Session XLII - Damsel

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[21:16] <Falerin> There is a moment blast of chill wind
[21:16] <Falerin> And then the expanse of all infinity stretches beyond
[21:16] <Falerin> The entire omniverse is here in full
[21:16] <Falerin> All things are seen and flow freely
[21:16] <Falerin> Thoughts Ideas Meaning and Purpose
[21:17] <Falerin> <Dr. Zephyr> Hello Again Lady S."
[21:17] <Falerin> <Dr. Zephyr> Your arrival was anticipated
[21:17] <Falerin> "So then"
[21:17] <Falerin> "What is your wish"
[21:17] <Falerin> "What is your dream"
[21:17] <Falerin> "What is your fantasy"
[21:18] <Falerin> "What will make this fantastique"
[21:18] <Damsel> Zephyr...I wish to know the secret of this booth.
[21:18] <Falerin> "it will definitely end in the Fairgrounds of Fairharbor given where you entered tho"
[21:18] <Falerin> "Like Delphi spits you in Hong KongGardens repeatedly"
[21:18] <Falerin> "Even when there is no fair in session the Booth spits you at those grounds from FairHarbor"
[21:18] <Falerin> "Its a cosmic affinity"
[21:19] * Damsel nods her head.
[21:19] <Falerin> "Thust the fact that we call it the Festival Fantastique there"
[21:19] <Falerin> "Unlike delphi though this does not transit worlds"
[21:19] <Falerin> "Instead it connect them"
[21:19] <Falerin> "The SECRET of the booth is no secret my dear"
[21:19] <Falerin> "It works much as delphi originally did"
[21:19] <Falerin> "It realizes the idealized mind":
[21:20] <Falerin> "It functions in a differing manner.... as both an engine of possibility"
[21:20] <Falerin> "Wherein you see worlds that may be and are and even that are not"
[21:20] <Falerin> "And also as a channel of power"
[21:20] <Falerin> "Both Arcane and Divine"
[21:20] <Falerin> "The Arcane harvests the local quanta"
[21:20] <Falerin> "On Some worlds thats mana"
[21:20] <Falerin> "On others ley lines"
[21:21] <Falerin> "On others just "energy"
[21:21] <Falerin> "On some even electricity directs magic"
[21:21] <Falerin> "The Divine comes from its empowerer"
[21:21] <Falerin> "Who will be my employer"
[21:21] <Falerin> "The'Galin"
[21:21] <Falerin> "And it comes also from the Within"
[21:22] <Falerin> "As the self is best qualified to connect one to ones own deity"
[21:22] <Falerin> "So it draws on both"
[21:22] <Falerin> "In so far as the divine allows one to activate"
[21:22] <Falerin> "The booth itself of course needs a direct source the probablity engine buisness"
[21:22] <Falerin> "And for that it uses your mind...."
[21:22] <Falerin> "And The Cold"
[21:22] <Damsel> Yes, I suppose it would.
[21:24] * Damsel considers and nods. "I believe I understand. It is linked to The'Galin for the divine because in all the multiverse he is unique, is that not correct?"
[21:25] <Falerin> Yes
[21:25] <Falerin> And because it is his design afterall
[21:25] <Falerin> You felt the chill when you entered right
[21:25] <Falerin> The Cold
[21:25] <Falerin> Most percieve it as wind
[21:25] <Falerin> But if you prod it
[21:25] <Falerin> you will definitely recognize it
[21:26] <Falerin> Which incidentally is why ... the operator told you that it
[21:26] <Falerin> Can be terrible
[21:26] <Falerin> It magnifies you
[21:26] * Damsel concentrates for a moment and does just that. Carefully, tentitively, but seeking to validate his point. though there is little doubt in her mind.
[21:27] <Falerin> And you know full well what the cold is like magnfying negative
[21:27] <Falerin> No question
[21:27] <Damsel> But this is another use.
[21:28] <Falerin> It is the same thing
[21:28] * Damsel inclines her head.
[21:29] <Falerin> I mean the sensation
[21:29] <Falerin> An intelect touching the mind
[21:29] <Falerin> A magnification
[21:29] <Falerin> the cold that comes from that magnification
[21:29] <Falerin> It is intimately familiar
[21:29] <Falerin> but you are right it has a differing character
[21:30] <Falerin> Though there is also a sense in which its clear that this differing character could STILL be applied in a sinsister way
[21:30] <Falerin> Magnifying the positive can be sinister still
[21:30] <Falerin> But...
[21:30] <Falerin> it lacks any sense of malice
[21:30] <Damsel> If you would, I would wish to why this was made.Why The'Galin designed such a thing.I...believe I understand, but I would wish to hear it.
[21:30] <Falerin> because of the very fact that unlike when Ryuusei or Diviara used it
[21:31] <Falerin> It is not invasive
[21:31] <Falerin> Ah.. that is not for me to say
[21:31] <Falerin> and.. I am your guide today
[21:31] <Falerin> Besides
[21:31] <Falerin> Would it be fair to give you two questions in one visit
[21:31] <Falerin> XD
[21:31] <Falerin> You might consider that for next time
[21:31] * Damsel smiles softly. "No, I suppose it is not."
[21:32] <Falerin> but then again by next time you might well consider looking into what else the Festival Might display for you
[21:32] <Falerin> For it does have great wonder
[21:32] <Falerin> and great terror
[21:32] <Falerin> And sometimes terror is GOOD incidentally
[21:32] <Falerin> Sometimes people DO request to be horrified by the booth
[21:32] <Falerin> and find the experience to be a blast
[21:32] * Damsel nods her head. "Aye, that does not startle me in the slightest."
[21:32] <Falerin> Because just as seeing what may be for good is exhilarating as it awakesn you to potential
[21:33] <Falerin> See what may be for ill is thrilling because after all
[21:33] <Falerin> its only what may be
[21:33] <Falerin> it still can be averted
[21:33] <Falerin> Its not a "real danger"
[21:33] <Falerin> And then it still is
[21:33] <Falerin> Which is the ultimate nightmare
[21:33] <Damsel> Yes, I understand
[21:33] <Falerin> But like nightmares that raise adrenalin and endorphins
[21:33] <Falerin> there is no immediate threat
[21:34] <Falerin> Still it can actually do damage
[21:34] <Falerin> and very dark damage too
[21:34] <Falerin> The booth does not respond well to actual negativity
[21:34] <Falerin> After all
[21:34] <Falerin> it magnifies them
[21:34] <Falerin> Using the cold
[21:34] <Falerin> XD
[21:34] <Falerin> Well then my lady
[21:34] <Falerin> A huge door appears
[21:34] <Damsel> "Thank you, Zephyr."
[21:34] <Falerin> leading to the #Fairgrounds
[21:35] <Falerin> It smells like funnel cake
[21:35] * Damsel inclines her head respectuflly, then exits via the door.

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