From Caelwiki
Current revision as of 23:59, 2 November 2007
[20:52] <>Ambiance<> The
abode fades for all who have transited and is replaced rather abruptly
in its stead is a vast expanse of open space
[20:52] <Arden> This does not appear to be a reality
[20:52] <Computer> How astute. It is not a reality.
[20:52] <mori> Well, what is it?
[20:53] <Computer> This is a midpoint. I examining the end location for an obscure landing point now
[20:53] * Joins: Xforce (Infinity.D@Caelestia-DA05E77B.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
[20:53] * Parts: Khaldun ( Infinity.D@Caelestia-DA05E77B.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
[20:53] <Rimblade> "A complex transit?"
[20:53] <Computer> Doing so minimizes the chance of unfortunate incidents
[20:53] <Necro> Works for me
[20:53] <Rimblade> "You know, it seems as though this computer gets smarter and smarter."
[20:53] <Computer> I have found something suitable
[20:53] * Xforce drifts purposelessly.
[20:54] <TaloToecan> "Minimizing incidents is always preferable."
[20:54] <Computer> Do you require some form of corporealization?
[20:54] <Computer> Such is within my ability especially mid transit
[20:54] <Arden> What?
[20:54] <Isper> "Indeed, one wouldn't want to end up somewhere unexpected"
[20:55] <Computer> corporealization
[20:55] <Computer> The generation of corpus
[20:55] <TaloToecan> "I am fine with the current state of things."
[20:55] <Computer> A new body
[20:55] * Clyde looks at the Computer with supsicion, "I dont trust this computer."
[20:55] * Rimblade shivers unconciously.
[20:55] <Necro> What is our current status if we're not corporeal?
[20:55] <Legault> The computer's saved us several times before, I trust it.
[20:55] <Computer> Talo has already in other shiftings done so. He has a human form
[20:55] <Computer> This world has a low magical threshold
[20:55] <Computer> In fact it is near magic nil
[20:56] <Rimblade> "No, truely. The computer does almost seem to be ungrading itself. But I've an active imagination."
[20:56] <mori> Would that effect any magic inherent in us?
[20:56] <Necro> It could have an adaptive ability Rim
[20:56] <Computer> No.
[20:56] * Xforce bumps into Clyde, a psychic presence, more than an actualized being.
[20:56] <Xforce> "..."
[20:56] <Isper> Like 20th centruy earth "nil"?
[20:56] * Xforce resumes drifting.
[20:56] * mori sighs, relieved.
[20:56] <Computer> Such shiftings tend to effect only vulgar effect
[20:56] <TaloToecan> "Query: Would paradox ensue if I kept ferretine form?"
[20:56] <Computer> Transparent internalizations would not be damaging
[20:57] <Computer> Unknown. The world may have robotics sufficient to mimic such an effect but I have no sign of such
[20:57] * TaloToecan blinks mentally.
[20:57] <Computer> The world however is sapienoid
[20:58] <TaloToecan> "I shall assume humanoid format upon end of transit, then."
[20:58] <Computer> Talking biological ferrets almost assuredly do not exist
[20:58] <Computer> And you Xforce?
[20:58] <Computer> Do you require an alternative corporealization
[20:58] <Legault> Huh? Xforce is here...?
[20:59] <Computer> Affirmative
[20:59] * Xforce does not respond
[20:59] <Clyde> Yeah, He bumped into me short of.
[20:59] <Xforce> ((Brb... one sec))
[20:59] <Computer> His mental signature has been distinctly noted and is being monitored
[21:00] <Computer> Given the
fact that ghosts, free floating mental apparitions, and other such may
be outside the norm for this world
[21:00] <Computer> and lacking objection
[21:00] <mori> I assume he would like a physical manefestation of is psychic presence...
[21:00] <mori> Go ahead.
[21:00] <Computer> I shall supply a baseline hominid form matching the local flora
[21:00] <Necro> I'm assuming that you have capabilities of Universal Translator and language won't be an issue?
[21:00] <Computer> and fauna
[21:00] <Clyde> "I cant go into Apirition Form?"
[21:00] <Computer> You undoubtedly can
[21:00] <Clyde> Appariton*
[21:00] <Computer> But you risk paradox from such transition
[21:01] <Computer> If the world does not accept the existance of such phenomenalizations
[21:01] <Computer> The structural limitations of this consentual realtiy are unknown
[21:01] * Clyde chuckles, "It's almost like we're going to Earth."
[21:01] <Computer> This world is as of this point totally outside of my index
[21:01] <Rimblade> "Ah-ha. No supernatural stuff, then. Strictly fluids."
[21:01] * mori raises an eyebrow
[21:01] <mori> Undead? Do they count as supernatural?
[21:01] <Necro> Why is it outside of your index?
[21:02] <Computer> We have no record of any previous contact with this reality at any point in time before now
[21:02] <Xforce> ((Back >.>))
[21:02] <Rimblade> "I'd imagine that would depend on the way they were reanimated, mori."
[21:02] <mori> Arg...I'd rather not take any chances. A living body would be appreciated, Computer.
[21:03] <Computer> My index is
based upon caelestian, interterran (meaning a large number of terran
alternates), lorian and the relative indexes of the worlds of seeker
[21:03] * Joins: darkchris76 (darkchris7@Caelestia-2D6A4C28.tampfl.fios.verizon.net)
[21:03] <Computer> This world has never been encoutnetered previously by any of these worlds
[21:03] <Rimblade> "Fascenating! Then I wonder what objective a power there might have?"
[21:03] <Necro> Well then, let's go make first contact
[21:04] <Computer> We are fully
on the opposite end of the reality tree..... we have traversed 10
multiverses and 12 major branches
[21:04] <Rimblade> "It verges on the.... Sinister "
[21:04] <Computer> Nonsense
[21:04] <Selarep> Nice...
[21:04] <Computer> Our reality is the left hand side in most diagrams
[21:05] <Computer> Therefore we are the sinister
[21:05] <Alex> 10 multiverses. Great.
[21:05] <Legault> Sounds like us...
[21:05] <Computer> Completing transit now standby
[21:05] * TaloToecan shrugs and begins to shift in accordance with the completion of the transit.
[21:05] * Clyde felt he had to say it, "Computer, has The'Galin visited this planet yet?"
[21:05] <Computer> Unknown
[21:05] <Computer> Transit Engaged
[21:06] * Isper braces for the unpleasent feeling of interdimentional arrival
[21:06] <>Ambiance<> The darkness brightens all at once to a evening twilight.
[21:06] * Legault brances for the nice, unpleasent feeling he'll no-doubt feel.
[21:06] * mori blinks
[21:06] <mori> Nice. I like this time.
[21:06] <>Ambiance<> The
sound of chirping insects can be heard as can the sound of some sort of
mass movement and machiner
[21:06] <Rimblade> "Computer, just how much contact with
antithetical force(s) has this universe engaged in? To ask a silly
question, you know."
[21:06] <Computer> t
[21:07] <>Ambiance<> You stand well off of some sort of major thorofare
[21:07] <Alex> Where are we?
[21:07] <Selarep> Hmm...I like this twilight.
[21:08] <Computer> Tracing Parallels
[21:08] * Rimblade looks about, then realizes he'd forgotten what he'd just looked at, and gazes again.
[21:08] <Computer> This may take some time
[21:08] * mori sits down on ground
[21:08] <Legault> Alright.
[21:08] * TaloToecan looks around in curiosity.
[21:08] <Alex> i may have been here before.
[21:08] * Necro observes what's going on, making mental notes to cross-referance later when they return
[21:08] <Rimblade> "Why's the light all different?"
[21:08] <Computer> The sun is setting
[21:09] * Xforce bumps into Selarep. He seems to be seeking something.
[21:09] <Selarep> It's called twilight, although somewhat different from mine.
[21:09] * Selarep looks down at Xforce.
[21:09] <Selarep> Err...what are you doing?
[21:09] * Alex looks all over the place.
[21:09] * Clyde looks at XForce, "Your body is here isn't it?"
[21:09] * Xforce is a psychic presence, and communicates telepthatically.
[21:09] <Computer> I have
succesfully identified this world. It exists in the Andromeda Galaxy in
an alterate arm where life did not proceed on Terra in the milky way
galaxy but here instead.
[21:10] <Xforce> *Cold... so cold...*
[21:10] <Selarep> Cold?
[21:10] <Computer> This world is Terra. Or roughly so
[21:10] * mori observes the twilit sky
[21:10] <Xforce> *Cold...*
[21:10] <Necro> Interesting
[21:10] <mori> Sorta.
[21:10] <Computer> It is an analogus planet. 3rd in it's system
[21:10] <Rimblade> "Oh ho!"
[21:10] <Xforce> *Whe... where is my soul?*
[21:10] <Necro> Compared with the "average" Terra, is it much different besides location?
[21:10] <Xforce> *I sense its presence of it on your person...*
[21:11] <Computer> But it is not
a true analog as it is not of the same size the continental arrangement
is quite different
[21:11] <Alex> i've been here before so has Lyoko.
[21:11] <Computer> It's organizational structure is enitely altered.
[21:11] <Legault> Or you were on some other Terra...
[21:11] <Necro> Is it in a Pangean state?
[21:11] <Computer> Negative
[21:11] <TaloToecan> "And what of the technological levels?"
[21:11] <Isper> What about species? Have humans or something similar developed here?
[21:12] <Computer> I detect artifical satellites
[21:12] <mori> GPS?
[21:12] <Clyde> Where do they originate?
[21:12] <Computer> Massive Electro-Radio energy
[21:12] <Rimblade> "Terrific!"
[21:12] <mori> I see...
[21:12] <Necro> Interesting...
[21:12] <Computer> Substantial Carbon Emissions
[21:12] <mori> Ick.
[21:12] <mori> Sounds like America...
[21:12] <Computer> And evidence of slight geothermal warming
[21:13] <Computer> Toxic Carbon Emissions however are minimal
[21:13] <Necro> So we can roughly assume that their technology levels are similar to Terra's?
[21:13] <Computer> Carbon Dioxide being the primary offender
[21:13] * Rimblade twirls his cane, and promptly drops it on his own foot. His eyes get big.
[21:13] <Computer> The average humidity of this world is more then thrice that of terra
[21:13] <Computer> suggesting considerable Hydrogen Monoxide emission
[21:14] * Selarep begins to glow in the twilight.
[21:14] * Joins: Eitak_Razal (timesage@Caelestia-F7925781.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net)
[21:14] <Isper> Due to climate warming or natural climate?
[21:14] <Necro> Are there other Sentients besides Homo Sapiens?
[21:14] <Computer> There are no homo sapiens on this planet
[21:14] <Computer> there are sapeienoid hominids
[21:14] <Computer> but they do not qualify as terran humans
[21:14] <Computer> Their genetics are entirely different
[21:14] <mori> Do they have a special name?
[21:14] <Necro> Can you elaborate on that?
[21:15] <Rimblade> "It would hardly be in the database..."
[21:15] <Computer> Not without a biologic sample
[21:15] <mori> It doesn't help to ask...
[21:15] <mori> Dang.
[21:15] <Necro> Where is the nearest Sentient?
[21:16] <Computer> 230 meters due east
[21:16] * mori looks to the others. "Anyone got a plan?"
[21:16] <Necro> Curious, are the Hydrogen Monoxide levels harmful to us here?
[21:17] <Alex> i can fly.
[21:17] <Arden> Hydrogen Monoxide is water
[21:17] * Xforce drifts away and resumes drifting purposelessly.
[21:17] <Xforce> *Where...?*
[21:17] <Rimblade> "Heavy indeed."
[21:17] <Kazuma> that's didydrogen monoxide
[21:17] * Clyde pulls out a jar and puts XForce in it, "You're coming with me."
[21:17] * Eitak_Razal suddenly appears.
[21:17] <Eitak_Razal> Wha?
[21:17] * Kazuma was always a cautious quiet
[21:18] <Rimblade> "What's didydrogen monoxide?"
[21:18] <Necro> I need to brush up on my chemistry, my bad...
[21:18] <Arden> Water
[21:18] <Kazuma> Water
[21:18] <Eitak_Razal> Water
[21:18] <Eitak_Razal> H2O
[21:18] * Joins: Fulcan-[Company] (Fulcan@Remember.fromwhenceyou.com)
[21:18] * Legault decides not to say water, as three people already said it.
[21:18] * Fulcan-[Company] is now known as Fulcan
[21:18] <Arden> It is abnormal to designate the primary molecule as di in a triatomic
[21:19] <Eitak_Razal> And who actully calls water by a sciantific name
[21:19] <Eitak_Razal> Even in sciance class we didn't call it that...
[21:19] * Xforce drifts alongside Clyde
[21:19] <Rimblade> "Those who desire accuracy, I suppose."
[21:19] <Arden> The following
names all mean water, Hydrogen Monoxide, Dihydrogen monoxide, Hydrate,
Dihydrogen Oxide, Hydric Acid
[21:20] <Rimblade> "I wonder if it's possible to determine gravity here. If only there was a way to tell."
[21:20] <Arden> and about 1000 others
[21:20] * Fulcan stands off to the side, observing.
[21:20] <Eitak_Razal> Jump Rim
[21:20] <Rimblade> "Jump?"
[21:20] * Eitak_Razal jumps into the air to test the Gravity
[21:20] <Fulcan> "Rim?"
[21:20] * mori chuckles
[21:21] * TaloToecan continues to Observe the surroundings, listening for the sounds of the local fauna.
[21:21] <Isper> "Rather than go on about chemistry. Why dont we go find one of this planet's sentient inhabitants"
[21:21] <Isper> "or at least see what that machine noise was"
[21:21] <Necro> Works for me
[21:21] * Fulcan turns his attention to Eitak, "What do you mean, Rim?"
[21:21] <mori> What'll we do once we find them?
[21:22] * Alex use his angel wings to fly.
[21:22] * Eitak_Razal Looks at Fulcan and points to Rim "Thats Rimblade..."
[21:22] * Fulcan tilts his head, looking at Rimblade.
[21:22] <Legault> Alex, getting attention drawn to us might not be wise...
[21:22] <Eitak_Razal> So get down here!
[21:22] * Alex gets on the ground.
[21:22] <Fulcan> "Rimblade?"
[21:23] <Rimblade> "Yees?"
[21:23] * Alex turns into a puddle.
[21:23] <mori> Please don't do that...
[21:23] <Fulcan> "Nice hat..."
[21:23] <Alex> hows this work?
[21:23] * Eitak_Razal is tempted to splash in Alex
[21:23] <Rimblade> "No it's not. I have no idea where it came from."
[21:24] <Fulcan> "Right..."
[21:24] <mori> I'm about to stand up and walk 230 meters due east on my own...
[21:24] * Isper starts to head east "any one else coming?"
[21:25] <Rimblade> "Ohh, I'll go with you! I want to ask about average density!"
[21:25] * mori stands and motions to the others.
[21:25] * Necro follows the others moving east. "No point in staying here"
[21:25] <Eitak_Razal> I'll go.
[21:25] * Quits: darkchris76 (darkchris7@Caelestia-2D6A4C28.tampfl.fios.verizon.net ) (Vanished: CaelIRC Webchat )
[21:26] * Alex folows in puddle form.
[21:26] * Rimblade begins hopping to the west.
[21:26] * Fulcan accidentally steps in Alex. "Ew. I have Alex on my boot."
[21:26] * Selarep follows.
[21:26] * Fulcan follows after that.
[21:26] * TaloToecan gently attempts to coax Rimblade to turn around and follow the others.
[21:26] * Clyde follows.
[21:27] * mori ((LEADS! XD))
[21:27] * Rimblade realises his error, and follows Talo.
[21:27] <Clyde> ((actually Arden does))
[21:27] * Legault shrugs and follows after the others.
[21:27] <mori> ((:P))
[21:27] <>Ambiance<> You come to a large higway
[21:27] <Eitak_Razal> A moving puddle on a dry day is going to be more susspios.
[21:28] <Eitak_Razal> You apperntly haven't watched the first season of Naruto.
[21:28] * Alex turns into Fulcan.
[21:28] <Eitak_Razal> Eeep!
[21:28] <Eitak_Razal> Two fulcans!
[21:29] * Fulcan finds no need to respond, so he continues.
[21:29] * Alex turns into a ladybug.
[21:29] <Kazuma> can't you assume somebody that isn't here? like Romulus?
[21:29] <Eitak_Razal> Or take your own form?
[21:30] <Legault> No, he needs to show off.
[21:30] * Eitak_Razal laughs
[21:30] * mori observes the highway
[21:30] <mori> Where's the sentient?
[21:30] <Rimblade> "So. A highway. Will that make my feet hurt less?"
[21:30] * Fulcan looks off into the distance of the highway.
[21:30] <Eitak_Razal> I don't konw
[21:30] * TaloToecan shrugs softly. "The steps I take to avoid paradox, and look what happens..."
[21:31] <Eitak_Razal> I need to learn to float on a clouds for transportation.
[21:31] * Isper looks at the vehicles (if any) on the highway to see how close technology has developed compared to Terra.
[21:31] * Eitak_Razal also is compare any vehicles to Terran ones
[21:31] * Necro examines the roadway, looking for tire marks
[21:31] * Alex turns normel when no vehicles are around.
[21:31] <Rimblade> "Don't be silly, Razal. You've just got to do a dynamic spot-alter on surface tensions."
[21:32] <Eitak_Razal> Rim, I don't even Understand what you just
said and even if I did, I Somehow doubt it would help me.
[21:32] * mori shakes his head wearily. "Ugh...magics..."
[21:33] * Xforce pushes against Clyde's contain and attempts to move toward TaloToecan
[21:33] <Computer> Warning
[21:33] <Computer> I am detecting a massive buildup of paradox