Family Relations

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Current revision as of 01:56, 31 October 2007

[13:37] * Maxx looks up from his book and smiles in greeting at Lkeas.
[13:37] Gilphon: And I've been wondering the same thing, LBL
[13:37] * Iggy hugs the Lkeas
[13:38] Gilphon: ((the lkeas?))
[13:38] Maxx: Odd how I was just finishing the latest Epic entry when you should appear.
[13:38] Lkeas: oh?
[13:39] * Iggy hugs Lkeas
[13:39] Lkeas: that is rather coincidental isn't it?
[13:39] * Lkeas hugs Iggy back
[13:39] * Iggy smiles
[13:40] Maxx: The final exchange is rather alarming.
[13:40] Lkeas: indeed.
[13:40] Iggy: another epic happened?
[13:40] Lkeas: you mean Diviara's words?
[13:40] Gilphon: As I said, we may have been tricked in a big way
[13:40] Maxx: Aye.
[13:40] * Lkeas frowns.
[13:40] Gilphon: if he had a bet with Ryuusei...
[13:40] Lkeas: I still cannot forget The Traveller's, though...
[13:41] Lkeas: it had to do with the nature of the burning feathers falling from the ceiling
[13:42] Lkeas: the ones we were watching as indicators of Diviara's condition...
[13:42] lightbringerlord: ((Why I'm sleeping when there is an epic?! I hate time zones!))
[13:42] Gilphon: I think it may have been a ploy to get rid of the traveller
[13:42] Lkeas: yes, i know that's how it seems, Gilphon, and The Traveller did indeed sacrifice himself for Diviara's sake
[13:42] Maxx: I'm going to "Down Burning" now.
[13:42] Lkeas: but listen to this:
[13:42] Lkeas: * TheTraveller This symbol... the feathers are made of light...
* TheTraveller For them to appear... the Brilhado has to have been accepted by the lord of light
[13:43] lightbringerlord: So, he'd get better now?
[13:43] * Lkeas sighs
[13:44] Gilphon: which either Diviara has been acceted by the light lord
[13:44] Gilphon: or Gilitra is dying
[13:44] * ZLOK stretches.
[13:44] Lkeas: well, considering The Traveller had just been speaking with Giliara recently and he seemed in good condition, I'm not sure the latter would be feasible
[13:44] Gilphon: ((I think I spelled that wrong :p))
[13:44] Lkeas: several of the seekers also caught a glimpse of him
[13:44] Gilphon: true
[13:45] * lightbringerlord starts to read the last epic
[13:45] Gilphon: but the former is also unlikely
[13:45] Maxx: There's also a statement of being "accepted by proxy" in that log, Lkeas.
[13:46] Lkeas: indeed. meaning whoever it is, they did not attempt to enter the temple of light in order to be accepted
[13:46] Lkeas: whereas we know Giliara did
[13:46] *** Daniel|Away is now known as Daniel.
[13:46] Maxx: Didn't Diviara mention in the epic that he has one brother.
[13:46] Maxx: *?
[13:46] Lkeas: yes, Giliara.
[13:46] Lkeas: they are brothers
[13:47] Gilphon: I thought Diviara was Giliara's uncle
[13:47] Maxx: I wasn't certain if it was blatently stated, but that was the conclusion I came to.
[13:47] * Lkeas shakes her head
[13:47] Gilphon: I seem to remember reading that in the histoires
[13:47] Lkeas: Useless began calling Diviara "uncle" after his transformation
[13:48] Gilphon: what's your point?
[13:48] Lkeas: i'm just saying that's probably where you heard "uncle" spoken before
[13:49] Gilphon: actually, I seem to remember The'Galin calling Giliara Diviara's nephew
[13:49] Gilphon: in manifestion, I belive
[13:50] Lkeas: hmm...
[13:50] Zeltan: Could be..
[13:50] Lkeas: you are correct.. that is odd.
[13:51] Maxx: Gilphon can be correct every once in a while, Lkeas. Nothing odd about that.
[13:51] Zeltan: lol
[13:51] Gilphon: I think the odd thing is that Lkeas is wrong
[13:52] Lkeas: no no, that's not what i meant...
[13:52] * Lkeas rummages through a scroll
[13:52] Zeltan: "Your Nephew is not to be spared..."
[13:52] Zeltan: Yup this is the one
[13:52] Maxx: It always amazes me though how fast she finds the debated entry.
[13:53] Lkeas: ah, here we go.
[13:53] Lkeas: it was the analogs who are brothers
[13:53] Lkeas: David Viara and Gil
[13:53] Gilphon: that is sort of odd
[13:53] * Lkeas nods
[13:53] Zeltan: ..what?!
[13:53] Gilphon: but there have been stranger things
[13:54] Maxx: For Diviara to have a nephew, he'd have to have a brother though.
[13:54] * lightbringerlord is confused
[13:54] Lkeas: or sister... but if he said he had a brother, then yes.
[13:54] Maxx: When, not necessarily; but. . .
[13:54] Zeltan: True
[13:54] Maxx: *Well
[13:54] Zeltan: Either that or it's something else
[13:55] Sojurner: The term is loosely applied.
[13:55] Zeltan: indded Sojurner
[13:55] Maxx: Hello, Sojurner.
[13:55] Sojurner: It has been established I believe that Giliara is in Fact Diviara's brother
[13:56] Lkeas: i was just going to search through the epics again to try to confirm that..
[13:56] Zeltan: Then why would The'galin call Gil Diviara's newphew?
[13:57] Maxx: Deception on the part of Diviara?
[13:57] Gilphon: odd thing to hide
[13:57] Zeltan: It is possible..
[13:57] Maxx: To remove possible leverage
[13:57] Iggy: maybe they mean it like you called old friends old as in really old friends your grampa
[13:57] Iggy: just a title
[13:58] Zeltan: What a odd title
[13:59] *** Bella has joined #755.
[13:59] Gilphon: Indeed
[14:01] Iggy: title none the less
[14:02] Gilphon: I can not imagine exactly what it would mean
[14:02] Gilphon: unless the age gap is quite large
[14:02] * Lkeas seems lost in thought
[14:02] Lkeas: Sojurner, if you're there... how much do you know about merging manifestation?
[14:03] lightbringerlord: Is it possible?
[14:03] Zeltan: Hmm?
[14:03] Lkeas: indeed it is, as Morgan and his analog arranged for such a thing
[14:04] *** Donto_M has joined #755.
[14:04] Sojurner: It tends to be permanent
[14:04] Sojurner: er Permanent
[14:04] * Lkeas nods
[14:04] Lkeas: ...can one learn how to do it?
[14:04] Sojurner: Often there is nothing reamaining of the individuals afterward either
[14:05] Lkeas: oh?
[14:05] Donto_M: Hello, seems I've came in during the middle of something.
[14:05] Sojurner: They blend into a new third entity with the traits of the two
[14:05] Zeltan: Ah..
[14:05] Donto_M: People fusing?
[14:05] Lkeas: ah, i see. i suppose that would be alright.. but then, i don't know what she has become.. perhaps a replacement would be better..
[14:06] Gilphon: your thinking about your analog with Ryuusei, arn't you?
[14:07] * Lkeas nods slowly. "And I don't want to just sit here waiting for him to force a recoherence."
[14:07] Maxx: So, you're contemplating giving Ryuusei access to both of your analogs, Lkeas?
[14:07] Lkeas: not at all.
[14:08] ZLOK: No, She's considering mergin them to give him access to neither.
[14:09] Lkeas: i was actually wondering if it were possible to force my analog back into THIS realm instead..
[14:09] Gilphon: that sounds rather risky
[14:09] Zeltan: Who knows what will happen?
[14:09] Maxx: I would assume if you switched places with your analog through replacement, you'd be in the same physical locality your analog is currently in.
[14:09] Maxx: i.e. in Ryuusei's grasp
[14:09] Lkeas: yes well, had i gone through the black door that would have been likely..
[14:10] Zeltan: It seems to be the case
[14:10] Lkeas: is there no way to stop it then? am i to just remain here waiting to get sucked into that prison...?
[14:10] Maxx: Plus, you'd be throwing your analog in here and who knows what state of mind she currently has.
[14:11] Gilphon: the only thing we can do is rescue her
[14:11] Lkeas: she has been in pain...
[14:11] Zeltan: That is the best way i think
[14:11] Gilphon: you can tell?
[14:12] Lkeas: i was temporarily reunited with her once...
[14:12] lightbringerlord: How so?
[14:12] * Dale returns, quietly, so as not to disturb the conversation.
[14:13] Lkeas: i'm not sure how it happened. a recoherence occured, i saw Ryuusei kill that man, and accept Dale into his service, and then he turned to face me, and there was pain... and then decoherence again.
[14:13] *** Dale has signed off IRC (Distracted: Brb, rebooting. :/).
[14:13] Gilphon: Hmm
[14:13] Zeltan: If i remebered correctly
[14:14] Gilphon: Ryuusei can't be directly causing said pain
[14:14] Maxx: Well, unfortunately I must bid you all a good day.
[14:14] Lkeas: take care, Maxx
[14:14] Zeltan: G'day Maxx
[14:14] Maxx: Have fun.
[14:14] *** Maxx has left #755.
[14:14] Fiz:
[14:14] Fiz: finished
[14:14] Lkeas: why do you say that, Gilphon?
[14:14] Donto_M: I'm departing, farewell
[14:14] *** Donto_M has signed off IRC (Vaporized: ).
[14:15] Gilphon: because of the time frame
[14:16] Sojurner: As for the reason that The'Galin refers to Giliara as Diviara's nephew I actually know that. As little as I do know about such politics given my itinerant nature. Diviara took to refering to Giliara as his nephew himself because 1) There is a difference in their ages 2) Diviara wished to place more distance betweeen himself and Giliara's treachery"
[14:16] Gilphon: if he was killing that man while you felt the pain, he didn't cause it
[14:16] Fiz: isee many just clicked on my link
[14:16] Zeltan: Thank you Sojurner
[14:16] Sojurner: It is relatively common for immediate family to bear the burden of their familiy members actions
[14:16] ZLOK: Are there anyone who does not have analogs?
[14:17] Lkeas: you assume, Gilphon, that Ryuusei is incapable of multitasking?
[14:17] Iggy: Link
[14:17] lightbringerlord: Daniel doesn't have one.
[14:17] Iggy: Link doesnt have an analog
[14:17] Zeltan: He has
[14:17] Iggy: Daniel has many analogs
[14:17] Lkeas: he was perfectly able to render several of us rather helpless when he manipulated David Viara during the simulation..
[14:17] Gilphon: I assume that the same being cannot be in two places at once
[14:17] *** Dale has joined #755.
[14:17] *** Mode change "+v Dale" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[14:17] lightbringerlord: But there wasn't an exchange when he entered the black door.
[14:17] Dale: ((Someone PM me what I missed? -_-))
[14:18] Sojurner: Denying common ancestry escapes common blame
[14:18] Iggy: Link doesnt have an analog
[14:18] Iggy: welll...
[14:18] Iggy: he did
[14:18] * Zeltan cough "Liar"
[14:18] Iggy: but he killed it in ocarina of time
[14:18] Sojurner: And colocation.... is actually a relatively simple task
[14:18] *** Dale has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer).
[14:19] Sojurner: And is decidely common among mages of any great strength
[14:19] lightbringerlord: ((Heh, 2nd rule of the 63rd path: Truthseekers, please don't try to convince people about the truth here, this is is a thread about showing the unneccessary threads about the devourer on this forum.))
[14:19] lightbringerlord: *93rd
[14:19] *** Zeltan is now known as Zel|NotHere.
[14:19] Zel|NotHere: ((That crazy thread?))
[14:19] Sojurner: And Link may claim no awareness of analogs but he is likely wrong
[14:20] lightbringerlord: ((Yeah.))
[14:20] Sojurner: Dead wrong
[14:20] *** Dalefanwill has joined #755.
[14:20] *** Mode change "+v Dalefanwill" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[14:20] *** Zel|NotHere has signed off IRC (Distracted: ).
[14:20] Sojurner: As analog formation is a relatively constant and fast process
[14:20] *** Kye has joined #755.
[14:20] Sojurner: Even divine beings can have analogs though it is far more common for them to NOT
[14:21] ZLOK: Why don't they?
[14:21] Kye: Well, Falerin has one
[14:21] Sojurner: Because in most cases the power of the being is such that they absorb any newly formed analog the second it forms
[14:21] Lkeas: mmm.
[14:21] Kye: or rather, the one we know
[14:21] Sojurner: Which is defintiely what The'Galin does
[14:21] ZLOK: Is it because their power is divided?
[14:22] Lkeas: what does that say about Falerin's power, though? can he not stop his own analogs from forming? or does he just not bother to absorb them when they are formed?
[14:22] Sojurner: As for Falerin he has analogs because he is relatively fast and loose when it comes to such concerns and is fairly divided in persona even within one aanalog
[14:22] PapaSmurff037: ((this is off topic but what does the seekers latest blog say?))
[14:22] *** Beo has joined #755.
[14:22] *** Mode change "+v Beo" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[14:22] Lkeas: ah.
[14:22] Sojurner: He is in fact an exception not a rule
[14:22] Sojurner: He is in fact an exception not a rule
[14:23] Sojurner: Echo
[14:23] * Iggy flies out the window
[14:23] *** Iggy is now known as Link.
[14:23] lightbringerlord: So there is a good part/analog of him somewhere?
[14:23] * Link appears
[14:23] Kye: ((Blog?))
[14:23] lightbringerlord: Cause there was an evil ýne.
[14:23] Sojurner: The fact that Falerin in fact has a "good side" is quite apparent to any who know him
[14:24] Sojurner: I am being sent along. Good day
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