20 Minutes
From Caelwiki
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Revision as of 03:11, 30 October 2007
- * Lisa has joined #755
- * Tralin sets mode: +v Lisa
- * Takun|Homework has quit IRC (Supressed: Pars maior lacrimas ridet et intus habet.�)
- <Leo> Greetings.
- <Useless> Greetings Lisa, you choose an interesting time to show up.
- <TheMaxx> Hello, Lisa.
- <Damsel> Good evening to you.
- <Jeice> Hello Lisa.
- <LordBarrius> Greetings Lisa.
- <Lisa> I wanted to let you know the great news that we are begining Glenn's treatment within the next 20 minutes or so. And wanted to bring you his good wishes.
- <Lisa> I also wanted to reiterate that if you see Dan you should tell him we forgive him and it is not too late.
- * Lisa has quit IRC (Vanished: �)