glenn> Eww
- Shayril shakes her head slightly. "No, I'm afraid not. There was mention of a homeless shelter around here somewhere but... Well I don't think any of us were looking forward to it."
<TaloToecan> "We do not, actually." Talo continues to critically examine Glenn, despite being pleasant.
<Stromy> "My thoughts exactly, Glenn."
- LordBarrius falls silent, since several had perked up with answers.
<Stromy> "On a different note, I overheard that it was an ethics class..."
- Roch scratches at his beard, noting idly that it's a good deal shorter than he normally wears it.
- Oceshay glances now and again at Talo out of the corner of her eye, though she mostly keeps her attention on Glenn.
<Glenn> So it is...
<Stromy> "A basic ethics class or what?"
<Stromy> "Consequentalism and Absolutism and the like?"
- Stromy is clearly very interested in the subject
<Glenn> Nah its acually Biotheics
<Glenn> I am premed
- Iago laughs, "I
<Iago> 'm more of a theology guy, myself
<Glenn> We cover that too
<Glenn> anymore theres not much different
<Glenn> Look... I should not do this especially as I do not know you
<Shayril> "Stormy... I don't think this is the time."
- Stromy looks embarrassed
<Glenn> But I manage an appartment building... not far
<Glenn> Los Brasos del Ardendor
- Stromy looks startled
<Glenn> Furnished place
<Glenn> Nice enough
<Glenn> The penthouse is available
- Iago smiles
- Stromy breathes, "Ardendor..."
<Glenn> The owner he is prety absentee
<Stromy> "That would be delightful!"
<Glenn> And he wants ridiculous money even for New York for that suite
<Glenn> But he lets me use it and do whatever
<Stromy> “Who owns the penthouse, might I ask?”
- Iago smiles even more, "We really wouldn't want to impose, but that sounds amazing"
<Glenn> I suspect he does not really want it rented
- Shayril listens quietly, unsure if she wants to interject.
<Glenn> The whole complex is owned by Celestis Industries
<Stromy> "Any individual?"
- TaloToecan glances back at Oceshay.
<Stromy> "Or... main person?"
<Glenn> I am not at liberty to discuss that
- Roch smiles broadly and holds his tongue.
- Stromy grins, "Sorry"
<Glenn> he uses a corporate front to prevent harassment
<Glenn> And believe me he has gotten some
- Stromy holds his tongue
- Paladin_Of_Souls chuckles towards the back. "Sly."
<Glenn> Lookm this was a bad idea... and your strange depth of inquiry makes it even worse
<Glenn> What the hell difference shoud it make who owns the building or what my class schedue is...
- Glenn looks decidedly discomforted
- Shayril sighs, shoulders slumping slightly. "Well... thank you anyway."
<Legault> "... Please excuse these people, some of them are still a bit wrong in the head from the mind fever."
- Roch adds in, "Sorry to bother you."
- LordBarrius nods faintly, a bit resigned. "Very well. Thank you for the offer, anyways."
- Stromy nods at Legault's words, "I'm told that a lot."
<TaloToecan> "It makes no difference at all, actually. Its just interesting to know, and apparently your class interests others due to the specific realm of academia you are pursuing. Though that would have been better served for an idle chat over a latte, I suspect."
- Glenn sighs
<Oceshay> "Could you at least tell us then where the shelter is? Something about 3 blocks but we lack a direction."
<Stromy> "Yea... Sorry for holding you up."
<Glenn> The apparment has one of those newer alphanumeric keypad locks
<Glenn> The password is "There is no place like La Casa"
<Glenn> A bad transation from the Wizard of Oz...
- Iago chuckles
<Glenn> He figures a long entry code is harder to get
- Aylie idly wonders what they're talking about.
<Glenn> He tried it 3x like the ruby slippers thing even
<Glenn> but that was way too long to type
<Oceshay> "Thank you so much. Could we... impose a bit more then for directions? I fear I'm not familiar with the Ardendor building."
- TaloToecan simply nods and smiles.
- LordBarrius seems to perk up faintly, though again, he keeps silent to avoid scaring Glenn further.
- Glenn Take this street down to broadway turn left go up a half block turn down the alley enter from the rear.... The same password will open that door. Enter the elevator push p. Ty-pe the password
- Roch turns to Aylie with a grin and whispers, "Us," forming a roof over his head with his hands.
<Glenn> You will be all set... make yourselves comfortable... I may not be there till tommorow but I keep the place stocked for dinner parites as my own appartment on the first floor is very smal
<Glenn> l
- Aylie smiles a bit, figuring that it means they're going to have some place to sleep. Which is good.
- Oceshay smiles warmly. "Thank you again."
<Iago> "Wow... thats exraordinarily generous of you"
- Iago nods,
- TaloToecan grins and nods in thanks. "We'll do our best to keep things clean and tidy, and thank you."
<Glenn> I am a psychiatric pre med student
- Shayril nods her head respectfully to Glenn. "Yes, you have my thanks as well."
<Iago> "Thankyou so much"
<Glenn> Your case interests me
<Glenn> So it is partially selfish
<Stromy> "Good luck in your class!"
<Glenn> But...
- Glenn shrugs and continues down the street rapidly
<Stromy> "We'd best let him go methinks."
- Paladin_Of_Souls chuckles low in the back, though he does *not* give voice to his thought: 'You have no idea how true that is in the reverse, lad...'
<Oceshay> "I think it would be best at this point to locate this building and settle in for the night."
- Roch nods. "Agreed."
- TaloToecan nods in agreement. "Please. There are certain things that are unsettling about all of this, and a good night's sleep would be most welcome. Besides, I have a thing or two I ought to attend to before too long, or I'll always stand out like a sore thumb."
- Oceshay nods at Talo, playing with a strand of her almost pure-white hair. "It might be worth picking up some hair-dye too."
- Legault is now known as Puddles
- Puddles is now known as Legault
- Iago tries to follow Glenn's directions, "We should probably get going"
- Oceshay shakes her head and gently tugs on Talo's arm, to set them off in the direction of the apartments. "Anyway for now, let's just see about settling in."
- TaloToecan nods, smiles, and easily follows.
- Rimblade (<A id=mbna1294 href="mailto:Rimblade@Operator.Caelestia.net">Rimblade@Operator.Caelestia.net</A>) Quit ( Connection reset by peer )
- Roch follows with his hands in his pockets, smiling at their good fortune.
- Aylie follows as well.
- LordBarrius proceeds after Talo and Oceshay, tugging gently at Shayril so as to walk alongside her.
- Vega follows
- Paladin_Of_Souls starts whistling a drinking janty as he follows along, intrigued at this turn of events.
- Stromy continues with the group
- Shayril smiles faintly at LordBarrius but now there's something obviously troubling her. For those who know her well, it's probably a fairly good guess that she's mulling over their situation and the strange circumstances so far.
- LordBarrius notes her appearance and whispers to her quietly.
- Legault follows along after the others quietly, not wanting to mess anything up with his less then modern habits.
- Iago wonders how much longer the walk will be, thinking they should be close...
- Liliana stays with the group silently
- Dale (<A id=mbna1307 href="mailto:Did@It">Did@It</A>) has left #epic
- Oceshay makes certain they follow Glenn's directions; down the street till broadway, then left for half a block until they hopefully find the rear alley.
<>Ambiance<> The building is readily found
<Legault> "Whew... Good."
- Iago approaches the door and turns to the others, "So, we go in?"
- Oceshay nods and gestures. "Enter the passphrase."
<Stromy> "There is no place like La Casa"
- Iago enters the code
- Aylie is following with the rest.
- OperServ sets mode +R for #epic
--Global-- Services are now back to normal, sorry for any inconvenience
- OperServ sets mode -R for #epic
- [DefaultMan] sets mode +R for #epic
- Kiyodai (<A id=mbna1321 href="mailto:lifelongin@Caelestia-39F066AF.balt.east.verizon.net">lifelongin@Caelestia-39F066AF.balt.east.verizon.net</A>) has joined #epic
- Stromy enters the hotel
- Stromy looks around for an elevator
- Vega is following the rest of the group
- Roch comes in, looking about the hotel. The architecture and materials of such buildings is still new to him, and therefore fascinating.
- Aylie looks around, interested.