Predictable Times

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Current revision as of 02:05, 31 October 2007

: [23:06] <>Ambiance<> A bell chimes loudly in the distance its note deep and haunting.
[23:06] * Falerin ( has joined #755
[23:06] * Falerin appears, ghostly at first, but then gestures a cutting motion at his throat and becomes more solid. Even as he does this the bell stops ringing.
[23:06] * Tralin sets mode: +o Falerin
[23:06] * Falerin appears with a Scowl.
[23:06] <Mobuis> Hm.
[23:06] <Genoclysm> Hello Falerin. Something wrong?
[23:06] <Dale> Hello there Falerin. What seems to be wrong?
[23:06] <bluemanrocks|Essayification> Grettings Oh Scowling One
[23:06] <LordBarrius> Greetings Falerin, what troubles you?
[23:06] <bluemanrocks|Essayification> What's the problem?
[23:06] * Maxx looks up from his book, "Greetings, LoreMaster."
[23:07] * Donto_M shoots up, "I heard a bell stop ringing." He runs in. "Hello Falerin."
[23:07] <Falerin> The problem is that my coworkers saw fit to allow an egregious transgression and not to protect this haven as agreed
[23:07] * Maxwell (Truth@755.755.755.755) has joined #755
[23:07] * Tralin sets mode: +ao Maxwell Maxwell
[23:07] <Falerin> While I was indisposed a violation of sorts occured here which I find entirely unacceptable
[23:08] <LordBarrius> You refer to the Paladin?
[23:08] <Maxwell> That happens all the time mate.
[23:08] <bluemanrocks|Essayification> Hmm?
[23:08] <Maxwell> They dont follow the damn rules.
[23:08] <bluemanrocks|Essayification> Grettings Maxwell
[23:08] <Maxwell> Howdy
[23:08] <LordBarrius> Greetings Maxwell.
[23:08] <Donto_M> Hello Maxwell.
[23:08] <Maxx> Hello, Maxwell
[23:08] <Genoclysm> Hello Maxwell.
[23:08] <Falerin> Yes well the powers of Caelestia that should have protected the citizens of this sanctuary failed in their duty in my absence....
[23:08] <Mobuis> Hm, we are like clones...
[23:08] <Falerin> I shall have to have some Harsh words with Eldron, Mariel and Serian
[23:08] <bluemanrocks|Essayification> ((So how does this work? Maxwell likes it not RP and Falerin likes it RP...))
[23:09] <Falerin> At anyrate what is done is past
[23:09] <Maxwell> Its the odd couple.
[23:09] <Falerin> I note that his daughter has arrived....
[23:09] <WolfLink> ((I talked to eldron on WoW the other days))
[23:09] <Maxwell> It would make a great show.
[23:09] <bluemanrocks|Essayification> ((Well likes it is a bad term..))
[23:09] <Falerin> While I should be glad for what is heralded by that occurance I am hardly comforted
[23:09] <Donto_M> "his" daughter? Are you referring to the huntress?
[23:09] <Falerin> Dark times ahead
[23:10] <Falerin> Predictable times
[23:10] <Falerin> but dark ones nonetheless
[23:10] * WolfLink barks: Dark Times are always ahead.
[23:10] <LordBarrius> I suspected as much.
[23:10] <Donto_M> But of course.
[23:10] <Genoclysm> The war will start soon I guess.
[23:10] <Falerin> Who will suffer in the lesson that is about to be learned... and worse what causes
[23:10] <Genoclysm> Oh, I had a question.
[23:11] * WolfLink ((has an Epic Feeling))
[23:11] <Falerin> When all becomes clear it will enforce the very image I have sought for so long to fight....
[23:11] <Falerin> Oh well
[23:11] <Falerin> Nothing for it
[23:12] <Maxwell> wow Zensen has a lot of music planned
[23:12] <Maxwell> a lot of a lot of other stuff too XD
[23:12] * Maxwell brain melts
[23:12] <Genoclysm> Heh.
[23:13] <Mobuis> Huh.
[23:13] <Genoclysm> Who was... what was his name... Borg?
[23:13] <Donto_M> Nothing for your efforts? That doesn't sound too good.
[23:13] <Maxwell> the first version of the game has over 60 tracks planned
[23:13] <Maxwell> just for one little island
[23:13] <Dale> They believe that The Huntress is the agent... I can't believe it... Even after we've given them so much proof that she isn't...
[23:14] <Donto_M> Dale, who is they?
[23:14] <Dale> ((Forum people. ))
[23:14] <Genoclysm> The forons.
[23:15] * Donto_M sighs, "Ugh, they have to have an immediate answer."
[23:15] * Nicholas falls asleep.
[23:15] <Dale> Even after Lkeas gave them more then enough convincing proof. They don't see it...
[23:16] * Mobuis ( Quit (Ping timeout )
[23:16] <Donto_M> They'll have to see things to believe them.
[23:19] * bluemanrocks|Essayification gives Maxwell a spare brain
[23:19] <Falerin> She follows The`Galin
[23:20] <Falerin> That is enough for them
[23:20] <Falerin> Even her Father believes she has Fallen
[23:20] <Falerin> So how can you fault them
[23:20] <bluemanrocks|Essayification> Like this!
[23:20] * bluemanrocks|Essayification faults them
[23:20] <Genoclysm> Not everything is as it appears, I'm not going to jump to conclusions.
[23:20] * bluemanrocks|Essayification is now known as bluemanrocks
[23:20] <Dale> Heh, she said she follows, they misunderstood her.
[23:21] <bluemanrocks> But sometimes things are as they appear, although in this case...
[23:21] <Genoclysm> "All that is evil is not dark" or was it the other way around?
[23:21] <bluemanrocks> That one
[23:21] <bluemanrocks> I think
[23:21] <WolfLink> other way around
[23:23] <bluemanrocks> ...
[23:23] <Maxwell>
[23:23] <bluemanrocks> ...
[23:23] <Dale> List of the music?
[23:23] <Dale> ... Duh.
[23:23] <Genoclysm> Wow.
[23:24] <WolfLink> i wanna play it XD
[23:25] <Maxwell> thanks lol
[23:25] <Maxwell> sometime at the end of this year or early next year :P
[23:25] <bluemanrocks> Wow
[23:25] <Genoclysm> Falerin (or Maxwell), has the Faceless in the Huntress gone through multiple bodies, or just one?
[23:25] <bluemanrocks> Is that on schedule or sooner or later or waht?
[23:25] <Genoclysm> Through the centuries.
[23:25] <Maxwell> that is when I plan to finish
[23:26] <Maxwell> but you can never be too sure
[23:26] <WolfLink> Maxwell can i pre order it XD like as soon as its finished i wanna play it before everyone else XD
[23:26] <Genoclysm> XD
[23:27] <bluemanrocks> YD
[23:27] <Maxwell> you can beta test like everyone else I suppose :P
[23:27] <WolfLink> yay?!
[23:27] <Maxwell> that is what the finished version will be anywas, the beta
[23:27] <Genoclysm> I doubt that would happen WolfLink.
[23:27] <WolfLink> yay?!
[23:27] <Maxwell> Zensen island is pretty much the beta island.
[23:27] <bluemanrocks> Wait, how bouts we makes a deal? I let you bask in my glory and I get it in two weeks? Sound good?
[23:28] <WolfLink> its a LOST Parody isnt it?
[23:28] <Maxwell> No?
[23:28] <Avarie> Not in the slightest
[23:28] <WolfLink> If by glory you mean cluelessness Blue
[23:28] <Maxwell> It has nothing to do with Lost at all. lol
[23:28] * bluemanrocks cries
[23:28] <Falerin> Genoclysm I have no answer for you
[23:28] * WolfLink patpats Bleu!
[23:28] <Falerin> I doubt Maxwell will be forthcoming with one either
[23:29] <Genoclysm> I do think I'd like a to see how this game of yours turns out Maxwell. Sounds good so far.
[23:29] <Maxwell> I wont be.
[23:29] <Falerin> However it is safe to say the Huntress current form has been the Annunaki's host at least for 1000 years
[23:29] <Maxwell> beach.jpg
[23:29] <WolfLink> and shes not wrinkly
[23:29] <Falerin> Beyond that
[23:29] <Falerin> No
[23:29] <Maxwell> Thati s the only concept art I could find.
[23:29] <Falerin> I have nothing to offer
[23:29] <Maxwell> That is anything like Lost.
[23:29] <Maxwell> :P
[23:29] <Maxwell> They are on the beach, so there ya go.
[23:29] <WolfLink> no its Lost Girls Gone Semi Wild
[23:30] <Dale> Oh god, Max, do you realize that WolfLink wi-... Nevermind.
[23:30] <WolfLink> XD
[23:31] <WolfLink> LOST: Girls Edition XD
[23:31] <Maxwell> I have been cleaning all day -_-;
[23:31] <Maxwell> Now I have to do laundry!
[23:31] <Maxwell> adios
[23:31] <Genoclysm> It makes me wonder if you're basing it on Dead or Alive with the characters you've shown so far.  :p
[23:31] <bluemanrocks> Anti-Grettings
[23:31] <Genoclysm> Bye Maxwell.
[23:31] <Maxwell> Dead or Alive is one of my favrotie games.
[23:31] <Dale> XD
[23:31] <Maxwell> There is a lot of props to DOA in Zensen actually.
[23:32] <LordBarrius> Goodbye Maxwell.
[23:32] <LordBarrius> Try to take it *somewhat* easy. :P
[23:32] <bluemanrocks> "Anti-Grettings"
[23:32] <Maxwell> I have a lot of work to do :P
[23:32] <Maxwell> bye :D
[23:32] <Falerin> Good day maxwell
[23:32] * Maxwell (Truth@755.755.755.755) Quit (Vanished: )
[23:32] * Falerin frowns
[23:32] <Falerin> As good as it can be anywya
[23:33] <Falerin> *anyway
[23:33] <bluemanrocks> ?
[23:33] <Dale> Cheer up, Falerin.
[23:33] <bluemanrocks> "
[23:34] * WolfLink barks: Falerin is never happy
[23:34] <bluemanrocks> ...
[23:35] <Dale> Most of the time he's serious, and that can make him appear unhappy. But surely he's not always like that...
[23:36] * Khat enters from the kitchen with a plate of homemade bread, soft cheeses, fruit, and a glass of mulled wine for Falerin. "I thought I heard you return"
[23:36] <bluemanrocks> Falerin, I've noticed that you're always standing when you come in here...
[23:36] <Khat> I will have you know I have been reading your histories for the last few days.
[23:37] <Khat> and I am still on only book 2
[23:39] <bluemanrocks> ...
[23:39] * WolfLink barks: Falerin you were saying earlier?
[23:40] * Khat goes over to her favorite chair by the fire and begins to become absorbed in reading the histories of Lore.
[23:40] * WolfLink runsand lies down at Khat's feet
[23:40] * LordBarrius kneels by Nicholas and quietly lifts him, then carries him over to the couch as gently as possible, trying not to wake him.
[23:40] <WolfLink> ((Which couch we have like 42 billion))
[23:41] <Khat> LordBarrius use that afghan to make him comfortable will you?
[23:41] <Dale> ((I'll return at a later date, possibly later this evening. :o))
[23:41] <bluemanrocks> Falerin, the "Dark" version of you that visited us a while ago before you uncreated him told us that he had once imitated you without us knowing...
[23:41] * Dale is now known as Dale|MaybeSleep
[23:41] * LordBarrius nods and retrieves the afghan, then lays it over Nicholas.
[23:41] <WolfLink> ((the what ghan?>))
[23:42] <Khat> (It is a soft knitted blanket))
[23:42] <Genoclysm> Falerin, could you please tell me who a man named Bord was, about... 9 generations ago?
[23:42] <WolfLink> ((ah thanks))
[23:43] <bluemanrocks> With that said, of the times you visited and the interaction was recorded, are there any you don't remember as being you?
[23:43] <bluemanrocks> Or was the "Dark" version bluffing?
[23:44] <maieo> ((no, the afghani. it's a terrorist. XP))
[23:45] <Khat> (No I just made it last week - there are NO Tears in it...))
[23:45] * bluemanrocks pokes Falerin
[23:47] * maieo moves closer to Nick's sleeping form *
[23:48] <bluemanrocks> ((...))
[23:48] <Khat> ((honestly the wine was not drugged!))
[23:48] * bluemanrocks prods Falerin
[23:48] <maieo> ((he's busy, leave him alone.))
[23:49] * WolfLink pushes the heated Branding iron to Blue
[23:49] <bluemanrocks> ((Oh, sorry...))
[23:49] * bluemanrocks is unaffected by said Branding Iron
[23:49] * WolfLink trys to tell him to use it on Falerin
[23:49] <maieo> ((and that's
[23:50] <WolfLink> ((ikts not))
[23:50] <WolfLink> ((hence why im doing it XD))
[23:50] <Khat> ((time to begin rolling up that newspaper again Link))
[23:50] <maieo> ((oh, yeah. I forgot you're Wes. Duh.))
[23:50] * bluemanrocks brands said Wes character
[23:53] * Donto_M ( Quit (Interred: )
[23:54] * Khat is now known as Khat|Napping
[23:54] <WolfLink> ((Since Kingk isnt saying it..))
[23:54] <WolfLink> ((Silence Thy name is #755))
[23:54] <bluemanrocks> ((Well I have to go... Don't miss me too much, and don't let ANYTHING happen... Otherwise, I'll... Well I won't do anything, but that's not the point...))
[23:54] * Nicholas shifts his position in his sleep.
[23:55] <bluemanrocks> ((Adiue))
[23:55] * maieo watches over Nick, looking slightly worried.
[23:55] * Genoclysm tries to patiently wait for an answer from Falerin.
[23:57] * bluemanrocks begins to prod Falerin again, but disperses into the atmosphere, humidifying and discoloring it slightly...
[23:57] <bluemanrocks> ((Adiue))
[23:58] * bluemanrocks is now known as Sprrie
[23:58] * Nicholas shifts back to his original postion.
[23:58] <Nicholas> (( Position* ))
[00:00] <WolfLink> ((* WolfLink Sets mode: +Waiting for Falerin Falerin))
[00:01] * maieo leans over and kisses Nick's forehead, still watching him worriedly *
[00:01] <maieo> ((That is a real word, right?))
[00:01] <WolfLink> ((yes That is a real word))
[00:01] <Sprrie> ((Lowlarious Wes...))
[00:03] <Sprrie> ((/me leaves))
[00:03] * Nicholas remains perfectly calm.
[00:04] * Genoclysm thinks being patient gets harder over time.
[00:10] * maieo looks at Nick, thinking that appearances can be deceptive *
[00:13] * WolfLink goes into the kitchen and gets some Meat out of the freezer.
[00:13] <Falerin> I am off
[00:13] * Falerin is now known as Falerin-: [Asleep]
[00:13] * Falerin-: [Asleep] is away Snoring gently in the canopy...
[00:13] <LordBarrius> Goodnight Falerin.
[00:13] <maieo> ((XD no one got answers..))
[00:13] <Maxx> G'night Falerin.
[00:13] <WolfLink> ((well Falerin you were a whole lotta useless))
[00:14] <Falerin-: [Asleep]> Answers Maieo are rarely given
[00:14] <maieo> ((I know.))
[00:14] <Falerin-: [Asleep]> They have to be worked for to be of any value
[00:14] <maieo> ((yes, sir.))
[00:15] <Falerin-: [Asleep]> For my own part I am far to distracted by my annoyance at the moment to be of any use to anyone
[00:15] <Falerin-: [Asleep]> The other Farpoint deities will hear about this
[00:15] * Falerin-: [Asleep] ( has left #755
[00:15] <WolfLink> your annoyance?
[00:15] <Maxx> Since we are all still standing, I presume we are not the cause of his annoyance.
[00:16] <LordBarrius> He is probably angered by the actions of the Paladin last night....
[00:16] <WolfLink> hence why the deities will here about this.
[00:16] * WolfLink is now known as Link
[00:16] * LordBarrius sighs. "Or was it the night before? My mind is becoming hazier without the proper rest."
[00:16] <Maxx> I'm unaware of what occurred.
[00:17] <Maxx> And, it seems to be none of my concern.
[00:17] * Nicholas shifts his position once more.
[00:17] <Genoclysm> Bah, they both purposely ignored both my questions.
[00:17] <Maxx> Yes. They did.
[00:17] <LordBarrius> Hadin is gone, Maxx. That is essentially what transpired.
[00:18] <Maxx> It seems the crutches are being removed one by one.
[00:18] <Genoclysm> How else would we find out? We have no other sources.
[00:18] <Maxx> Will we remain standing, I wonder?
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