*I want all Sysops checking edits as of Monday, August 18th.
*Takarii is working on a Promo Video, and so he needs your spritesheet, weapons and list of powers, and present it to him here. For more info, go Here.

If you are still using this Wiki (I wouldn't expect you to, no offense), we have moved here So, create an Account over there, and start Editing, please! ;)

Toa Wiki

From Bs01 Game Team

Revision as of 13:50, 11 August 2008 by Aqua Iruini (Talk | contribs)

The Toa Wiki are a team of elite Toa that have the job of protecting Wiki Nui from evil forces whilst the Toa Secta are away.


  • Exo Malakai - A powerful Toa of Fire, leader of the Toa Wiki
  • TNU - Another Toa of Fire and deputy leader
  • Myrr - A Toa who is unusually friendly for a Toa of Ice
  • Aquartis - An intelligent Toa of Water and Shadow
  • Yoshi - A young Toa of Fire
  • Shine - Once the Toa Sectra of Light, he has now joined the Toa Wiki
  • Takarii - A joker but nevertheless powerful Toa of Light, Shadow and Air
  • Iceter - A more traditionally cold Toa of Ice
  • Varaka - A strong willed Toa of Air
  • Sajh - An experienced Toa of Gravity

Honourary Members

  • Tairwen - A Toa of Water and Light and friend to Takarii
  • Pets and steeds of the Toa, these include:
    • Cutie - TNU's pet Dermis Turtle
    • Minty - A sheep-Rahi and steed to Aquartis
    • Shorey - 's pet Shore Turtle
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