*I want all Sysops checking edits as of Monday, August 18th.
*Takarii is working on a Promo Video, and so he needs your spritesheet, weapons and list of powers, and present it to him here. For more info, go Here.

If you are still using this Wiki (I wouldn't expect you to, no offense), we have moved here So, create an Account over there, and start Editing, please! ;)

Main Page

From Bs01 Game Team

Revision as of 00:46, 24 July 2008 by Iceter (Talk | contribs)
Welcome to the BS01 Game Team Wiki!
Community links:

Welcome to the BIONICLEsector01 Game Team Wiki (Or BS01 GT Wiki for short), the home of BS01 Game information where you want it, when you want it. With our top editors, we make sure that all information is kept accurate and up-to-date. But how do we select these editors? Simple: we don't. Rather, it's you who can help make sure that our vast database of game information is kept useful and important to all who use it. Using the same software that runs Wikipedia, you can log in, edit, and add pages about BS01 Game characters and locations, fix errors, upload pictures and so much more!

Important Notices

The Wiki is up and running. Please help us in any way you can.

Thank you, ~~BS01 Game Team Wiki Staff

Once you have became a member, you can discuss or ask questions regarding the Wiki on the Community Portal or to the Current Events to see the latest news. Be sure to check the Policy before you do anything, for it provides the guidelines for the content posted.

If you don't know where to start your editing, you can always check out the short pages where your contributions will be needed.

Did you know...
  • ...That every good Wiki but ours has a regularly updated "Did you know..." section? :P
  • ...That our "Did you know..." section is not regularly updated?
  • ...That the BS01 Game Team was started by Exo Malakai on February 22, 2008?
  • ...That the Did You Know Section hasn't been updated, except for now, since April 17, 2008?
In recent news

May 10

The glitch that made it impossible to upload images has bees fixed. However, we are still unable to delete any uploaded images.

May 4

Due to an error in the Editthis.info database, we are no longer able to upload or delete images. As such, all images will have to be hosted externally on an image hosting site such as Maj or Brickshelf. A user on another Editthis.info wiki has tried to get into contact with RobKohr, the founder of Editthis, and hopefully he will be able to do something to fix it.

April 10th

Character Sprites based off of GT Members will NOT be accepted, as the deadline has passed. If believe you have sufficient reason as to why you were unable to, please contact Bfa, TNU, or Exo, who will approve the reason.

For more news, see Current Events.

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