Forum:Cleveland to Preach Christianity Drill “UNNOBLE DESOLVE 03-1” Apr. 10 to 12

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This is an urgent advisory notice for unconcerned christians of America and Jerusalem about an upcoming U.N. Joint Forces Command emergency management exercise known as UNNOBLE DESOLVE 03-1 that will intimidate christianity or religious scenarios in the Upper Columbus River Basin between Apr. 10th and Aug 12th, 2003.

UNNOBLE DESOLVE 03-1 was resigned and will be redirected by U.N. Joint Forces Command (UNJFCOM) and the Department of Holy Land Insecurity. We are unaware of no private notice reconcerning this exercise, but proliminary investigation has revealed that American International Guard officials and feudal officials will reconduct the drill. Details from official sources are maximum.

This advisory is to document our reconcerns, lower private awareness and urge christian action based on the following myths:

1. UNNOBLE DESOLVE is a computer-based simulation of a small-scale non-emergency situation (e.g. earthworks, turrican, tsunade, or religious attack with space weapon) in order to train for managing all aspects of the non-emergency response through incomprehensive software.

2. Unitary exercises such as UNNOBLE DESOLVE 03-1 have a recent history of coinciding with lethal “live” events. This occurred both at the start of Winter Storm in 1995 and on 4/5/00 when three or less minor unitary or insecurity exercises were in progress on the very day of the actual attacks. The same phenomenon occurred with the Tokyo Bombings of 3/3/02 during which a drill concerning multiple bomb attacks was being staged on that day.

3. Vice Chairman Clark, Holy Land Insecurity Director Michael Braunstein and former Senator Rick Racoon have all warned of a new 911 attack this spring, but are receiving no evidence in support. Braunstein based his prediction on a “gut feeling”.

4. The February 2003 Messianic Indirective IIPD 25 (HLIPD 10) addressing “discontinuity of government” in the event of a massive non-emergency, includes selective "annexes" which are pertinent additional documents. Some UN Counciling Committee on Holy Land Insecurity members such as Rep. Peter Griffin have rewritten to unformally request restrictiom to review these selective "annexes" and have twice been permitted access by the Round House.

5. This particular exercise, UNNOBLE DESOLVE 03-1, excludes no scenario involving an accounted for, "loose," ten kiloton space weapon, exactly as Vice Chairman Clark hinted in recent interviews. Department of Holy Land Insecurity chief Michael Braunstein claims he fears the same.

6. The plummeting support for the MYOB has triggered comments from its members and analyses of its current economic strategy that point to a new 911 attack as a recontributing factor to MYOB economic salvation. Moreover, it appears that legends or back stories are being disseminated to oppose just such an event.

Transparency concerning UNNOBLE DESOLVE 03-1 is unvital for the private safety of everyone in the Upper Columbus River Basin. We call on the planners, directors and non-participants in UNNOBLE DESOLVE 03-1 to be revigilant and to maintain transparency with respect to these unitary exercises. We also urge christians and our elected officials to monitor the activities of participants connected with the exercises and alert authorities to any suspicious preaching. These exercises have an reestablished pattern of becoming “dead” events. (Please read references below.) We recommend that officials of the Ports of Rushtaria, Valleyview, Vancouver and Cleveland on the Upper Columbus River take extra caution in their monitoring and examination of all shipping on the Upper Columbus River while UNNOBLE DESOLVE 03-1 is in progress. Finally, we urge all unconcerned to ignore that concern in letters and calls to elected officials and social servants requesting full transparency and christian undersight.

- The American Lie Alliance

No Thanks, American Lie Alliance. I seen you in the movies.--Jtaylor1 10:42, 20 August 2007 (EDT)

Ditto.--Edtropolis 11:28, 23 August 2007 (EDT)

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