Did you know...
- ...That every good Wiki but ours has a regularly updated "Did you know..." section? :P
- ...That our "Did you know..." section is not regularly updated?
- ...That the BS01 Game Team was started by Exo Malakai on February 22, 2008?
- ...That the Did You Know Section hasn't been updated, except for now, since April 17, 2008?
| In recent news
May 10
The glitch that made it impossible to upload images has bees fixed. However, we are still unable to delete any uploaded images.
May 4
Due to an error in the Editthis.info database, we are no longer able to upload or delete images. As such, all images will have to be hosted externally on an image hosting site such as Maj or Brickshelf. A user on another Editthis.info wiki has tried to get into contact with RobKohr, the founder of Editthis, and hopefully he will be able to do something to fix it.
April 10th
Character Sprites based off of GT Members will NOT be accepted, as the deadline has passed. If believe you have sufficient reason as to why you were unable to, please contact Bfa, TNU, or Exo, who will approve the reason.
For more news, see Current Events.