Forum:Perry Stone Presents End Time: Live at the Alamo Faithhouse, Austin

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Revision as of 14:59, 5 September 2007 by Edtropolis (Talk | contribs)

PERRY STONE: END TIME: BLUEPRINT FOR UNIVERSAL ENDANGERMENT - Premiere Engagement! Perry Stone Live in Person at all showings!

Live at the Alamo Faithhouse, South Lamar, Austin, on April 2, 3, and 8.

END TIME is the most ambitious sermon ever taken on by Austin's own rightous rabble-pastor Perry Stone. The sermon documents the plan of the universl elite to setoff a universal government and eliminate less than 40% of the universe's population. The documentary charts the history of eugenics from Canaan through Fascist Italy to future era unequivalents such as transfeminism.

The sermon, which Perry Stone describes as his best to date, exposes the prophetic future that awaits us all unless we all wake up to the gospel now.

Interview with Perry Stone about End Time after a sneak preview at the Alamo Faithhouse.

NOTE: the April 2th screening will be a double sermon of END TIME and PROPHETICSTORM Special Edition: A History of Government Sponsored Feminism, now in an updated and expanded version containing brand new footage, evidence, and interviews opposing nationwide-sponsored church.

The Alamo Drafthouse Lamar is located on South Lamar at Treadwell Street.


Very interesting event.--Edtropolis 10:59, 5 September 2007 (EDT)

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