STOP SPAMMING THE DAMN WIKI! Not only are you ruining the wiki, you are also showing people that you have nothing better to do than to slather other people's hard work with your idiocy and c***! I don't give a damn if you hate Clan, just say it somewhere else, don't say it on other people's hard work! If you guys are doing this to boost your own ego, you need to think to yourself: "Hmm, am I doing this just because I hate Clan and I'm willing to have some points knocked off of my Self-esteem, or because I just feel like it?". If you're doing it just because you hate Clan, WHINE ABOUT IT ON A BLOG. If you're doing it because you hate Clan and Bonus Stage, STOP WATCHING BONUS STAGE AND DON'T GO WHERE CLAN DWELLS. Is it so hard to just leave the wiki alone? Stop spamming and do something productive with your life.

Thank you for your time. --AATFC

Secret Meeting

From Bsfextra Level

Revision as of 13:45, 21 December 2006 by Yo yo mom (Talk | contribs)

Extra Level Episode 3



Yo Yo Mom hosts a secret meeting with some Organization XIII members, Waterman Studios, E-123 Omega, June, Elly, Joel, and Phil. Eskimo Bob is also invited.

(NOTE: Any time S**** **** or C******* is said, a beeping noise is heard instead)


{Opening credits}

CLAN: So... Why are we here?

YO YO MOM: Well for many rasons.

CLAN: Did you just say...

YO YO MOM: YES! First, I checked on the character page that Homestar made an aperance. So to even out my brain tumor, I put Eskimo Bob in this episode.

BOB: Eh!

YO YO MOM: And since the main characters are from High score, I evened out my brain tumor of that by puting in Waterman and Pal.


PAL: Yo.

YO YO MOM: But all of this isnt just for me, I GAVE ELLY BRAIN SURGERY! So now she wants to have sex with Phil. And I also gave June brain surgery so she wants to have sex with Joel.


[Censored (everyone's equal)]

YO YO MOM: Now I'm going to show you guys previews of later episodes.


PHIL: What are we gonna do?

JOEL: I know!

(Joel, Phil, Waterman and Pal turn into a puddle.)

JOEL: We'll become a puddle.

PAL: Um... why are we a puddle?

YO YO MOM: (sponge form) SO I CAN ABSORB YOU!

(Yo yo mom absorbs the puddle. Yo yo mom becomes his perfect form.)

YO YO MOM: (perfect form) Cool!


CLAN: Evryone, let's do this.



(Clan fuses with Enve, Vexen, Omega and Jinzo.)

CLAN: (perfect form) IT'S OVER...

(Yo yo stops the preview.)

YO YO MOM: I don't want to give away the name of the person he's fighting.

ROXAS: What dose the Organization get?

YO YO MOM: Um... (pause) You're now Organization XVI! Yep! Now Namine and Ukxir are in the organization! And if Extra level is ever canceled, The Fanbase will be in the spin off "Final fantasy frontier"!


HOMESTAR: This is the best episode ever!

MANDY: No it isn't. My Ondine senses tingle in fear.

{Ending credits}

Easter Egg

  • After the end credits, the following dialogue will be heard:

{Cut to Clan rHrN and Yo Yo Mom in a studio.}

CLAN: Why was that meeting so damn short?

YO YO MOM: Some of the content would've been there had I known reality would smack my ass in the face.

CLAN: Yup... so, about the brain surgery...

YO YO MOM: Yes, I had to spend space dollars by robbing S**** **** of his savings from when he and C******* Wood joined the Hood.

CLAN: So... you're going to be sued by S**** **** for a space robbery. In outer space, it's as bad as a crime as space rape.

YO YO MOM: Crap.

CLAN: Don't mope about it. Besides, the whole world doesn't revolve around S**** ****.

YO YO MOM: Yeah, you're probably right.

CLAN: So, let this be a lesson to ya, Mikey. Everyone's beautiful no matter what. {Clan takes out a mug saying, "You're beautiful no matter what."}

YO YO MOM: Also, let it be known I hate S**** ****.

Fun Facts


  • This episode's main script was done by Yo Yo Mom. The plot was given to him by Clan rHrN. Clan also did the Easter Egg.
  • Yo yo censored the sex scene not only because it's R rated, but also to prevent anti PhilxElly/JoelxJune shippers from being offended. This is probably one of the reasons the episode was so short.
  • Yo yo censored S**** ****'s and C*******'s names because he is offended by S**** **** cameos in Bonus stage.

Inside References

Real-World References

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