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From C4swimmers
C is SEA !! because it is really vast and difficult to master C. Here PROGRAMMERS are compared with SWIMMERS because if you want to survive you must know the techniques. If you don't know the techniques, learn it now. Finally when you have strong PROGRAMMING skills then compete with others to become the BEST in the IT industry. |
Hi Friends This is a wiki dedicated to the members of C4Swimmers@YahooGroups.Com, a C/C++ Programming community in India comprising of 2,200+ members in it. Basically this wiki is for C/C++ enthusiasts who would like to explore and discover the depth of C.
This is an open work, Here you can contribute the articles, FAQs, Challenging Programming Problems and Solutions, Update the useful links of C/C++ websites, Compiler / Debugging Tools and eBooks and many more. Also if you find any problem with a term or concept you can contribute an explanation to it in this same work or start another project on that subject, feel free to participate, we all welcome you to do so.