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This is the log for the game moderated by Lulu on May 10, 2006.
This is a log of the game moderated by Lulu on May 10, 2006.
Events in #Werewolf:
Events in #Werewolf:

Revision as of 11:23, 11 July 2007

This is a log of the game moderated by Lulu on May 10, 2006.

Events in #Werewolf:

16:29:27 *** Channel Topic: Epic Game Moved to #Orphic || This channel is always moderated If you wish to join ask the Mod in the OOC || NO OOC happens here. Moderator calls in game, game set-up, talk, and conversation should be in #werewolf-ooc . Even when theres no game! This channel will be silent even if a game is being set up!
16:29:27 *** Topic set by: Namegduf_Live
16:29:27 *** Topic set on 5/06/7 at 9:17
16:29:27 *** Channel Names: Oreo &X &Namegduf_Live &SemiRPG Brandon
16:29:29 *** SemiRPG has given Oreo operator status on #werewolf
16:29:30 *** Ban List Received
16:29:30 *** Channel created on 5/06/10 at 5:13
16:30:12 Oreo: Hello X, Brandon, NL, how are you three?
19:04:18 *** X ( has joined #werewolf
19:04:18 *** Mode change by SemiRPG: +a
19:04:18 *** SemiRPG has given X operator status on #werewolf
19:16:46 *** X is now known as Darare
19:38:51 *** Zach ( has joined #werewolf
19:38:52 *** Mode change by SemiRPG: +a
19:38:52 *** SemiRPG has given Zach operator status on #werewolf
19:38:57 *** Rooks ( has joined #werewolf
19:41:02 *** Lulu ( has joined #werewolf
19:42:25 *** Darare has given Lulu voice on #werewolf
19:42:28 *** Darare has given Rooks voice on #werewolf
19:42:32 Darare: Who here is playing?
19:42:39 Zach: !voice
19:42:41 *** SemiRPG has given Zach voice on #werewolf
19:42:47 *** Mode change by Zach: -a
19:42:47 *** Zach has removed Zach's operator status on #werewolf
19:43:21 Darare: Do you wanna mod Zach?
19:43:34 Zach: If needed.
19:43:40 Zach: I'll go whichever way.
19:43:56 Darare: I dont feel up to modding tonight
19:43:59 Zach: I've had plans stewing for months, though they'd need more people. I'd need to whip something up quick.
19:44:16 Lulu: I have a story, I'll do it I suppose.
19:44:53 *** IcemasterYeti ( has joined #werewolf
19:44:58 Darare: >_>
19:45:03 Rooks: <_<
19:45:04 Darare: I dun wanna give you a voice even.
19:45:07 Zach: Be right back, though.
19:45:12 Zach: And talk in OOC.
19:45:26 *** Darare has given IcemasterYeti voice on #werewolf
19:47:19 Lulu: So, who is the mod?
19:48:07 Darare: We'll assume Brandy over there gets raped with a turnip night one...
19:48:20 Darare: That leaves 5 players(wit Oreo)
19:48:47 Rooks: what a way to go
19:49:22 Rooks: then again if Oreo dies by being eaten while dunked in a glass of milk that be ironic too
19:49:43 Lulu: *cough* " NO OOC happens here. Moderator calls in game, game set-up, talk, and conversation should be in #werewolf-ooc . Even when theres no game! This channel will be silent even if a game is being set up!'"
19:54:14 *** Darare has given Lulu operator status on #werewolf
19:54:39 *** Lulu has removed Oreo's operator status on #werewolf
19:55:24 *** Lulu has removed Brandon's voice on #werewolf
19:58:06 *** SemiRPG has given Oreo voice on #werewolf
19:58:12 Darare: !voice
19:58:12 *** SemiRPG has given Darare voice on #werewolf
19:58:16 Darare: !deprotect
19:58:16 *** Mode change by SemiRPG: -a
19:58:20 Darare: !deop
19:58:20 *** SemiRPG has removed Darare's operator status on #werewolf
19:59:37 >Ambiance<: Making sure this works.
20:00:37 >Ambiance<: If thou arest Voiced and thou wishnt not play, please say so now.
20:00:53 Zach: Signal.
20:01:14 >Ambiance<: Preform all name changes now.
20:01:25 *** Oreo is now known as Prometheus
20:02:15 *** IcemasterYeti is now known as SnaggleTheToothless20:03:09*** Log File Started at 20:02
20:03:09 >Ambiance<: �Note: A new role will be under testing in this game. If assinged to you, it will be explained.
20:03:28 *** Zach is now known as Cornelius_Haberdasher
20:03:41 >Ambiance<: �Role Assignments begining.
20:04:55 *** Gareth (talonmk5@829D5389.63E26D2C.4A6C4F06.IP) has joined #werewolf
20:05:46 >Ambiance<: �Role Assignments Done. If I missed you, PM now. Game beginning.
20:06:02 *** Lulu has given Gareth voice on #werewolf
20:06:49 >Ambiance<: You all live in Atlantis. A dome city far under the ocean. You are the second generation of the pioneers who first came here. Before them, evil Mermaids lived here. Rumor has it some breed with the Pioneers. Mermaids are concidered werewolves of the sea.
20:07:04 >Ambiance<: A city alert is called as Brandon is discovered dead in the middle of town, his lungs gone and gills on his neck. Someone has been infected. You must stop it.
20:07:17 Lulu: /a
20:07:17 Lulu: Next to the dead body stands Lulu. Your life support.
20:07:27 >Ambiance<: Begin Day one.
20:07:50 SnaggleTheTo: oh my god ... this is horrendous!
20:07:56 >Ambiance<: The alert still rings.
20:08:09 SnaggleTheTo: quick! quick! come and look at this!
20:08:27 Lulu paces left to right.
20:08:35 Prometheus runs to the scene
20:08:37 SnaggleTheToothless wonders where everyone is ... and worries
20:08:50 SnaggleTheTo: oh, Prometheus, thank the gods ...
20:08:59 Lulu: "This is... a Mermaid infection."
20:09:22 Lulu: "He was attacked by... no... couldn't have been full blood."
20:09:32 Prometheus: Then there must be more
20:09:35 Gareth draws his eyes away from the subtle splendor of watching the currents on the other side of the great dome and hurries to the site of the alarm, barely catching Lulu's words as he approaches.
20:09:44 Prometheus: So the rumors are true
20:09:52 SnaggleTheTo: rumors?
20:10:05 Cornelius_Haberdasher meanders slowly out of his quarters, leaning on his cane for support. "What's all this ruckus? I heard you even with my hearing losses..."
20:10:17 SnaggleTheTo: I've been somewhat preoccupied for the last week or so .. what rumours?
20:10:27 Lulu runs her fingers across the vitcim's neck.
20:10:58 Gareth: Surely this is merely a sick and twisted joke by a sadistic murderer rather then validation of such rumors.
20:11:10 Lulu: "Purhaps..."
20:11:40 Lulu: "But... I don't know how a murderer could cause someone to grow gills... But a full blood would have... Not... can't enter the dome."
20:11:56 Prometheus: (A) its a sick joke, or (B), its the real thing, we might as well check
20:11:58 SnaggleTheTo: But Gareth ... surely the psychological profiling on our parents would have discovered any underlying genetic disorders?
20:12:19 SnaggleTheTo: This surely CAN'T be something done by one of US??
20:12:23 Prometheus: Not if it was well hidden
20:12:46 Cornelius_Haberdasher sighs, sitting down shakily, lying his cane across his lap. As he takes out his pills and pops two into his mouth, he shakes his head. "You'd think they were the ones with problems hearing. No one pays old men any attention..."
20:13:00 Gareth: Even...even if someone was foolish enough to expose themselves outside of the dome to be infected...surely we would have a record of all such expeditions outside the dome in the archives. Is this the case, Lulu?
20:13:05 Darare wanders out from behind a nearby dumpster, smelling badly, and holding a white piece of paper with numbers.
20:13:11 SnaggleTheToothless turns, noting Cornelius sitting nearby
20:13:21 Prometheus: Take in mind we have 3% of DNA in common with RATS!
20:13:35 SnaggleTheTo: Oh, old one! Beg pardon. Is there something I can do for you?
20:13:44 Lulu: "Yes Gareth, the immigrents and departers from the dome are all recorded."
20:13:58 Darare: "Is that true Prometheus?"
20:14:06 Lulu: "No one has left for weeks. And we haven't seen a single mermaid for months."
20:14:12 Cornelius_Ha: Sure. Give me a steamboat and a prayer, and we'll all sail for Paradise.
20:14:22 Cornelius_Ha: Never mind that, things sometimes slip out of my mouth.
20:14:29 Cornelius_Ha: Now, what is all of this mess about?
20:14:52 >Ambiance<: Men Arrive at the scene to clean up the mess and burn the body.'
20:14:53 Gareth turns to SnaggleTheToothless whilst scratching his goatee. "Psychological disorders could also arise from stress or trauma, meaning the genotyping is likely not going to help us in the case that this is merely a sadistic joke by a murderer."
20:15:15 SnaggleTheToothless nods in agreement with Gareth
20:15:23 SnaggleTheTo: a fair enough analysis, Gareth
20:15:41 SnaggleTheTo: what IS that smell?
20:15:45 Lulu gets ready to leave with the men.
20:16:04 Cornelius_Ha: Bah! Ignored again. Very well, I'll see for myself.
20:16:06 SnaggleTheTo: Oh .. it's you Darare. "Fossicking" again, were you?
20:16:20 Prometheus: Yes, Darare, it is
20:16:26 Gareth: Lulu, might I request a copy of the archives with any information that might help us determine the possible infected?
20:16:30 Cornelius_Haberdasher picks up his cane, then lifts himself up to a standing position.
20:16:35 SnaggleTheTo: Sorry Cornelius .. brandon has been killed. His lungs removed, and what appear to be gills are on his neck
20:16:51 Cornelius_Ha: I see. Rather unfortunate.
20:17:02 Lulu: "Well, we are taking the body for further Autoposy (Sp?) and we won't know until tomarrow."
20:17:03 SnaggleTheTo: people are talking about rumours, but nobody has told me what they are yet
20:17:14 SnaggleTheTo: Do you know of what they speak?
20:17:15 Cornelius_Ha: He should have bought a squirrel. But such matters are behind us. What caused this?
20:17:20 Prometheus: May I get a copy of the records too
20:17:25 Prometheus: *?
20:17:39 Lulu: " Snaggle, rumors that people of this dome may be half mermaid."
20:17:46 Darare: "Meh, I'll see you guys later today...."
20:17:51 Gareth: Please do keep me informed, Lulu, as relevant information comes availible. Now then, as for the rumors Snaggle...
20:18:09 Darare: "And by the way... Oreo, evidently, you forgot to pay your cable bill... though your credit account is in good shape."
20:18:30 Prometheus: Huh?
20:18:34 SnaggleTheTo: Half-mermaid?? How can this be? Surely we would see the telltale signs?? I mean, it's hard to hide GILLS
20:18:44 Lulu: "I will attempt to have them, I will be a the morge (sp? again >_>) all day. Thats where you can find me."
20:18:46 Cornelius_Ha: Gills were on Brandon.
20:18:52 Cornelius_Ha: Perhaps a forced reversion...
20:18:53 Darare: "Nothin'..."
20:18:56 Gareth: ...I daresay they are almost as farfetched as old realm myths and legends. Half-mermaids...with the powers of disguise to hide their forms...
20:18:57 Lulu: "Halflings are able to cover this in the sunlight."
20:19:07 SnaggleTheTo: oh, sorry ... I haven't heard of this before
20:19:17 Lulu: "Unfortunatly we have enough sun this far down for it to be affective."
20:19:21 SnaggleTheTo: thank you Lulu
20:19:43 Darare wanders off, uniterested... to go buy some "stuff" with Prometheus' account info he found.
20:20:05 Gareth wrinkles his nose and glances at Darare's retreating form.
20:20:07 SnaggleTheTo: Well, it should be a fairly simple task to check people at nightfall .. we will just have to stay awake and check people ...
20:20:09 Prometheus calmly transfers money to other account and closes old one
20:20:12 >Ambiance<: Lulu Departs with them men.
20:20:38 *Tide*: Water tempeture indicates it is noon.
20:20:42 Gareth: *whisper to self* I wonder what Darare might have been doing to smell quite so rancid today... */whisper*
20:21:04 Cornelius_Haberdasher stands quietly by, apparently staring animatedly at a pebble.
20:21:40 Prometheus looks at bill. "Wait a moment, I didnt buy a quarter of this stuff..."
20:22:07 SnaggleTheTo: I don't know what to do .. what shall we do??
20:22:11 Darare wanders back at noon.
20:22:17 Gareth sighs and notices Cornelius spacing out whilst staring at a pebble. "Penny for your thoughts, elderly one?"
20:22:18 >Ambiance<: A scream is heard as it is able to see a Mermaid ramming into the dome until it it shocked with defences.
20:22:21 SnaggleTheTo: investigate where Brandon was found?
20:22:43 Cornelius_Ha: Interesting.
20:22:47 SnaggleTheToothless shudders at the sight of the stunned mermaid
20:22:49 Cornelius_Ha: A fish fry.
20:22:56 Cornelius_Ha: Wonder what it wants.
20:23:06 Gareth: *flinches and glances at the dome* Er...that is less then auspicious timing. *frowns*
20:23:16 >Ambiance<: A girl giggles. "Looky mommy, it's a silly fishy!"
20:23:50 SnaggleTheToothless looks at the child, marvelling at her naivete and innocence ..
20:24:15 Rooks walks into the scene watching the mermaid nodding slightly "so they are true"
20:24:21 SnaggleTheTo: Thank the gods that our defences keep the Merpeople well away from the dome usually
20:24:31 Gareth: Well, Cornelius, we will never know since it is now a crispy fritter for passing carnivores...
20:24:33 Darare: "I am simply irisistable.... I'm even getting fish's to come for meh."
20:24:36 Darare chuckles
20:24:43 Cornelius_Haberdasher pats the girl. "Indeed it is. Nothing more." He then wanders idly off, the girl eyeing him strangely.
20:25:17 Lulu: /npc Tide Water tempeture indicates it is
20:25:23 Darare crouches to the girl and whispers to the girl.
20:25:30 *Tide*: Water tempeture indicates it is Early Evening.
20:25:35 Prometheus: DARARE!
20:25:38 Darare: "That's what you call a pedeophile kiddy, whatch out for that man."
20:25:43 SnaggleTheToothless watches the girl recoil, and hide behind her parent
20:25:48 Darare stands adn glances at prometheus
20:25:59 Prometheus rolls eyes
20:26:03 Cornelius_Ha: Hm.
20:26:03 *The* Girl latches onto her mom.
20:26:06 Darare: "What?"
20:26:07 Cornelius_Ha: Believe what you want.
20:26:10 Cornelius_Ha: For all you know, I could be.
20:26:14 Cornelius_Ha: Opinion is a mighty thing.
20:26:22 Cornelius_Ha: I won't steal it from you.
20:26:31 Gareth stares into the currents of the tides beyond the dome, lost in thought as he relaxes away the stresses of the early morning in preparation of turning in shortly.
20:26:52 SnaggleTheTo: Cornelius .. old one ... is there some sort of medication you should be taking?
20:26:52 Darare: "What's wrong, Prometheus my dear friend. You seem troubled."
20:27:12 Prometheus: He was a good friend of mine...
20:27:21 Prometheus weeps heavily
20:27:35 >Ambiance<: A second mermaid attacks the down and is eventually shocked with defences.
20:27:37 SnaggleTheToothless walks over to Promethus to comfort him ..
20:27:38 Cornelius_Ha: Freedom is the only medication needed, Snaggle.
20:27:48 Darare: "Yeap... so you get over his memory by hookin' yourself up to the kiddy porn mainframe?"
20:27:56 Darare: "Your damn sick, no matter how sad you are."
20:28:02 SnaggleTheTo: Now this is unusual! TWO mermaids attacking the dome in the same day??
20:28:16 Rooks: Strange indeed
20:28:17 SnaggleTheTo: something must be happening ... and I fear it isn't good20:28:28Cornelius_Ha: And this is why I choose to let that girl and Darare believe what they want of me. They have the right to an opinion. Why, for all I care, you can accuse me of being a turnip.
20:28:31 Lulu can be seen running out of the morgue looking at the dome.
20:28:32 Prometheus: I DONT download nastiness
20:28:46 Darare: "You evidently do, from that build."
20:28:49 Rooks follows lulu
20:28:49 Darare: *bill
20:28:51 SnaggleTheTo: if brandon has been attacked by a mermaid and converted, and mermaids are attacking the dome ... this CAN'T be good
20:29:01 Darare: "Infact, I reported you.... You sicko you."
20:29:05 SnaggleTheTo: Lulu. LULU!
20:29:11 Lulu: "Not good... further proves it."
20:29:12 Gareth: *whispering aloud* The surfacing of old rumors...the murder and apparent infection of our neighbor Brandon...a Mermaid ramming into the dome's defenses...a member of its kin doing the same... Mere coincidence would be bliss, for troublesome times are upon us... */whisper*
20:29:27 Lulu: "Snaggle, can I help you?"
20:29:28 Cornelius_Ha: You like to talk to yourself, Gareth.
20:29:47 Cornelius_Haberdasher wisely taps his nose, then turns around and stares blissfully at the ground.
20:29:54 Prometheus: Look, it say �how to stop ! �kiddie porn, bonehead
20:29:55 SnaggleTheTo: Yes, Lulu .. what is going on .. I heard you say something .. what does this prove??
20:30:04 Lulu: "oh nothing..."
20:30:14 Darare: "Meh, your just sickening with your excuses."
20:30:27 >Ambiance<: Tide water indicates it is almost night. The sun is departing fast.
20:30:28 Gareth: Unlike yourself, Cornelius, my thoughts fight hard to be heard aloud regardless if it would be wiser to be silent. The curse of impetuous youth, you might blame.
20:30:49 SnaggleTheTo: It can't be nothing, Lulu ... you ran out here to look at the dome like you were being chased by a deep-sea squid!
20:31:01 Prometheus: Hey, youre not supposed to have those records... theif!
20:31:19 Lulu: "Hah! If only I was so lucky. For not seeing them in months they sure are appearing alot today."
20:31:35 Gareth turns to look Cornelius in the eye and nods slightly. "I think I shall withdraw for the night, be safe neighbor and be well come the morn. The same wishes go out to the rest of you all as well."
20:31:53 Cornelius_Ha: Hm.
20:31:58 Prometheus: Night Garreth
20:32:02 SnaggleTheTo: Isn't anyone going to try and stay awake with me and check for gills?
20:32:03 >Ambiance<: The last rays of sun late hold onto the underwater city. Act or sleep.
20:32:20 SnaggleTheTo: bah. I'm going to my quarters ..
20:32:23 Cornelius_Ha: I'll retire. Try not to die, my comrades. If you do, try to take some joy from it. Life is nothing without it.
20:32:31 Prometheus: Lulu, can you send me the autopsy report?
20:32:38 Lulu departs the group, at first toward the Quarters then changes her path to the morgue.
20:32:38 Cornelius_Haberdasher hobbles off, struggling with his door, then going in.
20:32:41 SnaggleTheToothless heads off to his quarters, in high dudgeon
20:32:41 Lulu: "It is not ready."
20:33:01 >Ambiance<: �Night.
20:33:04 Prometheus: Oh, thanks anyway. Night
20:33:20 >Ambiance<: � Seers Dream And mermaids infect.
20:36:43 >Ambiance<: Morning. A set of lungs are found outside the city. Lulu is found near the lungs, dead on the floor.
20:37:07 >Ambiance<: She has no signs of Mermification.
20:37:13 Rooks: Not again?
20:37:15 Prometheus wakes up for a morning walk
20:37:46 >Ambiance<: A packet is in her hand.
20:37:48 SnaggleTheToothless wakes and makes himself his usual breakfast ... coffee ..
20:37:59 Prometheus finds lulu. "OMG! LULU! EVERYONE COME QUICK!"
20:38:07 Gareth awakens with the warming of the morning tide and finds himself almost inexorably drawn to the sight of the second murder.
20:38:17 Cornelius_Haberdasher opens his door, then hobbles out once more. He sighs deeply upon looking at Lulu's corpse, shaking his head with a wistful look in his eye.
20:38:21 Gareth: Calm thyself, Prometheus.
20:38:22 Rooks wakes up fixing himself a pot of coffee as he hears Proms cries and goes to see whats the matter
20:38:36 SnaggleTheToothless drops his coffee cup in surprise, and goes outside in a bad humor
20:38:39 Cornelius_Ha: Alas...I felt this would happen. A shame.
20:38:41 SnaggleTheTo: WHat!
20:38:47 SnaggleTheTo: oh!
20:38:57 SnaggleTheTo: Not Lulu!!
20:39:08 Cornelius_Ha: Snaggle!
20:39:19 SnaggleTheTo: Cornelius!
20:39:25 Gareth: No matter who is the true killer, nor what their motive may be, Lulu was the most logical target to kill. It is a shame that our foe acts so logically...
20:39:27 SnaggleTheToothless rushes over to the oldster
20:39:32 Cornelius_Ha: Grab that packet, would you?
20:39:36 SnaggleTheTo: yes, Cornelius
20:39:38 Cornelius_Ha: My joints aren't too good.
20:39:50 SnaggleTheToothless picks up the packet and hands it to Cornelius
20:39:52 SnaggleTheTo: what is it?
20:40:15 >Ambiance<: The men who carries away Brandon are standing around lulu's corpse.
20:40:30 *Man1*: "She... There ther three lungs..."
20:40:39 Cornelius_Haberdasher removes a pocket knife from one of his pockets, then bite on the edge of the blade, pulling it free. He then opens the packet carefully with it.
20:40:40 Gareth crouches down and closes Lulu's eyes. "My your spirit rest in death and not be bound by vengeance to this realm."
20:40:52 Prometheus: Whys there three?
20:41:07 SnaggleTheTo: three?
20:41:17 *Man1*: "She has both of her's, well we assume that, since they aren't exploded out of her chest. And there is the third.
20:41:18 Cornelius_Haberdasher observes the contents of the packet.
20:41:30 Gareth turns to the man speaking.
20:41:42 *Man2* points to a third lung on the ground.
20:41:47 Gareth: Any conjecture as to where this third lung came from, sir?
20:42:04 SnaggleTheTo: Half-breeds .. would they .. I don't know .. 'lose' a lung??
20:42:16 Rooks: Maybe
20:42:36 *Man1*: "We don't really know, we don't even know how the Lady died.
20:43:22 Gareth: Hmm, such does signify great complication. You should take her body to the morgue, perhaps an autopsy would provide more answers then it did on Brandon's body.
20:43:27 SnaggleTheTo: Has anyone completed the autopsy from Brandon yesterday? and can any of you men perform an autopsy on Lulu?
20:43:47 *Man1*: "Yes, it was finished... she had it when she-"
20:43:55 Rooks: Can't really perform an autopsy on a burnt body.
20:44:00 Prometheus: Hmm... I remember something was funky about mermaid respiratory systems... What was it...
20:44:00 Gareth looks around, and notices that Darare has yet to show himself this morning. "Odd, I'd think even Darare would come and investigate this."
20:44:01 *Man1* looks at lulu, the packet is missing.
20:44:03 SnaggleTheToothless turns to Cornelius ...
20:44:19 SnaggleTheTo: is that what you have there, Cornelius? the autopsy report on brandon?
20:44:46 >Ambiance<: Cornelius_Haberdasher is holding the packet that Lulu's corpse clutched.
20:44:50 Cornelius_Ha: Hm. It would appear so.
20:44:59 Cornelius_Ha: A bit messy, though.
20:45:03 Gareth: Has anyone seen hide nor hair of Darare? Or perhaps caught a whiff of his malodorous scent from yesterday?
20:45:03 *Man1*: "Yes that's it! Let us see boy!"
20:45:08 Prometheus: Well, can we see it?
20:45:14 Cornelius_Ha: Someone was inconsiderate enough to scribble all over it.
20:45:16 Cornelius_Ha: In blood.
20:45:24 SnaggleTheTo: Boy? Are you blind, man? Cornelius is an ELDER
20:45:28 Lulu: "Purhaps last words from the miss?"
20:45:40 *Man1* is older.
20:45:48 *** Brandon has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer)
20:45:59 Cornelius_Haberdasher hands Prometheus the papers, flicking the blade back into the handle and pocketing it.
20:46:03 *** Brandon ( has joined #werewolf
20:46:03 *** SemiRPG has given Brandon voice on #werewolf
20:46:37 Gareth glances away from the site of the still warm corpse and gazes into the dancing tides beyond the great dome of the city.
20:46:38 *** Lulu has removed Brandon's voice on #werewolf
20:47:02 >Ambiance<: Tide water indicates that is it MidDay.
20:47:06 SnaggleTheTo: Cornelius ... what did those words say?
20:47:08 Prometheus: What does this all say... It looks like Lulu was trying to tell us something...
20:47:11 SnaggleTheTo: the ones in ... blood ..
20:47:32 Cornelius_Ha: Letters.
20:47:36 Cornelius_Ha: They make little to no sense.
20:47:42 Cornelius_Ha: Unless you know what they mean.
20:47:47 Cornelius_Ha: Then they make plenty of it.
20:47:49 Gareth: It is, perhaps, ironic that the tides help sustain us and yet house the incarnation of our greatest fears so expertly within the conflicting currents...
20:47:52 SnaggleTheTo: and .. you do?
20:47:59 Prometheus: It must be shorthand...
20:47:59 Cornelius_Ha: Not really.
20:48:18 SnaggleTheToothless draws Prometheus to one side ...
20:48:26 SnaggleTheTo: Prometheus ...
20:48:27 Prometheus: Hmm?
20:48:53 Cornelius_Ha: History shows again and again that nature points out the folly of men.
20:48:55 Gareth turns back to the first man (Man1).
20:48:56 SnaggleTheTo: Cornelius isn't telling us something .. he recognised those letters, I'm sure ... and he understand what they said
20:49:04 Cornelius_Ha: Just ask my old friend Buck...
20:49:06 *Man1*: "Yes Sir?"
20:49:14 Cornelius_Ha: Believe what you want.
20:49:22 Prometheus: Why dont we make copies?
20:49:33 Gareth: Do me a favor, run and find Darare and bring him here. There is no reason why he should have been delayed quite so long in joining our investigation here.
20:49:34 Cornelius_Ha: I won't rob you of your hopes or plots.
20:49:41 SnaggleTheToothless pulls a small notebook from a pocket ...
20:49:56 Cornelius_Haberdasher hobbles away, going to observe a building.
20:50:01 SnaggleTheTo: Excuse me, Man1 .. may I quickly make a copy of the writing on the package please?
20:50:14 *Man1*: "I will try."
20:50:31 SnaggleTheTo: just show me the package .. I will copy it now
20:50:39 Prometheus pulls out Camera phone. "May I?"
20:50:39 *Man1*: "I cannot, Snaggle, it is up to Cornelius to revile what he has seen."
20:50:41 SnaggleTheToothless shows the pen and notebook in his hands
20:50:49 SnaggleTheTo: what??
20:50:57 Cornelius_Ha: Revile? Your word usage is lacking, my friend.
20:50:59 SnaggleTheTo: but you have the package, not he
20:51:06 Rooks: Quite
20:51:20 Cornelius_Ha: I have stated what I have seen. I have said what I mean.
20:51:32 Cornelius_Ha: If that is not enough, then it is a shame.
20:51:50 Gareth grins wryly with amusement. "So what do you call the papers in *your* hand, Prometheus? Cornelius handed them to you quite a while ago."
20:51:51 SnaggleTheTo: Cornelius .. how long have you been resident in this dome?
20:51:53 >Ambiance<: Tide water indicates that is it Evening.
20:51:57 Prometheus: May I copy it? I have younger eyes, quite frankly"
20:52:07 Cornelius_Ha: Since the day I arrived, I believe.
20:52:14 Cornelius_Ha: I could be wrong.
20:52:21 Cornelius_Ha: Check the records, you never know...
20:52:35 Cornelius_Haberdasher sits down suddenly, then rummages for his pills.
20:52:37 Prometheus scans
20:53:01 Darare finally comes out from his "house" after a long day of work.
20:53:04 SnaggleTheTo: Man1 ... can you find out the date of Cornelius' arrival in the dome? He looks first-gen to me
20:53:04 Gareth reads over Prometheus' shoulder while continuing to wonder what Darare has been up to.
20:53:26 Darare waves to the bickering group and runs over.
20:53:31 Prometheus emails the copy to Gareth
20:53:51 Gareth straightens up and glances at Darare. "And where might you have been all day?"
20:54:03 Cornelius_Haberdasher dry-swallows two pills, then lies down, cane lying across his abdomen.
20:54:10 Cornelius_Ha: Lovely weather today.
20:54:16 Darare: "Working. On something great."
20:54:32 Darare: "Or well... some may hate it, for it will end them... but that is unimportant."
20:54:36 Rooks: Care tos hare with the rest of the group?"
20:54:58 Darare: "In my absence, what did you decipher and decide?"
20:55:22 Cornelius_Ha: The dome is having lovely weather.
20:55:22 Gareth: Your absence is suspicious, to say the least. Almost as much as Rooks' relative silence, though I do not pose to accuse at this moment.
20:55:28 Cornelius_Ha: I've found that.
20:55:43 Cornelius_Haberdasher gives the group a smile, then gets up.
20:55:56 Gareth aids Cornelius in standing up.
20:56:00 Darare: "Goody, i don't care."
20:56:19 >Ambiance<: The suns final rays are shining on the city. Act if you wish, or sleep.
20:56:25 Darare: "Anyways.... I doubt my life will contiue long... so who are you people suspicious of, besides myself?"
20:56:36 Gareth whispers to the elderly man. "Ware he who hides during daylight, all may not be as they seem."
20:56:44 Cornelius_Ha: Hm.
20:56:59 Cornelius_Ha: Perhaps actions are needed. Perhaps we must idle and wait. We shall see how it plays out. In a way, we are all pebbles.
20:57:02 SnaggleTheTo: I suppose we need to consider something ... do we want to tamely go to our quarters, as if all is well?
20:57:02 Darare: "Or else I will be flying "blind."
20:57:07 Cornelius_Haberdasher , having said this, walks into his house.
20:57:08 Gareth: Goodnight, my neighbors, and find thyselves safe in the morning with the warming of the tide.
20:57:17 SnaggleTheTo: apparently we do ...
20:57:19 Gareth also withdraws to his own quarters.
20:57:23 SnaggleTheTo: damn
20:57:52 >Ambiance<: �Night.
20:57:54 SnaggleTheToothless heads off to his quarters, and once inside, pushes furniture up against the door, with noisemaking items on top
20:58:13 Darare: "Goodbye my fellows... Promethius... this is the last time you shall wake... I apologise...."
20:58:15 >Ambiance<: Seers sleep, and mermaid attack.
20:58:23 >Ambiance<: Seers Dream, even.
21:00:48 *** Lulu has removed Prometheus's voice on #werewolf
21:00:55 *** Lulu has removed Rooks's voice on #werewolf
21:00:58 >Ambiance<: Rooks is found with his lungs exploded out of his chest. His intire face has turned into gills. The body in vomiting water, until eventually it's intestines are regurgitated out. Blood jets from the vitcim's chest. Promethius is found dead outside his house, he has been poisoned.
21:01:36 >Ambiance<: �Morning.
21:01:57 SnaggleTheToothless wanders outside, after removing the barricade of furniture ..
21:02:02 >Ambiance<: Also, on the wall of the dome, the words "Come home brother" have been scratched onto the surface.
21:02:06 SnaggleTheTo: Oh .. god ..
21:02:20 Darare wanders outside... mumbling about a miscalculated choice.
21:02:24 Cornelius_Haberdasher snores, turning over in his bed.
21:02:38 Gareth awakens to stare a the message on the dome itself, and peers beyond it to the swirling tides themselves.
21:03:13 SnaggleTheTo: EVERYBODY!! HERE!!
21:03:24 SnaggleTheToothless stands staring at the corpse of Rooks
21:03:48 Gareth briskly approaches the sight of the grisly murders, having been called by Snaggle's insistent shouts.
21:03:51 Darare saunters over."
21:04:04 >Ambiance<: Several men are dealing Dome wall, no one is attending to the recently departed.
21:04:12 Darare: "Shit."
21:04:20 Cornelius_Haberdasher yawns, stretching his arms.
21:04:34 Cornelius_Ha:, but they're loud.
21:04:41 SnaggleTheTo: thanks Darare .. I was looking fo an appropriate word ..
21:04:52 Cornelius_Haberdasher shuffles out of bed, then goes outside.
21:07:38 Darare: "I'm drawing at staws here... if there is a seer among us... now would be a dandy time to come... out..."
21:07:44 Gareth: Is knowledge not but the lies of a fool, or are lies being woven in front of us. I agree, it is time to act regardless, but it makes me wary to act on what the currents have revealed to me.
21:07:45 SnaggleTheTo: I agree ... I had a dream two nights ago .. now, it may be true, or it may be false .. I have no way of knowing ..
21:07:46 Darare: "What are those pills for Cornelius?"
21:07:56 Cornelius_Ha: My health.
21:08:03 SnaggleTheTo: yes .. I was wondering that as well.
21:08:06 Cornelius_Haberdasher walks off, then sits on the ground.
21:08:12 Darare: I assume each of you received a skill when born..."
21:08:17 SnaggleTheTo: your health .. or your appearance ...
21:08:25 Darare: "If you'd be willing to devulge it... I think I know who it is..."
21:08:30 Darare glances at the players.
21:08:31 Cornelius_Ha: My blood pressure, actually.
21:08:39 SnaggleTheTo: yes, I did, Darare .. I'm not sure whether I see truly or not
21:08:43 Cornelius_Ha: Though I suppose that could be linked to my appearance.
21:08:45 Cornelius_Ha: You never know.
21:08:48 Darare: "Please state thy role in this twisted game.... Cornelius."
21:08:53 Cornelius_Ha: We live in a strange, wonderful role.
21:08:54 Darare: "Snaggle claims the seer."
21:09:08 Darare: "Or the fool.."
21:09:09 Gareth: The truth of my powers, as they are linked to the fickle tides, is in doubt. However, I am no threat here.
21:09:23 Darare: "That isn't what I'm asking... but what are they."
21:09:24 Cornelius_Ha: Me? I believe my role in this world is best kept discreet for my remaining health.
21:09:41 Darare: "I know how to solve this today... you guys do not really have the forsight for it I doubt."
21:09:41 SnaggleTheTo: so again, Gareth shares the sight .. or is a fool
21:10:08 SnaggleTheTo: which leaves but two ...
21:10:08 Gareth simply nods affirmitively to Snaggle's observation.
21:10:12 Darare: "Trust me this day, I beg you... And I'll stop theiving your purse."
21:10:27 Darare: Snaggle... we all have reveiled our role, what be yours?
21:11:08 Darare: "Or does a good lie escape you?"
21:11:12 Gareth: What hath the powers of the fickle tide revealed to you, Seeker of the Truth Hidden in Lies?
21:11:16 >Ambiance<: Tides indicate MidDay.
21:11:29 SnaggleTheTo: the only person who has not revealed a role ... is Cornelius
21:11:42 Darare: "And I ask you.. seers... what have your sights been on eachother, all of us?"
21:11:48 Darare: And Cornelius, what be thy role?
21:11:55 Gareth: Or one of those present lies in our midst, Snaggle. Always be wary.
21:12:10 Cornelius_Ha: Garteh has remained silent as well, as is wise to do. I believe the secret of my nature should be kept silent for now, for the sake of my health.
21:12:17 Cornelius_Ha: I do enjoy breathing.
21:12:21 Cornelius_Ha: *Gareth
21:12:25 SnaggleTheTo: my sight, true or no, showed Cornelius as the half-breed
21:12:45 Darare: "Snaggle.. I nominate you... For death."
21:12:53 Darare: "For three distinct reasons."
21:13:11 Darare: "The first is, you jumepd at the chance to reveil thy role... or act as if it was yours so you could manipulate."
21:13:12 SnaggleTheTo: and what would those reasons be, Darare ...
21:13:12 Gareth: Yet my sight revealed Darare as such, the tides are quite fickle these days, as is apparent to me know.
21:13:33 Darare: "Im the witch Gareth, I poisened Prometheus."
21:13:49 Darare: "The question I have... is did either of you scan Cornelius?"
21:13:56 SnaggleTheTo: yes, I did
21:14:07 SnaggleTheTo: the vision revealed him as the mermaid
21:14:08 Cornelius_Ha: I am apparently believed to be a half-breed.
21:14:20 Cornelius_Ha: I will say one thing. I have lied but once to you all.
21:14:29 Darare: "Fair enough."
21:14:34 Darare: "My nomination stands..."
21:14:41 >Ambiance<: �SnaggleTheToothless is nominated. Do not say anything after you vote until given permission:
21:14:49 Darare: Yay.
21:14:52 SnaggleTheTo: er .. nay?
21:15:17 Cornelius_Ha: Hm. Yay, I guess.
21:15:48 Gareth: Yay. To trust in the words of others is to place trust in Death itself. What a fickle choice, my apologies Snaggle.
21:16:04 >Ambiance<: SnaggleTheToothless is Nominated, nomination is good. Good bye, SnaggleTheToothless, the wisest Seer.
21:16:09 *** Lulu has removed SnaggleTheToothless's voice on #werewolf
21:16:10 Darare chuckles
21:16:18 Darare: I knew it. I simply am suicidal."
21:16:25 Cornelius_Ha: Hm. Interesting.
21:16:37 Gareth sighs heavily.
21:16:40 *** Ryokotsusei ( has joined #werewolf
21:16:41 Darare: "Cornelius, your the mermaid, we know it... or it could be you Gareth."
21:16:58 >Ambiance<: SnaggleTheToothless is murdered by Darare, as he spread poison left from Prometheus's body onto him.
21:16:58 Darare: "I put mroe chance in the old man mind you. But it doesn't matter. We are dead."
21:17:06 Darare smiles curtly and nods
21:17:32 Cornelius_Ha: It could be me.
21:17:39 Cornelius_Ha: I won't deny that.
21:17:47 >Ambiance<: �Game over. Wolves win. The dome Explodes drowding everyone but, Cornelius_Haberdasher, the Halfling.
21:17:57 Gareth: The tides are indeed fickle, and have sealed my fate as surely as if I took my on life with a sturdy blade. Fool I have proven to be, Fool I die this eve.
21:18:14 *** Mazeura ( has joined #werewolf
21:18:29 *** Lulu has removed Darare's voice on #werewolf
21:18:29 *** Lulu has removed Gareth's voice on #werewolf
21:19:02 Cornelius_Ha: Hm...farewell, my acquaintances. A shame. I was once one of you...alas. Time to rejoin my new brethren...

Discussion in #Werewolf-OOC:

19:59:35 Darare: I saw play
19:59:40 Darare: Kill brandon night 0
19:59:56 Lulu: We have 5 people willing to play, but that'll work.
20:00:20 IcemasterYet: brandon can play the comatose seer
20:01:25 *** Oreo is now known as Prometheus
20:02:15 *** IcemasterYeti is now known as SnaggleTheToothless
20:03:13 Zach: Hehehe.20:03:20*** Log File Started at 20:03
20:03:20 Zach: Assinged.
20:03:28 *** Zach is now known as Cornelius_Haberdasher
20:03:35 Cornelius_Ha: He returns!
20:04:07 SnaggleTheTo: ah, it's Haberdasher, the baker ;)
20:04:30 Cornelius_Ha: Nope.
20:04:36 Cornelius_Ha: The old man last seen in a cave tour.
20:04:42 Cornelius_Ha: ...splattered all over the floor.
20:05:30 *** Gareth (talonmk5@829D5389.63E26D2C.4A6C4F06.IP) has joined #werewolf-ooc
20:05:52 Lulu: Do you wish to play?
20:05:58 Gareth: aye
20:16:36 Prometheus: Sorry for the delay, was AFK
20:17:10 Lulu: No problem
20:17:48 Prometheus: The 3% is a real stat :)
20:18:00 Lulu: lol
20:18:05 Gareth: Heh
20:19:18 Gareth: FYI: Autopsy and morgue.
20:19:30 Lulu: I knew there was a 'u' >_>
20:19:38 Prometheus: Whats with the cable bill and credit account?
20:26:17 SnaggleTheTo: you're downloading kiddie porn apparently, Prometheus XD
20:26:42 Prometheus deletes all records :)
20:26:49 Lulu: :o
20:26:53 Prometheus: I have DSL...
20:27:50 Lulu: Dome* even.
20:40:03 Gareth: Darn you Snaggle! You type too fast! :P
20:40:44 SnaggleTheTo: heh ... ex navy .. I type about 60-70 wpm :)
20:41:17 Gareth: I type that fast when I want to, but this is supposed to be an avenue of relaxation...ergo I type only about 30-40 wpm :P
20:41:33 Cornelius_Ha: I type fast when needed.
20:41:35 Prometheus: So you type the enemy to death? :)
20:42:16 Cornelius_Ha: I can pull off a steady 60-something when needed...for single sentence drills, I hit 103 once, but that hardly counts for anything.
20:42:46 SnaggleTheTo: wow ... I guess it's not quite like it was a few years ago, �before� the technological revolution XD
20:43:04 Prometheus: Add in macros... Whoa...
20:45:47 Gareth: Quite fond of that affectation, eh Lulu?
20:45:48 *** Brandon has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer)
20:45:52 Lulu: oops >_>
20:46:03 *** Brandon ( has joined #werewolf-ooc
20:46:03 SemiRPG: [Brandon] "Stop killing Judas!"
20:46:09 Cornelius_Ha: ...that's one old man.
20:46:14 SnaggleTheTo: older than the arthritic, cane-using Cornelius???
20:46:15 Lulu: lol
20:46:24 Lulu: yessir :p
20:46:37 Cornelius_Ha: He shouldn't be walking, then. <_<
20:46:44 Lulu: lol
20:51:12 SnaggleTheTo: reveal
20:51:14 Lulu: I ment sow >_>
20:51:16 Lulu: Yeah, thaty.
20:51:16 Lulu: :p
20:51:20 Lulu: show*
20:51:26 Lulu: My typing is not it's best.
20:52:00 Gareth patpats Lulu
20:52:30 Prometheus: Opps..
20:52:47 Lulu: >_>
20:53:24 Gareth: Man1 is currently searching for Darare, Snaggle :P
20:53:52 Lulu: "You are the second generation of the pioneers who first came here. Before them, evil Mermaids lived here."
20:53:57 Lulu: Meaning you all were born here.
20:55:27 SnaggleTheTo: ah .. right ...
20:55:45 Lulu: S;ok, I didnt't explain well.
20:58:01 Gareth: There is, perhaps, less synergy then I am used to amongst the current group. Ah well, can't always be helped.
21:01:02 Darare: Bubye Prommy
21:01:05 Darare: Sorry... >_>
21:01:35 SnaggleTheTo: what the???
21:01:41 Gareth: Curiouser and curiouser.
21:03:01 Gareth: *at
21:07:50 Rooks: indeed
21:08:02 Rooks: this game is too funny
21:08:24 Lulu: How's it funny?
21:08:40 Rooks: you'd quarantine everyone the first murder
21:09:38 Rooks: good old The Thing
21:11:02 SnaggleTheTo: well der, Darare .. I've already said it twice XD ... either seer, or fool
21:16:32 *** Ryokotsusei ( has joined #werewolf-ooc
21:16:32 SemiRPG: [Ryokotsusei] "Humor is the only test of gravity, and gravity of humor; for a subject which will not bear raillery is suspicious, and a jest which will not bear serious examination is false wit." -Aristotle
21:18:17 Lulu: I didn't get a chance to use me more grotesque death scene >_>
21:18:17 *** Mazeura ( has joined #werewolf-ooc
21:18:24 Darare smiles
21:18:25 Mazeura: did game already start?
21:18:30 Ryokotsusei: >.>
21:18:30 Prometheus: I was the original wolf
21:18:34 Darare: I knew it, your a horrible wolf Cornelius
21:18:36 Gareth: I didn't get a chance to say my final words.
21:18:38 Darare: Original?
21:18:39 Mazeura: or just end?
21:18:41 Lulu: Roles:
21:18:42 Lulu: Darare: Witch X
21:18:42 Lulu: Snaggle: Seer
21:18:42 Lulu: Prometheus: Wolf <-- (villager) *
21:18:42 Lulu: Rooks: Fool | *
21:18:42 Lulu: Cornelius: Monk <--- X
21:19:11 Darare: I just wanted to see you al ldie :D
21:19:21 Lulu: The arrows indicate the Monks's switch. (Note that these are the roles before the monk switch.)
21:19:27 Prometheus: If a monk is targeted by a wolf, they switch
21:19:36 Cornelius_Ha: I always have had fun with Cornelius.
21:19:38 *** Cornelius_Haberdasher is now known as Zach
21:19:49 Gareth: Monk? Hmm, similar to the Doppleganger in terms of mechanics...ah well...
21:20:20 Gareth: I gather my whispered warning to Cornelius was made after his conversion into a Mermaid?
21:20:37 Zach: I did only lie once.
21:20:48 Lulu is willing to play again, but not mod.
21:21:02 Zach: When I said I enjoyed breathing. Being made into a halfling steals some luster from it.
21:21:23 SnaggleTheTo: bah
21:21:45 Lulu: The monk role is an ok role... but it does have flaws.
21:22:01 Zach: If Prometheus hadn't been killed, I'd have been screwed.
21:22:05 SnaggleTheTo: I say again .. bah LOL
21:22:17 Darare: I didn't like the role at all
21:22:24 Zach: Usually I play my wolf roles with a more subtle, dissension approving approach.
21:22:26 Darare: Turned the game on it's head, in a bad way of sorts I think
21:22:32 Prometheus: Yes, you would have been first dead
21:22:37 Gareth: Hmm, too bad I already had an inkling that I was the Fool even before you proclaimed to be the Witch, X.
21:23:06 SnaggleTheTo: Nice closing line, Gareth :)
21:23:07 Lulu: By the way, the Autopsy repost had parts of Prometheus's bane in blood on it... As he was the wolf when lulu died.
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