*I want all Sysops checking edits as of Monday, August 18th.
*Takarii is working on a Promo Video, and so he needs your spritesheet, weapons and list of powers, and present it to him here. For more info, go Here.

If you are still using this Wiki (I wouldn't expect you to, no offense), we have moved here So, create an Account over there, and start Editing, please! ;)

User:Takarii/Promo Vid

From Bs01 Game Team

< User:Takarii
Revision as of 14:13, 14 August 2008 by Teridax (Talk | contribs)

This is TAKAARIIIIIIIII!!!'s next big project is...


This is Takarii speaking.
I've done a Promo Poster for GT, now it's time for something bigger, better, and more awesome.
stupies are takarriiss It will be a Teaser Trailer for LoWN, and I NEED YOUR HELP!

Stuff Needed

  • Your Spritesheets
  • Your list of Powers (includinjg mask powerz)
  • Your weapons
  • Enemy Spritesheets
  • Boss Spritesheets
  • .mov or .avi files of the opening shots of each Metru from Legends of Metru Nui.

More Info

It'll be a minimum of 2 minutes long, it'll be awesome. It will contain a lot of fighting, flying, and possible sneak peeks of possible future games!!!
But for now, I'll need to get started on it, and the trailer will come out no later than september!

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