Session XXXIV
From Caelwiki
Current revision as of 23:05, 2 November 2007
[20:59:01] <Joshua> While you remain in Seattle, I can provide nearly limitless resource" <Joshua> I can predict apetures to a degree And I happen to know
something about the apeture that brought you here If you wanted to stay
put for a while you will get your wish Another reality interchange will
not occur without outside intervention for nearly 3 months
[20:59:07] * Dale has left #epic (Left all channels�)
[20:59:11] * Dale has joined #epic
[20:59:45] * Legault has joined #epic
[20:59:45] * Fulcan is now known as Alastor
[21:00:02] <Joshua> It is not information you already have I value
[21:00:20] <Kira> So you provide us your resources and in return you want us to gather information for you?
[21:00:26] * Rif has joined #epic
[21:00:33] <Lkeas> scratches her head. "You want us to work for you?"
[21:00:46] <Joshua> While I cannot actually effect reliable travel between realites I Can Measure it
[21:01:23] * limewirelord has joined #epic
[21:02:21] * Allen has left #epic
<>Ambiance<> Days have passed into weeks and weeks into
months. Joshua has been as good as his word and the purse of Seattle
MegaCorp has been opened to you granting you almost anything you can
imagine. Still the time has passed without Joshua even once asking you
to find any specific information for him. Falerin the decker has not
been seen since that first day.
[21:04:00] <>Ambiance<> But other equally strange and unusual things meet you in earth of the sixth era
[21:04:15] * Ness has left #epic
[21:04:32] * Diviara sets mode: -v Furticus
[21:05:08] * Diviara sets mode: +vvvv Alastor Dale Legault Rif
[21:05:14] * Diviara sets mode: +v limewirelord
[21:05:47] * Lyoko has joined #epic
[21:05:54] <Voices> Security Breach Level 3
[21:05:55] <Voices> Security Breach Level 3
[21:06:06] <Voices> Repeat a Maglock violation has occured on level 3
[21:06:20] <Voices> Corprate Street Magi please report to level 3
[21:06:26] <Diviara> <RESUME EPIC>
[21:06:50] <Alastor> What's going on?
[21:07:10] * LordBarrius frowns as he hears the announcement. "I can't say I like the sound of that...."
[21:07:18] <Legault> Hmm... How'd I end up here? Ah well.
[21:07:18] * Damsel glances about her, confused by the announcements.
[21:07:23] * Dale nods. "Nor do I..."
[21:07:54] * Rif looks around, "Probably not good, but hey, it could be an adventure after all this time."
[21:08:40] <Lkeas> Well... should we get to Level 3? Or avoid it like the plague?
[21:08:53] <Dale> I'm quite curious, actually...
[21:09:05] <Dale> Then again, it could be dangerous...
[21:09:10] * Damsel mutters something about curiousity and cats.
[21:09:15] <Legault> Everything we do is dangerous...
[21:09:18] <Alastor> I'm all for danger.
[21:09:42] <Lyoko> ...
[21:09:54] <Rif> Nice phrase Damsel. I'm proud to say I have no cat in me. I say let's check it out!
[21:09:56] * Kira has joined #epic
[21:10:10] <Alastor> I am in fact, no cat.
[21:10:12] * Diviara sets mode: +v Kira
[21:10:32] * Diviara is now known as Joshua
[21:10:33] * Lkeas looks around for signs of activity... Street Magi perhaps.
- LordBarrius nods very slightly. "I think we'd better avoid the
scenario entirely if possible....we get into enough trouble already
without walking into something like that."
[21:10:44] * Joshua enters
[21:10:48] <Joshua> I would not be concerned
[21:11:00] <Joshua> It is just a bunch of runners attempting to break in to R&F
[21:11:08] <Alastor> Indeed...
[21:11:13] <Dale> Apparently...
[21:11:22] <Joshua> Mr. McCallister's security force is more then capable of dealing with the issue
[21:12:12] <Lkeas> That's good to know.
[21:12:15] * Dale nods once. "If you say so..."
[21:13:07] * Damsel shrugs. "You would know better than we would, at least."
[21:13:14] <Rif> Ah, very good. Street Magi, sounds much more than capable.
[21:13:30] * LordBarrius nods with the others, though uncertain whether he should be so certain.
[21:15:33] <Legault> Not like we could do much anyways.
[21:15:35] <>Ambiance<> An armed troll busts into the room
[21:15:45] * Troll grabs Lkeas
[21:16:03] * Alastor looks at the troll, "Are you kidding me!?"
[21:16:06] <Legault> What the...?!
[21:16:09] * Rif jumps back, startled, "That is no street magi!"
[21:16:13] <Troll> "You will be transiting the Lady and I to the Mars Colony"
[21:16:21] * Damsel takes a few steps backwards in startlement before catching herself.
[21:16:33] <Lkeas> M-Mars..?
[21:16:36] <Troll> "Or else there will be bloodshed"
[21:16:52] <Alastor> Yeah?
[21:17:03] <Alastor> Whose blood?
<Troll> "And I trust you do not want that on your head Joshie.
You being such a community minded philanthropist and all..."
[21:17:34] <Joshua> "That will not be neccesary"
[21:17:38] <Joshua> "
[21:17:45] <Joshua> "Step on the Transit Pad behind you"
[21:17:46] * Rif looks at Alastor, "Calm down."
[21:17:58] <Alastor> I'm perfectly calm, Rif.
[21:18:12] * Lkeas looks at Joshua wildly. "You're gonna let him just waltz off with me? To Mars?!"
[21:18:19] * Damsel frowns, uncertain.
[21:18:25] * LordBarrius scowls, not wanting to risk Lkeas's safety by acting, but clearly angered by the events before him.
- Troll narrows his eyes "Oh and if you get some smart idea like
sending me to a prison cell and having your guards come at me"
[21:18:41] * Troll narrows his eyes "She gets 20000volts through her cerebral cortex"
[21:18:54] * Joshua frowns pausing
[21:18:57] <Joshua> "Of course"
- Alastor whispers to Rif, "He speaks rather clearly for a troll,
doesn't he? Is this a different kind of breed I haven't seen before?"
[21:19:05] <Legault> Erk... We can't allow that...
[21:19:08] * Joshua looks at Lkeas
[21:19:15] <Joshua> "We will retrieve you"
[21:19:32] * Dale nods. "Have Faith, Lkeas."
[21:19:33] <Joshua> "He just wants you as a Guarantee to get to Mars safely"
[21:19:45] <Joshua> "He won't harm you. There is no nuyen in that"
[21:19:48] * Rif whispers back, "It must be. I've never heard of a troll that could establish 20000 V's in someone."
[21:19:51] * Lkeas nods wearily to him and to her friends. "Sorry to cause trouble again..."
[21:20:05] * Troll steps on to the pad
[21:20:11] <Dale> Be careful!
[21:20:16] <Alastor> Don't do anything rash now, big guy.
[21:20:20] * Joshua punches in a Code
[21:20:24] <Rif> Its okay Lkeas! No need to be sorry. We'll see you soon!
[21:20:30] * Damsel nods to Lkeas. "We'll get you back."
[21:20:34] <Voice> Long Distant Teleportaion to Mars Initiated
[21:20:43] * LordBarrius clenches his fists tightly as he watches, nodding a quick farewell to Lkeas.
[21:20:46] <Voice> Decompiling
[21:20:51] * Alastor waves, "Take it easy."
[21:20:59] <>Ambiance<> Lkeas and the Troll vanish in a wash of light
[21:21:05] * Lkeas has left #epic
[21:21:08] <Dale> And she's gone...
[21:21:42] <Legault> Now what?
[21:22:42] <Rif> The troll seemed intellectual and reasonable. She's safe for the moment it seems. However, Mars?
[21:23:00] <Alastor> How's he going to snap 20000 V's into her?
[21:23:15] <Legault> I dunno... Technology, maybe...?
[21:23:17] <Kira> Magic? or some kind of weapon?
[21:24:00] <Lyoko> ...
[21:24:08] <Alastor> ...
[21:24:57] * Lyoko has quit IRC (Vanished: �)
[21:25:20] * Damsel turns to Joshua. "How to we go about retrieving her?"
[21:26:10] <Alastor> Heh, some Street Magi, yah?
[21:26:16] <Alastor> yeah*
[21:28:06] <Joshua> "The problem on the third level is ongoing"
[21:28:16] <Joshua> "I did not expect two runs in one night"
[21:28:20] <Joshua> "This was organized"
- LordBarrius shakes his head and turns to Joshua. "Are you certain the
security has this situation under control, then? Shouldn't we try to
[21:28:57] <Voice> Level 3 secured. Forces subdued.
[21:29:15] <Rif> Any suspisions as to who is behind this?
[21:29:20] <Alastor> Why don't we follow the troll and Lkeas?
<Kira> "I would expect most assaults on a secure building to be
planned...tho it seems you still have the situation under controll"
[21:29:36] <Joshua> I presume that the 3rd floor was a distraction
[21:29:44] <Joshua> That they deliberately tripped the alarm
[21:29:45] <Legault> Rushing into things gets you killed, Alastor.
[21:29:53] * LordBarrius snorts slightly. "What were they aiming for, then?"
[21:30:02] <Joshua> To mobilize our forces to that location
[21:30:04] <Alastor> I've been killed before, It's nothing much.
[21:30:11] * Joshua looks at Barrius
[21:30:12] <Dale> Trip the alarm one place... so they can slip unnoticed into another...
[21:30:18] <Joshua> Clearly... to get to the Teleport
[21:30:26] <Joshua> Only they found us
[21:30:32] <Joshua> And took a hostage to secure their transport
[21:30:47] <Joshua> Someone who wants to get to mars quickly.
[21:30:53] <Joshua> Likely to destabilize our colony....
<Joshua> "Unfortunately for him I did not send him to Mars...
though it shall take him the better part of two days to figure that
[21:31:45] <Kira> you say they, but there was
only one troll, what can he do to you colony alone?...or should we
[21:31:50] <Joshua> "I sent him to the middle of the Lunar mines"
[21:32:05] <Damsel> "Are you certain Lkeas will be safe?"
[21:32:20] <Joshua> "He will not immediately know of the subterfuge"
[21:32:31] <Joshua> "As we speak I am mobilizing forces to intercept them"
[21:32:47] <Joshua> And now.. I have a task for you....
[21:32:51] <Joshua> <END OF EPIC>