Session XIX
From Caelwiki
Revision as of 22:15, 2 November 2007
[12:20] <>Ambiance<> You
stand in the room having been there or having arrived it is hard to
remeber which. Ryuusei is holding a gun on you and his demeanor is
harsh and unforgiving, His purpose is unmistakably evil. Every part of
his body screams malice.
[12:21] <>Ambiance<> The world
shudders. The sensation is particularly odd. It is not like a normal
earthquake at all. Rather it is as if a huge being of emense power has
grabbed the planet in his hand and shook it from side to side
[12:22] <>Ambiance<> The air takes on a thick viscosity and it becomes difficult to draw in a breath.
<>Ambiance<> Yet you do not suffocate as it seems as if
your breathing has been slowed down to near nothing....
<Falerin> A red light suffuses the entirety of the New York
Sky... and you are startled to see the hands on the clock on davids
wall begin moving forwards and backwards at an erratic rate. There is a
sense that time is not flowing forward or backward in any sensical way
but is somehow moving "sideways"
[12:25] <Falerin> The red
light suffuses into a distinct beam but the beam is directed not at the
planet but rather across its horizon and out into the depths of space.
Its source is unclear and its destination is equally mysterious.
<Falerin> Just the strafing of the beam has tremendous tidal
effects and the earth continues to shudder violently in response to its
[12:27] <David> What in the hell is.....
[12:27] * David wavers and vanishes
[12:27] * Several buildings vanish from the Manhattan skyline
[12:28] * Several buildings appear on the skyline where there were none before.
[12:29] * Several of the people with you vanish. Were they ever here?
[12:29] * Zeltan has joined #epic
[12:29] * Several new persons appear
[12:29] <>Ambiance<> Were they always here
<>Ambiance<> The red light retreats backwards and
disipates. Not like a light switched off but like a flow that gradually
slows as the source is cut off
[12:31] * Diviara wavers and vanishes from David's Bedroom
[12:31] * David's furniture wavers and vanishes from the room
[12:31] * PJIRC-461 has joined #epic
<>Ambiance<> Several new peices of furniture appear. The
paneling on the wall changes color from a light oak to a rich cherry.
[12:32] * PJIRC-461 is now known as Kraken
[12:32] <>Ambiance<> It begins to snow in Manhattan
[12:32] * Falerin sets mode: +vvv KingK Kraken Legault
[12:32] * Falerin sets mode: +vvv dalefanwill LordBarrius Murphy
[12:33] * Falerin sets mode: +vvv Nicholas Rimblade Zeltan
[12:33] <>Ambiance<> The Epic Resumes Now
[12:33] * Man enters the room from the kitchen and stops short
[12:33] <Man> "Who in the hell are you and what are you doing in my Living Room"
[12:33] * Rimblade blinks, completely dazed by the rapid flashes of events.
[12:33] * Nicholas shakes his head in confusion.
[12:33] <Rimblade> Excuse me?
[12:34] * Zeltan is confused
[12:34] * LordBarrius frowns and shakes his head. "What just happened...."
[12:34] <Man> "Eugenia Eugenia call the police"
[12:34] <Rimblade> No! Wait!
[12:34] <Zeltan>
[12:34] * Murphy falls to his knees, hard, shaking as he hits
[12:34] <dalefanwill> What in the.. What happened..
[12:34] <Rimblade> Can you give us directions to the nearest hospital?
[12:34] <Murphy> Wh...where am I?
[12:34] * Murphy shakes and vomits on the floor
[12:34] <Legault> ... Gah... This is odd.
[12:34] <Nicholas> Weren't we...
[12:34] <Murphy> G...God damn
[12:34] <Man> "Eugenia Eugenia call the police"
[12:34] * KingK has quit IRC (Ping timeout�)
[12:35] <Zeltan> Please listen to us!
[12:35] * Man is visible agitated as he moves over to a sideboard
[12:35] * PJIRC-923 has joined #epic
[12:35] <Legault> What... Happened?
[12:35] * Man withdraws something from the sideboard
[12:35] * Murphy stands up, still shaking
[12:35] * Hadin has joined #epic
[12:35] * Nicholas takes a deep breathe. "Hold on just a moment."
[12:35] * Falerin sets mode: +v Hadin
[12:35] * Kraken has quit IRC (NickServ (GHOST command used by PJIRC-923)�)
[12:35] * PJIRC-923 is now known as Kraken
[12:35] * Falerin sets mode: +v Kraken
[12:36] <Rimblade> Wait! Don't shoot us or anything! Please!
[12:36] <Murphy> Hold on man, I dont want trouble, let me get to my feet and I'll leave
[12:36] <Nicholas> Let's all act in a calm and reasonable manner.
[12:37] <Legault> Yes... You don't want to call the police on us.
[12:37] * LordBarrius nods slowly. "Yes, please....let's not be rash. We don't mean any harm."
[12:37] * Rimblade slowly holds his palms up at head level, palms facing the man.
[12:37] * Falerin holds a long slender rod in his hand carved from some sort of purplish wood
[12:37] * David holds a long slender rod in his hand carved from some sort of purplish wood
[12:37] <David> ((GAH))
[12:37] * KingK has joined #epic
[12:38] * Man holds a long slender rod in his hand carved from some sort of purplish wood
[12:38] * Falerin sets mode: +v KingK
- Hadin glances about with a raised eyebrow, immensely curious as to
what just happened, and his gaze comes to rest on the rod of purplish
wood in the man's hand.
[12:39] <Rimblade> No! Listen, we don't know where we are. Where are we, good sir?
[12:39] <Man> "In my bloody damn living room"
[12:39] * Man waves the rod
[12:39] <Man> "Disapparati Reversi"
[12:40] <>Ambiance<> The rod glows slightly but nothing appears to occur
[12:40] * LordBarrius tilts his head. "What?"
[12:40] * Man frowns
[12:40] <Rimblade> Okay, sure, but we don't know where your living room is.
[12:40] <Rimblade> We sort of just appeared here.
- Nicholas looks at the Man. "First, we should calmly introduce
ourselves. Greetings, whoever you are. My name is Nicholas, I believe
something just happened to us that teleported us here."
[12:40] <Man> "That should reverse any teleportation, apportation, reality portal"
[12:40] <Man> "Disapperati Reversi"
[12:40] <>Ambiance<> The rod glows slightly but nothing appears to occur
[12:40] <dalefanwill> We are just as weirded out by this occurance as you are, my good sir..
[12:40] <Man> "You did not teleport or apport here... thats impossible"
[12:41] * Man goes over to the door and checks it
[12:41] <Legault> We ended up here.
[12:41] <Murphy> No offense, but what in the hell are you talking about?
[12:41] <Man> "The front door is clearly still locked"
[12:41] <Rimblade> No, we just stood here, and the room we were in became this one. You wouldn't happen to know why?
[12:41] <Man> "You had to arrive via some form of transport."
[12:41] <Man> "Disapperati Reversi"
[12:41] <>Ambiance<> The rod glows slightly but nothing appears to occur
[12:42] * Nicholas nods. "I'm sure we did. But it wouldn't be the usual transportation."
[12:42] <Legault> Maybe you should take that rod in for repairs.
[12:42] <Zeltan> Well, it seems that mode of transportation is not teleportation
[12:42] * Murphy shifts his footing
[12:42] <Man> "Vivi electra"
[12:42] <Murphy> Can somoene give me a clue in here? Teleportation?
[12:42] * Legualt is hit by a miniscule bolt of lightning which throws him to the ground but otherwise does no injury
[12:42] <Man> "My wand is working quite fine thank you"
[12:43] <Murphy> What in the hell!?
[12:43] <Zeltan> What's the name of the location of your house ?
[12:43] * Legault twitches. "... I can see that..."
[12:43] * Murphy rushes over and grabs Legualt by the collar, yanking him back to his feet
[12:43] * Hadin sighs. "Perhaps, you realize, we should just leave before things escalate?"
[12:44] * Legault looks at Murphy. "Thanks."
[12:44] * Nicholas sighs. "We were thrown between realms by magic we didn't use... I think."
<Murphy> Can we slow things down a bit, here, a nice little
introduction, trade names, find out who in the hell we are?
- Nicholas bows politely. "If you wish us to leave your home, we may do
so through the front door. You have only to ask."
[12:45] * Hadin
leans heavily on his cane and very slowly makes his way towards the
door. "If you'll excuse me sir...I think you'd like us out of here."
[12:45] * Murphy walks up to the man with the wand, his hand out
[12:46] <Murphy> My names Murphy
[12:47] <Nicholas> May you kindly tell me your name, Sir?
[12:48] * Murphy shifts his footing again, hand still out towards the stranger
[12:50] * Man frowns
[12:50] <Man> "This makes no sense"
[12:50] * Murphy brings his hand down slowly
[12:51] <Nicholas> That's something we could agree on.
[12:51] <Man> "But the laws of Scicanum cannot be denied"
[12:51] <Man> "A teleported and apported being always has a link to its source"
[12:51] <Man> "The channel can be used to push the being back to its source"
[12:51] <Man> "First principle of abjuration"
[12:51] <Hadin> "No, I do not think it does. However...I do not think I can even begin to try and understand."
[12:52] <Man> "You have no source"
[12:52] * Rimblade has quit IRC (Broken pipe�)
[12:52] * Man frows
[12:52] <Zeltan> But it's weird, if we are not teleported...
[12:52] <Man> "Could it be...."
[12:52] * Nicholas frowns and shakes his head. "The realm we came from could of been uncreated."
[12:52] <Man> "Dischronomanti Reversi"
[12:52] <Legault> I sure hope not...
[12:52] <Hadin> "Magic...such a tricky thing."
[12:53] <>Ambiance<> The rod glows more brightly but fails
[12:53] <Man> "You did not leave the world you were in"
[12:53] <Man> "This is the same world."
[12:53] * Man frowns
[12:53] <Man> Eugenia do not call the police....
[12:53] <Legault> This world looks completely different...
[12:54] <Nicholas> Strange...
[12:54] * Man closes his eyes and reaches out his hands and a warm light suffuses the whole room
[12:54] * Hadin shakes his head violently from side to side. "By the Lords, I'm getting too old for this."
[12:54] <Man> "This is terrible"
[12:54] <Man> "Absolutely terrible"
[12:55] <Legault> What do you mean?
[12:55] * Murphy reaches up and scratches the back of his head
[12:55] <Man> "You are in the nexus of a massive temporal paradox....."
[12:55] <Zeltan> Paradox again..when will this end?
[12:55] <Man> "Normally such a paradox would resolve itself when I used a disapperati or or dischronomati"
[12:55] <Man> "It would enforce the branch that is required"
[12:55] <Hadin> "Lately my entire life seems trapped in a paradox...but please do explain further, sir."
[12:55] * KingK sighs,"always with these problems......"
[12:55] <Man> "Being a multiversal engineer has its priviledges"
[12:56] <Man> "My disaperati and dischronomanti have unlimited energy backing from Arcanum Central"
[12:56] * Murphy opens his mouth to speak, then quickly shuts it, stumbling back to a chair in the corner
[12:56] <Hadin> "Multiversal engineer?"
[12:56] <Man> "But... It cannot happen for you..."
[12:56] <Man> "Beacuse the cause of the paradox has been destroyed utterly"
[12:56] <KingK> but why?
[12:57] <Man> "The paradox can NEVER be resolved"
[12:57] <Man> "So it has scabbed over instead"
[12:57] <KingK> ah............
[12:57] <Nicholas> This sounds like it has nasty consequences...
[12:57] <Man> The timeline has shifted into new positions...
[12:57] <Hadin> "How...interesting. Life from here on out as an eternal paradox."
[12:57] <Man> And you ended up in my living room...
[12:57] * Murphy rubs his brow
[12:57] <Man> Which I have to assume is exactly where you started
[12:58] <Man> Though before the Paradox... it was not my living room was it
[12:58] <Zeltan> Our timeline is completely messed up ?
[12:58] <Man> Esentially this reality has been "reformed"
[12:58] <Man> It is a totally new timeline
[12:58] <Man> I am native to it.. so I did not notice
[12:58] <Zeltan> This is someone else's room before
[12:58] <Man> Though it explains some odditites
[12:58] <Murphy> So my prize fight in two days is screwed isnt it
[12:58] <Man> Why this world has always been so open to other realities...
[12:58] <Legault> Probably...
[12:59] <Man> Though On the other side it would have been the opposite
[12:59] <Man> A massive wall...
[12:59] <Man> Someone would have had to have breached that wall in order for the realities to recohere so violently
[12:59] <Hadin> "A wall, you say?"
[12:59] <Man> Two realities that once were seperate have merged back into a single new branch that is neither of them
[12:59] <Man> But why did you not adjust to your new locations
[12:59] <Man> based on the new timeline
[13:00] <Man> That should...
[13:00] <Man> "You are not from that original reality either"
[13:00] <Hadin> "Nothing ever seems to happen as it 'should' given us."
[13:00] <Man> "You were there when the cataclysm happened"
[13:00] <Man> "But you are from somewhere else"
[13:00] <Man> "You are Omninauts"
[13:00] <Hadin> "That would be the case, if I am grasping the situation correctly as you describe."
[13:00] <Man> "Travellers in the Omniverse"
[13:00] * Man frowns
[13:00] <Man> "This is very distressing"
[13:00] <Murphy> I'm a New Yorker
[13:00] <Hadin> "Though the word Omninauts...ah...well, not entirely willingly as it were, sir."
[13:01] <Murphy> Thats where I'm from
[13:01] <Zeltan> True that we've been realm travelling
[13:01] <Man> So much death
[13:01] <Murphy> What else is new
[13:01] <Man> "For this to have happened all the intervening worlds had to be crushed
[13:01] * Murphy frowns in frustration
[13:01] <KingK> but what does that mean that we are outside of time alterations at this point?
[13:01] <Nicholas> I quite often travel between realms, yes.
[13:01] <Man> "The little twigs and branches"
[13:01] <Man> "As the new worlds were grafted together"
[13:01] * Hadin sighs. "More damage to the Tree of Possibility then?"
[13:02] <KingK> so they were basiclly suqashed by the change?
[13:02] <Man> "Well.. damage is..."
[13:02] <Man> "A word"
[13:02] <Legault> I can't believe this...
<Murphy> I'm a bit "out of the loop" here, but I think I might
have a simple answer to why we showed up in your room
[13:02] <Hadin> "A word that fits an analogy..."
[13:03] <Man> "IF we were in the actual path of the change"
[13:03] <Murphy> The proverbial 10 pounds of shit in a five pound bag
[13:03] <Man> "None of us would be alive"
[13:03] <Man> "But someone who was in our worlds was"
[13:03] <Legault> Sure, Murphy.
[13:03] <Man> "And he no longer exists"
[13:03] <Man> "HE has been eliminated"
[13:03] <Man> "Thus the irresolvable paradoxes"
[13:04] <Man> "Possibly more than one someone"
[13:04] <Ryuusei> "Definitely more than one someone"
[13:04] * Ryuusei grabs the wand
[13:04] * Nicholas frowns.
[13:04] <Zeltan> Waht ?!
[13:04] * LordBarrius scowls and whips around. "Ryuusei?!"
[13:04] * Hadin glances at Ryuusei and grimaces. "You again..."
[13:04] <Legault> Who is he?
[13:05] <Ryuusei> shoves the wand through the Man's eye socket and into his brain with force
[13:05] <Murphy> Whoa!
[13:05] <Zeltan> I'm going to be sick..
[13:05] * Murphy jumps to his feet
[13:05] * Man collapses dead
[13:05] * Hadin grimaces but says nothing.
[13:05] <Ryuusei> "Falerin... has been deleted from this reality."
[13:05] <Murphy> What the hell man!
[13:05] <Zeltan> What do you want from us now?
[13:05] * LordBarrius grimaces at the violent act. "That....was unnecessary, Ryuusei."
[13:05] * Nicholas stands, untouched by the death.
[13:06] <Ryuusei> When I saw the uncreation I recognized it so I fled
[13:06] <dalefanwill> We've seen worse.
[13:06] <Ryuusei> I then traced the change
[13:06] * Legault stares at the corpse blankly.
[13:06] <Hadin> "I...daresay that we haven't, dale."
[13:06] <Murphy> No, seriously! What the hell man!
<Ryuusei> The avatar here. Always existed in isolation from his
God. He took answers from Falerin when they were given, but was always
[13:07] <Ryuusei> The avatar
here was NOT an avatar of your Falerin however. Though he knew it not
when your Falerin delivered orders and he listened.
[13:07] <Ryuusei> The avatar here was an Avatar of the Analog
[13:07] <dalefanwill> Hadin, I should've said I have seen worse. My apologies.
[13:07] <Ryuusei> Something has happened to the Analog
[13:07] * Murphy pinches himself repeatedly
[13:08] * Hadin glances up at the ceiling, attempting to comprehend all of the ramifications.
[13:08] <Ryuusei> So something has happed to his Avatar
[13:08] <Legault> Trying to make up?
[13:09] * Woman enters
[13:09] <Woman> OH MY GOD!
[13:09] <Zeltan> No, run away!
[13:09] <Woman> LARRY!
[13:09] <Zeltan> Run as far as you can!
[13:09] <Legault> I'd run... Fast.
[13:09] * Woman rushes toward her fallen husband
[13:09] <dalefanwill> Woman, it would be in your best interests to leave. now.
[13:09] * Ryuusei walks over to the woman
[13:10] <Ryuusei> do you hear the way they threaten you
[13:10] <Nicholas> "I strongly advise leaving." points to Ryuusei "He may kill you too."
[13:10] <Hadin> "Ryuusei, do not try to turn your crime back upon us."
[13:10] <Ryuusei> they killed your husband broke into the room
[13:10] <dalefanwill> Why must you try to turn her against us?
[13:10] <Ryuusei> Had I not seen it all from the street why they might kill you as well
[13:10] <Murphy> Hey you bastard! What is up with this guy?
[13:10] <Legault> ... So we're the villans now?
[13:10] <dalefanwill> Do you honestly believe him?
[13:10] <dalefanwill> So it would appear.
[13:10] * Woman looks pale and shivers slightly
[13:11] * Murphy walks over and squats down by the woman
[13:11] * LordBarrius scowls. "Ryuusei...."
[13:11] <Woman> strangers broke in and killed Larry. Killed my Larry
[13:11] <Ryuusei> Should I call the police.....?
[13:11] <Murphy> Lady, we didnt do a damn thing
[13:11] <Zeltan> "Great.."
<Hadin> "First, do you see a single sign of forced entry? Second,
did your husband not have his wand on us when telling you to call the
police? Third, did we not try to resolve the situation calmly?"
[13:11] <Woman> No.. they will just slow it down in an investigation
<dalefanwill> She's a mere woman, and unless she has some hidden
talent I'm not aware of, cannot take on a group of this size.
[13:12] <Woman> They killed Larry they have to die too
[13:12] * Murphy stands up
[13:12] <Zeltan> We better make our exit
[13:12] <Ryuusei> I agree
[13:12] <Murphy> Dont do this lady
[13:12] <Murphy> And you shut the hell up!
[13:12] <Hadin> "An eye for an eye...alas...under that form of justice too many innocents suffer."
[13:12] * Woman stands
[13:12] <>Ambiance<> bursts into flames
[13:12] * Zeltan backs away
[13:13] <Murphy> Oh what in the hell
[13:13] * Woman is in flames and adavances her hair seems to have become fire. Her eyes are pools of molten lava.
[13:13] <Legault> What the...?
[13:13] * Nicholas frowns. "My life no longer belongs just to me. Killing me would hurt someone I love."
[13:13] * Murphy steps backwards, almost tripping over various pieces of furniture
[13:13] * Hadin looks down at his cane sadly, trying to feel for any magic within his bones in this realm.
[13:13] <dalefanwill> Ha, I should've known there was more then appeared.
[13:13] <Zeltan> And i though Human Torch is only a comic book character
[13:13] <Ryuusei> "Ifrit kin are kind of hotheaded... I would run fast if I were you"
[13:13] * LordBarrius looks at Ryuusei. "You...."
[13:14] <Ryuusei> "The woman is Djinni"
[13:14] * Murphy runs to the door and grabs the door knob, it jiggles, but will not turn
[13:14] <dalefanwill> ANd we are in trouble.
[13:14] <Legault> An elemental spirit?
[13:14] * Woman advances drawing balls of flame into her hand
[13:14] * Murphy turns and begins to panic
[13:14] <Zeltan> Oh no..
[13:14] * Ryuusei points at the door and it opens
[13:15] <Man> "See they messed up the lock when they broke in"
[13:15] * Murphy bursts into the hallways
[13:15] * Hadin stands next to the open door, ushering the others out first.
[13:15] <Man> They broke in and killed me Eugenia
[13:15] <Man> Burn them
[13:15] <Man> Burn them
[13:15] <Zeltan> What ?!
[13:15] <Hadin> "You are a despicible breed, Ryuusei."
[13:15] * Nicholas runs towards the door.
[13:15] <dalefanwill> NO! He lies!
[13:15] <Murphy> OH seriously screw this
[13:15] * Zeltan sprints for the door
[13:15] * Woman throws a ball of fire and the building begins to Catch
[13:15] * Murphy runs down the hallway, stopping at the end waiting to see if the others come out
[13:16] * Hadin leans forward and catchs LordBarrius' collar with his cane, yanking him towards the open door.
[13:16] * LordBarrius scowls at Ryuusei, then begins to run for the door himself.
[13:16] * Legault dashes towards the door. "Time to head out!"
[13:16] * Murphy leaps down the stairs, clearing ten in each bound
[13:16] * dalefanwill stands as he was, not intimidated in the least.
[13:16] * Jeremy walks down the stairs from the above apartment and sees the flames and turns into mid werewolf form in alarm
- Hadin leaves after forcing dalefanwill out the door, clearly
remarking to Ryuusei. "You will live the life of the Damned one day, I
[13:17] * Woman grabs Dale on the arm...
[13:18] * Nicholas sighs as he runs out the door.
[13:18] <Zeltan> No ! She has Dale
[13:18] * dalefanwill feels his insides start to bubble and burn,until he bursts into flames
[13:18] * Zeltan looks back with sadness and turns to run
[13:18] * dalefanwill still in flames, screams out " HELP ME "
[13:19] <Ryuusei> Will you serve me if I do?
[13:19] <Hadin> "Do not accept that, Dale."
[13:19] <Nicholas> ...No, don't accept his offer!
[13:19] <Hadin> "Die with dignity."
[13:19] <Ryuusei> I assure you I am the only one here with the remote power to save you
[13:19] <dalefanwill> I will, just end this suffering!
[13:19] <Nicholas> Death is better than service to The`Galin.
[13:19] * LordBarrius scowls. "Damnit...."
[13:19] * Legault looks at Dale then turns and keeps running. "Nothing to do now..."
[13:19] <Man> "Chronomanti Reversi Chronologie"
[13:20] <>Ambiance<> The clock on the wall begins spinning backward rapidly
- Woman releases dale and walks backwards over to her dead husband
bends down and stands up and walks backwards out of the room...
[13:20] * Jeremy runs up the stairs backwards
[13:21] * Murphy runs backwards into the room
[13:21] * Man flies upwards his wand flying out of his eye.
[13:21] * Ryuusei places the wand back in his hand and vanishes
[13:21] <Ryuusei> "Service accepted...."
[13:21] <Legault> What...?
[13:21] <Zeltan> NO !!!
[13:22] <Man> <END OF SESSION>