From Bsbg
21st March
Amwell Watchpoint (0820-1100) - 4 Little Egret, 1M Shelduck, 32 Shoveler, 16 Teal, 1 Red Kite (W at 1050), 7 Common Buzzard, 3 Sparrowhawk (MFF), 2 Kestrel, 1 Peregrine (N at 0825), 1 Water Rail, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Ringed Plover, 10+ Lapwing, 2 Redshank, 6 Common Snipe, 10 BH Gull, 13 Common Gull, 3 LBB Gull (1 Ad, 2 3rd cal yr), 1 Barn Owl, 2 Green Woodpecker, 3 GS Woodpecker, 1-2 LS Woodpecker, 1 Sand Martin, 1 Meadow Pipit (NE), 4 Grey Wagtail, 2 Cetti's Warbler (MM), 3 Chiffchaff - Mike Harris
Nino Wood - Common Buzzard
Farnham - Common Buzzard - Mick East
20th March
SLRS (17:00-17:30) - 5 Mallard, 13 Gadwall, Pr Teal, Pr Shoveler, 6 Coot, 12 BH Gull (E), 1 Common Gull (E), 2 LBB Gull (1N, 1S), 1 Stock Dove, 1 Green Woodpecker, 2 Long tailed Tit - Mike Harris
19th March
Stansted Road - Red Kite over the house at 1120am drifting over north and towards Birchanger.
Town Centre - Mute Swan outside Lussman's restaurant at the head of the river 1155am. Discussions continue at a suitable level about re-providing a swan nest platform in that area to replace the one lost to the development. David Arch
18th March
Cricket Field Lane - Green Woodpecker, GS Woodpecker, Nuthatch, Chiffchaff. Mike Ashworth
Manuden - 3 Buzzard, Grey Wagtail, Skylark, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Coal Tit, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Long-tailed Tit, Robin, Wren, House Sparrow, Dunnock, Mistle Thrush, Blackbird, Rook, Crow, Magpie, Green Woodpecker, Pheasant and Woodpigeons. Frogs and Frogspawn. Do not look up for Turtle Dove in March!
Stocking Pelham - 6 Buzzard, Yellowhammer, Chaffinch, Collared Dove, Woodpigeons.
Clapgate - 60 Common and 12 Black-headed Gulls in field with Corvids. Skylark and Rook.
Road from Upwick to Farnham - 1 Buzzard
Blount's Farm - Little Grebe, Mallard
Trims Green - thousands of Woodpigeons and lesser numbers of Corvids
Gangies Hill - another field growing Woodpigeons; 2 Red-legged Partridge.
Harlow Central Sainsbury - TL41K - at petrol, 6 Siskins, Coal Tit
Harlow Town Park - TL41K - Goldcrest
Tednambury Lock - Barn Owl at 1730, David Arch
17th March
Hoggarts Wood - Common Buzzard. Mike Ashworth
Birchanger Wood - Sparrowhawk, Jay, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Coal Tit otherwise standards e.g Jackdaw, Magpie, Crow, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Long-tailed Tit, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Robin, Dunnock, Chaffinch. Collared Dove and Woodpigeon.
Beggars Hall Fishing Lake - House Sparrow colony as usual by Hop Poles. 2 Greylag Goose, 4 Moorhen, 3 Mallard, 6 Fieldfare and 30 Redwing. Green Woodpecker. Otherwise standards e.g. Magpie, Crow, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Robin, Dunnock, Chaffinch, Greenfinch. No Grebes.
Tednambury - 1 Barn Owl, 6 Magpie, 1 Reed Bunting, 2 Yellowhammer, 22 Canada Goose, 1 Mute Swan, 1 Grey Heron, few Woodpigeon, Crow, Robin, Blue Tit, Wren, Dunnock. Bat species. David Arch.
16th March
Blounts Farm - Meadow Pipit 18 at 0640 hrs (only 2 when I passed again later, Little Grebes finishing touches to nest
Trims Green - Common Buzzard 2 - North-East over Tye Green, CORN BUNTING 1 singing from double-telegraph pole on North Airfield (north side of the road)
Mathams Wood - CHIFFCHAFF 4 singing from the marshy centre of wood, Little Grebes whinneying from the old (long and thin) Mathams pit in the east edge of the wood , Treecreeper 1 singing, Bullfinch 2
Mathams Pit - Little Owl - flushed from largest tree due West of Pit , Greylag 2 , Mute Swan 3 (2 Imms) , Kestrel 1
the second largest fishing pit - Greylag 2 , Canada Goose 4 , Cormorant 3 , Woodpigeon c.2000 - while looking down on the 2nd pit, from close to Thorley Church, there was an immense flock of woodies over Trims Airfield
Southern Country Park (Michael's Mead Pond) - Canada Goose 4 , Tufted Duck 1 - usual drake , Reed Bunting 2 - feeding on reedmace, Water Rail 2 - very loud birds on opposite sides of reedbed, Kestrel - Female on Bypass roundabout - Graeme J. Smith
Moor Hall Barns - Buzzard over. No Wheatear.
Spellbrook Lock to Wallbury Bridge - Chiffchaff, Nuthatch, Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Mute Swan, 2 Stock Dove and one calling, Great Black-backed Gull low over. Brimstone, Small Tortoiseshall and two Peacock. David Arch
Stacey's Gorse - Common Buzzard
Coles Park - Common Buzzard - Mick East
15th March
Allen's Green area (09:00-0930)
Blount's Farm - 3 Fieldfare, 20 Meadow Pipit
Gangies Hill - 2 Grey Partridge, 2 RL Partridge, 7 Fieldfare, 2 Linnet - Mike Harris
Moor Hall barn (TL467188 - Wheatear mid morning - Tony Moverley
Little Hadham - 3 calling chiffchaffs Jono Forgham
14th March
SAL (08:30-09:00) - 18 Mallard, 5 Tufted Duck (2pr + injured F), 20 Coot, 1 Stock Dove, 1 Green Woodpecker, 43 Fieldfare (7NW, 9W, 27S), 42 Redwing (W), 1 Pied Wagtail, 2 Long tailed Tit, 1 Yellowhammer
SLRS (09:15-09:35) - 1 Cormorant (S), 1 Grey Heron, 4 Mallard, 13 Gadwall, 9 Shoveler (5M,4F), 4 Coot, 5 Lapwing (4 displaying over fields to East, 1 on scrape), 11 BH Gull, 1 Green Woodpecker, 1 Meadow Pipit, 2 Goldfinch, 1 Reed Bunting (singing)
Trims/Allen's Green (09-45-10:15) - 27 Golden Plover (W), 20 Skylark (several singing), 10 Meadow Pipit, 1M WHEATEAR (TL458176), 600 Fieldfare (N), 350 Starling (250 high N, 100 feeding), 20 Yellowhammer
Sawbridgeworth Marsh Roost (15:45-18:10) - 3 Cormorant (2N, 1S), 2 Grey Heron (SW - pr?), 5 Mallard (3M + pr), 1 Common Buzzard (small dark M), 1F Sparrowhawk (a particularly large bird, spooked all the Wood Pigeons), 1 Kestrel, 2MM Pheasant (in), 13 Golden Plover (W), 1 Common Snipe, 1 BH Gull (S), 9 Common Gull (S), 3 Stock Dove , 80 Wood Pigeon, 1 Green Woodpecker, 3 G S Woodpecker, 1 Song Thrush (singing), 40 Redwing (N), 6 Fieldfare (NW), 7 Thrush (spp. S), 1pr Long tailed Tit, 1 Jay (in), 138 Jackdaw (S), 3 Starling (1NE, 2SW), 2 Chaffinch (NE), 39 Greenfinch (min, 24NE, 15NW, 11SW), 27 Reed Bunting (in, although 2MM sang throughout)
12 Fallow Deer (left Spill Timbers Wood north at dusk including 5 'antlered' Stags) - Mike Harris
13th March 06:00
Furneaux Pelham NW - Barn Owl 1 - Mick East
11th March
7 Siskin on front garden feeder this morning - Tony Moverley
10th March
Bury Green/Millennium Wood 16.45 - 18.35pm - Barn owl. Observed quartering over the polo and cricket fields, tawny owl 1, green woodpecker 3, GSW 1, fieldfare roost 75+, tit roost 15+ , reat/L.T. and blue all in) - Jono Forgham
9th March
Barkway North - Buzzard 1, Barn Owl 1 - Mick East
8th March
Hatfield Forest - GC Grebe (8), Mute Swan (2), Greylag Goose (2), Gadwall (3M + 1F), Green Woodpecker (4+), GS Woodpecker (3), Redwing (2) - Chris Swan
7th March
SAL (08:06-08:42) - 11 Mallard (5pr + 1F), 6 Tufted Duck (2pr + 1M & injured F), 1 Kestrel, 1M Pheasant (mainly white with a green head), 31 Coot, 33 Moorhen (easier to count on open water!), 1 Lapwing, 70 BH Gull (mainly NW), 27 Common Gull (mainly NW), 1Ad LBB Gull, Stock Dove, 1 Pied Wagtail, 2 Redwing, 2 Long tailed Tit, 2 Reed Bunting (singing males), 1M Yellowhammer - Mike Harris
Upwick - Merlin M flying down road at about 50cm, 3 metres in front of car for 50metres - Mick East
Trims & Allens Green (15:30-16:00)
Trims - 60 Fieldfare, 100 Rook, 20 Starling , 2 Goldfinch
Allens - 10 Stock Dove, 160 Fieldfare, 40 Starling
Sawbridgeworth Marsh (16:05-16:30) - 2 Cormorant, 1 Common Buzzard, 1 Kestrel, 58 BH Gull (S), 59 Common Gull (S), 2 Stock Dove, 1 Reed Bunting
SLRS (16:40-17:00) - 1 Little Grebe, 1 Cormorant (S), 12 Mallard, 26 Gadwall, 7 Shoveler (5M, 2F), 6 Coot, 1 Lapwing (Territorial? ), 20 BH Gull, 1 LBB Gull (1stW), 1 Green Woodpecker, 6 Redwing (N)
The Meads (17:15-18:30) - 1 Cormorant (S), 1 Grey Heron, 2 Mute Swan (on River), 10+ Mallard, 1M Kestrel, 2 Coot, 2 Lapwing (Pr?), 2 Stock Dove, 1 Green Woodpecker, 1 G S Woodpecker, 1 Meadow Pipit, 13 Redwing, 2 Fieldfare, 4 Long tailed Tit, 1 Reed Bunting (S)
6th March
Tednambury - 17:25, Two Barn Owls, 34 Canada Geese, 30 Magpie, a dozen pigeons, 7 Meadow Pipits, 6 Muntjac, 6 Fieldfare stationary and then south, 1 Yellowhammer - David Arch
SAL - Pintail M on the very full wader lagoon early afternoon.
Hatfield Fores - 1 Woodcock, 2 Tawny Owls, 3 Little Owls, 3m Marsh Tits (singing), 1 Nuthatch, 3 Siskins - Stephen Patmore
5th March
Cricketfield Lane - 17:00. Common Buzzard over town drifting SE., Siskin 2, Redwing 13. MikeA
Hatfield Forest Lake - one Tawny Owl, two Mute Swans, 30 Redwing - David Arch
Tednambury - 17:25, No Barn Owls, Woodcock or Little Grebe. 50 Magpie, 25 Canada Geese, 16 Fieldfare over north, 1 Reed Bunting, 1 Yellowhammer, 1 Grey Wagtail - David Arch
3rd March
Trims Green - 2 Grey Partridge as yesterday - Graeme J. Smith
2nd March
Trims Green - 2 Grey Partridge (in small triangular field on North-East edge of Tye Green), completely bottle-green Pheasant still doing the rounds with no Stonechat around usual spots during the last week
Spellbrook (west) - Coal Tit 2 one singing repeatedly from same tree as last year and making the most of feeders - Graeme J. Smith
Spellbrook (east) - Nuthatch tree has been cut down on towpath. Great Spotted Woodpecker, Green Woodpecker, No Little Grebe but very little cover, 3 pairs of Mallard, 7 Moorhen, Long-tailed Tit, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Robin, Greenfinch
St Michael's Mead Lake - 1 male Reed Bunting, 5 Canada Geese with 2 standing in the centre where the now submerged island is/was, 40 Black-headed Gull, 10 Mallard, Feral Mallard, Coot and Moorhen, male Tufted. Rooks in both deciduous trees and pine trees makes nest counting less straightforward.
Hatfield Forest - 2 Little Owl. Gadwall, Teal, Tufted Duck, 3 Great Crested Grebe, 3 Grey Lag, Canada Goose 17 but most of them flew off. No young seen. Tern raft has been cleared of greenery and smaller raft repositioned nearer to hide. 4 Song Thrush, 3 Mistle Thrush and 2 Redwing. Black Rabbit by Shell House. Well over 200 Jackdaw. Again, part of the Bush End rookery is in pine trees. David Arch.
28th February
A120 Bishop's Stortford Bypass by River Stort bridge. - 1 Buzzard being mobbed by 2 Carrion Crows - Chris Swan
A120 Thorley Roundabout - Buzzard
Upwick - Farnham road - 2M Stonechat 2M
Albury south - Buzzard feeding on worms - Mick East
Sawbridgeworth Marsh Roost (15:55-17:45) - 2 Cormorant (1N, 2S), 6 Mallard (all N in pairs), 1M Sparrowhawk (appeared to roost in central Osiers), 1 Pheasant (in), 21 BH Gull (S, one flock), 18 Stock Dove (7E, 10 N/in, 1S), 430 Wood Pigeon (in to Fox Earth Wood), 2 Green Woodpecker, 7 GS Woodpecker (1pr in to Spill Timbers Wood, 1pr in Silver Birches, 1pr North end of Fox Earth Wood and a single East towards Spill Timbers Wood), 1 Meadow Pipit (in), 18 Fieldfare (NW), 2 Long tailed Tit, 67 Jackdaw (S), 9 Rook (W, towards Allens Green Rookery?), 2 Chaffinch (E), 23 Greenfinch (min, 23 NE with some birds roosting in the 'Thorn' at the North end of the Marsh,and 13 birds returning SW later), 45 Reed Bunting (all 'in' eventually, but two males sang and called against each other all evening!) - Mike Harris
27th February
Tednambury Marsh roost (16:00-18:00) - The two Barns Owls again hunting from 17:25 this evening, and the two Cetti's Warblers counter-calling in the usual spot with one male singing on a few occasions this evening. 21 Canada Geese, 2 (M&F) Kestrels, 4+ Water Rails (including one 'singing' male), 5 Pheasant (in), 33 Black-headed Gulls (S), 6 Stock Doves (in), 80 Woodpigeons (in), 2 Barn Owls, 2 Green Woodpeckers, 2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers, 1m Skylark (singing), 17 Meadow Pipits (9in, 8S), 3 Grey Wagtails (1m singing), 2 Pied Wagtails (E), 18 Fieldfares (in), 2 Mistle Thrush, 2 Cetti's Warbler (1m singing), 1 Goldcrest, 14 Long-tailed Tit, 1 Treecreeper, 5 Jays, 148 Magpies (in), 77 Jackdaws (S), 172 Rooks (S), 2 House Sparrows, 7 Greenfinch (NW), 8 Goldfinch (S), 30 Yellowhammers (inc 1 male singing by Tednambury Fm), 34 Reed Buntings (inc 2 males singing) - Stephen Patmore
26th February
Hatfield Forest - Buzzard flying high over fields adjacent to Hatfield Forest.Little Owls alarmed by a Sparrowhawk flying low over the stile near the church and a single Siskin.4 Pochard,two Great Crested Grebes in a courtship display and a jackdaw pinning another on its back on the grass.Several Song Thrushes calling very loudly - Ellen Franklin
22nd February
Hatfield Forest (09:30-11:45) - 1 Cormorant, 1 Imm Mute Swan, 16 Canada Geese, 2 Grey Lag Geese, 36 Mallard (big decrease), 6 Gadwall, 1M Wigeon, 8 Pochard (6 Drakes), 5 Tufted Duck, 4 Coot, 2 BH Gull (also Common and LBBG overhead), 1 Green Woodpecker, 4 GS Woodpecker, 1 Pied Wagtail, 3 Mistle Thrush, 15 Redwing, 60 Fieldfare, 3 Marsh Tit, 2 Coal Tit, 4 Long tailed Tit, 1 Tree Creeper (singing beside Lower Lake), 6 Goldfinch, 6 Siskin
Also 20 Fallow Deer in field just north of entrance to Wall Wood. - Mike Harris
21st February
Sawbridgeworth Marsh Roost (15:25-17:30) - 3 Cormorant (min, 3N, 3S), 1 Grey Heron, 4 Mallard, 2 Common Buzzard (Both Dph, but one showing white bases to the Primaries giving a Skua-like wingflash), 1 Kestrel, 4 Pheasant (in, 3F,1M), 47 BH Gull (2N, 45S), 10 Common Gull (S), 6 LBB Gull (5S, 1E), 15 Stock Dove (9 feeding N of Marsh, 5E, 1S), 450 Wood Pigeon (in to Fox Earth Wood), 1 Green Woodpecker, 3 GS Woodpecker, 15 Meadow Pipit (in), 1 Song Thrush (singing), 2 Redwing (SE), 2 Mistle Thrush (SE), 39 Fieldfare (SE), 3 Long Tailed Tit, 166 Jackdaw (S), 4 Starling (E), 1 Chaffinch (SE), 13 Greenfinch (min, 13NE, 7SW), 2 Siskin, 45 Reed Bunting (43 in, 1S and 1 singing Male), 1 Yellowhammer (S)
3 Fallow Deer (all well antlered Stags, left Spill Timbers Wood north at dusk) - Mike Harris
20th February
Tednambury Marsh roost(15:30-17:45) - 1 Cormorant (NW), 1 Grey Heron (N), 39 Canada Geese, 11 Mallard, 1 Common Buzzard (E), 1m Kestrel, 4 Water Rails, 24 Golden Plovers (W), 319 Black-headed Gulls (S), 43 Common Gulls (S), 10 Stock Doves (in), 345 Woodpigeons (in), 2 Barn Owls 17:20 hunting the banks of the river and the overgrown paddock immediately south of Spellbrook Lock, 2 Green Woodpeckers, 24 Meadow Pipits (in), 1 Grey Wagtail (S), 51 Fieldfares (35N, 16in), 1 Cetti's Warbler, 2 Treecreeper, 156 Magpies (in), 1 Jay (in), c.120 Jackdaws (66S, c.60 NE), 30 Rooks, 2 Chaffinch (S), 6 Greenfinch (S), 3 Siskins, 3 Goldfinch (S), 1 Redpoll sp (S), 32 Yellowhammers (in), 13 Reed Buntings (in) - Stephen Patmore
19th February
Trims Green - Skylark singing and Yellowhammers back in their hedges.
Much Hadham - 34 Stock Dove in one flock at Bridgefoot 40 and 28 Fieldfare in two groups moving north. Yellowhammer back in hedge for breeding. Blue Tit in pirouette display fall. David Arch
Pye Corner - Common Buzzard over, Milly Arch
18th February
Nr. Trims Green [TL 469 163] - Stonechat 1 male still favouring north side of junction that is around 100 meters NWN of Tharbies - Graeme J. Smith
Hatfield Forest - 8 Cormorants, 2 Greylags, 10 Gadwall, 27 Teal, 1m Pochard, 8 Tufted Duck, 1 Lapwing, 2 Tawny Owls (roost behind marsh), 1 Little Owl (by entrance road), 20 Redwing, 6 Fieldfare, 2 Nuthatch, 285 Jackdaw (roost count), 2 Siskin (male singing), 1 Yellowhammer, 1m Reed Bunting (first singing male of the year for me) - Stephen Patmore
Grange Paddocks - about 200 Black-headed Gulls on water meadow football pitches - David Arch
17th February
Hatfield Forest Lake: Water birds. 4 Great Crested Grebe, Grey Heron and Cormorant, Kingfisher, 58 Mallard, 30 Canada, 14 Teal, 13 Gadwall, 12 Moorhen, 12 Tufted Duck, 4 Coot, 4 Pochard, 1 Black-headed Gull. Selected: 40+ Chaffinch, 10 Siskin south of decoy ponds. Common Buzzard outside of the forest.
SAL: 60 water birds today. More than expected but the birds were not the highlight. The three lagoons were so full that the water was spilling over naturally into the brook and the water birds had nowhere to hide. One Coot was defending the only island reed remaining. No Little Grebes. As well as the female Tufted there was only Mallard, Coot and Moorhen after the two others, a pair of Pochard, took flight. David Arch
16th February
Trims Green - Common Buzzard soaring over at 1325 - Graeme J. Smith
15th February
Hatfield Forest - Great Crested Grebe almost finished nest at North end of lake also 3 Marsh Tit near Takely, 20+ Siskin North-East of Doodle Oak, usual lake-side Tawny Owl - Graeme J. Smith
SAL - Teal 5, Tufted Duck 1, Grey Wagtail 1, Meadow Pipit 2
Mistle Thrush - singing at both sites - Graeme J. Smith
14th February
Hatfield Forest (10:00-12:00) - 2 G C Grebe, 1 Grey Heron, 15 Canada Goose, 104 Mallard, 14 Gadwall, 6 Teal, 2 Pochard, 7 Tufted Duck, 3 Coot, 6 Stock Dove, 1 Tawny Owl, 1 Green Woodpecker, 1 G S Woodpecker, 1 Pied Wagtail, 50+ Redwing, 4 Mistle Thrush (Pr nr entrance and two males singing in the North), 1 Marsh Tit, 1 Nuthatch, 1 Treecreeper, 25 Chaffinch, 3 Bullfinch,
1 Black Rabbit (feeding with normal Rabbits 100 yards North of the Cafe) - Mike Harris
13th February
Hatfield Forest Lake - 2 (1m) WIGEON
Tednambury Marsh Roost (15:45-17:45) - 3 Cormorants (S), 2 Grey Herons, 5 (2ad+31w) Mute Swans, 13 Mallard, 1 Sparrowhawk, 5+ Water Rails , 87 Black-headed Gulls (SW), 13 Common Gulls (SW), 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls (S), 3 Stock Doves (in), 176 Woodpigeons (in), 1 BARN OWL, 1 Green Woodpecker, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 85 Meadow Pipits (in), 27 Fieldfares, 2 Redwing, 1+ CETTI'S WARBLER, 151 Magpies (in), 86 Jackdaws (75SW, 11 in), 39 Greenfinches (26S, 13N), 9 Goldfinches (N), 2 Linnets (in), 39 Yellowhammers (35in, 4S), 43 Reed Buntings (in) - Stephen Patmore
Sawbridgeworth Marsh Roost (15:20-17:30) - 5 Cormorant (min, 5S, 3N), 1 Grey Heron, 4 Mallard (blogging), 1 Common Buzzard (Dark morph M, into Spill Timbers Wood), 1 Sparrowhawk (into Spill Timbers Wood), 1F Kestrel, 2MM Pheasant (in), 1 Common Snipe, 132 BH Gull (S), 31 Common Gull (S), 9 Stock Dove (min. Lots of display this evening, 1 at Spill Timbers, 2 North End of Marsh, 1 Fox Earth Wood and 5 others into roost), 740 Wood Pigeon (in to Fox Earth Wood), 2 Green Woodpecker, G S Woodpecker, 55 Meadow Pipit (40 in, 15N towards Stephen at Tednambury!), 9 Fieldfare (2 in, 7NW), 1 Magpie, 2 Jay, 140 Jackdaw (S), 2 Starling (E), 1 Chaffinch (N), 31 Greenfinch (min.31, 4SW, and 25 seen in pre-roost tree at dusk), 77 Reed Bunting (in), 2 Yellowhammer (N) - Mike Harris
11th February
Trims Green - Grey Partridge 2 were 150 yards North-East of Blounts Farm early in the morning. 30 Stockdove and 23 Golden Plover later in the day - Graeme J.Smith
8th February
Trims Green - Stonechat 2 at pillbox just North-West of Blounts Farm - Graeme J. Smith
SAL (08:20-09:05) - 3 Mute Swan (2Ads + juv flying sou'west towards HF @ 08:37 - did anyone see them?), 22 Mallard (all in pairs now), 4 Teal, 1F Tufted Duck (still surviving!), 28 Coot, 17 Moorhen, 2 BH Gull (N), 9 Common Gull (N), 5 Herring Gull (N), 14 LBB Gull (N), 1 Green Woodpecker, 3 Pied Wagtail, 8 Meadow Pipit, 15 Fieldfare, 1 Mistle Thrush
Sawbridgeworth Marsh Roost (16:00-17:15) - 3 Cormorant (2Ad S, 1J N), 1 Grey Goose (sp.) (S. Did not get on it until it had passed me, tail pattern suggested Pink foot or Grey lag and size Grey lag too. But too late to nail it!), 3 Mallard (1M N, Pr S), 1 Sparrowhawk (in to Spill Timbers Wood), 1M Kestrel, 2 MM Pheasant (in), 22 BH Gull (S), 15 Common Gull (S), 7 Stock Dove (in to Fox Earth Wood), 150 Wood Pigeon (in to Fox Earth Wood), 1 Green Woodpecker, 1 G S Woodpecker, 110 Meadow Pipit (in, 16,15, 24, 9, 12, 3, 12, 19), 1 Redwing (N), 30 Fieldfare (in), 1 Jay (E), 54 Jackdaw (S), 10 Greenfinch (min, 10NE, 6SW), 64 Reed Bunting (in, many parties including two of seven), 2 Yellowhammer (SE) - Mike Harris
7th February
River Stort - Two treecreepers in the Wallbury Estate just N of Spellbrook lock + Kingfisher. 1 Treecreeper together with 5+ Siskin at Rushy Mead. Tony Moverley
West Wood, Great Sampford - 1 Red Kite, 5 Marsh Tits (3 singing males), 1 Nuthatch (my first at this site), 11 Bullfnches
Coploe Hill - 2 Grey Partridges, 1 Coal Tit (first mid-winter record for hill), 2 Brambling (with winter finch/bunting flock), 60+ Chaffinch, 60+ Yellowhammer - Stephen Patmore
Stort Park Farm - Little Owl 1 - Graeme J. Smith
6th February
Trims Green - Male Stonechat at junction just north from Tharbies Farm at 1315 and 1615 Hrs - Graeme J. Smith
5th February
Around junction just North of Tharbies Farm beside Trims Green [TL 469 163] - Stonechat 1 male seen twice ( 1315 hrs and 1615 hrs ) - Graeme J. Smith
4th February
Cricketfield Lane area: midday, male Sparrowhawk on bird table, flock of 8 long tail tits departed rapidly. mikeA
Trims Green - Grey Partridge 2, 60 yards east of Rhino/Morris Farm entrance at 0710 Hrs - Graeme J. Smith
3rd February
Grange Paddocks 1630, river not frozen, Kingfisher, Grey Heron, one on river bank, Mallard and Moorhen in normal numbers, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Jay, Magpie, Carrion Crow, 8 LBBG over south.
All Saints Close, Grey Heron over this morning but this time with legs extended not dangling, Greenfinch, House Sparrow, Blue Tit, Long-tailed Tit, 2 Goldcrest, Dunnock, 2 or 3 Blackbird - David Arch.
2nd Febuary
Barley Hills, Thorley - Waxwing in back garden - Toh Marshall via Keith Watts