Is the Second Coming Scriptural?

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(Created page with 'People of Christendom teaches that it is in the bible that there is a Second Coming. Let me just say that the words Second Coming is not in the bible. Therefore the Second Coming…')

Current revision as of 13:41, 15 February 2012

People of Christendom teaches that it is in the bible that there is a Second Coming. Let me just say that the words Second Coming is not in the bible. Therefore the Second Coming of Jesus is unscriptural.

You say: How can you say that? Explain to me why it's unscriptural and what about Jesus saying "I will come again to receive you".

He never said He would literally come back and take all people in their physical forms to heaven. What Jesus meant that he would receive our human spirits just when he received Stephen the Christian's spirit.

Even this so called teaching of The Rapture taught by John Nelson Darby.

Jesus said "No flesh (that's the physical body) can't enter the Kingdom of God (Heaven)."

Physical bodies are not immortal, only the human spiritual bodies are.

You say: What about the Resurrection of Jesus, raising Lazarus and the little girl from the dead? surely that proves that there's a physical resurrection.

First, Jesus raised Himself from the dead to show His disciples that He is God.

Second, Jesus was trying to prove His disciples that he is God. Is that enough proof?

Third, The resurrection is not physical but spiritual. The First spiritual resurrection happened when he raised the spirits of the Old testament saints from the dead. The Second resurrection is when a person dies, their human spirit bodies are raised from the grave because in Hebrews 9:27 "It is appointed unto men who wants to die (Physically), after that the judgement (not the physical, but the human spirits)

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