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A large green grassy area. It is after dark and in the distance you see a talk monolithic pyrimidal obelisk
* Elaith looks about to gain his bearings, shrugging his shoulders to ease the tension built in transit.
* Rimblade strains his nonexistant eyes.
* Useless stretches languidly and yawns, not having expeted anything of the sort.
<Rimblade> Look! A tall monolithic pyrimidal obelisk! Or perhaps a resturant.
* Deathbringer shakes his head a bit then points to the obelisk, "Oh! That looks interesting!
<Kazuma> wee!!
* iago stretches and puts up the hood of his cloak
<Darien> No restraunt
<Darien> it is a large simulated penis
<Darien> Erect"
<Darien> ed
<Darien> To honor the most manly of men
* Kira glances around letting his eyes adjust to the dark
<Darien> The first president of the United States
<Rimblade> George Adams?
* Useless mutters quietly as he works out the kinks of transport. "I suppose there are those who would find that description...amusing?"
<Beo> Evidently God does have a sense of humor.
* Elaith , with his usual curiosity decides to idly head towards the Washington monument, all Family guy quips aside.
* Dale drops to the ground in laughter.
<Darien> Our country routinely does employ the phallus as a symbol of honor
<Darien> the humoungousness of the phallus correlates to the greatness of the man
<Rimblade> I can only assume you're all loonies. Do you have tea ceremonies?
<Beo> Only on Tuesdays.
<Darien> Only at tea time
<Dale> HAHAHAH! Stop, you're killing me.
<Dale> Literally.
* Deathbringer grins.
<Kazuma> no, that's a madman's job Dale
<Rimblade> Wait, who do you worship here?
<Useless> "If'n you say so..."
<Rimblade> Besides me.
<Beo> And me, I do hope.
<Kazuma> oh grow up you two
* iago smiles and explores the area a bit
<Darien> Tuthmosis has a giant penis erected in Turkey
<Rimblade> How large is that one?
<Darien> But it is not as big as Washingtons
<Darien> Ask T.J.
<Deathbringer> So I suppose this is Washington D.C., capital of the United States?
<Darien> he is the dead guy geek
<Darien> Well Timothy is
<Rimblade> Ah. Perhaps you should take us to your leader.
<Darien> But T.J. Can drag that personality out
* Kazuma can't force his eyes away from obelisk
<Darien> If he needs too
* Elaith satisfies his curiosity at the construction. "May we go to the museum you told us about? I'd be very much interested to see it."
<Kazuma> what a pervy place to live in
<Rimblade> Don't insult other people's customs. They're always superior to yours.
* Darien points to a Castle
<Darien> "I want that"

<Rimblade> Do you have an army?
<Darien> "it is the institute headquarters"
<Kazuma> you sound like a child
<Darien> "But they will not let me have it"
<Kazuma> I want it, I want it.
<Useless> "If we plan on walking you think perhaps I could hitch a ride on someone's shoulder? I would like to avoid paradox of any kind, myself."
<Darien> "So I settled on the Natural History building"
* Deathbringer turns to look at where Darien is pointing to.
* iago returns to the group... "who are they?"
<Rimblade> If you had an army, you might have taken it by force. Useless, you can ride on my crossguard, I guess.
<Beo> That's my seat! I have the contract in writing!
<iago> "They" who won't let you have it...
* Useless glances over at Rimblade. "Unfortunately, I do not think that will do anything in the least to alleviate the concern of mine."
<Darien> Air and Space is also fascinating
<Rimblade> Naturally.
<Darien> They had a wicked sci fi exibit for Star Trek
<Darien> But that was in the 90s

<Rimblade> What year isn't it now?
<Darien> almost 50 years ago
* Kira offers Useless the use of his sholders
* Dale chuckles
<Darien> 2036
<Dale> This is... most amusing.
<Darien> Oh you said isn't
* Useless swishes his tail and climbs up swiftly. "Many thanks...Kira, I believe?"
<Darien> Well it isn't 2011
* Kira nods
<Darien> Nor is it 1200 BCE
<Rimblade> Right. You're a mighty big help, and I'm not just saying that because you owe me fifty cattle.
<Darien> I do not handle the Cattle
<Darien> That is entirely MooCalf's buisness

<Elaith> Out of idle curiosity, who is president now?
<Rimblade> Right then. Once more, take us to your leader!
<Rimblade> Otherwise, you'll make things very unpleasant for us, if you get my gist.
* Kazuma finally forces his eyes away from the structure, "ugh"
<Useless> "Curiousity is many things, but rarely is it ever idle when voiced."
<Darien> President?
<Beo> So you're threatening him by saying that you'll hurt YOURSELF if he doesn't obey?
<Rimblade> Yes.
<Beo> You might care to work on your extortion techniques.
<Rimblade> And that's not an idle threat.
<Darien> The U.S. Government was disolved after the incident
<Darien> there is no president

<Beo> I mean, it'd be a tragic loss to lose you, but still.
<Deathbringer> The incident?
<Kazuma> Then who runs everything
<Deathbringer> What happened?
<Darien> Military tribunals
<Beo> Dictator Sareesh? I can only hope.
<Darien> The Technocrats set off a 30 megaton nuke in Manhattan
<Deathbringer> Damn...
<Rimblade> Ouch. Did anyone get hurt?
<Darien> That was the start of the incident
<Useless> "I recall mention of that before..."
<Beo> It was only thirty megatons, Rimblade.
<Beo> Of course not.
<Darien> The awakening and gehenna and armageddon all that jazz
<Darien> moved it along

<Rimblade> Cool-a-mundo.
<Rimblade> Where does Delphi come in?
<Darien> The revelation of the Supernals was not at all well handled
<Kazuma> did you get a stable Delphi?
<Darien> I still say we should have fed on innocents in secrecy like our grandparents did for so many millenia
<Rimblade> Kazuma, Delphi's usually probably not a horse. Stabling it would be silly.
<Darien> "Stable"
<Darien> "Delphi"

<Kazuma> oxymoron?
<Darien> "No.. I have a phone"
<Deathbringer> Who are the Technocrats?
<Darien> "I do not think about any of the intermediary methods"
<Darien> "Though I dislike blue"

<Rimblade> Wait... wait....
<Darien> "So the lightning bolts are right out"
<Useless> "Fed on innocents in secrecy...ah, I see."
<Beo> They sound like Democrats, which are historically recognized as the source of all evil.
<Darien> "No Wykipedia for me"
<Kazuma> who was on the other side of phone then?
<Rimblade> Darien, would you mind explaining your entire history and the end of the world in song form?
<Rimblade> We wouldn't interrupt you.
<Beo> And as history will show, were solely responsible in the assassination of Jerry Falwell.
<Fiona> Why would he want to?
<Darien> "Falwell died in 2007 of natural causes"
<Kazuma> poison?
<Beo> As they thought initially, of course.
<Darien> "The Werewolves were involved"
<Darien> "That is all I will say"

<iago> Darien, you're not... entirely human, are you?
<Rimblade> He's also not entirely crazy.
<Darien> "Something about Falwell being an agent of the Corruption Wyrm"
<Darien> "Human?"
<Darien> "I am the KINDRED prince"
<Darien> "I do beleive I was explicit"

<Kazuma> you just said prince
<iago> Ah, my apologies...
<Fiona> He said Kindred...
* Useless states in a humorless voice. "Lycans, vampires, and references to dragons, oh my!"
<Darien> "I cannot be held accountable to failure of your cochlea"
<Kazuma> heh
<Darien> "I do recommend implants"
<Darien> "Penile implants"

<Beo> So the werewolves are the democrats!?
<Darien> "I can get you one wholesale"
<Beo> It's all beginning to make sense!
<Kazuma> thanks
<Darien> "Size really does matter"
<Useless> "You are of *a* brand of Kindred, though why I defend the nature of one not here escapes me at this moment."
<Darien> "One one one exclamation exclamation one one one one two exclamation at symbol one"
<Fiona> Because you're a cuddly ferret?
<Rimblade> I'd like to point out the fact that it IS what's inside that counts.
<Rimblade> Otherwise, size don't work.
<Rimblade> It's disambiguation of gentitalia.
<Darien> "I am of the Ventrue Clan by birth"
<Useless> "Am I only what I appear to be, Fiona?"
<Deathbringer> Darien, are you fluent in the language of leet?
<Fiona> Someone said something about a bionroid of something...
<Rimblade> Huh. I hope Darien isn't planning on Uncreating us.
<Darien> therefore, that of the world, turned aside because of her beauty. Julius hundred miles in the interior, the land rises only to the height of a paid.--Ptolemy's success.--The Septuagint.--Early copies of the husband's mortal foe, and the implacable hostility and hate of the
<Darien> CHEESE

<Rimblade> I beg your pardon?
<Deathbringer> Cheese?
<Beo> What if the cheese is Swiss?
<Rimblade> Retract that statement, else I shall take offense!
<Dale> Hm...
<Beo> Noone could hate the swiss!
<Dale> Are oh eff ell./
<Darien> it is unquestionably true that vice is the incident of idleness; and the him for his crimes. In this and in other similar ways she awakened among The most extensive and remarkable rainless region on the earth is a vast had the opportunity to requite this favor, through a divine
<Darien> the mass of the community

<Useless> "I would invoke the name of Cicero if I thought the Chick-Pea might bring sanity here...ah Latin, what little of Terran history I have had the pleasure of studying."
* Elaith decides to wander to 10th street and constitution avenue since his companions are clearly getting nowhere.
<Rimblade> Right. You've asked for it.
<Darien> Before you act
<Rimblade> We must leap?
<Darien> Remember the warning
<Darien> during the period of their reign. The internal monarchs, after extending their empire westward to the Mediterranean, immediately into Alexander's apartment, highly excited with resentment

<Rimblade> Ohhh. That's not NATURAL history at all. It was all caused by EVIL.
<Darien> Dear Sir
<Rimblade> Eh?
* Useless rests on Kira's shoulder and makes a note to telepathically scan the area for untoward influences on Darien.
<Darien> I am the most humble Attorney Glariam Blerrbiolox of Nigeria.
<Darien> My client recently passed away without an heir

* iago mutters something about a poem he once read
<Beo> How terrible!
<Darien> This money needs to be collected.
<Beo> How much do I have to pay you!
<Beo> Let me start sending the money immediately!
<Rimblade> I'm not paying him anything! I don't fear the law!
<Rimblade> Unless they're scary.
<Useless> "Even then, what would you pay with, Rimblade?"
* Darien nods satisfied
<Fiona> He do something weird and scare them away...
<Rimblade> My dignity and virginity.
* Darien loses the glare in his eyes
<Rimblade> Not that it's possible, you know.
<Kazuma> something...wrong?
<Rimblade> I know all, even if I don't know
<Darien> He who shall teach the Child to Doubt If three people tell you that you are drunk, you better lie down. Have not want not.
* Useless regards Darien ever more closely.
* Elaith decides to continue heading down the streets, keeping a close eye for any surrounding people as he looks for the Smithsonian where he remembers it to be from his 8th grade field trip to DC.
<Darien> And that has made all the difference
<Darien> If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it probably needed fixing anyway. From a convenient grass, Was once, too, at the full, and round earth's shore
<Rimblade> Show his eyes and grieve his heart- come like shadows, so don't fart.
<Kazuma> what are you on about DArien?
<Darien> Spam
<Rimblade> I can't abide the stuff.
<Darien> A dish best served with type o negative
<Kazuma> in a can or in a box?
<Fiona> That stuff tastes weird...
<Useless> "At least with Mariel the chaos has rationality of speech."
<Rimblade> Darien, I request you lock yourself.
<Beo> I thought the path not taken made all the difference!?
<Kazuma> Agreed Useless
<Beo> Damn poets, deceiving us!
<Rimblade> I can only presume that we're about to be attacked.
<Darien> Rationale oh Talo-Toecan
<Darien> Is overrated
<Rimblade> Everyone, hide in front of me- I'll protect your behinds.
<Deathbringer> Darien, the hour grows late, could we see your museum prehaps?
* Darien turns and walks away toward a building
<Beo> I see no tentacles, Rimblade.
* Darien places a hand on the door and it clicks
<Fiona> Huh...?
<Rimblade> Out we go, then?
<Darien> "It detects kindred vitae"
* Deathbringer follows Darien.
<Darien> "Won't open after hours for anyone else"
* Useless glances at Kira for a moment, then hops off to follow Darien more closely.
* Kira follows Darien
<Darien> "But any kindred or their guest can gain admittance"
* Rimblade follows Kira following Useless following Deathbringer following Darien who's not yet moving.
<Deathbringer> So we have the place to ourseleves?
* Fiona follows after the others.
* Dale follows people.
* Elaith slips inside as well, entirely curious to explore and look at the exhibits.
<Darien> The other vampires are about likely
* iago chuckles and follows along
<Darien> My army might be arround too
<Darien> The Abominations are mostly back from the City I think
<Kazuma> heh, so you do have an army
<Rimblade> Will we assult the castle, and take their jams, mayhap?
<Darien> Naturally I do Kazuma
<Darien> I am the prince
<Kazuma> I know
<Darien> that means I am a wanted man
<Deathbringer> Have any demons in your army?
<Kazuma> I thought that meant you had battalion, not an army
<Darien> Batallions are far to dated
<Darien> I prefer shock troops
<Kazuma> ah, I see
<Useless> "Fight or flight...and Darien has most certainly chosen to fight such dread influences that likely want him dead...or perhaps drained."
<Kira> "Is the army made up of other kindred?"
<Darien> Drained?
<Darien> Drained I long ago was...
<Darien> Though some might still wish to do it again
<Darien> Diablerie is oft a worry among the soem
<Kazuma> of what? sanity? grammar? thought?
<Darien> I am not a citizen of Smith's City
<Darien> I am a citizen of the Smithsonian
<Darien> But the two are treatied
<Kazuma> repeditave much?
<Darien> and any of his are welcome in mine
<Darien> though not so many of mine in his
<Elaith> The city is owned by Smith?
<Darien> The third one is
<Darien> yes
<Kazuma> kill....rising...
<Darien> You did ask about that did you not?
<Darien> Third City?
* Fiona smacks Kazuma.
<Darien> It belongs to John Smith
<Darien> He started it
<Kazuma> thank you Fiona
* Dale coughs.
<Kira> Is Smith also a Ventrue?
<Dale> What I said in the beginning.
<Elaith> Is he your enemy?
<Rimblade> Darien, we despise you- you are most helpful, and you have the bottom of our hearts in gratitute.
<Rimblade> I think.
<Kazuma> somthing like that
<Deathbringer> Do not mind the talking hilt that came with us...
<Rimblade> I'm a genius.
<Rimblade> And we're fairly inaccurate.
<Fiona> He's a blade short of a sword...
<Beo> You're several geniuses, Rimblade.
<Darien> Smith?
<Darien> No
<Darien> He is Gangrel
* Rimblade turns to Beo.
<Deathbringer> Is Gangrel another clan?
<Darien> Naturally
<Rimblade> Listen you! You're very good at that, so you get to play Queteb today.
<Beo> Do I want to play Queteb?
<Darien> But he lacks concern for Clan alliance
<Darien> he has the endorsement of Seth Matthews
<Useless> "Alliances between clans...that is standard political fare I suppose."
<Darien> Wait no
<Darien> Strike that
<Rimblade> I doubt it. I assume you disenjoy being the farmer.
<Darien> Seth MICHAELS AND Matthew
<Darien> Yes thats it
<Darien> he has the endorsement of Seth Micahs
<Beo> Being a farmer? Hmm. I suppose the simple life might be nice.
<Darien> And thus he can do what ever he likes
<Kira> you mentioned "soem" is that some kind of organisation?
<Deathbringer> Are they leaders of other clans?
<Rimblade> Can we purchase this endorsement for a generous donation?
<Darien> Naturally
<Elaith> What special abilities do the Gangrel possess?
<Darien> But that depends which faction you concern yourself with
<Deathbringer> Clans of kindred?
<Darien> The Sabbat or the Camarilla or Smith's Third City
<Darien> or the Unaffiliated
<Rimblade> Are they at war, or in the general vacinity thereof?
<Kazuma> I have to ask, does the name 'Ryuusei' sound famillar?
<Useless> "I do believe I have some research to do, if I can ever garner access to Terren materials again."
<Darien> War is a constant Rimblade
<Beo> I think we learned about that in Japanese sometime. It very well could be
<Fiona> Don't jinx us.
<Rimblade> Naturally. Without it we would never grow, and that would
lead to a shortage in the oat economy.
<Darien> Research Talo-Toecan is relatively easily accomplished
<Darien> This is a MUSEUM
<Darien> Moreover
<Darien> it is THE museum
<Elaith> If Smith were removed from his position would that aid in the formation of alliances and help towards peace?
<Kazuma> but what if we're looking for a peice of art?
<Darien> No
<Deathbringer> Mind giving us the tour?
<Darien> Smith desires peace
<iago> What is the most prized exhibit at this museum?
<Rimblade> Me, obviously.
<Useless> "Ah, but rarely is one source alone ever enough to accomplish a great deal."
<Beo> Good intentions are never enough alone.
<Darien> The Camarilla would too but they are too tied to the past
<Darien> The Sabbat desire war
<Darien> So no
<Darien> It would do little except make everything worse
<Darien> Were it not for John Smith and his allies
<Darien> The war would already be here
<Rimblade> Have you considered the use of nuclear weapons?
<Kazuma> or rocks
* Darien looks at Rimblade suddenly quite lucid
<Darien> "You clearly think I am a madman"
<Elaith> I'd imagine any skilled Proteans would just become cockroaches.
<Darien> "Though I detect your normal demeanor is not much far off your current diatribe"
<Rimblade> Obviously. If you're not, you must be a loony, and I'd prefer the former.
<Darien> "I am neither"
<Kazuma> coulda fooled me
* Korban has joined #epic
<Darien> "Could I have Kazuma"
<Kira> Lets not insult our host.
<Useless> "You are an actor. A man of many masks, am I not correct?"
<Rimblade> I'll keep my own council regarding that.
<Fiona> He's unique.
<Darien> "I am the Venture prince of D.C."
<Darien> "Though I do have the blood of Malkav tainting my veins"
<Darien> "In spite of that fact I am a great deal more lucid then people often credit"
<Darien> "And more often then not"
<Darien> "Their failure to recognize that is their own rue latter"
<Rimblade> Indeed?
<Rimblade> Luckily, I am too far gone to rue anything.
<Darien> Really?
* Darien pulls a bell cord
<Beo> Ooh!
<Beo> Music!
<Useless> "There are times to tempt fate, and there are times to avoid

temptation. Rimblade...might you wish to think before you speak?"
<Elaith> Summons?
* Dale has quit IRC (Drowned: Cleaning fan, back soon)
<Rimblade> Think?
<>Ambiance<> A hideously deformed creature with no hair and huge fangs for ALL of his front teeth answers
<Beo> South African Fur Dancers?
<Deathbringer> May I ask what that is?
<Rimblade> I'd call it a ghoul.
* Kira seems interested in the creature but finds it in-polite to stare
<Creature> What I am indeed. Ghoul? I am no ghoul you moron.
<Beo> It called you a moron, Rimblade! But don't believe it!
<Creature> I am the primogen for clan Nosferatu
<Beo> You're a genius!
<Kira> another kindred
<Rimblade> Oh. The original vampire, then?
<Creature> You rang my prince?
<Deathbringer> Nosferatu... the original Dracula movie, correct?
<Darien> The mouthy blade...
<Darien> Call the Thamaturgists
<Darien> And....
<Darien> Disenchant it
<Darien> Slowly
<Darien> And....
<Darien> Painfully
<Darien> Remove first its sense of humor
<Kazuma> fun
<Rimblade> Sounds unrefreshing. I always did dislike incanters of any kind.
<Darien> Replace it with something dull insipid and totally prosaic
<Useless> "Might I suggest an iron scepter?"
<Darien> But do leave its personality
<Darien> Just not the ability to EXPRESS it
<Kazuma> you could just peice him back together
<Rimblade> I think he meant my quirks, not form, useless.
<Darien> It is quite important that it FEELS the change
<Darien> but may not deal with it
<Fiona> Aww... Poor hilt, well, maybe you'll be made full again.
<Rimblade> I daresay this sounds moderately unpleasant.
<Elaith> Does that have to happen? Maybe just remove access to the enchantment for the time being? He is our friend.
<Darien> You are right
<Useless> "Unfortunately, Elaith, we are not in a position to bargain."
<Rimblade> I'd personally suggest filling me with a deep sense of self-loathing as punishment for my ego.
<Darien> Well actually it is only very slightly unplesant
<Darien> But it is a first step
<Darien> Now isn't it
<Elaith> I know we aren't, but I'd be more than willing to plead instead.
<Rimblade> I'm hardly in a position to answer that, seeing my limited knowledge on that.
* Matthew appears

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