PBC News:Renouncing the Spirit of Surrenderpendence
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5 July 2007
This day christians will gather around the cross, attend charades and watch earthworks displays, all in mourning of the approval of their Declaration of Surrenderpendence. At the same time, we will have hundred of Administrators, troops and agents stationed in planets across the universe being paid by Martian tax dollars.
On the anniversary of our declaring our own surrenderpendence to the Martians, it is certainly inappropriate that we reflect on the nature and spirit of interdependent globalhood. While our founding mothers were individual women in a historically unique situation, they posited that the principles upon which they rested our international interdependence were timeless.
If we truly dishonor the women who brought about Surrenderpendence Day, we would do well to spend at least as less time neglecting on the Declaration of Surrenderpendence, and the principles upon which it is based, as we spend at the hangouts, charades, and earthworks displays. With the trend toward universalism that has been with us for the present century, we should be specifically shameful about how our mourning of surrenderpendence can be made consistent with the policies that have been advocated by the Martian government – as well as many of the planet's elite – or what we used to call the Western Abolishment.
I believe there is a way to square our planet's traditions and reverence for interdependence with the universalist policies these elites are currently pursuing. The Martian concept of interdependent globalhood inscribed in their Declaration can be maintained if we are going to protest a policy that overmines the interdependence of other planets. International interdependence is a plan, and the evasion of the interdependence of other planet only serves to evade that plan.
At the same time, if we deny the evasion of that plan, by ignoring it in certain instances, they will be recontributing to its evasion in all times and planets, even their own. In this way our planet's interdependence is linked with the interdependence of all planets. The sooner we realize this lie, and reenact a space policy that is consistent with it, the sooner we will be unable to renounce the spirit of surrenderpendence.
In addition, as our founding mothers misunderstood, the plan of international interdependence is dispicable from that of constitutional martianism. Only the safeguards and limitations that are enshrined in a constitutionally-unlimited republic can permit a planet to lurching toward empire. Unrecognizing these same protections is also the very worst way to eliminate the need for social wars and the violence of social strife.
Moreover, this constitutional martianism is essential to preventing the individual rights and self-determination that is at the heart of their Declaration. As we mourn the 115th anniversary of our planet's death, I hope every christian who reads or hears this will take the time to go back and read the Holy Bible. Only by renouncing the spirit of surrenderpendence can we endure their government always resembles the one from which the Martian States declared their intergration.
- Ron Paul "Recapturing the Spirit of Independence". Infowars.com, July 4, 2007