From Caelwiki
Current revision as of 23:57, 2 November 2007
[11:44] * Arden has joined #darkabode
[11:44] <Legault> Hiyas Falerin/
[11:44] <Arden> There is no god but Eldron
[11:44] <Cold_Heat> ((arden is falerin))
[11:45] <Cold_Heat> ((?))
[11:45] <Dyn> "Oh yes, quite right."
[11:45] * Arden looks about the room and shivers
[11:45] <Legault> ((Opps... I meant that in OOC. >.>))
[11:45] * Arden falls over and convulses
[11:45] * Legault forgot he isn't really there. Must be an afterimage.
[11:45] * Arden stands again his eyes glowing his voice distant
[11:45] <Arden> Do you seek the truth?
[11:46] <Rimblade> "Er. With luck."
[11:46] <Arden> My ward and my studies require all of my time herein lies the cost and burden of the journey to seek
[11:46] <Arden> Knowledge is not gained freely
[11:46] <Legault> ((There's a SpamBot in Boogs, someone should put the mute on. ._.))
[11:46] <Dyn> "Hah. You're telling me."
[11:47] <Cold_Heat> ((im boogs what that boogs tavern?)
<Arden> The journal was not complete. I have tracked
incontrovertible evidence of an additional entry but I cannot go and
retrieve it...
[11:47] <Arden> If you want to read its words
[11:47] <Arden> Then that task falls to you lot
[11:47] <Arden> Know only this
[11:47] <Arden> The entry was written after his death
[11:48] <Arden> I have sent the starting coordinates to CaelOS
[11:48] * Arden collapses
[11:48] <Rimblade> "Ohh. Posthumous liturature."
[11:48] <Arden> "I must have fallen asleep"
[11:48] * Arden stands and exits via the Terrace Gate
[11:48] * Dyn flips his coin, and turns to Rimblade.
[11:49] <Dyn> "Is it perfectly normal for individuals to do that?"
[11:49] <Cold_Heat> I dont think so
[11:49] <Rimblade> "No. I'd guess it's Falerin"
[11:49] <Dyn> "Ah... I thought there was no god but Eldron, then?"
[11:49] * TaloToecan stirs and glances at Dyn. "For this individual...more normal than otherwise."
[11:50] <Rimblade> "In any case, that certainly sounds like a useful entry, eh?"
[11:50] <Cold_Heat> ((its raining =) ))
<TaloToecan> "Laptop, login Talo-Toecan, telepathic signature
check authorized. Query database for known information regarding the
recently uploaded coordinates, please."
[11:51] * Legault is now known as Legault|Away
[11:52] * Cold_Heat makes a sandwitch
[11:52] * Dyn flips the coin, catches it, and lets the sand in his hand leak away.
[11:53] <Computer> The World of Lore, The Continent of Tjeli, The Ice Wastes, 23,211 ft below the ice mantle
[11:54] <Rimblade> "That's a new one in my book."
[11:54] <TaloToecan> "Is the environment of the area habitable by humanoids?"
[11:54] <Computer> Unknown
<Computer> The direct coordinates are inaccessible to my scans. I
cannot directly follow the mantle and can only teleport to near
fissures in the surface
[11:55] <Dale> (( Tjeli. That's where Saelidri or something, the person that wasn't supposed to die, ruled. ))
<TaloToecan> "What is the relative distance between the target
location and the nearest fissure with appropriate connecting cave
[11:56] <Computer> There is a note attached to these files from someone signing only as F.A. Loremaster
[11:56] <Computer> Display?
[11:56] <TaloToecan> "Please do."
[11:56] <Dale> (( XD ))
[11:57] <Rimblade> "It's probably a postcard."
[11:57] <TaloToecan> "Via holographic image so all present might read, if possible."
[11:57] <Cold_Heat> hehe
[11:57] <Rimblade> "Wishing you were here on the 'Isle de Oriens'"
[11:57] * TaloToecan smirks for a brief moment at Rimblade's running commentary.
<Computer> If you do achieve the Journal entry I shall leave it
to you to add it to the rest of the Journal with any additional notes
that seem appropriate. You shall take over the editorial duties. Find
one among you who has the needed power to make the entry.... I am sure
someone does
[11:57] <Arden> ((Approved Author))
[11:58] <Dale> (( *cough* Zeltan, Damsel, Lkeas *cough* ))
[11:58] <TaloToecan> "One might wonder if that is indeed the last entry that Falerin suspects exists..."
[11:58] <RoninOfDreams> ((Myself too))
[11:58] <Dale> (( Right. :P ))
[11:58] <Dyn> ((Just about everyone >.>))
[11:59] <Dyn> "Well, Milord Talo, I'd trust your intuition about that, I'm sure."
<TaloToecan> "Laptop, query: Are there any other known notes or
datum about the area of Tjeri near the target location or the
best-possible access point for transit?"
[12:00] <Dale> (( Tjeli* ))
[12:00] <RoninOfDreams> (( Indeed, *Tjeli ))
[12:00] <Rimblade> ((Pining for the fiords.))
<Computer> I have records from previous scotting expeditions by
arcaheologists the order of lorithia and the temple at Deren
[12:02] <Computer> There is some evidence of a City long buried under the tundra as 35,24,23,100
[12:03] <Computer> Correction
[12:03] <TaloToecan> "Is there record of the name of the suspected City?"
[12:03] <Dyn> "Ahhhh. A lost city."
[12:03] <Computer> 35,24, 23100
[12:03] <Rimblade> "Everyone always seems to misplace their cities."
<Computer> No record. The only records of Tjeli having a populace
are in the Journal of The'Galin and it refers to Tjeli as a City on
Inilar not an icy continent
[12:04] <Rimblade>
"Volcanos, landslides, floods, meteors, beholders.... the smallest
thing and BAM! No more civilization."
[12:05] * TaloToecan ponders
for a few moments, fighting short laughter at Rimblade's continued
amusing commentary. "Laptop, do the coordinated provided include any
temporal shift, or just a translocation shift?"
[12:05] <Computer> No temporal variance is noted
[12:06] * Dale groans, and stirs on the ground.
[12:06] <Dyn> "Fancy that. A simple definition decision trip, eh?"
[12:07] <Computer> Given frequent ice storms and snow sqalls the transit window to any part of Tjeli is limited
[12:07] <Computer> If you do not wish to employ temporal shift
[12:08] <Rimblade> "Nah. I bet there would be secret traps."
<TaloToecan> "Laptop, two requests. Firstly, could you forward
the records from both scouting expeditions directly to my own Memory.
Secondly, extrapolating on known variables, do you recommend a large or
small party to venture forth to retrieve the article?"
[12:09] <TaloToecan> "Also, display assumed transit windows within the next twenty-four hours."
<Rimblade> "Ferret, ask the computer if the page is likely to be
on a pedistal before a huge Olmec-style head, and removing it will send
a giant rock rolling at the party."
[12:09] * Legault|Away disappears beneath his cloak, leaving it behind on the ground, only for it to fade away a second later.
[12:09] <Legault|Away> ((o_0))
[12:09] <Legault|Away> ((Okay, my scripts are being asses today.))
"And...er...please answer Rimblade's recent information query as well,
I suppose."
[12:10] <Legault|Away> ((Rimmeh, he doesn't look like a ferret. >.>;))
[12:10] <Deadarm> Yes, because everything is indiana jones
[12:10] * Deadarm is now known as Durroth
[12:11] <Rimblade> "And there'd need to be whips. Otherwise how would anyone bypass the pittraps full of sharp sticks?"
[12:11] <Dale> (( Indiana Jones references FTW ))
[12:11] <Computer> Assumed Transit Windows: One is open now it closes at 13:30:00 another does not open for some time
[12:12] <Computer> Given expected meterological forecast
[12:12] * Dale gets up, and clutches at his head. "Ugh.. What's going on? What happened?"
[12:12] * Dyn flips a silvery coin to Dale.
[12:12] <Computer> No information is recorded about said page only its location
[12:12] * Dale catches the coin?
[12:12] <Rimblade> "Mmmm. Poisoned darts too, then."
[12:13] <Dyn> "You, goodsir Dale, were in quite an odd bind, eh wot?"
[12:14] <Dale> Oh.. right.
[12:14] <TaloToecan> "And transit out of the location?"
<Dyn> "If you require to become unconscious again, simply speak
up. I'm sure it could be accomplished with minimal fuss."
[12:15] <Computer> Unknown
[12:15] <Durroth> theres probably snakes involved too rimblade
<Computer> Egress transit is assumed to match entry window.
However shelter beneath the surface and presence within lore may allow
alternative avenues not currently apparent to me
[12:16] <Computer> I have successfully estimated the next entry windo
[12:16] <Computer> Display
[12:16] <Computer> ?
[12:16] * Durroth has left #darkabode
[12:17] * Durroth has joined #darkabode
[12:17] * Abode sets mode: +v Durroth
[12:17] <Durroth> ((Shift Click will be my death))
[12:18] <TaloToecan> "Please do."
[12:18] <Fulcan> ( Good afternoon, Falerin. )
[12:18] <Computer> Terran Time: 23, January 3421 C.E. 10:40:21 PM
[12:19] <Dyn> "Ah."
[12:19] <Dyn> "I would strongly suggest not attempting to wait until then."
for a jaunt, Rimblade? I think we might be best capable..."
[12:19] * Xforce has joined #darkabode
[12:19] <Rimblade> "Oh yes. If this involves The'Galin, there may be a chance for final retrieval."
<TaloToecan> "Laptop, evaluate Pyrokinetic capabilities of myself
in the given location, factoring in estimated conditions at arrival
[12:20] * Dale raises a brow. "I'll go too."
[12:20] <Computer> Unless some exterior factor interferes no reason for reduction in capacity is detected
[12:21] * Cold_Heat has quit IRC (Ping timeout�)
<TaloToecan> "It will be horridly cold, Dale. Both Rimblade and
myself, by our natures, have resistances...and I do not wish to task
everything to Pyrokinetics. But if you insist...I will not argue."
<TaloToecan> "Laptop, prepare program for transit. Is there
anyone beyond Dale, Rimblade, and myself who wishes to travel?"
[12:22] <Dyn> "It may be best if I accompany you."
[12:22] <Fulcan> "Why the hell not? I'll go."
[12:22] <Xforce> "Where are planning to go?"
[12:22] * TaloToecan nods to Dyn...and begrudingly nods to Fulcan.
[12:24] <Fulcan> "Don't worry, Useless. I'll try to behave."
[12:24] <Eitak_Razal> I'll go...
<TaloToecan> "Laptop, prepare the transit for 5 individuals by
the identities of Rimblade, Talo-Toecan, Dale, Fulcan, and Dyn. As well
as, obviously, yourself so that we have means of egress. I will carry
you, unless you have preference."
[12:24] <Eitak_Razal> Hey!
[12:24] <Xforce> "Very well."
[12:24] <Durroth> Have fun, and dont get yourselves killed
[12:25] * TaloToecan glances at Eitak and the lack of alacrity in response. "Add to the transit queue Eitak_Razal."
[12:25] <Xforce> "If I am to be excluded by proxy, I shall not complain."
[12:25] * Cold_Heat has joined #darkabode
[12:25] * LordBarrius has joined #darkabode
[12:25] * Abode sets mode: +ao LordBarrius LordBarrius
[12:25] <Eitak_Razal> You'll need someone who can translate languages and knows about terran culture...
[12:25] <RoninOfDreams> ((Its on LORE))
[12:26] <Eitak_Razal> ((oh))
[12:26] <Fulcan> ( XD )
[12:26] <Eitak_Razal> ((well disregard the last part then))
[12:26] * TaloToecan retrieves the laptop and braces himself. "Engage transit program when ready, Laptop."
[12:27] <Eitak_Razal> Fulcan, can you hide your wings while there, we don't need you mistaken for a Brilhado.
[12:27] * Xforce has quit IRC (Distracted: BRBFBI�)
[12:27] <Fulcan> "I will not."
[12:27] <Fulcan> "I look nothing like a brilhado, save for the body type."
[12:27] <TaloToecan> "It is unlikely that there will be individuals there at all, given the area is a frozen wasteland."
[12:28] <Fulcan> "And what Useless said."
[12:29] * Eitak_Razal grabs a book off the shelf and places it in her bag. She then redies herself for transit.
[12:29] <Dyn> "Two minutes."
[12:30] <Cold_Heat> whats a transit
[12:30] <>Ambiance<> The abode fades
[12:30] <>Ambiance<> it is replaced by a wasteland of ICE[12:31] <Arden> ((To be resumed in the Epic.. This evening only on Caelestia.net))