STOP SPAMMING THE DAMN WIKI! Not only are you ruining the wiki, you are also showing people that you have nothing better to do than to slather other people's hard work with your idiocy and c***! I don't give a damn if you hate Clan, just say it somewhere else, don't say it on other people's hard work! If you guys are doing this to boost your own ego, you need to think to yourself: "Hmm, am I doing this just because I hate Clan and I'm willing to have some points knocked off of my Self-esteem, or because I just feel like it?". If you're doing it just because you hate Clan, WHINE ABOUT IT ON A BLOG. If you're doing it because you hate Clan and Bonus Stage, STOP WATCHING BONUS STAGE AND DON'T GO WHERE CLAN DWELLS. Is it so hard to just leave the wiki alone? Stop spamming and do something productive with your life.

Thank you for your time. --AATFC

The End of the Beginning

From Bsfextra Level

(Difference between revisions)
Line 438: Line 438:
'''ALEX:''' Oh Boy! Another infringement came? Someone should let it in before it gets cold and everything has been eaten with my mouth. I haven't eaten in DAYS!!
'''ALEX:''' Oh Boy! Another infringement came? Someone should let it in before it gets cold and everything has been eaten with my mouth. I haven't eaten in DAYS!!
'''CLAN:''' Must be another Teasdale Times Five character.
'''ALEX:''' It's Times Two, not five. Learn to multiply using the Webtooning Property, The Property of Ones, and the Algebraic Butt Property.
===Fun Facts===
===Fun Facts===

Revision as of 20:56, 2 November 2006

Extra Level Episode 1



Bonus Stage is revived...somehow. Hilarity ensues and cliffhangers are resolved.


(Opening credits)

(Cut to Joel and Phil at a Starbuck's.)

JOEL: I've loved my life of extreme gaming.

PHIL: It couldn't get any worse. Yet, I guess you'll always find a way..

JOEL: Hey! I loved Halo 2 and Baby Ballface 3!

PHIL: And yet nobody else did?

(Joel rolls his eyes and begins to get a phone.)

JOEL: Yeah, is this the Gay Patrol? Yeah, I have the fag you want right here.

{A couple of strong men tackle Phil from offscreen.}


JOEL: They crushed your spirit?


JOEL: Eeeehh...keep going. {walks off}

{Cut to Phil's house. Joel is on-screen, on the phone. Phil walks in.}

PHIL: Uhh...Joel?

JOEL: Quiet, you. I'm on the phone.

PHIL: To who?

JOEL: Oh, those people...The Runway people...

(Phil grabs the phone and throws it at the ground. The phone breaks.)

JOEL: Oh, well SORRY, Mr. I'm-A-Drama-Queen-Who-Doesn't-Wanna-Look-Pretty!

PHIL: Joel, do you realize Project Runway is gay?

JOEL: Phil, don't be a homophobe. It ruins your already-abysmal reputation.

(Phil gets out a shotgun and points it at Joel.)

PHIL: I don't remember asking you a goddamn thing!

(Phil shoots Joel in the head.)

JOEL: *offscreen* But you asked me who I was talking to!

PHIL: Shut up, you. {shoots Joel again} Well...there. That solves my homophobia. What other phobias do I need to take care of?

(Phil gets out a list of phobias. The next phobia on the list is entitled, "Ryaphobia". Phil grins evilly.)

PHIL: I've taken care of that one, too. {normally} Well at least I think I did.

(A cloaked figure appears behind him.)


PHIL: I did?

CLOAKED FIGURE: Shut up, you. Anyway, I thought you liked Rya!

PHIL: I guess we'll have to show those PxR people the undeniable facts. I hated Rya's guts. The only reason I didn't express my hate is because I already expressed it offscreen. I had little tolerance with her insults towards me.


PHIL: I should thank you for solving my Ryaphobia.

(Phil gets out a briefcase full of money and hands it to Cloaked Figure.)


PHIL: No problem. You saved me from torture.

CLOAKED FIGURE: I have an invitation for you to join a birthday party... Do you know Cassidy Carpenter?

PHIL: Yes.

CLOAKED FIGURE: She likes you a lot and she wishes to have you be the man of honor at her birthday party.

{Cloaked Figure gives Phil the invitation to Cassidy's birthday party and runs offscreen. Cut to Clan, Psychosis, J3st3r, Alex, and his Floating Cupcake.}

ALEX: {looks around} Wow, this is pretty good. I haven't seen a single thing that could get us sued walk by yet. I'm impressed.

CLAN: Hell hath no fury like copyright infringement.

PSYCHOSIS: Um... isn't Hell hot?

CLAN: Yeah, so?

PSYCHOSIS: Hell would be worse than copyright infringement then.

CLAN: Oh. {Clan's eyes pop out before the next line is said.} OH. {Clan now has a normal expression.} So, where's Cassidy's house? We're supposed to attend her birthday party. We did get invitations from Joel.

FLOATING CUPCAKE: You raise a good point, Clan. I'll drive, being I have no age because I'm a Voidwalker.

ALEX: TFC, You're 17. You're a gigantic floating cupcake that floats and has no legs. I don't think there are any cars that are cupcake accesible.

FLOATING CUPCAKE: Meh. I like Voidwalking. Makes good World of Warcraft popularity. Now, I need to finish this quest in Darnassus. It tells me to go to Cassidy's birthday party. Oddly, some Cloaked Figure gave me this invitation. After going to Cassidy's birthday party, I must report my findings to Fandral Straghelm.

ALEX: Since when did you go to Darnassus?

FLOATING CUPCAKE: Two annoying ten-year-olds named Kevin and Cyrus took me there. They said they were from an Alliance town near Ironforge that is named Teasdale.

ALEX: Oh. Well, in that case, I should probably lecture those people on what copyright infringement is.

CLAN: Why do you seem obsessed with copyright infringement?

{Alex's eyes pop out and his tone changes from normal to angry.}

ALEX: Do you want us to get sued?!

CLAN: Yeah... no.


CLAN: Gee, you don't have to be so mad!

{Cyrus pops up onscreen.}

CYRUS: Oh, hey. My brother's stuck to the ceiling and-

CLAN: Um, can I help you? Feel stupid?

{Zoom in on Cyrus. He is about to be destroyed by a legal document which Alex made. LEGAL DOCUMENTED appears on the top of the screen.}


CYRUS: Ow, my rights to be copyright infringed! {Everything Cyrus says appears on a talk bubble before it is said.}

{Cut back to Clan and Alex, who suddenly meet Elly Strife, who is clad in a bikini top and leather pants.}

ELLY: Hello, new neighbors! Want a ride to Cassidy's house for her birthday party?

{Cut back to Clan, Alex, Floating Cupcake Psychosis, and J3st3r.}

CLAN: Sure! We could use a ride right now! It's Friday the 13th, correct?

{Elly nods.}

CLAN: Then I'd be delighted to take a ride with you and my homies over hea!

{Clan gets in the car.}

ALEX: {Stars are in Alex's eyes.} We'd love to take a ride with a celebrity!

{Alex and Floating Cupcake both delightedly get inside the car.}

PSYCHOSIS: Sure, why not?

{Psychosis gets in the car.}

J3ST3R: Do I know you?

{J3st3r hesitantly gets in the car.}

{The car leaves the house. Cut to Phil, who is already at Cassidy's house with Cassidy and Homestar.}

HOMESTAR: Hey, guys! I'm here for the party!

PHIL: So am I.

CASSIDY: You guys don't have to worry, because the party should begin in an hour.

HOMESTAR: Why would we be worrying? We aren't worrying whatsoever.

CASSIDY: Oh. Well, in that case, let's find something to do while waiting for the other guests.

{Teff, Velox, and Ikwaylx arrive.}

TEFF: So, this Cassidy's party?

{Cassidy nods.}

VELOX: When's the fucking party gonna begin?

CASSIDY: Soon. Very soon.

IKWAYLX: Are you Cloaked Figure? We'd just like to confirm-

{Cassidy's eyes pop out, and she looks frustrated.}

CASSIDY: NO! {becomes normal} That was just a conspiracy made by Hitler.

IKWAYLX: Hitler? That's stupid... I FIND THIS ACCEPTABLE!

{Cut to the Fanbase and Elly inside the car. Everyone except Clan has a bottle of rum. They are all partying. Clan sits and observes as the others are tipsy.}

CLAN: Meh. I prefer Captain Morgan. That is Bacardi.

PSYCHOSIS: Who cares? It's still rum!

CLAN: Dude. Who bought the alcohol?

ELLY: I did.

CLAN: Crap. Now we're stuck with a 21-year-old who's drunk. This isn't gonna be pretty.

PSYCHOSIS: It's okay as long as we're supervised.





{The car suddenly crashes through a brick wall near Cassidy's house. Floating Cupcake suddenly falls out of the car.}

FLOATING CUPCAKE: Sweet ride- wait, where's everyone else?!

ALEX: I'm in your head. {camera pans out from TFC to show Alex's Legs sticking out of his head} You have a peanut where you brain's supposed to be.

FLOATING CUPCAKE: Oh. Wait, where's my quest log?

ALEX: I think that quest that the Cloaked Figure gave you might not really exist.

FLOATING CUPCAKE: My quest log has that quest in which I have to investigate Cassidy's birthday party.

ALEX: Dude, that's not a quest log. That's an invitation to the party.

FLOATING CUPCAKE: What? Anymoo, Cloaked Guy detailed that I had to report my investigations to a Fandrall Straghelm in Darnassus.

{Pan to Clan on the roof of the car, obviously dazed.}

CLAN: Damn, that hurt.

{Clan slowly walks over to Cassidy's house, which is only a foot away. Clan faints, but rings the doorbell. Shadowflash is at the door.}

SHADOWFLASH: Oh, hey. It's Clan rHrN. Everybody put away the Anti-Clan banners before he wakes up!

{The screen fades to black for 10 seconds.}

SHADOWFLASH: {offscreen} Yes, I'm still standing here... not moving.

(doorbell rings)

(Cut to outside, Clan is ringing the doorbell)

SHADOWFLASH: Go away. You're only gonna spill out Bonus Stage parodies and Space Tree rip-offs!

CLAN: Shut up and let me in!


(Clan pushes the door down, Shadowflash is squished)

SHADOWFLASH: *cough* What... the hell....

(Shadowflash faints)

CLAN: Don't be such a baby about it. You'll be back by Episode 2.

(Clan walks away)

SHADOWFLASH: Oh, I have a feeling I'll be seeing you later this episode.

(Shadowflash finds a phone in his pocket and dials)

SHADOWFLASH: Hello? Yes, he is in the place...

(Fade to black)

{Cut to Clan in a room. He has an icepack on his head and to the left of him is a cooler full of Pepsis. It also contains the Sword of a Thousand Truths. Clan opens the cooler and collects 2 bottles of Pepsi and The Sword of a Thousand Truths.}

CLAN: Damn, it's hot outside. What is it? Like, 50 degrees Celsius or something?

{Jello B. and COLA enter Cassidy's house, each armed with a specific weapon. Jello B. is armed with a turret rifle whilst COLA is armed with a Cthulhu summoning book and a bottle of beer.}

CLAN: What the hell do you guys want?

COLA: Your pre-planned demise. Cthulhu shall be summoned and you shall be devoured and-

CLAN: Can you shut up about Cthulhu? I negated your Forum wedding, yet you STILL fed Stinko Girl to Cthulhu. That, my Cthulhu-worshipping, cult-making adversary, is unforgivable.

{Jello B. poises his turret rifle as to aim at Clan.}

JELLO: You ruined my forum wedding, too, asshole.

CLAN: It was illegal. Gimme a break, will ya?

JELLO: COLA, summon Cthulhu now. I don't have the heart to shoot a kid with Asperger's.

COLA: This is Clan we're referring to! We don't give a fucking shit about that.

JELLO: He's also Catholic, indicating he's going to go to Heaven. So, hurry up and summon Cthulhu-

{Jello is flattened into a tiny pancake by Trogdor's foot. Trogdor burninates the bottle of beer that COLA is weilding and the beer explodes, with COLA caught in the explosion.}

ALEX: WOAH! Where did this B-plot come from? I thought we were supposed to be at Cassidy's party, not having Clan's old adversaries being smashed by a trademarked character with stuff exploding and...{A shard of glass from the beer bottle flies into Alex's eye} OWWW! I HAVE GLASS IN MY EYE!

{Alex runs amok, batting at everything blindly, then accedentally bumping into Trogdor}

{Trogdor looks down, frowning at Alex.}

ALEX: Uhh, hi big dragon thing that could squish me into nothing if I provoke him. How you doing?

TROGDOR: {roars in angry rage, stomping and breathing fire all over the place}

ALEX: Now would be the time to run! {Runs for his life}

{Cut to Clan.}

CLAN: Wow... this plot is getting out of hand, although it is convenient. Plot Reverter time... I guess...

{Clan uses the Plot Reverter to revert the B-plot's resolution back over to Cassidy's birthday party. Jello's bodyless head hangs from a wall above a fireplace. Malan, Santino, and Kayne from Project Runway can be seen creating a banner for the entrance to Cassidy's birthday party. Homestar and Cassidy intervene near the living room.}

HOMESTAR: So, the party begins in half an hour, correct?

CASSIDY: Yup. It's 3:27 P.M. right now.

{Clan examines the place, acknowledging this to be right outside Forumopolis.}

CLAN: Sweet place, Casshole. Now to get rid of that annoying gecko and the other oppressors of me.

ALEX: {sarcastically} Well, Jello and COLA shall never oppress you again, given you slaughtered them using Trogdor...HOLY CRAP! THAT JUST CAME OUT OF MY MOUTH?!

CLAN: Um... yeah.

{Alex punches Clan in the face.}

ALEX: Quit putting words in my mouth.

{Joel walks onscreen. He is wearing a tuxedo.}

JOEL: Hey, I'm just in time for the party!

CLAN: Um, no. It's 3:29 P.M. The party doesn't begin until 4. You're a bit early.

JOEL: Oh. What an odd coincidence. Also, Cassidy's house is actually part of a crossroads of which Sonnet Town, Charismaville, and Forumopolis each intersect.

{Cut to Rubyrulez outside the door to Cassidy's house. He rings the doorbell.}

ALEX: Oh boy! Another character whose creator has dealt with Clan before and wants nothing to do with this show! {sarcastically} Why don't we just let him in? Oh, what the heck, let's leave the door open for Levity. We can't forget him! Ah ha!

(Opens door)

RUBY: Hi everyone!... except Clan.

CLAN: *sigh*.. I'll be upstairs.

(Clan goes upstairs)

PSY: Hi, Ruby!

RUBY: Ermm, yeah, Hi Psy...I'm gonna go to the bathroom.

PSY: Thanks for the info.

(Ruby goes upstairs. He drops a fake moustache along the way.)

ALEX: HEY, RUBY! You dropped your...moustache?


CLAN: Jeez, it's boring up here.

RUBY: Hello, Clan.

CLAN: What do you want?

(Ruby's skin tone changes, as does his hair into spiky blonde)

RUBY: Oh, nothing, only you leaving.

(Ruby suddenly transforms into Shadowflash)


CLAN: Not really..

(Shadowflash pulls out a remote and presses a button)

CLAN: What's that supposed to d-

{Clan gets crushed by a boulder}

CLAN: Uughhh...


{Shadow leaves}

CLAN: Must...break...FREE...

{Back in the living room...area}

ALEX: {hears the boulder noise} What in the?

{Cut to Clan and a few Gelkis Centaur. The boulder is seen having been chopped in half.}

CLAN: Thanks, guys. Your Earth abilities could come in handy.

GELKIS #1: Sure, no problemo.

GELKIS #2: Anytime. Now where's that spiky-haired Magram dude?

CLAN: No clue.

{Cut to Oongawasquid, who is in the fireplace.}

OONGAWASQUID: Hmm... when are those guests I invited coming? It's like... 3:40 P.M. The party doesn't begin until 4.

CLAN: {offscreen} Yet we've said that at least twice.

OONGAWASQUID: Oh, hi, Clan...

CLAN: Hi. In case you don't know, Shadowflash snuck inside.


(Shadowflash burstsa the door open)

SHADOWFLASH: Sorry, don't know my strength.

(Clan gets into battle formation)

SHADOWFLASH: My life doesn't revolove around you, Clan... dick...

(walks away)

CLAN: Meh..

J3ST3R: You got burned!

(Doorbell rings)

ALEX: Oh Boy! Another infringement came? Someone should let it in before it gets cold and everything has been eaten with my mouth. I haven't eaten in DAYS!!

CLAN: Must be another Teasdale Times Five character.

ALEX: It's Times Two, not five. Learn to multiply using the Webtooning Property, The Property of Ones, and the Algebraic Butt Property.

Fun Facts


  • Clan rHrN was challenged by Alexandthefloatingcupcake to not reference what he would normally reference (i.e. Team Chaotix) in at least one episode. Clan decided to meet the challenge and win it by instead referencing anything he wouldn't normally reference. Therefore, you will find no references to anything Clan would normally reference in this episode and the next episode.

Inside References

  • The Plot Reverter is a device invented by Clan for Psycho Bonus Stage. Apparently, it got stolen by HSN and sold to Rubyrulez. Clan let this occur until Rubyrulez abandoned the Plot Reverter. Because the Plot Reverter is no longer used in Psycho Bonus Stage, Clan has decided to transfer it from there to here in Extra Level.

Real World References

  • Many reality shows are referenced:
    • Project Runway is the group of "Runway People" Joel attempts to call. Malan and Kayne are two people from Project Runway season 3 that are in the show. Santino is from Season 2 of Project Runway and is in the show as well.
    • Conquering phobias, as what Phil was doing with his homophobia and Ryaphobia, is the goal that people on Fear Factor try to accomplish.
    • Levity is from Who Wants to Be a Superhero?
  • World of Warcraft, a popular MMORPG, is referenced alot because of Floating Cupcake's quest from Darnassus.
  • Cyrus is a character from Teasdale Times Two, a webtoon made by Alex Price. The "Legal Documented" scene is also a reference to Teasdale Times Two.
  • Captain Morgan and Bacardi are two brands of rum.
  • Starbuck's is a restaurant famous for its coffee and frapuccino.
  • Forumopolis is a town based on the H*R Wiki Forum.
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