SemiRPG/Variants/Faction Wars

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Current revision as of 11:54, 11 July 2007

Faction Wars

NOTE: Faction War's presents a substantially variable version of the basic SemiRPG Rules

Society has been deeply divided and stratified by a long running and ancient war. This war has caused the complete polarization of society. However because of this strong polarization people are subject to severe retaliation harm and injury if they reveal the truth of their loyalties and thus spend most of their lives hiding the "team" to which they belong.

In this game there are neither hero's or villains but rather two waring sides which are equally divided among themselves. The teams are refered to as the Mauve's and the Puce's respectively. Lynching does not occur in this game either instead the day phase is a time limited investigative phase designed to attempt to learn who is on your team and who is on the enemies team without being unduly discovered yourself.

At night everyone votes to kill a player and the votes are tallied for each team.

The persons with the most votes for each team is killed.

If their is no majority or the vote is tied the team kills none.

A winning condition occurs only when one side or the other is completely eliminated.

A draw occrurs and both sides lose if there remain only 2 players one of each side.

The Moderator acts as the "Assessor" And each day gives the number of Each Faction that remain alive.

Generally roles should be matched 1:1 or closely balanced.



Also Known As:

No Known Aliases

Special Power is Active:

No Special Powers

Effect on Game Balance:



You vote to kill your fellow citizens in hopes of leading yourself to factional victory


Special Roles


Also Known As:

No Known Aliases

Special Power is Active:

During the Night

Effect on Game Balance:



You lead the faction and have the sole descision of whom to slay at the night

In games with a Leader each team should have one and 2 players will die per night unless the leaders happen to choose the same character.

If the leader is slain by his opponent rule returns to the majority vote of the faction.



Also Known As:


Special Power is Active:


Effect on Game Balance:



The priest seeks to unify people under the banner of their faction may elect to contact another player and organize them.

If the preisthood has multiple members one person per night is elected as the representative to bring new members into the fold.

If a Mason attempts to contact the opposing faction he is slain.



Also Known As:

No Known Aliases

Special Power is Active:


Effect on Game Balance:



The constitution of the Survivalist is spectacular. On one night the Survivalist may stay awake all night and if they are targeted a random member of the faction responsible for the attempt is killed instead.


Variant: The Survivalist may use this power more then once but never on two consecutive nights.

Note: If the survivalist is incorrectly the target of his own faction this DOES mean his own faction loses someone else.


Also Known As:

No Known Aliases

Special Power is Active:


Effect on Game Balance:



At the beginning of the game the Cupid chooses any two players which are linked as a 'Couple'.

A couple is aware of whom their partner is and will work for them above and beyond loyalty to their faction.

If they are on the same team this ammounts merely to them refusing to vote for each other.

If however they are "starcrossed" they will only win if they are the last two survivors and the death of one will lead to the immediate death of the other by suicide.


Free Agent

Also Known As:

No Known Aliases

Special Power is Active:


Effect on Game Balance:



The Freelancer is a third party. He wins when he is first targeted for deathby one faction and then by the other (though he does not die). In this case all other players lose the game.

If he is targeted twice by the the same faction, he is killed and he loses the game.



Also Known As:

No Known Aliases

Special Power is Active:


Effect on Game Balance:



Once per game the assassin may during the select to kill a player of his or her choice during the Day Phase. This fact is very obvious to players on all sides but does not reveal the Murder's motives or faction allegiance.

However if played in pairs as suggested it does reveal immediately to the other teams murderer who a member of the opposing faction IS and very well may cause the murder himself to be immediately killed.

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