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Current revision as of 23:09, 2 November 2007

[18:12] >Ambiance<: Reality flips and others appear even as Gil begins screaming in pain
[18:12] * Dale cries out. "No... Gil!"
[18:12] Rimblade: So.  What do we do?
[18:12] * Nick clenches his teeth.
[18:12] Deathbringer: Ouch.
[18:12] * Damsel stumbles slightly, adjusting to the feeling of the changing reality, trying to evaluate the situation quickly.
[18:12] Nick: We act, thats what we do...
[18:12] * Diviara looks at the corpse of Talo
[18:12] Kazuma: meh
[18:13] Kazuma: neh
[18:13] Diviara: Dead
[18:13] Diviara: Dead
[18:13] Diviara: Dead

[18:13] Dale: Bastard...
[18:13] * Lkeas whirls around in a confused panic. "Where? Gil! Talo!"
[18:13] * Elaith 's frown deepens and he still keeps his distance.
[18:13] Diviara: The Wicked old Ferret is Dead
[18:13] Kazuma: Don't you *dare* say that
[18:13] Diviara: I wonder if I could raise him as Undead
[18:13] Elaith: Beware, Lkeas. The Cold.
[18:13] Diviara: I am a necro after all
[18:13] Diviara: Would he like that

[18:13] Kazuma: but was he ever alive?
[18:13] Diviara: Dead
[18:13] Diviara: Dead
[18:13] Diviara: Dead

[18:13] Rimblade: Humph.
[18:13] * Kira re-orientates himself to the new reality, quickly bringing his focus on the screaming gil.
[18:13] Diviara: Was he?
[18:13] * Dale tries to get to his feet. "Burn in hell.. YOU BASTARD!"
[18:13] Diviara: Was he?
[18:13] Diviara: You ask that do you Kazuma

[18:13] Rimblade: Of course he was.
[18:13] Diviara: You question his life?
[18:13] Diviara: How....
[18:13] Diviara: Pathetic

[18:13] Deathbringer: Necromancy... a direct insult to life...
[18:14] Rimblade: If I'm alive, he was alive.
[18:14] Kira: Of course he was alive
[18:14] * Damsel scowls, moving to stand protectively over the fallen form.
[18:14] *** Kilraivec has joined #epic.
[18:14] Rimblade: Well then.  I'll just head in there.
[18:14] Kazuma: I ask because I myself am not sure
[18:14] * Rimblade drags his hilt across the floor towards Gil's bedroom.
[18:14] * iago moves toward Damsel
[18:14] *** Useless has signed off IRC ([] Local kill by Kilraivec (Clone)).
[18:14] *** Kilraivec is now known as Useless.
[18:14] *** Mode change "+v Useless" for channel #epic by Useless.
[18:15] * Diviara blinks
[18:15] Diviara: Ah
[18:15] Diviara: I understand lord
[18:15] Diviara: I understand lord
[18:15] Diviara: Your will lord
[18:15] * Diviara turns and leaves the house

[18:15] * Lkeas shakes her head. "Diviara, what's gotten into you?"
[18:15] Fiona: Huh...?
[18:15] Diviara: "I am a COMMUNICANT"
[18:15] Diviara: "That is what has GOTTEN into me"

[18:15] Rimblade: Well?  Are we going to stand here?  Or do we go in?
[18:16] Lkeas: That doesn't excuse your manic behavior...
[18:16] * Diviara exits the house
[18:16] * Nick follows Rimblade
[18:16] Damsel: "We should stop this.  Immediately."
[18:16] Kira: We have to save Gil
[18:16] Rimblade: We should.  But SHOULD we?
[18:16] * Lkeas turns to Damsel. "What do we do?"
[18:16] Rimblade: I say yes.
[18:16] Rimblade: We go in.
[18:16] Nick: As do I...
[18:16] Kazuma: Save Gil
[18:16] iago: Do it... save him...
[18:16] Rimblade: Then stop talking!
[18:16] Kazuma: 4 ays
[18:16] Deathbringer: Save him.
[18:16] Kazuma: 5
[18:16] Elaith: I will stay out here.
[18:17] * Damsel smiles grimly and moves towards the sounds of the screaming.
[18:17] Fiona: ... Yeah, he helped us, we have to repay him... But I can't really help...
[18:17] * Kira rushes to the door and attempts for open it
[18:17] Rimblade: We should not do it, but I fear that it's only right.
[18:17] Kazuma: Yes you can Fiona
[18:17] * Dale staggers to his feet, still weak from the effects of The Cold. "Ah.. much better."
[18:17] * Rimblade drags himself into the room.
[18:17] * Nick walks into the room
[18:17] Kazuma: oh lord, I'm doomed
[18:17] * Dale staggers into the room.
[18:18] * Damsel scans about for Ryuusei.
[18:18] * Deathbringer walks into the room, eyes ablaze.
[18:18] * Lkeas follows after the seekers.
[18:18] Rimblade: Uncreation may have begun already.

  • Useless is yet again a writhing mess on the landing outside the flat,

where he first got caught with the Cold again anyway.
[18:18] * iago removes his hood and followa into the room
[18:19] * Kazuma sighs, "I'mm gonna be a target, aren't I
[18:19] Kazuma: "
[18:19] Deathbringer: Only as big as one as I Kaz.
[18:21] * Kira attempts to locate Gil and his tormentor
[18:21] Damsel: "Twain!  Where are you?!"
[18:21] Rimblade: Remember- do not strike Ryuusei.
[18:21] * Ryuusei holds Gil in his hands
[18:21] * Nick 's eyes widen.
[18:21] >Ambiance<: Gils flesh is turning visibly necrotic

  • Useless has a veritable carona of sparks about him from the mental

strain triggering his pyrokinesis, and more over, is frothing at the mouth much like a rabies infected rat would.
[18:21] Diviara: "Human Scum"
[18:21] * Damsel glares at Ryuusei. "Let him go!"
[18:22] * iago mutters something and his eyes go red
[18:22] * Dale stares right at Ryuusei. "You.. I"ll kill you..."
[18:22] Rimblade: Get Gil now.
[18:22] Ryuusei: "How do you plan on making me"
[18:22] Rimblade: Hate is not helpful.
[18:22] Ryuusei: "You pathetic pawns"
[18:22] Ryuusei: "He dies"
[18:22] Ryuusei: "You die"
[18:22] Ryuusei: "We all die"

[18:22] Nick: He doesn't have to die now.
[18:22] Ryuusei: "And in a few moments after his death you will not even remember him...."
[18:22] Kira: No one has to die Ryuusei
[18:22] * iago looks at Ryuusei, "everyone dies eventually"
[18:22] Rimblade: Yes, Kira, we do.
[18:23] Damsel: "Why?  He hardly has done anything against you or your cause.  Unlike us."
[18:23] Deathbringer: I have accepted death.
[18:23] * iago moves toward Gil
[18:23] * Dale charges towards Ryuusei in a futile attempt of getting him away from Gil.
[18:23] Ryuusei: "He HAS"
[18:23] Ryuusei: "EXISTED"

[18:23] Lkeas: And so have YOU.
[18:23] * Ryuusei chuckles
[18:23] Ryuusei: I am pure

[18:23] Lkeas: Why not kill yourself first? Be a blazing example for all of us.
[18:23] Ryuusei: I am Vesperian
[18:23] Rimblade: Ah.
[18:23] * Fiona watches from the door with a look of worry on her face.
[18:23] Nick: You're more corrupt that he is.
[18:23] Ryuusei: I am the Created
[18:23] Lkeas: So you say.  You WERE Vespirian.
[18:23] * Nick spits on the floor
[18:23] Ryuusei: You are pathetic
[18:23] Lkeas: What are you now?
[18:24] Rimblade: Is that what this is?  Is THAT what this is?  Ethnic cleansing?
[18:24] Ryuusei: Alpha
[18:24] Ryuusei: Omega
[18:24] Ryuusei: Tau
[18:24] Ryuusei: Epsilon
[18:24] Ryuusei: What difference does it make
[18:24] Ryuusei: I am in control
[18:24] Ryuusei: and that is ALL that matters
[18:24] Ryuusei: I AM power

[18:24] * Elaith remains outside.
[18:24] Ryuusei: and POWER is ALL things
[18:24] Kazuma: Control corrupts
[18:24] Rimblade: And you'll die anyway.
[18:24] Ryuusei: You understand nothing
[18:25] Ryuusei: Comes from lacking a real brain
[18:25] Ryuusei: I am Ageless
[18:25] Ryuusei: I am beyond death
[18:25] Ryuusei: Ask my half sister

[18:25] Dale: Nobody is beyond death, save gods.
[18:25] Kazuma: keep yapping, let's see if anybody cares
[18:25] Rimblade: Death?  I don't care about DEATH.
[18:25] Ryuusei: Or our chi...
[18:25] Lkeas: You're supposed to be caring for people, not destroying them!  You were a guardian!
[18:25] * Ryuusei falls silent
[18:25] Lkeas: You're so proud of being a pure being...
[18:25] * Ryuusei turns back to the bed
[18:25] Dale: Childen, Ryuusei!?
[18:25] Dale: You have KIDS!?
[18:25] * Damsel looks over Ryuusei carefully, amazed.
[18:25] Ryuusei: He dies now
[18:26] * Ryuusei takes out a large sacraficial dagger

[18:26] Rimblade: Stop him. 
[18:26] Ryuusei: "I think the old messy ways are best"
[18:26] * Damsel steps forward. "No! Wait one moment, please!"
[18:26] Ryuusei: "For emphasis"
[18:26] Kazuma: Why? because he's related by blood?
[18:26] Deathbringer: Heh... predictable...
[18:26] * Ryuusei moves toward Giliara
[18:26] Ryuusei: No...

[18:26] * Damsel decides not to hesitate and rushes to place herself in front of Giliara.
[18:26] * iago moves towards Gil
[18:26] Ryuusei: He is related to the General
[18:26] Ryuusei: to me he is just dead meat

[18:26] * Kira movies between Gil and Ryuusei
[18:26] * Dale places himself in front of Ryuusei.
[18:26] Ryuusei: My family are kept elsewhere and remain loyal
[18:27] * Rimblade rises up and places himself in front of Dale.
[18:27] * Nick runs over to Gil.
[18:27] * Useless continues to froth and writhe without control, despite his best efforts to fight a Master of the Cold.
[18:27] Ryuusei: Purity persists
[18:27] Ryuusei: and power corrupts yes

[18:27] Nick: You aren't pure at all, you're just scum.
[18:27] Ryuusei: But Absolute corruption defines what is corrupt
[18:27] Ryuusei: and I define it as YOU

[18:27] Rimblade: And in the end, you're no more than you began.
[18:27] Dale: You are saying... WE'RE corrupt?!
[18:27] Ryuusei: If that makes you feel better
[18:27] Dale: Look in a mirror, you monster.
[18:27] Rimblade: You are you, and you can't chaaaange it.
[18:27] Ryuusei: If you honestly think pop psychology can move me
[18:28] Ryuusei: You really have lost it

[18:28] Rimblade: Well, probably not.  Worth a shot, eh?
[18:28] *** maieo has joined #epic.
[18:28] Nick: Its all perception ain't it Twain? I believe you're corrupt as can be.
[18:28] * Ryuusei grabs rimblade and crushes the hilt flat in his hands before tossing it asside
[18:28] Dale: RimbladeQ
[18:28] Dale: !
[18:28] Dale: Grab Gil.
[18:28] iago: No!
[18:28] Dale: RUN!
[18:28] Ryuusei: And thats what I say to your shot
[18:28] Ryuusei: Now then....

[18:28] Dale: DO IT!
[18:29] * Ryuusei plunges the dagger toward Gil
[18:29] * Nick runs at Ryuusei.
[18:29] * Damsel moves to intercept, allowing herself to be injured if need be
[18:29] * iago tries to grab the blade itself
[18:29] * Kira tackles Gil out of the way "we need to get out of here now"
[18:29] * Dale runs at Ryuusei, also.
[18:29] * Useless can do nothing to help Gil...alas.
[18:29] * Kazuma watches the situation
[18:30] Nick: Go! You have Gil now get out!
[18:30] >Ambiance<: Ryuusei falls backwards
[18:30] * Elaith remains outside, hoping time stays its course.
[18:30] * Fiona just stands there. I mean, what could she do? Burn the house down?
[18:30] * Ryuusei pricks himself on the Dagger
[18:30] Ryuusei: Bastard

[18:30] Kazuma: Gil! Run! Nao!
[18:30] Ryuusei: Fine then
[18:30] *** Eitak_Razal has joined #epic.
[18:30] * Dale does his best to hold Ryuusei down. "RUN!"
[18:30] Ryuusei: You pathetic little
[18:30] * Kira picks himself and gil up and attempts to leave with him
[18:30] * Ryuusei stabs at Dale
[18:30] * Nick holds onto Ryuusei
[18:30] * iago tries to kick the blade away from Ryuusei
[18:30] * Dale winces. "Agh.." maintaining his hold.
[18:30] >Ambiance<: Reality bends and contracts under the Paradox
[18:30] * Deathbringer runs to help Kira.
[18:31] * Kira keeps himself between Ryuusei and Gil while doing so
[18:31] * Useless vanishes and reappears alive
[18:31] * Lkeas pulls herself out of her paralysis and rushes towards Kira and Gil to lend assistance.
[18:31] * Damsel lurches slightly before yelling to the others, "Deathbringer, Kira, take Gil and get out of this place!"
[18:31] >Ambiance<: Analog recoherence occurs
[18:32] * Nick is still holding onto Ryuusei "You okay Dale!?"
[18:32] Dale: I'm fine...
[18:32] Dale: Oh, and Ryuusei...
[18:32] * Ryuusei vanishes

  • Useless stumbles, having recohered very suddenly in the bioandroid

format the recently dead analog had been in. "To borrow a

phrase...'what a trip'."
[18:32] * Dale falls to the ground. "Ah. He's gone!?"
[18:32] * Korban simply watches,having been brought in while in his trance like sleep.
[18:32] * Nick arms move under him, and hits the floor with a dull thud.
[18:33] Nick: *Nick's
[18:33] Ryuusei: "This reality tree no longer exists"
[18:33] Ryuusei: "It is being recohered with the main one"

[18:33] * Korban shakes his head and becomes alert of his surroundings.
[18:33] Ryuusei: "The new norm is that I failed"
[18:33] Kazuma: uh oh
[18:33] * Damsel sighs in relief.
[18:33] Nick: Good...
[18:33] Ryuusei: "Enjoy your new reality. I happen to know I have zephyr kill you soon anyway"
[18:33] * Ryuusei vanishes

[18:34] Rimblade: He.... he.... he.....
[18:34] Korban: ...
[18:34] * Useless slowly manages to rejoin the others inside the apartment.
[18:34] * Dale grins, and stands.
[18:34] * Deathbringer smirks.
[18:34] Nick: Rimblade you alright?
[18:34] * Damsel chuckles, then breaks into relieved laughter.
[18:34] * iago stands up fully and smiles
[18:34] * Lkeas shakes her head as she attempts to support Giliara. "Ryuusei has Zephyr kill us?"
[18:34] Useless: "Did I just hear Ryuusei right?"
[18:34] Lkeas: ((er, Gil))
[18:34] Rimblade: Nick... I've been smashed more times than I can count.
[18:34] * Dale walks to the others, laughing.
[18:34] Gil: What just happened
[18:34] * Korban looks at Dale.
[18:34] Nick: That bites Rimblade, I was gonna hold you a big funeral and everything.
[18:34] Kazuma: Ryuusei recohered the reality I think
[18:35] Lkeas: Since when has Zephyr listened to him?
[18:35] Korban: How are you?
[18:35] * Nick grins
[18:35] * Damsel smiles at Lkeas. "In our time line... Zephyr already did 'kill' us."
[18:35] Rimblade: Hehehe. We screwed with tiiiiime.....
[18:35] Korban: NOthing too serios happened to you I hope.
[18:35] TheTraveller: He does not
[18:35] TheTraveller: What else is new
[18:35] TheTraveller: Ryuusei is delusional

[18:35] * Elaith is still waiting outside.
[18:35] * Useless moves to help support Gil after getting his own legs under him.
[18:35] TheTraveller: He is refering to his own failed attempt
[18:35] Deathbringer: So I noticed...
[18:35] Kazuma: tell me something I don't know
[18:35] Fiona: We're safe?
[18:35] TheTraveller: That caused the OTHER recoherence
[18:36] * Lkeas grins.  "Ah yes, that one.  How long before he finds out we're still around though, I wonder..."
[18:36] TheTraveller: Remember this Ryuusei is from the past of the one in the cell
[18:36] * Dale grins. He falls to the floor, his wound more serious then he thought. "damn.. you.. Ryuusei."
[18:36] TheTraveller: Shall we talk about this elsewhere
[18:36] TheTraveller: Like the Abode?

[18:36] Rimblade: Good idea.
[18:36] Kazuma: oh, yes
[18:36] Rimblade: Blood and carpets don't match.
[18:36] * Damsel sobers slightly, moving towards Dale. "Let me take a look..."
[18:36] Kazuma: Please
[18:36] Deathbringer: Very good idea.
[18:36] * Lkeas turns to Gil.  "Will you be alright?"
[18:36] *** Mariel is now known as TheTraveller.
[18:36] Korban: Indeed.
[18:39] *** Deathbringer has left #epic.
[18:42] TheTraveller: <END OF SESSION>

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