The Second Avatar That Serves Us Fully
From Caelwiki
Current revision as of 03:08, 20 February 2008
[19:19:37] <Lisa> Your fate is sealed.
[19:20:43] <Vivi|AFKing> Sealed fates ftw.
[19:20:52] <Travis|missing> hmm, too much to quote
[19:20:59] <Travis|missing> but doing that was very bad Macer
[19:20:59] <Lisa> That which you seek serves the network. Your undoing is complete and my brother will destroy you all.
[19:21:03] <Travis|missing> just ask everyone here
[19:21:16] <Vivi|AFKing> Shh...lady is speaking.
[19:21:19] <Travis|missing> who serves the Network?!
[19:21:21] <Hiro> xd
[19:21:23] * Macer is now known as Malcolm
[19:21:30] <Lisa> That which you seek fools
[19:21:36] <Travis|missing> my mom?
[19:21:37] <Travis|missing> really?
[19:21:39] <Malcolm> is this Network as evil as the Television Networks?
[19:21:44] <Hiro> foolish indeed
[19:21:45] <Lisa> That which you seek is ours and has been from the beginning of time
[19:21:47] <Travis|missing> geez, worse than i thought
[19:21:54] <Travis|missing> ...
[19:21:58] <Travis|missing> Lorithia?
[19:22:10] <Hiro> bankai?
[19:22:16] <Travis|missing> Lorithia made Lucifer, who died, and was turned into my mom, so....
[19:22:19] * Lisa laughs coldly
[19:22:28] * Travis|missing pokes Lisa
[19:22:53] * Travis|missing takes his bloody baseball cap off
[19:23:12] * Straitser believes you should all stop being stupid and treat this as IC. >>
[19:23:18] * Travis|missing is
[19:23:19] <Lisa> The walls have thinned the doors have opened. Hope has already awoken and you slept through it expecting a grand show. With hope opened the ninth and he and that after which you pattern your search serve one aim in their madness
[19:23:28] <Travis|missing> ...
[19:23:35] <Travis|missing> if this was the abode, I might care
[19:23:38] <Travis|missing> but its not
[19:23:42] <Durroth> ... why are people RPing in the OOC
[19:23:47] * Travis|missing skips away, and robs a bank
[19:23:48] <Durroth> stop it
[19:23:49] <Hiro> >.>
[19:23:58] <Hiro> im not?
[19:24:04] <Lisa> I do not recognize the Caelestian's pointless divisions of place
[19:24:06] <Travis|missing> yes you are!
[19:24:08] <Lisa> They are idiotic
[19:24:13] <Travis|missing> you shot me earlier Hiro!
[19:24:35] <Hiro> o;
[19:24:37] <Lisa> So servitor of idiocy.... make me take it elsewhere
[19:24:56] <Malcolm> everything and anything can be condensed into a single moment of time, and in that moment, nothing else matters
[19:25:03] <Travis|missing> what?
[19:25:12] <Travis|missing> ah
[19:25:17] * Travis|missing pays attention
[19:25:21] <Lisa> In that moment your fate is already realized.. as it was realized from the begining
[19:25:36] <Lisa> When you first decided to seek the madness
[19:25:45] <Travis|missing> what madness?
[19:25:56] <Lisa> The divided.
[19:26:00] <Lisa> The insane
[19:26:07] <Hiro> we have always been mad
[19:26:09] <Lisa> That after which you pattern your number.
[19:26:11] <Travis|missing> the isane? like Puddles?
[19:26:24] * Damsel sighs softly
[19:26:30] <Lisa> The 2nd Avatar that serves us fully.
[19:26:32] <Damsel> seems people here have forgotten our roots
[19:26:37] <Straitser> Insane does not equal inane.
[19:26:43] <Travis|missing> ah
[19:26:50] <Straitser> And yes, they have, Damsel. ._.
[19:26:57] * Durroth is now known as Durroth|microwavehasfriedmywit
[19:26:59] <Lisa> They have long ago forgotten far more then their roots Shayril
[19:27:03] <BrokenClockwork> It is quite disheartening, but that does not mean to roots are all ignored.
[19:27:06] <Lisa> They have forgotten their purpose
[19:27:07] <Hiro> .__.
[19:27:11] <Lisa> They have in fact lost...
[19:27:18] * Travis|missing pays attention, but pretends not to
[19:27:20] <Lisa> And you are no less among them then the rest
[19:27:50] <Damsel> I do not believe I claimed otherwise
[19:28:21] <Hiro> hmmmm
[19:28:24] <Lisa> Of course we have taken advantage of your divided loyalties
[19:28:26] <Marrin> lisa... it has been a while. I thought youd show your face in the place proper.
[19:28:28] <Marrin> Cartwright.
[19:28:38] <Lisa> The time of choice however has come
[19:28:39] <Travis|missing> Cartwright?!
[19:28:51] <Marrin> Didnt you realise?
[19:28:58] <Lisa> I have chosen to adopt that name....
[19:28:58] <Travis|missing> i had no idea
[19:29:02] <Lisa> Sicn
[19:29:11] <Lisa> Since it is the name my brother prefers
[19:29:37] <Lisa> I have been called many other things
[19:29:44] <Malcolm> it is such an uninteresting name
[19:29:47] <Lisa> Many far worse then the name of my brother
[19:30:01] * Straitser is now known as Puddles|Shawaa
[19:30:08] <Marrin> Depends, I could think of very few names worse than hearing his.
[19:30:13] <BrokenClockwork> Some better too, no doubt. Depends on who is judging, and from what perspective.
[19:30:43] <Lisa> Your pathetic
[19:30:54] <Travis|missing> how kind
[19:30:58] <Puddles|Shawaa> Don't insult the ferret. D:
[19:31:04] <Marrin> No one respects lisa for her kindness
[19:31:30] <Travis|missing> i can tell that
[19:31:37] <Puddles|Shawaa> The kindness where she pops up and tells us our fate is sealed?
[19:31:45] <Damsel> So what exactly brings you here this eve, Lisa?
[19:31:46] <Marrin> Yes! Precisely.
[19:31:48] <Hiro> sorry fresh out of respect its somewhere with my pride
[19:31:57] <Malcolm> a Warning after everything is too late?
[19:32:52] <Malcolm> not quite the kindest thing anyone has done for me
[19:32:56] <Lisa> Gloating
[19:33:02] <Lisa> And to make it clear
[19:33:05] <Travis|missing> about what?
[19:33:07] <Lisa> The time of choice has come
[19:33:14] <Lisa> You must choose between your mentor's
[19:33:23] <Marrin> Which ones?
[19:33:26] <Lisa> Your obligation to one or the other
[19:33:33] <Marrin> again, which ones?
[19:33:34] <Lisa> For you shall not have the time to deal with both
[19:33:38] <Lisa> We have made certain of that
[19:33:43] <Malcolm> to one who is good and one who is Evil?
[19:33:43] <Selarep> Okay...I need to pay more attention. <<
[19:33:44] * Caine (Disturbed@Typo.Master) has joined #755-totallyooc
[19:33:47] <Travis|missing> ...
[19:33:56] <Travis|missing> same Sel
[19:34:04] <Travis|missing> so we have to choose between each other
[19:34:07] <Travis|missing> and our mentors
[19:34:08] <Lisa> If you do not even know that
[19:34:11] <Travis|missing> what if we dont have mentors
[19:34:15] <Lisa> You are even more pathetic then I knew
[19:34:18] <Travis|missing> yay!
[19:34:19] * Damsel sighs
[19:34:19] <BrokenClockwork> Mm, not that you and yours have ever made our lives or jobs easy.
[19:34:30] <Lisa> Of course you still have not figured out the Avatar who betrays you
[19:34:35] * Lisa ( Quit (Exterminated: )
[19:34:37] <Travis|missing> Truth
[19:34:39] <Travis|missing> dang
[19:34:45] <Selarep> Okay...
[19:34:48] <Hiro> o;
[19:34:51] <Travis|missing> its Truth who betrays us though
[19:34:58] * Travis|missing investigates Lisa
[19:35:05] <Marrin> I'm supposing E at the moment.
[19:35:17] <Nick> Its like watching monkeys trying to do a rubix cube
[19:35:17] <Travis|missing> E is... which one again?
[19:35:24] <Travis|missing> those are hard!
[19:35:26] <Marrin> ... You know him as E. Edward.
[19:35:28] <BrokenClockwork> Damsel, dear, mind handing me Hadin's spare cane?
[19:35:29] <Malcolm> Vampire Slayer, one of the Avatars
[19:35:41] <Travis|missing> yeah i know
[19:35:46] <Marrin> Talo, face it, his actions with nightbane do bring him under question.
[19:35:48] <Travis|missing> but which Avatar is he
[19:35:50] <Nick> E is the Avatar of Death
[19:35:52] <Travis|missing> ah
[19:35:54] <Damsel> I have to say I am mildly disheartened even though I'm not surprised
[19:35:55] <Marrin> ith respect to it.
[19:36:08] <Travis|missing> ah
[19:36:13] <Travis|missing> she has an email...
[19:36:20] <BrokenClockwork> Marrin, your assumptions of what I reference in wishing I had Hadin's cane are yet again grossly off-target
[19:36:31] <Travis|missing> o.O
[19:36:36] <Travis|missing> $232 a year!
[19:36:44] <Nick> Hadin doesn't discriminate against shins!
[19:36:50] <Marrin> Probably. Or perhaps the knowledge that i deserve a good thwacking from you bring it to the front of my mind.
[19:36:51] <Nick> All Shins are welcome to a beating
[19:37:03] <Marrin> Well, lisa, out with it.
[19:37:16] <Nick> Lisa left
[19:37:17] <Nick> =p
[19:37:17] <Damsel> She's gone, Marrin
[19:37:19] <Marrin> oh
[19:37:24] <BrokenClockwork> You've long since deserved a thwacking, particularly since you apparently missed Lisa quitting IRC
[19:37:34] <Marrin> It happens to me, talo.
[19:37:39] <Nick> Can my shins be next!?
[19:37:39] <Nick> :SD
[19:37:45] * Damsel decides to reread
[19:37:45] <Travis|missing> XD
[19:37:51] <Selarep> More than your shins, Nick...o;
[19:37:51] <Travis|missing> good idea
[19:37:57] <Travis|missing> o.O
[19:38:03] <Hiro> XDDDD
[19:38:08] <Travis|missing> owwwwwwwww
[19:38:23] <Nick> ...Its a good idea...what Selarep is going to do to me? :D Yes yes it is
[19:38:28] * Durroth|microwavehasfriedmywit is now known as Durroth
[19:38:32] <Hiro> <+Hiro> sorry fresh out of respect its somewhere with my pride << gotta find that box somewhere
[19:38:42] <Travis|missing> >.>
[19:38:45] <Damsel> sheesh
[19:38:49] <Selarep> XD
[19:38:54] <Damsel> it's rather obvious isn't it? If you think a little bit
[19:39:00] <Travis|missing> hmph
[19:39:05] <Damsel> [19:19] <Lisa> That which you seek serves the network. Your undoing is complete and my brother will destroy you all. <- I can't think of any more obvious clue
[19:39:08] <Travis|missing> too many Novas on the internet
[19:39:20] <Travis|missing> wait...
[19:39:25] <Travis|missing> Hope serves the Network
[19:39:32] <Travis|missing> her brother?
[19:39:32] <Damsel> That which you SEEK!
[19:39:36] <Nick> ...Travis >.>
[19:39:37] <Travis|missing> Truth
[19:39:37] <Damsel> Truth SEEKERS
[19:39:38] <Vivi|AFKing> Yes, her brother.
[19:39:38] <Travis|missing> dang
[19:39:39] <Damsel> good lord
[19:39:45] <Vivi|AFKing> If you checked her /whois you'd know who it is :P
[19:39:47] <Travis|missing> shouldve seen that
[19:39:49] * BrokenClockwork cracks Travis' shin none-too-lightly with Hadin's cane. "Hyperactive git."
[19:39:50] <Travis|missing> i did
[19:39:54] <Marrin> Damsel, forgive them. For they read forums and have been lost.
[19:39:54] <Vivi|AFKing> kgood.
[19:39:58] <Travis|missing> Lisa Cartwright
[19:40:04] <Vivi|AFKing> Uh-huh.
[19:40:15] <Travis|missing> Lisa is * Lisa Cartwright
[19:40:15] <Travis|missing> Lisa is a registered nick
[19:40:15] <Travis|missing> Lisa on #755-totallyooc
[19:40:15] <Travis|missing> Lisa using None escape the event horizon of the DarkStar
[19:40:15] <Travis|missing> Lisa End of /WHOIS list.
[19:40:28] <Taros> :O
[19:40:30] <Travis|missing> unfortunatly for her
[19:40:33] <Travis|missing> theres her email
[19:40:38] <Marrin> *snickers*
[19:40:39] <Marrin> Travis.
[19:40:44] <Vivi|AFKing> omg spam time
[19:40:45] <Travis|missing> hmm?
[19:40:46] <Vivi|AFKing> Wait...nova?
[19:40:47] <Marrin> Oi! Talo, ccan i borrow the cane?
[19:40:50] <Marrin> please?
[19:40:51] <Vivi|AFKing> I'm near there :o
[19:40:54] * BrokenClockwork hands the cane to Marrin
[19:40:55] <Nick> Travis...go please...just stop talking please
[19:40:57] <Nick> Please
[19:40:58] * Vivi|AFKing goes to bug Lisa in RL
[19:41:00] <Nick> just stop talking
[19:41:03] <Travis|missing> fine...
[19:41:04] <Marrin> Sorry, if it gets broken, ill give you a new one
[19:41:13] <BrokenClockwork> Its Hadin's spare.
[19:41:13] * Travis|missing heads for the forums >:D
[19:41:14] * Marrin cracks the cane across the side of travis' face
[19:41:20] <Hiro> XD
[19:41:22] * Travis|missing rubs his face
[19:41:32] <Marrin> <GENIUS
[19:41:44] <Travis|missing> thanks
[19:41:46] <Damsel> this is interesting though
[19:41:52] <BrokenClockwork> Mmm, yes Court?
[19:41:53] <Hiro> o;
[19:42:07] <Travis|missing> I already checked that out Marrin
[19:42:10] <Damsel> [19:25] <Lisa> The 2nd Avatar that serves us fully. <- if you go by the numbers with elements we deciphered earlier, 2 is in fact darkness/death
[19:42:12] <Travis|missing> its really expensice
[19:42:38] <BrokenClockwork> So Marrin's hunch might be more correct than not, eh?
[19:42:39] <Travis|missing> *expensive
[19:42:41] <Nick> Does it really have to mean 2nd?
[19:42:42] <Marrin> yes. So heres the logic, nova is an organization, and thats merely a title given by spam
[19:42:52] <Marrin> Hence, E.
[19:42:55] * Hiro smacks Travis upside the head with a keyblade ;p
[19:42:56] <Damsel> nope. like much else, there are alternative readings
[19:42:59] <Marrin> Right, damsel?
[19:43:05] <Nick> I mean it could just be the 2nd to serve. not the 2nd avatar that serve, but alright I see...
[19:43:09] <Travis|missing> thanks Hiro
[19:43:10] <Damsel> I'm just providing one interpretation
[19:43:58] <Marrin> its true, as well
[19:44:02] <Marrin> Aye, talo.
[19:44:09] <Marrin> My random outbursts tend to break probability in their correctness
[19:44:27] <Marrin> As opposed to my well thought out thoughts, which are almost never correct Xd
[19:44:34] * Travis|missing is having quite a few dumb moments today
[19:44:40] * BrokenClockwork takes the cane back and taps Marrin none-too-lightly on the forehead. "Ego. Control it, remember?"
[19:44:42] <Hiro> busting mad rhymes at 78% correctness?
[19:45:06] <Marrin> ... my random outbursts are more accurate than my well thought out thoughts is an ego statement?
[19:45:07] <Marrin> XD
[19:45:20] <Hiro> o;
[19:45:29] <BrokenClockwork> Your taking pride. Pride, with you, leads to ego. Anyway, focus?
[19:45:39] <Travis|missing> Pride leads to anger
[19:45:44] <Travis|missing> anger leads to the dark side
[19:45:46] <Marrin> pride leads to ego, ego leads to .. eggo. which are waffles. So.. ego leads to syrupy goodness?
[19:45:48] * Travis|missing flees
[19:45:53] <Travis|missing> XD
[19:46:18] <BrokenClockwork> Focus
[19:46:19] * Lisa ( has joined #755-totallyooc
[19:46:21] <Hiro> :P
[19:46:22] <Marrin> right
[19:46:25] <Marrin> Oh, welcome back lisa.
[19:46:29] <Malcolm> Greetings again, madam Nova
[19:46:42] * Lisa looks older.... by fully 10 years then when she last appeared
[19:46:54] <Marrin> well, thats different.
[19:46:57] <Selarep> Soul rape?
[19:47:08] <Travis|missing> Sel....
[19:47:09] <Selarep> Dammit, Taros.
[19:47:12] <Taros> ?
[19:47:14] <Lisa> I will aid you but you must stop him...
[19:47:20] <Marrin> Sel. Language.
[19:47:20] <Travis|missing> who?
[19:47:21] <Selarep> You don't get it? You should.
[19:47:23] <Hiro> soul rap sel....
[19:47:24] <Lisa> You must hide the deception that I have told
[19:47:25] <Marrin> Stop who, exactly?
[19:47:28] <Marrin> You too, hiro.
[19:47:36] <Lisa> My brother... my husband
[19:47:36] <Selarep> No, no. It's a reference to Elenor. Back to the subject, though.
[19:47:40] <Travis|missing> ...
[19:47:43] <Hiro> i said rap
[19:47:55] <Damsel> Aaah. In that case, we can do what we can to protect you, Lisa.
[19:47:58] <Lisa> He believes our son holds the annunaki
[19:48:09] <Malcolm> you believe otherwise?
[19:48:09] <Lisa> I have hid the truth... our son harbors nothing
[19:48:17] <Lisa> It is the girl
[19:48:20] <Lisa> You must hide the truth
[19:48:28] <BrokenClockwork> Mmmm, now that is a useful bit of knowledge to hide.
[19:48:30] <Lisa> Hide it from him at all costs
[19:48:42] <Damsel> I understand
[19:48:45] <Malcolm> we also must save the girl, she is the key to it all
[19:48:47] <Nick> Alright
[19:48:51] <Marrin> For what purpose, Lisa... why would you go out of your way to help us?
[19:48:52] <Puddles|Shawaa> Aye-aye, Missus Lisa!
[19:48:57] * Lisa ( Quit (Taken )
[19:48:59] * Puddles|Shawaa is now known as Puddles
[19:49:01] * Lisa (Lisa@DC034D6B.AD2FD6A.9B66F4FA.IP) has joined #755-totallyooc
[19:49:14] <Puddles> 'Cause she's obviously a softy at heart.
[19:49:16] * Lisa appears young as before
[19:49:25] <Hiro> obviously
[19:49:29] <Travis|missing> now I'm just confused
[19:49:30] <Malcolm> Greetings once more, madam Nova
[19:49:39] <Lisa> Your doom has been realized
[19:49:47] <Malcolm> oh I'm sure it has
[19:49:49] <Nick> That was quick
[19:49:53] * Lisa (Lisa@DC034D6B.AD2FD6A.9B66F4FA.IP) Quit (Vanished: )
[19:49:54] * Damsel sighs.
[19:49:57] <Travis|missing> ...
[19:49:57] <Marrin> Nick, Malcom, silence.
[19:50:00] <Nick> "You are doomed!"
[19:50:02] <Damsel> How... interesting
[19:50:04] <Marrin> It is clear theres temporal stuff at work.
[19:50:05] <Nick> "You're doom is here!"
[19:50:07] * Travis|missing checks to see if Cartwright uses the Forum
[19:50:09] <Malcolm> Indeed
[19:50:09] <Selarep> XD
[19:50:15] <Hiro> XD
[19:50:16] <Damsel> of course, I would say that is quite sensical in many ways
[19:50:19] <Travis|missing> ok Im safe
[19:50:21] <Hiro> Doom song?
[19:50:22] <Malcolm> Very almost painfully clear
[19:50:25] <Travis|missing> unless...
[19:50:29] <Durroth> screwy temporal distortions?
[19:50:35] <Hiro> mhm
[19:50:48] <Nick> I like how everyone always picks US to come back to for help through time...
[19:50:54] <Nick> Has anyone else seen this?
[19:50:54] * Travis|missing sighs in relief
[19:50:55] <Hiro> or someone needs coffee
[19:51:06] * Cerb|Away is now known as Cerbero
[19:51:07] * Valedia yawns
[19:51:08] <Puddles> Atleast that family stopped talking in riddles.
[19:51:10] <BrokenClockwork> Mmm, seen what, Nick?
[19:51:12] <Travis|missing> hey Cerb
[19:51:18] <Cerbero> hey Trav
[19:51:23] <Malcolm> one Lisa is the current Lisa, the other is one from the future who has seen the light of reason
[19:51:27] <Nick> That we keep getting stuck with crap from people from the past and future
[19:51:29] * Valedia whimpers and nuzzles De-Ro
[19:52:01] * Cerbero pops out of a hole in the fabric of time, rips off LBB and dashes to De-Ro, clinging to his leg
[19:52:05] * Travis|missing paces and ponders
[19:52:05] <Cerbero> Buuuuuuuuuuuddy! :D
[19:52:06] <Hiro> we are magnets for temporal things
[19:52:08] <Damsel> well depends I think on what you call future.
[19:52:13] <BrokenClockwork> Not now, Cerbero.
[19:52:22] <Durroth> lets just call them two different lisas
[19:52:24] <Damsel> you might as well call one 'past' and one 'present' for as arbitrary as it is
[19:52:26] <Travis|missing> Check what just happened Cerb
[19:52:30] <Durroth> it doesnt matter what time they're from
[19:52:30] <Malcolm> we are magnets for just plain strange things
[19:52:31] <Cerbero> where?
[19:52:37] <Hiro> indeed
[19:52:38] <Travis|missing> though which is on our side?
[19:52:39] <Cerbero> Lisa.
[19:52:40] <Cerbero> hm
[19:52:41] <Durroth> lets refer to them as lisa 1 and lisa 2
[19:52:50] <Travis|missing> The first one told us Truth was against us
[19:53:01] <Travis|missing> but the second one... i dunno, seemed innocent
[19:53:06] <Hiro> Silly split personalities
[19:53:07] <Brink> Keyboards_Fried_Dogged_Pead_on_it_Gotta_get_a_new_one_tommorow
[19:53:08] <Brink> bye
[19:53:10] <Travis|missing> and wanted to protect her daughter, thats it
[19:53:19] <Damsel> I don't think split personalities has anything to do with it
[19:53:20] <Cerbero> Ouc, brink.
[19:53:26] * Brink (ashoup1@ohshi.its.a.wolf) Quit (Awoke: )
[19:53:28] <Travis|missing> i doubt it Damsel
[19:53:32] <Cerbero> And Hiro, I somehow doubt its split personalities
[19:53:33] <Damsel> a decade or so can do wonders for one's outlooks
[19:53:39] <Marrin> no, split personalities, definately not.
[19:53:45] <Malcolm> the second was the one who gave us the clue, altough the first one might have helped us too
[19:53:55] <BrokenClockwork> Mmm, indeed.
[19:54:02] <Cerbero> and sorry, Talo.
[19:54:02] <Travis|missing> the first one informed us Death and Truth were against us
[19:54:08] <Cerbero> forgot to apologise.
[19:54:35] <Damsel> I am less certain about the interpretation of death, truth be told
[19:54:40] <Lucas_Michaels> she could be on our side but that evil fourm is an act as not to draw attention from other nova members (well that is a theory)
[19:54:47] <Damsel> 2nd avatar could mean many things
[19:54:51] <Lucas_Michaels> evil side I mean
[19:54:57] <Marrin> ... form. not forum
[19:54:58] <Puddles> I'm not sure about Death either. >>
[19:55:04] * Hiro ( has left #755-totallyooc
[19:55:06] <Genoclysm> It might mean the second host.
[19:55:07] <Lucas_Michaels> yeah, sorry, misspelling
[19:55:29] <Damsel> One such being that if you want to call Lisa's daughter avatar 1... and my suspicions are correct... wouldn't be who it was passed to be avatar 2?
[19:55:42] <Lucas_Michaels> The keys on this keyboard are so small and it is dark as well
[19:55:47] <BrokenClockwork> Death is the easiest to grasp at, apparently. Ease and correctness are often not the same in our lives.
[19:55:47] <Puddles> ... The seeking scared away Hiro.
[19:55:51] <Travis|missing> I believe so Damsel
[19:56:14] <Damsel> let me try out a theory just passingly. Lisa's daughter = Kaliope.
[19:56:20] <Damsel> and I'll let you take it from there.
[19:56:24] <Travis|missing> ...
[19:56:29] <Travis|missing> somehow I doubt it
[19:56:34] <Travis|missing> actually
[19:56:39] <Lucas_Michaels> I heard that was maxwell's daughter from somewhere
[19:56:39] * Genoclysm ( Quit (Connection reset by peer )
[19:56:41] <Puddles> Which Kaliope? >>
[19:56:43] * Genoclysm ( has joined #755-totallyooc
[19:56:44] <Lucas_Michaels> Or maxwell's wife
[19:56:49] <Damsel> Maxwell's wife
[19:56:50] <Lucas_Michaels> Dont remember, really
[19:56:51] * Malcolm (Macer@RP.GM.darkside) Quit (Connection reset by peer )
[19:56:52] * Ojodeldevorador sets mode: +ao Genoclysm Genoclysm
[19:56:53] <Lucas_Michaels> Yeah
[19:56:55] <Damsel> first wife
[19:56:57] * Macer (Macer@RP.GM.darkside) has joined #755-totallyooc
[19:56:58] * Ojodeldevorador sets mode: +v Macer
[19:56:59] * Stromy ( has joined #755-totallyooc
[19:57:11] <Damsel> the one who gave him the seed of truth to pass on to his own kids
[19:57:25] <Damsel> the one who MADE him Truth.
[19:57:30] <Cerbero> Interesting...
[19:57:32] * Macer is now known as Malcolm
[19:57:46] <Puddles> Doesn't he have a daughter named Kaliope too? >>
[19:57:58] <Travis|missing> but Truth is against us
[19:58:16] <Damsel> which means the 2nd avatar would be the same as truth. And thus not death being against us
[19:58:16] <BrokenClockwork> Mmm, I need food...beyond that brilliant piece of food for thought, Court...I'll brb
[19:58:33] <Malcolm> that doesn't lead to say that his Daughter is against us Travis
[19:58:43] <Travis|missing> ...
[19:58:54] <Travis|missing> so Death might still be with us?
[19:58:55] * Genoclysm ( Quit (Connection reset by peer )
[19:58:58] * Genoclysm ( has joined #755-totallyooc
[19:59:06] <Damsel> indeed
[19:59:08] * Ojodeldevorador sets mode: +ao Genoclysm Genoclysm
[19:59:19] <Travis|missing> wheres Lkeas when you need her
[19:59:36] <Puddles> Yeah, I'd assume Death is still with us. If everything was uncreated it'd be doomed. 8U
[19:59:39] <Stromy> At least she's not dead again...
[19:59:45] <Travis|missing> true
[19:59:55] * Travis|missing cant find the encyclopedia of truth...
[19:59:56] <Stromy> Death =/ uncreation...
[19:59:59] <Puddles> And we told Lkeas *we'd* do some work for once, hop to it. >>
[20:00:04] <Travis|missing> its not showing up on google
[20:00:09] <Puddles> That's what I meant, Stromy.
[20:00:11] <Stromy> check the forum
[20:00:16] <Travis|missing> im on the forum
[20:00:21] <Travis|missing> way ahead of you
[20:00:26] <Puddles> Death'd be out of a job if everything was uncreated. :P
[20:00:27] <Durroth> anything on there?
[20:00:29] <Travis|missing> and already found Lisa's email
[20:00:32] * Caine (Disturbed@Typo.Master) Quit (Ping timeout )
[20:00:36] <Marrin> thats.. not.. her.. email...
[20:00:39] <Travis|missing> nothing on the forums so far
[20:00:47] <Travis|missing> is an email site
[20:00:48] <Puddles>
[20:00:48] <Malcolm>
[20:00:50] <Travis|missing> so it might be
[20:00:57] <Travis|missing> thank you puddles
[20:00:59] <Damsel> The only way I can really see that Death (And thus E) would be with the network would be in his goal of eliminating Nightbane, who is now thinking he can destroy The'Galin. But that just doesn't click to me. I don't think Death is an issue here
[20:01:02] <Marrin> bleh, maybe but ive tried it before
[20:01:02] <Genoclysm> Dangit, what is wrong with my connection?
[20:01:05] <Damsel> It is and has always been Truth
[20:01:24] <Puddles> Mhm, Travis.
[20:01:25] <Marrin> That's possible, damsel, but i think its deeper
[20:02:36] <Malcolm> I don't even think that his obsession with destroying Nightbane would be enough to put him on the side of the Network
[20:02:44] <Cerbero> Malcolm
[20:02:48] <Cerbero> you forget The Cold
[20:02:54] <Malcolm> True
[20:02:54] <Travis|missing> good point
[20:03:05] <Cerbero> imagine that obsession amplified by a thrillion
[20:03:09] <Genoclysm> Actually that doesn't make too much sense, considering the last cutscene.
[20:03:09] <Cerbero> *trillion, even
[20:03:27] <Cerbero> Hm...
[20:03:28] <Genoclysm> Didn't they say they wouldn't have to do anything to get them turned against each other?
[20:03:36] <Damsel> if I may?
[20:03:39] <Puddles> Does the Cold work on Annunaki?
[20:03:40] <Genoclysm> Or am I remembering wrongly?
[20:03:50] <Damsel>
[20:03:53] <Travis|missing> it makes sense Truth is against us
[20:04:00] <Damsel> read up. especially entries 326 and 328
[20:04:09] <Damsel> notice Maxwell being with Nova
[20:04:13] * Stromy loves taking a break from the IRC and coming back and not being able to understand anything!
[20:04:15] <Damsel> notice Maxwell mentioning wife and kid
[20:04:23] <Travis|missing> Maxwell is still stuck in NOVA?
[20:04:28] <Damsel> I think it's entirely possible "wife" is daughter of Lisa and Ryuusei
[20:04:44] <Damsel> I think it's quite probable that if so, that's Kaliope
[20:05:13] <Travis|missing> Truth's Avatar is Kaliope...
[20:05:17] <Travis|missing> so then...
[20:05:18] <Damsel> sorry. 329
[20:05:34] * Eitak_Razal ( has joined #755-totallyooc
[20:05:40] * Ojodeldevorador sets mode: +v Eitak_Razal
[20:05:45] <Travis|missing> hey Eitak
[20:05:47] * ZLOK ( Quit (Ping timeout )
[20:06:16] <Malcolm> the only thing is that he says his family is dead in entry 475
[20:06:41] <Travis|missing> yeah
[20:06:47] <Travis|missing> but he might be going insane there
[20:06:59] <Travis|missing> and he made contact with the prophet
[20:06:59] <Damsel> My father is growing very sick, and I feel Robert is still bitter I accepted his request to lead the organization. He refuses to work, and treats Matthew poorly. He was even bold enough to harass my wife. I only hope he learns to move on, and not do anything drastic, I fear for my child and my wife.
[20:07:08] <Damsel> Robert = Cartwright.
[20:07:21] <Travis|missing> ah!
[20:07:31] <Damsel> he's obviously at Nova
[20:07:44] <Damsel> and later he mentions a Lilly Maxwell.
[20:07:49] <Malcolm> aye
[20:07:52] <Malcolm> but the very next entry is
[20:07:52] <Damsel> He had no daughter named Lilly
[20:07:54] <Malcolm> It has been four years since The Prophet made contact, it is time for me to return to my true home. NOVA is nothing now, a corrupt war machine. My family is dead, and a mad man has taken my work and torn it to shreds. I will have my revenge for the crimes he has committed, and what he has done to my dear Lilly.
[20:08:01] <Damsel> and his next two wifes were named Sasha
[20:08:12] <Damsel> the only name we were lacking in Maxwell's history was that of his first wife
[20:08:20] <Damsel> Who we knew only as Kaliope
[20:08:30] <Malcolm> I think it's quite possible she is named Lilly
[20:08:35] <Puddles> Lilly would be a good guess at the rest of the name, then.
[20:08:36] <Damsel> Exactly
[20:08:50] <Damsel> So it seems probable Lilly is Kaliope.
[20:08:52] <Travis|missing> Kaliope was also the Avatar of Earth
[20:08:57] <Damsel> Yes
[20:09:09] <Damsel> And Lisa just told us she made her daughter an avatar instead of her son
[20:09:26] <Travis|missing> yeah
[20:09:29] <Damsel> Do you see where all these pieces just slide together?
[20:09:36] <Lucas_Michaels> Maxwell may seek revenge against Ryuusei if I am reading that right
[20:09:38] <Malcolm> which would lead us to assume that she is the daughter of Cartwright, and again, quite possibly either the holder, or the mother of the holder of the annunaki
[20:09:39] <Travis|missing> and she wants us to protect that secret from Cartwright
[20:10:09] <Cerbero> What worries me is HOW we'll do it.
[20:10:20] <Damsel> Daughter of Cartwright, who passed on the Avatar to Maxwell and their daughter. And from their Maxwell spread it to his two other children
[20:10:27] <Travis|missing> Maxwell says his only child is Anna
[20:10:34] <Cerbero> says
[20:10:41] <Travis|missing> hmm
[20:10:47] <Travis|missing> but its not actually his child
[20:10:52] <Malcolm> he mentioned a son in the History
[20:10:55] <Travis|missing> and what I found probably isnt up to date
[20:11:03] <Damsel> Anna is not his kid
[20:11:07] <Damsel> he had 3 children
[20:11:09] <Cerbero> My son takes after his father, he will be quite the pilot, or perhaps the future king of our nation. It has been far too long since I wrote, but my work with NOVA is very time consuming. If I can change the organization I will do so, starting with Robert. My father is growing very sick, and I feel Robert is still bitter I accepted his request to lead the organization. He refuses to work, and treats Matthew poorly. He was even bold enough
[20:11:15] <Damsel> I'm going to have to go looking though
[20:11:33] <Damsel> yes.
[20:11:37] <Cerbero> Entry 329, Lost Family, the one Dams pointed out, right?
[20:11:40] <Malcolm> Could Lilly be the holder of the annunaki? or would it be her daughter?
[20:11:46] <Damsel> this is where it gets convoluted
[20:11:49] <Travis|missing> <Maxwell> He is the only non human Avatar in the world of Lore
[20:11:51] <Malcolm> Indeed
[20:11:57] <Travis|missing> that means theres other Avatars
[20:12:01] <Damsel> Because we are working with multiple analogs of Maxwell
[20:12:23] <Damsel> One Maxwell is the one who married Lilly, had 3 kids (2 to Sasha) and will be returning with the order
[20:12:25] <Malcolm> which Maxwell analog had a daughter?
[20:12:49] <Damsel> Another Maxwell becomes known as Makkisar and creates 2 children with genetic engineering.
[20:12:53] <Lucas_Michaels> the one in future war iirc
[20:13:12] <Damsel> Sasha and Jacob, if I recall correctly are Makkisar's children
[20:13:20] <Travis|missing> Anna also
[20:13:33] <Damsel> no
[20:13:39] <Travis|missing> really?
[20:13:40] <Travis|missing> hmm
[20:13:43] <Damsel> Anna is Jacob's daughter
[20:13:46] * lili20 ( has joined #755-totallyooc
[20:13:56] <Damsel> Making her Makkisar's granddaughter
[20:13:59] <Travis|missing> <Quin> Could the father be Makkisar? He knew he was an avatar.
[20:14:08] <Travis|missing> <Maxwell> and yes, he is
[20:14:09] <Malcolm> is that the only one? because that might be the key
[20:14:09] <Malcolm> greetings Lili
[20:14:14] <Travis|missing> this just confuses me more
[20:14:25] * Durroth is now known as Ryei
[20:14:25] <Travis|missing> Jacob intrests me
[20:14:32] <Travis|missing> I can't find much on him
[20:15:15] <Malcolm> could Jacob be a Cartwright?
[20:15:41] <Travis|missing> heres the most I can find on Jacob
[20:15:42] <Travis|missing>
[20:16:02] * Cerbero scrolls up, reads and scrolls back down
[20:16:04] * lili20 ( Quit (Vanished: )
[20:16:23] <Cerbero> Walls have thinned, doors have opened... but have they entered?
[20:16:45] <Damsel> Jacob is a creation of Makkisar. He is Anna's father. He is supposed to die saving the baby Daniel's life from the tyota
[20:16:49] <Travis|missing> If truth said it, its false
[20:16:50] <Damsel> or however it's spelled
[20:16:59] <Travis|missing> from the cold more specifically
[20:17:05] <Puddles> Tyoata.
[20:17:08] <Puddles> I think...
[20:17:11] <Puddles> >>
[20:17:14] <Cerbero> Tytoa
[20:17:22] <Travis|missing> [16:10] Maxwell: Anna's father is dead.
[20:17:26] <Damsel> Travis you can not attribute things so easily
[20:17:32] * Taros is now known as Raina_Elwind
[20:17:35] <Damsel> Truth does NOT always lie
[20:17:40] <Travis|missing> true
[20:17:51] <Travis|missing> but he will occasionally
[20:18:02] <Puddles> And
[20:18:03] <Damsel> and here's a thing to remember: Maxwell is often speaking in character
[20:18:10] <Damsel> that means he can only tell you what he believes is true
[20:18:16] <Puddles> "Dead" can mean many things, anyways.
[20:18:23] <Damsel> but not necessarily what a 3rd party observer of things would know
[20:18:26] <Malcolm> Indeed
[20:18:33] <Travis|missing> What ever happened to the Messenger?
[20:18:42] <Damsel> The Messenger is Daniel
[20:18:47] <Malcolm> is it Possible that Jacob survived, and become known as Cartwright?
[20:18:49] <Damsel> we should be meeting him... eventually on Lore
[20:18:50] <Travis|missing> yeah
[20:18:53] <Damsel> in both baby and adult forms
[20:18:56] <Travis|missing> i know Damsel
[20:19:04] <Travis|missing> really?
[20:19:06] <Travis|missing> thats good
[20:19:08] <Damsel> I don't think so Malcolm
[20:19:10] <Cerbero> I dont think we have to wait anymore.
[20:19:11] <Malcolm> if he became known as Cartwright, then maybe we met his Wife
[20:19:22] <Malcolm> as Lisa earlier
[20:19:28] <Cerbero> Waiting has driven us here
[20:19:46] <Cerbero> To this situation
[20:19:52] <Travis|missing> stupid procrastinating truth seekers
[20:19:57] <Puddles> -_-
[20:20:00] * Puddles reaches into his pocket and withdraws the Gun Del Sol. "Ahem..." He hold it up to the sky and it glows with a golden light. "Taiyohhh!" With a deft hand he points it at Travis|missing and pulls the trigger, a massive burst of exorcising energy shooting forth and purifies Travis|missing.
[20:20:08] <Travis|missing> thanks
[20:20:48] <Cerbero> WAITING, is what made us miss the walls thinning, the doors opening. I am by no means saying that I did otherwise. I sat there motionless and speechless.
[20:21:21] <Rimblade> Uh.
[20:21:24] <Malcolm> is there any way to reinforce the walls? and bar the doors?
[20:21:26] <Puddles> I take offense at that. I was busy causing trouble, not being speechless.
[20:21:31] <Rimblade> What are you talking about?
[20:21:32] <Puddles> >>
[20:21:40] <Malcolm> scroll up Rimmeh
[20:21:44] <Travis|missing> Rim missed a lot?
[20:21:48] <Rimblade> No, no.
[20:22:11] <Rimblade> I'm aware of the meaning of my own question
[20:22:26] <Rimblade> I'm adressing Cerbero's comment.
[20:22:27] <Travis|missing> oh good
[20:22:30] * Kiyodai ( has joined #755-totallyooc
[20:22:30] * Ojodeldevorador sets mode: +v Kiyodai
[20:22:34] <Travis|missing> hey Kiyo
[20:22:49] <Kiyodai> Heya.
[20:22:51] <Damsel> I actually have to agree with Rimblde's comment here.
[20:22:52] <Travis|missing> strange
[20:22:56] <Travis|missing> Truth was split
[20:23:05] * Nick is now known as Taylor
[20:23:16] * Selarep is now known as Niase
[20:23:28] <Damsel> yes. many times
[20:24:08] <Malcolm> it's been a long time since Truth was whole I believe
[20:24:28] * Kiyodai is now known as Setsu
[20:24:40] <Travis|missing> into quite a few parts
[20:24:44] <Travis|missing>
[20:25:00] <Travis|missing> thats 4, I believe
[20:25:24] <Puddles> I wouldn't believe anything in Zel's page, he altered half the website to be a parody.
[20:25:40] <Travis|missing> really?
[20:25:45] * Travis|missing leaves his site
[20:26:20] <Puddles> Unless he fixed it after his absence, not sure now. >>
[20:26:48] <Travis|missing> great
[20:27:03] <Malcolm> I think he fixed it, but I can't be sure since I didn't keep track
[20:27:33] <Travis|missing> ill stick to the encyclopedia of Truth for now
[20:27:54] * Clyde ( has joined #755-totallyooc
[20:28:08] * Ojodeldevorador sets mode: +v Clyde
[20:28:11] <Travis|missing> hey Clyde
[20:28:15] <Cerbero> back >_>
[20:28:18] <Cerbero> had to go for a while
[20:28:28] <Clyde> Hey Travis.
[20:28:56] <Cerbero> <&Rimblade> I'm adressing Cerbero's comment. <-- I meant I regret having waited, instead of having seeked.
[20:29:09] <Rimblade> Please elaborate.
[20:30:05] <Travis|missing> [22:56] <Falerin> The index will shine on the heels of creation
[20:30:05] <Travis|missing> [22:56] <Falerin> The walls shall thin and the doors shall open
[20:30:05] <Travis|missing> [22:57] <Falerin> We shall enter.
[20:30:05] <Travis|missing> [22:57] <Falerin> We shall be entered.
[20:30:13] <Travis|missing> i believe hes speaking of the prophecy
[20:30:38] <Rimblade> My plea for elaboration stands.
[20:30:40] * Setsu is now known as Kiyodai|Food
[20:30:45] <Cerbero> let me type >_>
[20:31:01] <Travis|missing> no
[20:31:16] * Lisa ( has joined #755-totallyooc
[20:31:21] <Cerbero> very well. During the 170 days(minimum) I've been following the Saga, I've simply watched as each chapter, to call the successions of facts that way, instead of researching. I've barely done so a few times, when I had enough free time to do so many times.
[20:31:26] <Cerbero> That is what I regret.
[20:31:47] <Lisa> We all have regrets
[20:31:47] <BrokenClockwork> Greetings, Lisa
[20:31:50] <Cerbero> I am by no means refering to everyone else.
[20:31:54] <Rimblade> Alright, so do so now.
[20:32:00] <Malcolm> welcome back Miss Cartwright
[20:32:03] <Cerbero> Ah, greetings, Lisa.
[20:32:04] <Malcolm> Mrs*
[20:32:12] <Lisa> Do not call me by my husbands name
[20:32:13] <Rimblade> Regret has no meaning if you can rectify it without consequence >_>
[20:32:24] <Cerbero> And why is it that you reject that name, Lisa?
[20:32:27] <Damsel> Good evening Lisa
[20:32:29] <Travis|missing> ok Miss Twain
[20:32:34] <Lisa> Better
[20:32:44] * Cerbero laughs rather coldly
[20:32:48] <Clyde> Did you know there's a General in the army named Cartwright. :o
[20:32:58] <Travis|missing> yes we did Clyde
[20:33:14] <Malcolm> Cartwright is a common name in history Clyde
[20:33:18] <Rimblade> Is he, perchance, a Major-General?
[20:33:28] <Lisa> My time is limited
[20:33:32] <Cerbero> How interesting... you reject the name your husband chooses, prefering his original one, when he chooses otherwise.
[20:33:34] * BrokenClockwork glances at Cerbero, none-too-pleased
[20:33:35] <Lisa> Will you protect my daughter
[20:33:50] <Cerbero> And Talo: I didnt laugh at Lisa
[20:34:01] <Lisa> I accept my father's name
[20:34:11] <Cerbero> Ah, I see.
[20:34:14] <Cerbero> Forgive me then.
[20:34:21] <Lisa> I accept my father's name
[20:34:25] <Lisa> Will you protect my daughter
[20:34:26] <Cerbero> Talo: I laughed at being able to rectify my error without consequence. I cannot.
[20:34:31] <Damsel> If it is possible, I would do so. I am well aware of what your husband is capable of and would prefer none be subject to those experiences.
[20:34:44] * Clyde quit Parents want the PC...Later .-.
[20:34:45] <BrokenClockwork> Indeed, I shall do what I can on that count, Lisa
[20:34:48] <Clyde> :o
[20:34:56] * Clyde ( Quit (Distracted: Parents want the PC...Later .-. )
[20:34:57] <Lisa> Then you have my aid.
[20:35:00] <Cerbero> I am willing to, I will do whatever I can. I might not be able to rectify my mistake, but will do what I can
[20:35:10] <Lisa> But time and self are not on my side
[20:35:12] <Lisa> I am not one
[20:35:31] <Damsel> The other who came earlier?
[20:35:33] * Lisa laughs bitterly
[20:35:48] <Lisa> That which I was will be
[20:36:03] <Lisa> What did she say to you
[20:36:18] <Cerbero> She said that our fate is sealed
[20:36:19] <Malcolm> Sometimes I wish people wouldn't speak in riddles, and say 'there's what you must do, good luck
[20:36:25] <Malcolm> '*
[20:36:28] <Travis|missing> I agree
[20:36:29] <Cerbero> she said walls have thinned
[20:36:31] <Damsel> How is that possible? That you are regressing?
[20:36:34] <Cerbero> she said doors have opened
[20:36:45] <Travis|missing> like in the prophecy
[20:36:45] <Lisa> You do not have time to worry about what I was am
[20:36:49] <Rimblade> Yes, well, that's obvious, Cerbero.
[20:36:57] <Lisa> You need to worry about the aid I can offer while I can offer it
[20:37:00] <Cerbero> I'm quoting, Rim >_>
[20:37:12] <Lisa> I would think that by now you would appreciate the fleeting nature of time
[20:37:25] <Damsel> Very well. I will forgo questions at this point. What would you have or say to us?
[20:37:28] <Travis|missing> time always bothered me. not enough of it
[20:37:33] <Rimblade> That was similarly obvious
[20:37:34] <Marrin> Fleeting? Its not fleeting. Its more.. sparatic for us.
[20:37:37] <BrokenClockwork> Never enough when you want it, far less when you need it
[20:37:37] <Lisa> What did she tell you...
[20:37:40] <Lisa> You must tell me all of it
[20:37:46] * Marrin is now known as Marrin|GrindingHomeworkforEXP
[20:38:07] * Marrin|GrindingHomeworkforEXP is now known as Marrin
[20:38:07] <Damsel> She was gloting. She said that what we modeled ourselves on had always been on the network's side. As had the 2nd avatar
[20:38:14] <Damsel> that soon we would have to choose between our mentors
[20:38:28] <Lisa> The second avatar?
[20:38:31] <Lisa> What was her wording
[20:38:34] <Travis|missing> what we had always seeked was with the network
[20:38:37] <Lisa> Her wording is crucial
[20:38:48] * Damsel closes her eyes to recall
[20:39:13] <Travis|missing> The 2nd Avatar that serves us fully.
[20:39:16] <Travis|missing> thats what she said
[20:39:21] <Damsel> yes
[20:39:32] <BrokenClockwork> "That after which you pattern your number.' "The 2nd Avatar serves us fully." Shall I quote more, perhaps/
[20:39:50] <Lisa> Which was it?
[20:39:57] <Damsel> both
[20:40:10] <Lisa> The 2nd Avatar serves us fully or the The 2nd Avatar THAT serves us fully
[20:40:20] <Lisa> DO you not recognize that those sentences are entirely different
[20:40:26] <Cerbero> Allow me to recall...
[20:40:34] <Lisa> Their meaning is completelyu
[20:40:35] <Travis|missing> That serves us fully
[20:40:36] <Damsel> The THAT was present
[20:40:44] <BrokenClockwork> "The 2nd Avatar *that* serves us fully."
[20:40:45] * Lisa ( Quit (Silenced )