From Caelwiki
Current revision as of 22:52, 2 November 2007
* Falerin has joined #darkabode what is with you peoples and port 8067? <Scott> I dunno. Ask the port
<Xyphos_Celestin> Port what now? <KatChianna> *** Notice -- Client
connecting on port 8067: Xyphos_Celestin <KatChianna> Reens likes that one
too <Xyphos_Celestin> That port is charismatic. I want to have its babies.
<KatChianna> weirdo <Falerin> ZLOK apparently lusts after that
unnatural port too )) appear * rather annoyed by what just happened. of the other farpoint deities sword"
<Reality> [Falerin] <KatChianna>
* Reality sets mode: +qo Falerin Falerin
* Falerin
* Falerin gestures
* Silence|StudyingForExams is now known as
<Elaith> Falerin, I needed you.
<Falerin> I am
somewhat engaged I fear
<Elaith> It is very important.
* Elaith
tosses Falerin this scroll <a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="http://www.wwbw.com/Neumann-M-149-Tube-i132215.music" target="_blank">http://www.wwbw.com/Neumann-M<wbr>-149-Tube-i132215.music</a>
<Elaith> ((Gah, wrong one))
<Dale> (( XD
<Elaith> <a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="http://www.vghelpers.com/scroll.txt" target="_blank">www.vghelpers.com/scroll.txt</a>
<Falerin> Unless you
want me to transit this entire location to Immertot with my companions Elaith
<Elaith> That would be fine.
<Falerin> I suggest that my task
is MORE important
<Falerin> Fine then
<Falerin> Your head
Falerin gestures and the forest arround the estate changes drastically the trees
and grass become oddly different. Somehow..... dead.....
* Genoclysm has
joined #darkabode
* Reality sets mode: +ao Genoclysm Genoclysm
* Elaith
shakes his head a little as surroundings change, startled by the speed *
RoninOfDreams balks at the sudden sensations of �change�, and notices the
alterations amidst the trees quite readily from the clearing he was resting in.
* Daniel has joined #darkabode
* Reality sets mode: +v Daniel
Genoclysm looks around, blinking a few times.
* LordBarrius has joined
* Gilphon has left #darkabode
* Elaith watches people suddenly
* Gilphon has joined #darkabode
* Reality sets mode: +v
* Harlequin looks around...what the hell happened to the abode?
Daniel shakes his head as he arrives *
* Jeice has joined #darkabode
Reality sets mode: +ao Jeice Jeice
* Soulfang frowns as he enters. "What the
* Ester has joined #darkabode
* Reality sets mode: +v Ester
Gilphon glows slightly and then stops
* Useless has joined #darkabode
Reality sets mode: +ao Useless Useless
<LordBarrius> Erm, this doesn't
look like Immertot....
<Falerin> It is
<Genoclysm> Hey Jeice. Something wierd is going on.
* Ester
has left #darkabode
<Falerin> It is merely a part you are not familiar
* Dale sighs. "This damned forest again." he then shrugs.
AlastorRyst walks in
* Nicholas stifles a slight yawn.
<Necro> That
would explain something
<AlastorRyst> What in the hell?
<Falerin> The one that is now occupied by my estate
Hello Immert..ot??
* Lkeas steps out of the lightning bolt and shivers.
"Your... what? This is the Dark Abode?"
<LordBarrius> Lovely....
Useless glances about the nature of the estate he and the others seem to be in,
curious as to why here among all of Immertot...
<Jeice> Wait, we're
back at the abode?!
<Daniel> Lovely.
<Genoclysm> I can't
imagine this being good.
<Nicholas> Strange...
<Falerin> Now
let me examine this scroll Eaith was so hot to toss me
* Falerin opens the
* Elaith dies
* Falerin frowns
<Falerin> "What in the
<AlastorRyst> Elaith!
* Lkeas gasps and runs over to Elaith.
"You didn't..."
* Elaith arrises as undead
* LordBarrius scowls.
* Lkeas curses profusely.
<Gilphon> ack!
What does it say?
* RoninOfDreams swiftly begins moving back towards the
estate proper from amidst the forest, pausing long enough to collect Avarie
whether she wishes it or not, as he does not think it wise to tarry outside for
some reason.
<Genoclysm> What does it say?
* Martin has joined
* AlastorRyst stares at the undead seeker
* Nicholas sighs,
* Daniel wonders what was on Elaith's
scroll *
<Falerin> "What in the hell has someone done"
* Falerin
turns to read the scroll
<>Ambiance<> the scroll disintegrates in
* Falerin frowns
* AlastorRyst holds out his hand, the Dawnblade
appearing, "He did this, didn't he, Lkeas?"
* Harlequin looks at
undead-Elaith and sighs
<Falerin> "Multiple contingency
<Falerin> "What has been done here"
* LordBarrius stomps his
foot. "Crud...."
<Necro> Dang...
* Lkeas looks at the other seekers.
"For Fal's sake don't any of you speak up too.. Elaith, since you're already
* AlastorRyst averts his gaze to the floor
* Useless dips low
on his haunches, startled by the unnatural effects of what has indeed occured.
* Falerin raises a hand
<Falerin> Silence
* Jeice frowns.
Lkeas scowls and trails off.
<Falerin> I gather that a contingency has
been established specifically forbidding you from telling me why it was
* Genoclysm looks confused.
<Falerin> Is that more or
less correct
<AlastorRyst> Basically that's it.
* LordBarrius nods slowly.
* Harlequin nods
* Lkeas stares at the
floor and says nothing.
* Daniel makes no moves *
<Falerin> Then
why pray... was none of you smart enough to mention this while we were outside
of its effect?
* RoninOfDreams walks into the estate proper, carrying Avarie
in his arms, just in time to glance at Falerin and nod.
<Jeice> I...
wasn't sure of its range.
* Gilphon blinks
<Falerin> If the effect
is "fatal"
<Falerin> and it is used on an undead
* LordBarrius
scowls. "Damn, I should have thought of that...."
* AlastorRyst turns to
Falerin, "You know my loyalty lies with you, Falerin, but... it's for
everybodies wellbeing."
<Falerin> A secondary death can be quite fatal
<Falerin> I suggest NOT trying that
<Falerin> Untill I
have unwoven the exact spell used
<Falerin> which of course you cannot
tell me as that would be telling me what was done
Falerin, do be careful.
<RoninOfDreams> "I had not the capability to
remove myself from this realm to escape the effect and contact you. I came here
fully, and I do mean fully, though I would question the spell you have observed
in retrospect to a curse binding to life eternal."
<Falerin> Of course
he had to do this consistent with me taking the estate into
<Falerin> and thus trapping himself as one of immertot's
<Falerin> he in fact demanded the immediate attention
Falerin scowls
* Jeice grinds his teeth.
<Lkeas> What would have
happened had it not been on Immertot...
<Falerin> He would have
<Jeice> Darn it.
<Falerin> I could have then used
ressurection magic
<Link> ((bye))
<Falerin> It would not have
been complicated by undeath
<Link> ((gotta go evil
<Falerin> It would hurt
<AlastorRyst> ( Farewell, my
friend. )
<Falerin> it would suck
<Falerin> but it would not
be undead
* Link has quit IRC (Interred: �)
<Jeice> Geno, why didn't
you stop him?!
<RoninOfDreams> "But it could have been done and Elaith
not subjected to an eternity in this state."
<Falerin> Now I will have
to construct a wish
* Daniel sighs * "The fool."
<Falerin> A wish
can undo what was done
<Falerin> But the problem is... that mechanics
of the farpoint actually forbid ME granting my own wishes
<AlastorRyst> Can I wish it?
* A9M9 has joined
<Falerin> So the wish will in fact have to be granted by one
* Useless perks up at the mention of the wish.
"Wishes are possible indeed?"
<AlastorRyst> I'd be happy to
<Daniel> How about Mariel?
* Genoclysm says to Jeice "I uh, I
got here just before you arrived actually. Sorry Jeice, I took my time getting
<Falerin> And that leads to THEIR
<Falerin> and there is something of an unwritten law
about wishes
<Falerin> and its not a kind one
<Falerin> Never give more then eactly what is asked for
<Falerin> always interpret what is asked for in the worst literal
light possible
<Genoclysm> You'll have to be very careful I take
<Falerin> Even good aligned deities tend toward that behavior
Lkeas raises an eyebrow. "It would have to be a very carefully-worded wish, and
even then.."
<Falerin> as a wish requires substantial expenditure of
<Gilphon> and you being the god of evil...
There is an alternative choice
<LordBarrius> Oh?
<Daniel> What
is the alternative?
<Falerin> A deity claims him
Ressurection and Undeath are both stopped by direct deity intervention
<Falerin> As he died on caelestia
<Falerin> I could try to
claim him
<Useless> "Even then, a mechanically fine perception could
still find a potential to it not desired, Lkeas. Much less an infinitely fine
<Daniel> Is there a real downfall to just having you
claim him as your own?
<Falerin> But not knowing his home
<Falerin> That is risky
<Falerin> as one of the other
deities might have better claim as being closer to his home faith
* Lkeas
nods to Useless.
<AlastorRyst> Some risks, my leige, are worth
<Falerin> And if they do
<Daniel> He is like-minded to
me as my cousin, if that helps any.
<Falerin> and I set the precedent
that he is up for grabs
<Falerin> Then they WILL take him
* Martin
has quit IRC (Ping timeout�)
<RoninOfDreams> "Could you not simply ask
them first without forcing controversy to occur?"
<Falerin> We
cooperate generally
<Falerin> But
<Falerin> Of the
<Falerin> the only one I really get along with
<Falerin> is Eldron
<LordBarrius> Hm. So then
either choice presents the chance of further complication....
<Falerin> As we understand each other rather perfectly
Silence|hereish is now known as Silence|Gone
* Figure
<Daniel> He is of like-mind to me, so who would you consider my
alignment to be closest to? It could give us a general idea of the risk.
Figure walks up to Falerin with a smile
* Lkeas frowns severely as she
watches the Figure.
* AlastorRyst glides a quarter circle around Falerin,
* Falerin looks at the figure with a look of confusion followed by
annoyance and ultimately consternation
<Harlequin> hes
<Falerin> "How..."
* LordBarrius turns to stare at the
figure, his blood running cold.
<Falerin> "You are the one violating my
home then...."
* Daniel whispers * "Who is that?"
* AlastorRyst spins the
blade in his hand anxiously
* Jeice frowns.
* RoninOfDreams sets Avarie
down, leaning her against one wall, and pulls himself to his fuller height as he
watches the figure's approach.
<Falerin> "I knew it was a Caelestian
deity given the restriction. Or else a powerful archmage I was about to
<Falerin> "And crush"
* Gilphon looks at Figure, but does
not seem to react
<Falerin> "But you...."
<Falerin> "How in
the hell"
* Nicholas remains unphased, pretending to not know the
* Necro also looks, but doesn't really respond to teh figure
<Figure> "How indeed.... my lord...."
<Genoclysm> So that is
what he looks like. Hm.
* AlastorRyst narrows his eyes
* RoninOfDreams
says aloud, though more towards Falerin. "Everything has consequences."
<Figure> "When ripping a part a peice of the world...... sometimes you
weaken other peices"
<Figure> "When weaving together the fabric of
creation. Especially as a less then qualified seamstress... You may be certain
that only of your immediate product. The effect of the scraps... it is difficult
to say
* Lkeas shakes her head. "Unforeseen
<Figure> "Especailly when you have an group of other
individuals inside of that weakened area using devices to shred the walls
between worlds"
<Figure> "And you see
you did. You weakened the walls and then on several instances within that area
individuals did things to compromise the world walls of Caelestia"
<Lkeas> No...
<Figure> "Eventually the world walls of my cell were weakened. And my
power returned enough to escape the physical assault which I had been suffering
endlessly for the past 2 and a half millenia"
<RoninOfDreams> "Rage is
a terrible thing to act upon, this instance proving the point quite clearly it
would seem.
* Tulkas[afk] has joined
<Figure> "Mariel said someone slit reality open with a
<AlastorRyst> (Thanks.)
<Figure> "I believe that was
the final straw"
* AlastorRyst dispells the Dawnblade
* AlastorRyst widens
<Figure> "You had already weakened it... and then some individuals
started cutting the walls of reality with their swords and gauntlets and little
* Genoclysm looks hard at Alastor.
* Lkeas stiffens and balls her
hands into fists. "I tried to warn them.."
<Figure> "And they went
through the walls of my cell"
<Daniel> The sword Mariel confiscated...
<Figure> "And really I do thank them for that"
* RoninOfDreams
glances over to Lkeas. "You are not the only one who tried to do
<Falerin> "What is your purpose then... Therlion"
AlastorRyst narrows his eyes at looks at the figure with pure
<Figure> "Do not call me by my creators name"
* Nicholas
* Useless growls softly as the vast magnitude of everything crashes
in upon his mind.
* Lkeas nods at Ronin.
* Gilphon eyes
<Figure> "I was never like him. Only the grey part of me was...
and he is dead as is the white... apparently demipowers do not have avatar so
they went away. But me I had already claimed deityhood... and it seems that I
still have some who follow....or more like some who the fabric of Caelestia
thinks are more appropriately assigned to me"
<Lkeas> No... they may
get rambunctious but they are not Evil...
* Falerin frowns
Who in Caelestia is pure evil?
<Falerin> You are claiming individuals
from my own portfolio then
* LordBarrius scowls.
<AlastorRyst> I
must... go... now...
<Figure> "Likely. Which is amusing isn't it... I
thank you for keeping the spot warm.. but lets face it. You are ill qualified as
a "God of Evil". You actively engage in acts that HINDER your own pantheon and
your own most devoted
* AlastorRyst conjures the Dawnblade, and slices open
a portal, walking through, and the portal closes
<Figure> "Which brings
me to the point...."
* Figure smiles as Alastor does this
I wonder what this does to the active balance.
* RoninOfDreams keeps his distance from Useless,
for another aspect that he has recently learned of gives him caution in that
regard, as he otherwise watches the Man in Black very, very carefully indeed.
<Figure> lets be consistent
<Figure> You fail as the God of
<Figure> I clearly am infinitely more qualified. At the very least
because 1) I actually am evil 2) I actually wish evil to triumph
* Lkeas
scowls. "In what regard? The Farpoint deities are all somewhat chaotic in
nature, it helps keep the balance.."
<Figure> Hence I shall be taking
your portfolio from you
<Figure> My lady... if a person prays to a
deity asking them to hurt and mutilate people for his enjoyment
<Falerin> And the god instead tries to redeem them
* AlastorRyst
has quit IRC (Interred: Good luck, since I cannot be of any help, only
<Falerin> and offer them a better
<Genoclysm> Crud... can he do that?
<Daniel> Is he strong
enough to subvert Falerin's portfolio?
<Figure> precisely Falerin I am
glad you see your predicament yoruself clearly
<Figure> Those trully
evil persons are not praying to YOU
<Figure> They are praying to a
trully evil god. So long as you were all they had. It defaulted to
<Lkeas> I don't see it as a predicament at all. That such evil
would be granted seems rather unbalanced to me..
* A9M9 has quit IRC
(Vanished: �)
<Figure> But now those prayers have an alternate
<Figur> Balance is Neutrality
<Figure> Falerin is not
the God of Neutrality
<Figure> his position is not to be worried about
<Figure> he is the GOD OF EVIL
<Figure> he is
<Figure> And since he
* Gilphon glups
<Figure> We will come to blows over it eventually Ardendor
* Lkeas scowls. "You were imprisoned for a reason."
<Daniel> What
will happen to Falerin?
* Man reaches out and grabs Lkeas by the throat
hoisting her in the air
* LordBarrius scowls. "Leave her alone!"
Harlequin draws his blade "put the archivist down"
* Dale reacts suddenly,
drawing his blade. "Drop her."
<Gilphon> Lkeas!
<Daniel> Leave
her alone.
<Man> I was imprisoned so that I could be tortured daily and
repeatedly for all eternity
* Useless moves towards Lkeas with a start, but
schools himself into remaining aside since there is little a mortal man might do
against a god.
* Genoclysm clenches his teeth.
* Necro watches,
<Jeice> Lkeas...
* Lkeas grasps at the man's hand,
struggling to breathe
<Man> I was literally SPANKED day in and day out
as it was some pathetic imposers idea of justice
<Man> A god who had NO
RIGHT to this plane. to MY plane
Nicholas remains completely still, but lets out a slight sigh.
<Man> I
had every right to do with it whatever I DAMNED WELL wanted
<Jeice> I
thought you didn't want to be associated with your creator.
<Man> So
forgive me if I am not amused by their REASONS
* Gilphon glups again
* Man
* Man vanishes